/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2014 Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies). ** Contact: http://www.qt-project.org/legal ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator. ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and Digia. For licensing terms and ** conditions see http://qt.digia.com/licensing. For further information ** use the contact form at http://qt.digia.com/contact-us. ** ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser ** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the ** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to ** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements ** will be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html. ** ** In addition, as a special exception, Digia gives you certain additional ** rights. These rights are described in the Digia Qt LGPL Exception ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package. ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "iostoolhandler.h" #include "iosconfigurations.h" #include "iosconstants.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace { Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(toolHandlerLog, "qtc.ios.toolhandler") } namespace Ios { namespace Internal { struct ParserState { enum Kind { Msg, DeviceId, Key, Value, QueryResult, AppOutput, ControlChar, AppStarted, InferiorPid, ServerPorts, Item, Status, AppTransfer, DeviceInfo, Exit }; Kind kind; QString elName; QString chars; QString key; QString value; QMap info; int progress, maxProgress; int gdbPort, qmlPort; bool collectChars() { switch (kind) { case Msg: case DeviceId: case Key: case Value: case Status: case InferiorPid: case AppOutput: return true; case ServerPorts: case QueryResult: case ControlChar: case AppStarted: case AppTransfer: case Item: case DeviceInfo: case Exit: break; } return false; } ParserState(Kind kind) : kind(kind), gdbPort(0), qmlPort(0) { } }; class IosToolHandlerPrivate { public: enum State { NonStarted, Starting, StartedInferior, XmlEndProcessed, Stopped }; enum Op { OpNone, OpAppTransfer, OpDeviceInfo, OpAppRun }; explicit IosToolHandlerPrivate(IosDeviceType::Enum devType, IosToolHandler *q); virtual ~IosToolHandlerPrivate() {} virtual void requestTransferApp(const QString &bundlePath, const QString &deviceId, int timeout = 1000) = 0; virtual void requestRunApp(const QString &bundlePath, const QStringList &extraArgs, IosToolHandler::RunKind runKind, const QString &deviceId, int timeout = 1000) = 0; virtual void requestDeviceInfo(const QString &deviceId, int timeout = 1000) = 0; bool isRunning(); void start(const QString &exe, const QStringList &args); void stop(int errorCode); // signals void isTransferringApp(const QString &bundlePath, const QString &deviceId, int progress, int maxProgress, const QString &info); void didTransferApp(const QString &bundlePath, const QString &deviceId, IosToolHandler::OpStatus status); void didStartApp(const QString &bundlePath, const QString &deviceId, IosToolHandler::OpStatus status); void gotServerPorts(const QString &bundlePath, const QString &deviceId, int gdbPort, int qmlPort); void gotInferiorPid(const QString &bundlePath, const QString &deviceId, Q_PID pid); void deviceInfo(const QString &deviceId, const IosToolHandler::Dict &info); void appOutput(const QString &output); void errorMsg(const QString &msg); void toolExited(int code); // slots void subprocessError(QProcess::ProcessError error); void subprocessFinished(int exitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus exitStatus); void subprocessHasData(); void killProcess(); virtual bool expectsFileDescriptor() = 0; protected: void processXml(); IosToolHandler *q; QProcess process; QTimer killTimer; QXmlStreamReader outputParser; QString deviceId; QString bundlePath; IosToolHandler::RunKind runKind; State state; Op op; IosDeviceType::Enum devType; static const int lookaheadSize = 67; int iBegin, iEnd, gdbSocket; QList stack; }; class IosDeviceToolHandlerPrivate : public IosToolHandlerPrivate { public: explicit IosDeviceToolHandlerPrivate(IosDeviceType::Enum devType, IosToolHandler *q); virtual void requestTransferApp(const QString &bundlePath, const QString &deviceId, int timeout = 1000); virtual void requestRunApp(const QString &bundlePath, const QStringList &extraArgs, IosToolHandler::RunKind runKind, const QString &deviceId, int timeout = 1000); virtual void requestDeviceInfo(const QString &deviceId, int timeout = 1000); virtual bool expectsFileDescriptor(); }; class IosSimulatorToolHandlerPrivate : public IosToolHandlerPrivate { public: explicit IosSimulatorToolHandlerPrivate(IosDeviceType::Enum devType, IosToolHandler *q); virtual void requestTransferApp(const QString &bundlePath, const QString &deviceId, int timeout = 1000); virtual void requestRunApp(const QString &bundlePath, const QStringList &extraArgs, IosToolHandler::RunKind runKind, const QString &deviceId, int timeout = 1000); virtual void requestDeviceInfo(const QString &deviceId, int timeout = 1000); virtual bool expectsFileDescriptor(); private: void addDeviceArguments(QStringList &args) const; }; IosToolHandlerPrivate::IosToolHandlerPrivate(IosDeviceType::Enum devType, Ios::IosToolHandler *q) : q(q), state(NonStarted), devType(devType), iBegin(0), iEnd(0), gdbSocket(-1) { killTimer.setSingleShot(true); QProcessEnvironment env(QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment()); foreach (const QString &k, env.keys()) if (k.startsWith(QLatin1String("DYLD_"))) env.remove(k); QStringList frameworkPaths; QString xcPath = IosConfigurations::developerPath().appendPath(QLatin1String("../OtherFrameworks")).toFileInfo().canonicalFilePath(); if (!xcPath.isEmpty()) frameworkPaths << xcPath; frameworkPaths << QLatin1String("/System/Library/Frameworks") << QLatin1String("/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks"); env.insert(QLatin1String("DYLD_FALLBACK_FRAMEWORK_PATH"), frameworkPaths.join(QLatin1String(":"))); qCDebug(toolHandlerLog) << "IosToolHandler runEnv:" << env.toStringList(); process.setProcessEnvironment(env); QObject::connect(&process, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardOutput()), q, SLOT(subprocessHasData())); QObject::connect(&process, SIGNAL(finished(int,QProcess::ExitStatus)), q, SLOT(subprocessFinished(int,QProcess::ExitStatus))); QObject::connect(&process, SIGNAL(error(QProcess::ProcessError)), q, SLOT(subprocessError(QProcess::ProcessError))); QObject::connect(&killTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), q, SLOT(killProcess())); } bool IosToolHandlerPrivate::isRunning() { return process.state() != QProcess::NotRunning; } void IosToolHandlerPrivate::start(const QString &exe, const QStringList &args) { QTC_CHECK(state == NonStarted); state = Starting; qCDebug(toolHandlerLog) << "running " << exe << args; process.start(exe, args); state = StartedInferior; } void IosToolHandlerPrivate::stop(int errorCode) { qCDebug(toolHandlerLog) << "IosToolHandlerPrivate::stop"; State oldState = state; state = Stopped; switch (oldState) { case NonStarted: qCWarning(toolHandlerLog) << "IosToolHandler::stop() when state was NonStarted"; // pass case Starting: switch (op){ case OpNone: qCWarning(toolHandlerLog) << "IosToolHandler::stop() when op was OpNone"; break; case OpAppTransfer: didTransferApp(bundlePath, deviceId, IosToolHandler::Failure); break; case OpAppRun: didStartApp(bundlePath, deviceId, IosToolHandler::Failure); break; case OpDeviceInfo: break; } // pass case StartedInferior: case XmlEndProcessed: toolExited(errorCode); break; case Stopped: return; } if (process.state() != QProcess::NotRunning) { process.terminate(); killTimer.start(1500); } } // signals void IosToolHandlerPrivate::isTransferringApp(const QString &bundlePath, const QString &deviceId, int progress, int maxProgress, const QString &info) { emit q->isTransferringApp(q, bundlePath, deviceId, progress, maxProgress, info); } void IosToolHandlerPrivate::didTransferApp(const QString &bundlePath, const QString &deviceId, Ios::IosToolHandler::OpStatus status) { emit q->didTransferApp(q, bundlePath, deviceId, status); } void IosToolHandlerPrivate::didStartApp(const QString &bundlePath, const QString &deviceId, IosToolHandler::OpStatus status) { emit q->didStartApp(q, bundlePath, deviceId, status); } void IosToolHandlerPrivate::gotServerPorts(const QString &bundlePath, const QString &deviceId, int gdbPort, int qmlPort) { emit q->gotServerPorts(q, bundlePath, deviceId, gdbPort, qmlPort); } void IosToolHandlerPrivate::gotInferiorPid(const QString &bundlePath, const QString &deviceId, Q_PID pid) { emit q->gotInferiorPid(q, bundlePath, deviceId, pid); } void IosToolHandlerPrivate::deviceInfo(const QString &deviceId, const Ios::IosToolHandler::Dict &info) { emit q->deviceInfo(q, deviceId, info); } void IosToolHandlerPrivate::appOutput(const QString &output) { emit q->appOutput(q, output); } void IosToolHandlerPrivate::errorMsg(const QString &msg) { emit q->errorMsg(q, msg); } void IosToolHandlerPrivate::toolExited(int code) { emit q->toolExited(q, code); } void IosToolHandlerPrivate::subprocessError(QProcess::ProcessError error) { if (state != Stopped) errorMsg(IosToolHandler::tr("iOS tool Error %1").arg(error)); stop(-1); if (error == QProcess::FailedToStart) { qCDebug(toolHandlerLog) << "IosToolHandler::finished(" << this << ")"; emit q->finished(q); } } void IosToolHandlerPrivate::subprocessFinished(int exitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus exitStatus) { stop((exitStatus == QProcess::NormalExit) ? exitCode : -1 ); qCDebug(toolHandlerLog) << "IosToolHandler::finished(" << this << ")"; killTimer.stop(); emit q->finished(q); } void IosToolHandlerPrivate::processXml() { while (!outputParser.atEnd()) { QXmlStreamReader::TokenType tt = outputParser.readNext(); //qCDebug(toolHandlerLog) << "processXml, tt=" << tt; switch (tt) { case QXmlStreamReader::NoToken: // The reader has not yet read anything. continue; case QXmlStreamReader::Invalid: // An error has occurred, reported in error() and errorString(). break; case QXmlStreamReader::StartDocument: // The reader reports the XML version number in documentVersion(), and the encoding // as specified in the XML document in documentEncoding(). If the document is declared // standalone, isStandaloneDocument() returns true; otherwise it returns false. break; case QXmlStreamReader::EndDocument: // The reader reports the end of the document. // state = XmlEndProcessed; break; case QXmlStreamReader::StartElement: // The reader reports the start of an element with namespaceUri() and name(). Empty // elements are also reported as StartElement, followed directly by EndElement. // The convenience function readElementText() can be called to concatenate all content // until the corresponding EndElement. Attributes are reported in attributes(), // namespace declarations in namespaceDeclarations(). { QStringRef elName = outputParser.name(); if (elName == QLatin1String("msg")) { stack.append(ParserState(ParserState::Msg)); } else if (elName == QLatin1String("exit")) { stack.append(ParserState(ParserState::Exit)); toolExited(outputParser.attributes().value(QLatin1String("code")) .toString().toInt()); } else if (elName == QLatin1String("device_id")) { stack.append(ParserState(ParserState::DeviceId)); } else if (elName == QLatin1String("key")) { stack.append(ParserState(ParserState::Key)); } else if (elName == QLatin1String("value")) { stack.append(ParserState(ParserState::Value)); } else if (elName == QLatin1String("query_result")) { stack.append(ParserState(ParserState::QueryResult)); } else if (elName == QLatin1String("app_output")) { stack.append(ParserState(ParserState::AppOutput)); } else if (elName == QLatin1String("control_char")) { QXmlStreamAttributes attributes = outputParser.attributes(); QChar c[1] = { QChar::fromLatin1(static_cast(attributes.value(QLatin1String("code")).toString().toInt())) }; if (stack.size() > 0 && stack.last().collectChars()) stack.last().chars.append(c[0]); stack.append(ParserState(ParserState::ControlChar)); break; } else if (elName == QLatin1String("item")) { stack.append(ParserState(ParserState::Item)); } else if (elName == QLatin1String("status")) { ParserState pState(ParserState::Status); QXmlStreamAttributes attributes = outputParser.attributes(); pState.progress = attributes.value(QLatin1String("progress")).toString().toInt(); pState.maxProgress = attributes.value(QLatin1String("max_progress")).toString().toInt(); stack.append(pState); } else if (elName == QLatin1String("app_started")) { stack.append(ParserState(ParserState::AppStarted)); QXmlStreamAttributes attributes = outputParser.attributes(); QStringRef statusStr = attributes.value(QLatin1String("status")); Ios::IosToolHandler::OpStatus status = Ios::IosToolHandler::Unknown; if (statusStr.compare(QLatin1String("success"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) status = Ios::IosToolHandler::Success; else if (statusStr.compare(QLatin1String("failure"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) status = Ios::IosToolHandler::Failure; didStartApp(bundlePath, deviceId, status); } else if (elName == QLatin1String("app_transfer")) { stack.append(ParserState(ParserState::AppTransfer)); QXmlStreamAttributes attributes = outputParser.attributes(); QStringRef statusStr = attributes.value(QLatin1String("status")); Ios::IosToolHandler::OpStatus status = Ios::IosToolHandler::Unknown; if (statusStr.compare(QLatin1String("success"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) status = Ios::IosToolHandler::Success; else if (statusStr.compare(QLatin1String("failure"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) status = Ios::IosToolHandler::Failure; emit didTransferApp(bundlePath, deviceId, status); } else if (elName == QLatin1String("device_info")) { stack.append(ParserState(ParserState::DeviceInfo)); } else if (elName == QLatin1String("inferior_pid")) { stack.append(ParserState(ParserState::InferiorPid)); } else if (elName == QLatin1String("server_ports")) { stack.append(ParserState(ParserState::ServerPorts)); QXmlStreamAttributes attributes = outputParser.attributes(); int gdbServerPort = attributes.value(QLatin1String("gdb_server")).toString().toInt(); int qmlServerPort = attributes.value(QLatin1String("qml_server")).toString().toInt(); gotServerPorts(bundlePath, deviceId, gdbServerPort, qmlServerPort); } else { qCWarning(toolHandlerLog) << "unexpected element " << elName; } break; } case QXmlStreamReader::EndElement: // The reader reports the end of an element with namespaceUri() and name(). { ParserState p = stack.last(); stack.removeLast(); switch (p.kind) { case ParserState::Msg: errorMsg(p.chars); break; case ParserState::DeviceId: if (deviceId.isEmpty()) deviceId = p.chars; else QTC_CHECK(deviceId.compare(p.chars, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0); break; case ParserState::Key: stack.last().key = p.chars; break; case ParserState::Value: stack.last().value = p.chars; break; case ParserState::Status: isTransferringApp(bundlePath, deviceId, p.progress, p.maxProgress, p.chars); break; case ParserState::QueryResult: state = XmlEndProcessed; stop(0); return; case ParserState::AppOutput: appOutput(p.chars); break; case ParserState::ControlChar: break; case ParserState::AppStarted: break; case ParserState::AppTransfer: break; case ParserState::Item: stack.last().info.insert(p.key, p.value); break; case ParserState::DeviceInfo: deviceInfo(deviceId, p.info); break; case ParserState::Exit: break; case ParserState::InferiorPid: gotInferiorPid(bundlePath, deviceId, Q_PID(p.chars.toInt())); break; case ParserState::ServerPorts: break; } break; } case QXmlStreamReader::Characters: // The reader reports characters in text(). If the characters are all white-space, // isWhitespace() returns true. If the characters stem from a CDATA section, // isCDATA() returns true. if (stack.isEmpty()) break; if (stack.last().collectChars()) stack.last().chars.append(outputParser.text()); break; case QXmlStreamReader::Comment: // The reader reports a comment in text(). break; case QXmlStreamReader::DTD: // The reader reports a DTD in text(), notation declarations in notationDeclarations(), // and entity declarations in entityDeclarations(). Details of the DTD declaration are // reported in in dtdName(), dtdPublicId(), and dtdSystemId(). break; case QXmlStreamReader::EntityReference: // The reader reports an entity reference that could not be resolved. The name of // the reference is reported in name(), the replacement text in text(). break; case QXmlStreamReader::ProcessingInstruction: break; } } if (outputParser.hasError() && outputParser.error() != QXmlStreamReader::PrematureEndOfDocumentError) { qCWarning(toolHandlerLog) << "error parsing iosTool output:" << outputParser.errorString(); stop(-1); } } void IosToolHandlerPrivate::subprocessHasData() { qCDebug(toolHandlerLog) << "subprocessHasData, state:" << state; while (true) { switch (state) { case NonStarted: qCWarning(toolHandlerLog) << "IosToolHandler unexpected state in subprocessHasData: NonStarted"; // pass case Starting: case StartedInferior: // read some data { char buf[200]; while (true) { qint64 rRead = process.read(buf, sizeof(buf)); if (rRead == -1) { stop(-1); return; } if (rRead == 0) return; qCDebug(toolHandlerLog) << "subprocessHasData read " << QByteArray(buf, rRead); outputParser.addData(QByteArray(buf, rRead)); processXml(); } } case XmlEndProcessed: stop(0); return; case Stopped: return; } } } // IosDeviceToolHandlerPrivate IosDeviceToolHandlerPrivate::IosDeviceToolHandlerPrivate(IosDeviceType::Enum devType, IosToolHandler *q) : IosToolHandlerPrivate(devType, q) { } void IosDeviceToolHandlerPrivate::requestTransferApp(const QString &bundlePath, const QString &deviceId, int timeout) { this->bundlePath = bundlePath; this->deviceId = deviceId; QStringList args; args << QLatin1String("-device-id") << deviceId << QLatin1String("-bundle") << bundlePath << QLatin1String("-timeout") << QString::number(timeout) << QLatin1String("-deploy"); start(IosToolHandler::iosDeviceToolPath(), args); } void IosDeviceToolHandlerPrivate::requestRunApp(const QString &bundlePath, const QStringList &extraArgs, IosToolHandler::RunKind runType, const QString &deviceId, int timeout) { this->bundlePath = bundlePath; this->deviceId = deviceId; this->runKind = runType; QStringList args; args << QLatin1String("-device-id") << deviceId << QLatin1String("-bundle") << bundlePath << QLatin1String("-timeout") << QString::number(timeout); //args << QLatin1String("--deploy"); // to remove when the separate deploy step is functional switch (runType) { case IosToolHandler::NormalRun: args << QLatin1String("-run"); break; case IosToolHandler::DebugRun: args << QLatin1String("-debug"); break; } args << QLatin1String("-extra-args") << extraArgs; op = OpAppRun; start(IosToolHandler::iosDeviceToolPath(), args); } void IosDeviceToolHandlerPrivate::requestDeviceInfo(const QString &deviceId, int timeout) { this->deviceId = deviceId; QStringList args; args << QLatin1String("-device-id") << deviceId << QLatin1String("-device-info") << QLatin1String("-timeout") << QString::number(timeout); op = OpDeviceInfo; start(IosToolHandler::iosDeviceToolPath(), args); } bool IosDeviceToolHandlerPrivate::expectsFileDescriptor() { return op == OpAppRun && runKind == IosToolHandler::DebugRun; } // IosSimulatorToolHandlerPrivate IosSimulatorToolHandlerPrivate::IosSimulatorToolHandlerPrivate(IosDeviceType::Enum devType, IosToolHandler *q) : IosToolHandlerPrivate(devType, q) { } void IosSimulatorToolHandlerPrivate::requestTransferApp(const QString &bundlePath, const QString &deviceId, int timeout) { Q_UNUSED(timeout); this->bundlePath = bundlePath; this->deviceId = deviceId; emit didTransferApp(bundlePath, deviceId, IosToolHandler::Success); } void IosSimulatorToolHandlerPrivate::requestRunApp(const QString &bundlePath, const QStringList &extraArgs, IosToolHandler::RunKind runType, const QString &deviceId, int timeout) { Q_UNUSED(timeout); this->bundlePath = bundlePath; this->deviceId = deviceId; this->runKind = runType; QStringList args; args << QLatin1String("launch") << bundlePath; Utils::FileName devPath = IosConfigurations::developerPath(); if (!devPath.isEmpty()) args << QLatin1String("--developer-path") << devPath.toString(); addDeviceArguments(args); switch (runType) { case IosToolHandler::NormalRun: break; case IosToolHandler::DebugRun: args << QLatin1String("--wait-for-debugger"); break; } args << QLatin1String("--args") << extraArgs; op = OpAppRun; start(IosToolHandler::iosSimulatorToolPath(), args); } void IosSimulatorToolHandlerPrivate::requestDeviceInfo(const QString &deviceId, int timeout) { Q_UNUSED(timeout); this->deviceId = deviceId; QStringList args; args << QLatin1String("showsdks"); op = OpDeviceInfo; start(IosToolHandler::iosSimulatorToolPath(), args); } bool IosSimulatorToolHandlerPrivate::expectsFileDescriptor() { return false; } void IosSimulatorToolHandlerPrivate::addDeviceArguments(QStringList &args) const { switch (devType) { case IosDeviceType::IosDevice: qCWarning(toolHandlerLog) << "IosSimulatorToolHandlerPrivate has device type IosDeviceType"; break; case IosDeviceType::SimulatedIphone: args << QLatin1String("--family") << QLatin1String("iphone"); break; case IosDeviceType::SimulatedIpad: args << QLatin1String("--family") << QLatin1String("ipad"); break; case IosDeviceType::SimulatedIphoneRetina4Inch: args << QLatin1String("--family") << QLatin1String("iphone") << QLatin1String("--retina") << QLatin1String("--tall"); break; case IosDeviceType::SimulatedIphoneRetina3_5Inch: args << QLatin1String("--family") << QLatin1String("iphone") << QLatin1String("--retina"); break; case IosDeviceType::SimulatedIpadRetina: args << QLatin1String("--family") << QLatin1String("ipad") << QLatin1String("--retina"); break; } } void IosToolHandlerPrivate::killProcess() { if (process.state() != QProcess::NotRunning) process.kill(); } } // namespace Internal QString IosToolHandler::iosDeviceToolPath() { QString res = Core::ICore::libexecPath() + QLatin1String("/ios/iostool"); return res; } QString IosToolHandler::iosSimulatorToolPath() { Utils::FileName devPath = Internal::IosConfigurations::developerPath(); bool version182 = devPath.appendPath(QLatin1String( "Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iPhoneSimulatorRemoteClient.framework")) .toFileInfo().exists(); QString res = Core::ICore::libexecPath() + QLatin1String("/ios/iossim"); if (version182) res = res.append(QLatin1String("_1_8_2")); return res; } IosToolHandler::IosToolHandler(IosDeviceType::Enum devType, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { if (devType == IosDeviceType::IosDevice) d = new Internal::IosDeviceToolHandlerPrivate(devType, this); else d = new Internal::IosSimulatorToolHandlerPrivate(devType, this); } IosToolHandler::~IosToolHandler() { delete d; } void IosToolHandler::stop() { d->stop(-1); } void IosToolHandler::requestTransferApp(const QString &bundlePath, const QString &deviceId, int timeout) { d->requestTransferApp(bundlePath, deviceId, timeout); } void IosToolHandler::requestRunApp(const QString &bundlePath, const QStringList &extraArgs, RunKind runType, const QString &deviceId, int timeout) { d->requestRunApp(bundlePath, extraArgs, runType, deviceId, timeout); } void IosToolHandler::requestDeviceInfo(const QString &deviceId, int timeout) { d->requestDeviceInfo(deviceId, timeout); } bool IosToolHandler::isRunning() { return d->isRunning(); } void IosToolHandler::subprocessError(QProcess::ProcessError error) { d->subprocessError(error); } void IosToolHandler::subprocessFinished(int exitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus exitStatus) { d->subprocessFinished(exitCode, exitStatus); } void IosToolHandler::subprocessHasData() { d->subprocessHasData(); } void IosToolHandler::killProcess() { d->killProcess(); } } // namespace Ios