include(../../qtcreator.pri) TEMPLATE = subdirs SUBDIRS = \ coreplugin \ welcome \ find \ texteditor \ cppeditor \ bineditor \ diffeditor \ imageviewer \ bookmarks \ projectexplorer \ vcsbase \ perforce \ subversion \ git \ cvs \ cpptools \ qtsupport \ qt4projectmanager \ locator \ debugger \ help \ cpaster \ cmakeprojectmanager \ autotoolsprojectmanager \ fakevim \ designer \ resourceeditor \ genericprojectmanager \ qmljseditor \ glsleditor \ pythoneditor \ mercurial \ bazaar \ classview \ tasklist \ analyzerbase \ qmljstools \ macros \ remotelinux \ android \ madde \ valgrind \ todo \ qnx exists(../shared/qbs/ \ SUBDIRS += \ qbsprojectmanager isEmpty(IDE_PACKAGE_MODE) { SUBDIRS += \ helloworld \ updateinfo } else:!isEmpty(UPDATEINFO_ENABLE) { SUBDIRS += \ updateinfo } !macx: \ SUBDIRS += \ clearcase contains(QT_CONFIG, declarative)|!isEmpty( { SUBDIRS += \ qmlprojectmanager \ qmlprofiler greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4) { SUBDIRS += \ qmldesigner } else { include(../private_headers.pri) exists($${QT_PRIVATE_HEADERS}/QtDeclarative/private/qdeclarativecontext_p.h) { SUBDIRS += \ qmldesigner } else { warning("QmlDesigner plugin has been disabled.") warning("The plugin depends on private headers from QtDeclarative module.") warning("To enable it, pass 'QT_PRIVATE_HEADERS=$QTDIR/include' to qmake, where $QTDIR is the source directory of qt.") } } } else { warning("QmlProjectManager, QmlProfiler and QmlDesigner plugins have been disabled: The plugins require QtDeclarative") } for(p, SUBDIRS) { QTC_PLUGIN_DEPENDS = include($$p/$${p}_dependencies.pri) pv = $${p}.depends $$pv = $$QTC_PLUGIN_DEPENDS } SUBDIRS += debugger/ linux-* { SUBDIRS += debugger/ } include (debugger/lldblib/guest/qtcreator-lldb.pri)