/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator. ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms ** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further ** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following ** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will ** be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html. ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "giteditor.h" #include "annotationhighlighter.h" #include "gitplugin.h" #include "gitclient.h" #include "gitsettings.h" #include "gitsubmiteditorwidget.h" #include "gitconstants.h" #include "githighlighters.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define CHANGE_PATTERN "[a-f0-9]{7,40}" using namespace VcsBase; namespace Git { namespace Internal { GitEditorWidget::GitEditorWidget() : m_changeNumberPattern(CHANGE_PATTERN) { QTC_ASSERT(m_changeNumberPattern.isValid(), return); /* Diff format: diff --git a/src/plugins/git/giteditor.cpp b/src/plugins/git/giteditor.cpp index 40997ff..4e49337 100644 --- a/src/plugins/git/giteditor.cpp +++ b/src/plugins/git/giteditor.cpp */ setDiffFilePattern(QRegExp("^(?:diff --git a/|index |[+-]{3} (?:/dev/null|[ab]/(.+$)))")); setLogEntryPattern(QRegExp("^commit ([0-9a-f]{8})[0-9a-f]{32}")); setAnnotateRevisionTextFormat(tr("&Blame %1")); setAnnotatePreviousRevisionTextFormat(tr("Blame &Parent Revision %1")); } QSet GitEditorWidget::annotationChanges() const { QSet changes; const QString txt = toPlainText(); if (txt.isEmpty()) return changes; // Hunt for first change number in annotation: ":" QRegExp r("^(" CHANGE_PATTERN ") "); QTC_ASSERT(r.isValid(), return changes); if (r.indexIn(txt) != -1) { changes.insert(r.cap(1)); r.setPattern("\n(" CHANGE_PATTERN ") "); QTC_ASSERT(r.isValid(), return changes); int pos = 0; while ((pos = r.indexIn(txt, pos)) != -1) { pos += r.matchedLength(); changes.insert(r.cap(1)); } } return changes; } QString GitEditorWidget::changeUnderCursor(const QTextCursor &c) const { QTextCursor cursor = c; // Any number is regarded as change number. cursor.select(QTextCursor::WordUnderCursor); if (!cursor.hasSelection()) return QString(); const QString change = cursor.selectedText(); if (m_changeNumberPattern.exactMatch(change)) return change; return QString(); } BaseAnnotationHighlighter *GitEditorWidget::createAnnotationHighlighter(const QSet &changes) const { return new GitAnnotationHighlighter(changes); } /* Remove the date specification from annotation, which is tabular: \code 8ca887aa (author YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS ) \endcode */ static QString sanitizeBlameOutput(const QString &b) { if (b.isEmpty()) return b; const bool omitDate = GitPlugin::client()->settings().boolValue( GitSettings::omitAnnotationDateKey); const QChar space(' '); const int parenPos = b.indexOf(')'); if (parenPos == -1) return b; int i = parenPos; while (i >= 0 && b.at(i) != space) --i; while (i >= 0 && b.at(i) == space) --i; int stripPos = i + 1; if (omitDate) { int spaceCount = 0; // i is now on timezone. Go back 3 spaces: That is where the date starts. while (i >= 0) { if (b.at(i) == space) ++spaceCount; if (spaceCount == 3) { stripPos = i; break; } --i; } } // Copy over the parts that have not changed into a new byte array QString result; int prevPos = 0; int pos = b.indexOf('\n', 0) + 1; forever { QTC_CHECK(prevPos < pos); int afterParen = prevPos + parenPos; result.append(b.mid(prevPos, stripPos)); result.append(b.mid(afterParen, pos - afterParen)); prevPos = pos; QTC_CHECK(prevPos != 0); if (pos == b.size()) break; pos = b.indexOf('\n', pos) + 1; if (pos == 0) // indexOf returned -1 pos = b.size(); } return result; } void GitEditorWidget::setPlainText(const QString &text) { QString modText = text; // If desired, filter out the date from annotation switch (contentType()) { case AnnotateOutput: modText = sanitizeBlameOutput(text); break; default: break; } textDocument()->setPlainText(modText); } void GitEditorWidget::checkoutChange() { GitPlugin::client()->stashAndCheckout(sourceWorkingDirectory(), m_currentChange); } void GitEditorWidget::resetChange(const QByteArray &resetType) { GitPlugin::client()->reset( sourceWorkingDirectory(), QLatin1String("--" + resetType), m_currentChange); } void GitEditorWidget::cherryPickChange() { GitPlugin::client()->synchronousCherryPick(sourceWorkingDirectory(), m_currentChange); } void GitEditorWidget::revertChange() { GitPlugin::client()->synchronousRevert(sourceWorkingDirectory(), m_currentChange); } void GitEditorWidget::logChange() { GitPlugin::client()->log( sourceWorkingDirectory(), QString(), false, {m_currentChange}); } void GitEditorWidget::applyDiffChunk(const DiffChunk& chunk, bool revert) { Utils::TemporaryFile patchFile("git-apply-chunk"); if (!patchFile.open()) return; const QString baseDir = workingDirectory(); patchFile.write(chunk.header); patchFile.write(chunk.chunk); patchFile.close(); QStringList args = {"--cached"}; if (revert) args << "--reverse"; QString errorMessage; if (GitPlugin::client()->synchronousApplyPatch(baseDir, patchFile.fileName(), &errorMessage, args)) { if (errorMessage.isEmpty()) VcsOutputWindow::append(tr("Chunk successfully staged")); else VcsOutputWindow::append(errorMessage); if (revert) emit diffChunkReverted(chunk); else emit diffChunkApplied(chunk); } else { VcsOutputWindow::appendError(errorMessage); } } void GitEditorWidget::init() { VcsBaseEditorWidget::init(); Core::Id editorId = textDocument()->id(); if (editorId == Git::Constants::GIT_COMMIT_TEXT_EDITOR_ID) textDocument()->setSyntaxHighlighter(new GitSubmitHighlighter); else if (editorId == Git::Constants::GIT_REBASE_EDITOR_ID) textDocument()->setSyntaxHighlighter(new GitRebaseHighlighter); } void GitEditorWidget::addDiffActions(QMenu *menu, const DiffChunk &chunk) { menu->addSeparator(); QAction *stageAction = menu->addAction(tr("Stage Chunk...")); connect(stageAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [this, chunk] { applyDiffChunk(chunk, false); }); QAction *unstageAction = menu->addAction(tr("Unstage Chunk...")); connect(unstageAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [this, chunk] { applyDiffChunk(chunk, true); }); } void GitEditorWidget::aboutToOpen(const QString &fileName, const QString &realFileName) { Q_UNUSED(realFileName) Core::Id editorId = textDocument()->id(); if (editorId == Git::Constants::GIT_COMMIT_TEXT_EDITOR_ID || editorId == Git::Constants::GIT_REBASE_EDITOR_ID) { QFileInfo fi(fileName); const QString gitPath = fi.absolutePath(); setSource(gitPath); textDocument()->setCodec( GitPlugin::client()->encoding(gitPath, "i18n.commitEncoding")); } } QString GitEditorWidget::decorateVersion(const QString &revision) const { const QFileInfo fi(source()); const QString workingDirectory = fi.absolutePath(); // Format verbose, SHA1 being first token return GitPlugin::client()->synchronousShortDescription(workingDirectory, revision); } QStringList GitEditorWidget::annotationPreviousVersions(const QString &revision) const { QStringList revisions; QString errorMessage; const QFileInfo fi(source()); const QString workingDirectory = fi.absolutePath(); // Get the SHA1's of the file. if (!GitPlugin::client()->synchronousParentRevisions(workingDirectory, revision, &revisions, &errorMessage)) { VcsOutputWindow::appendSilently(errorMessage); return QStringList(); } return revisions; } bool GitEditorWidget::isValidRevision(const QString &revision) const { return GitPlugin::client()->isValidRevision(revision); } void GitEditorWidget::addChangeActions(QMenu *menu, const QString &change) { m_currentChange = change; if (contentType() != OtherContent) { connect(menu->addAction(tr("Cherr&y-Pick Change %1").arg(change)), &QAction::triggered, this, &GitEditorWidget::cherryPickChange); connect(menu->addAction(tr("Re&vert Change %1").arg(change)), &QAction::triggered, this, &GitEditorWidget::revertChange); connect(menu->addAction(tr("C&heckout Change %1").arg(change)), &QAction::triggered, this, &GitEditorWidget::checkoutChange); connect(menu->addAction(tr("&Log for Change %1").arg(change)), &QAction::triggered, this, &GitEditorWidget::logChange); QMenu *resetMenu = new QMenu(tr("&Reset to Change %1").arg(change), menu); connect(resetMenu->addAction(tr("&Hard")), &QAction::triggered, this, [this]() { resetChange("hard"); }); connect(resetMenu->addAction(tr("&Mixed")), &QAction::triggered, this, [this]() { resetChange("mixed"); }); connect(resetMenu->addAction(tr("&Soft")), &QAction::triggered, this, [this]() { resetChange("soft"); }); menu->addMenu(resetMenu); } } QString GitEditorWidget::revisionSubject(const QTextBlock &inBlock) const { for (QTextBlock block = inBlock.next(); block.isValid(); block = block.next()) { const QString line = block.text().trimmed(); if (line.isEmpty()) { block = block.next(); return block.text().trimmed(); } } return QString(); } bool GitEditorWidget::supportChangeLinks() const { return VcsBaseEditorWidget::supportChangeLinks() || (textDocument()->id() == Git::Constants::GIT_COMMIT_TEXT_EDITOR_ID) || (textDocument()->id() == Git::Constants::GIT_REBASE_EDITOR_ID); } QString GitEditorWidget::fileNameForLine(int line) const { // 7971b6e7 share/qtcreator/dumper/dumper.py (hjk QTextBlock block = document()->findBlockByLineNumber(line - 1); QTC_ASSERT(block.isValid(), return source()); static QRegExp renameExp("^" CHANGE_PATTERN "\\s+([^(]+)"); if (renameExp.indexIn(block.text()) != -1) { const QString fileName = renameExp.cap(1).trimmed(); if (!fileName.isEmpty()) return fileName; } return source(); } QString GitEditorWidget::sourceWorkingDirectory() const { const QFileInfo fi(source()); return fi.isDir() ? fi.absoluteFilePath() : fi.absolutePath(); } } // namespace Internal } // namespace Git