/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2016 Orgad Shaneh . ** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator. ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms ** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further ** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following ** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will ** be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html. ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "gitgrep.h" #include "gitclient.h" #include "gitconstants.h" #include "gitplugin.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Git { namespace Internal { class GitGrepParameters { public: QString ref; bool recurseSubmodules = false; QString id() const { return recurseSubmodules ? ref + ".Rec" : ref; } }; using namespace Core; using namespace Utils; using VcsBase::VcsCommand; namespace { const char GitGrepRef[] = "GitGrepRef"; class GitGrepRunner : public QObject { using FutureInterfaceType = QFutureInterface; public: GitGrepRunner(FutureInterfaceType &fi, const TextEditor::FileFindParameters ¶meters) : m_fi(fi), m_parameters(parameters) { m_directory = parameters.additionalParameters.toString(); } struct Match { Match() = default; Match(int start, int length) : matchStart(start), matchLength(length) {} int matchStart = 0; int matchLength = 0; QStringList regexpCapturedTexts; }; void processLine(const QString &line, FileSearchResultList *resultList) const { if (line.isEmpty()) return; static const QLatin1String boldRed("\x1b[1;31m"); static const QLatin1String resetColor("\x1b[m"); FileSearchResult single; const int lineSeparator = line.indexOf(QChar::Null); QString filePath = line.left(lineSeparator); if (!m_ref.isEmpty() && filePath.startsWith(m_ref)) filePath.remove(0, m_ref.length()); single.fileName = m_directory + '/' + filePath; const int textSeparator = line.indexOf(QChar::Null, lineSeparator + 1); single.lineNumber = line.midRef(lineSeparator + 1, textSeparator - lineSeparator - 1).toInt(); QString text = line.mid(textSeparator + 1); QRegularExpression regexp; QVector matches; if (m_parameters.flags & FindRegularExpression) { const QRegularExpression::PatternOptions patternOptions = (m_parameters.flags & FindCaseSensitively) ? QRegularExpression::NoPatternOption : QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption; regexp.setPattern(m_parameters.text); regexp.setPatternOptions(patternOptions); } for (;;) { const int matchStart = text.indexOf(boldRed); if (matchStart == -1) break; const int matchTextStart = matchStart + boldRed.size(); const int matchEnd = text.indexOf(resetColor, matchTextStart); QTC_ASSERT(matchEnd != -1, break); const int matchLength = matchEnd - matchTextStart; Match match(matchStart, matchLength); const QStringRef matchText = text.midRef(matchTextStart, matchLength); if (m_parameters.flags & FindRegularExpression) match.regexpCapturedTexts = regexp.match(matchText).capturedTexts(); matches.append(match); text = text.leftRef(matchStart) + matchText + text.midRef(matchEnd + resetColor.size()); } single.matchingLine = text; for (const auto &match : qAsConst(matches)) { single.matchStart = match.matchStart; single.matchLength = match.matchLength; single.regexpCapturedTexts = match.regexpCapturedTexts; resultList->append(single); } } void read(const QString &text) { FileSearchResultList resultList; QString t = text; QTextStream stream(&t); while (!stream.atEnd() && !m_fi.isCanceled()) processLine(stream.readLine(), &resultList); if (!resultList.isEmpty()) m_fi.reportResult(resultList); } void exec() { GitClient *client = GitPlugin::client(); QStringList arguments = { "-c", "color.grep.match=bold red", "-c", "color.grep=always", "grep", "-zn", "--no-full-name" }; if (!(m_parameters.flags & FindCaseSensitively)) arguments << "-i"; if (m_parameters.flags & FindWholeWords) arguments << "-w"; if (m_parameters.flags & FindRegularExpression) arguments << "-P"; else arguments << "-F"; arguments << "-e" << m_parameters.text; GitGrepParameters params = m_parameters.searchEngineParameters.value(); if (params.recurseSubmodules) arguments << "--recurse-submodules"; if (!params.ref.isEmpty()) { arguments << params.ref; m_ref = params.ref + ':'; } const QStringList filterArgs = m_parameters.nameFilters.isEmpty() ? QStringList("*") // needed for exclusion filters : m_parameters.nameFilters; const QStringList exclusionArgs = Utils::transform(m_parameters.exclusionFilters, [](const QString &filter) { return QString(":!" + filter); }); arguments << "--" << filterArgs << exclusionArgs; QScopedPointer command(client->createCommand(m_directory)); command->addFlags(VcsCommand::SilentOutput | VcsCommand::SuppressFailMessage); command->setProgressiveOutput(true); QFutureWatcher watcher; watcher.setFuture(m_fi.future()); connect(&watcher, &QFutureWatcher::canceled, command.data(), &VcsCommand::cancel); connect(command.data(), &VcsCommand::stdOutText, this, &GitGrepRunner::read); SynchronousProcessResponse resp = command->runCommand({client->vcsBinary(), arguments}, 0); switch (resp.result) { case SynchronousProcessResponse::TerminatedAbnormally: case SynchronousProcessResponse::StartFailed: case SynchronousProcessResponse::Hang: m_fi.reportCanceled(); break; case SynchronousProcessResponse::Finished: case SynchronousProcessResponse::FinishedError: // When no results are found, git-grep exits with non-zero status. // Do not consider this as an error. break; } } static void run(QFutureInterface &fi, TextEditor::FileFindParameters parameters) { GitGrepRunner runner(fi, parameters); Core::ProgressTimer progress(fi, 5); runner.exec(); } private: FutureInterfaceType m_fi; QString m_directory; QString m_ref; const TextEditor::FileFindParameters &m_parameters; }; } // namespace static bool isGitDirectory(const QString &path) { static IVersionControl *gitVc = VcsManager::versionControl(VcsBase::Constants::VCS_ID_GIT); QTC_ASSERT(gitVc, return false); return gitVc == VcsManager::findVersionControlForDirectory(path, nullptr); } GitGrep::GitGrep(QObject *parent) : SearchEngine(parent) { m_widget = new QWidget; auto layout = new QHBoxLayout(m_widget); layout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); m_treeLineEdit = new FancyLineEdit; m_treeLineEdit->setPlaceholderText(tr("Tree (optional)")); m_treeLineEdit->setToolTip(tr("Can be HEAD, tag, local or remote branch, or a commit hash.\n" "Leave empty to search through the file system.")); const QRegularExpression refExpression("[\\S]*"); m_treeLineEdit->setValidator(new QRegularExpressionValidator(refExpression, this)); layout->addWidget(m_treeLineEdit); if (GitPlugin::client()->gitVersion() >= 0x021300) { m_recurseSubmodules = new QCheckBox(tr("Recurse submodules")); layout->addWidget(m_recurseSubmodules); } TextEditor::FindInFiles *findInFiles = TextEditor::FindInFiles::instance(); QTC_ASSERT(findInFiles, return); connect(findInFiles, &TextEditor::FindInFiles::pathChanged, m_widget, [this](const QString &path) { setEnabled(isGitDirectory(path)); }); connect(this, &SearchEngine::enabledChanged, m_widget, &QWidget::setEnabled); findInFiles->addSearchEngine(this); } GitGrep::~GitGrep() { delete m_widget; } QString GitGrep::title() const { return tr("Git Grep"); } QString GitGrep::toolTip() const { const QString ref = m_treeLineEdit->text(); if (!ref.isEmpty()) return tr("Ref: %1\n%2").arg(ref); return QLatin1String("%1"); } QWidget *GitGrep::widget() const { return m_widget; } QVariant GitGrep::parameters() const { GitGrepParameters params; params.ref = m_treeLineEdit->text(); if (m_recurseSubmodules) params.recurseSubmodules = m_recurseSubmodules->isChecked(); return QVariant::fromValue(params); } void GitGrep::readSettings(QSettings *settings) { m_treeLineEdit->setText(settings->value(GitGrepRef).toString()); } void GitGrep::writeSettings(QSettings *settings) const { settings->setValue(GitGrepRef, m_treeLineEdit->text()); } QFuture GitGrep::executeSearch(const TextEditor::FileFindParameters ¶meters, TextEditor::BaseFileFind * /*baseFileFind*/) { return Utils::runAsync(GitGrepRunner::run, parameters); } IEditor *GitGrep::openEditor(const SearchResultItem &item, const TextEditor::FileFindParameters ¶meters) { GitGrepParameters params = parameters.searchEngineParameters.value(); if (params.ref.isEmpty() || item.path.isEmpty()) return nullptr; const QString path = QDir::fromNativeSeparators(item.path.first()); QByteArray content; const QString topLevel = parameters.additionalParameters.toString(); const QString relativePath = QDir(topLevel).relativeFilePath(path); if (!GitPlugin::client()->synchronousShow(topLevel, params.ref + ":./" + relativePath, &content, nullptr)) { return nullptr; } if (content.isEmpty()) return nullptr; QByteArray fileContent; if (TextFileFormat::readFileUTF8(path, nullptr, &fileContent, nullptr) == TextFileFormat::ReadSuccess) { if (fileContent == content) return nullptr; // open the file for read/write } const QString documentId = QLatin1String(Git::Constants::GIT_PLUGIN) + QLatin1String(".GitShow.") + params.id() + QLatin1String(".") + relativePath; QString title = tr("Git Show %1:%2").arg(params.ref).arg(relativePath); IEditor *editor = EditorManager::openEditorWithContents(Id(), &title, content, documentId, EditorManager::DoNotSwitchToDesignMode); editor->gotoLine(item.mainRange.begin.line, item.mainRange.begin.column); editor->document()->setTemporary(true); return editor; } } // Internal } // Git Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(Git::Internal::GitGrepParameters)