include(../../qtcreator.pri) TEMPLATE = subdirs SUBDIRS = \ autotest \ clangformat \ clangtools \ coreplugin \ texteditor \ cppeditor \ bineditor \ diffeditor \ imageviewer \ bookmarks \ projectexplorer \ vcsbase \ perforce \ subversion \ git \ cvs \ cpptools \ qtsupport \ qmakeprojectmanager \ debugger \ cpaster \ cmakeprojectmanager \ autotoolsprojectmanager \ fakevim \ emacskeys \ resourceeditor \ genericprojectmanager \ qmljseditor \ qmlprojectmanager \ glsleditor \ pythoneditor \ nim \ mercurial \ bazaar \ classview \ tasklist \ qmljstools \ macros \ remotelinux \ android \ valgrind \ todo \ qnx \ clearcase \ baremetal \ ios \ beautifier \ modeleditor \ qmakeandroidsupport \ winrt \ updateinfo \ scxmleditor \ welcome \ silversearcher \ languageclient \ cppcheck \ compilationdatabaseprojectmanager qtHaveModule(serialport) { SUBDIRS += serialterminal } else { warning("SerialTerminal plugin has been disabled since the Qt SerialPort module is not available.") } qtHaveModule(quick) { SUBDIRS += qmlprofiler } else { warning("QmlProfiler plugin has been disabled since the Qt Quick module is not available.") } qtHaveModule(help) { SUBDIRS += help } else { warning("Help plugin has been disabled since the Qt Help module is not available.") } qtHaveModule(designercomponents_private) { SUBDIRS += designer } else { warning("Qt Widget Designer plugin has been disabled since the Qt Designer module is not available.") } DO_NOT_BUILD_QMLDESIGNER = $$(DO_NOT_BUILD_QMLDESIGNER) isEmpty(DO_NOT_BUILD_QMLDESIGNER):qtHaveModule(quick-private) { exists($$[QT_INSTALL_QML]/QtQuick/Controls/qmldir) { SUBDIRS += qmldesigner } else { warning("QmlDesigner plugin has been disabled since Qt Quick Controls 1 are not installed.") } } else { !qtHaveModule(quick-private) { warning("QmlDesigner plugin has been disabled since the Qt Quick module is not available.") } else { warning("QmlDesigner plugin has been disabled since DO_NOT_BUILD_QMLDESIGNER is set.") } } isEmpty(QBS_INSTALL_DIR): QBS_INSTALL_DIR = $$(QBS_INSTALL_DIR) exists(../shared/qbs/|!isEmpty(QBS_INSTALL_DIR): \ SUBDIRS += \ qbsprojectmanager SUBDIRS += \ clangcodemodel QTC_ENABLE_CLANG_LIBTOOLING=$$(QTC_ENABLE_CLANG_LIBTOOLING) !isEmpty(QTC_ENABLE_CLANG_LIBTOOLING) { SUBDIRS += clangrefactoring SUBDIRS += clangpchmanager } else { warning("Not building the clang refactoring plugin and the pch manager plugin.") } isEmpty(IDE_PACKAGE_MODE) { SUBDIRS += \ helloworld } for(p, SUBDIRS) { QTC_PLUGIN_DEPENDS = include($$p/$${p}_dependencies.pri) pv = $${p}.depends $$pv = $$QTC_PLUGIN_DEPENDS } linux-* { SUBDIRS += debugger/ }