/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator. ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms ** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further ** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following ** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will ** be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html. ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "branchmodel.h" #include "gitclient.h" #include "gitconstants.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace VcsBase; namespace Git { namespace Internal { enum RootNodes { LocalBranches = 0, RemoteBranches = 1, Tags = 2 }; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BranchNode: // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- class BranchNode { public: BranchNode() : name("") { } BranchNode(const QString &n, const QString &s = QString(), const QString &t = QString(), const QDateTime &dt = QDateTime()) : name(n), sha(s), tracking(t), dateTime(dt) { } ~BranchNode() { while (!children.isEmpty()) delete children.first(); if (parent) parent->children.removeAll(this); } BranchNode *rootNode() const { return parent ? parent->rootNode() : const_cast(this); } int count() const { return children.count(); } bool isLeaf() const { return children.isEmpty() && parent && parent->parent; } bool childOf(BranchNode *node) const { if (this == node) return true; return parent ? parent->childOf(node) : false; } bool childOfRoot(RootNodes root) const { BranchNode *rn = rootNode(); if (rn->isLeaf()) return false; if (root >= rn->children.count()) return false; return childOf(rn->children.at(root)); } bool isTag() const { return childOfRoot(Tags); } bool isLocal() const { return childOfRoot(LocalBranches); } BranchNode *childOfName(const QString &name) const { for (int i = 0; i < children.count(); ++i) { if (children.at(i)->name == name) return children.at(i); } return nullptr; } QStringList fullName(bool includePrefix = false) const { QStringList fn; QList nodes; const BranchNode *current = this; while (current->parent) { nodes.prepend(current); current = current->parent; } if (includePrefix) fn.append(nodes.first()->sha); nodes.removeFirst(); for (const BranchNode *n : qAsConst(nodes)) fn.append(n->name); return fn; } void insert(const QStringList &path, BranchNode *n) { BranchNode *current = this; for (int i = 0; i < path.count(); ++i) { BranchNode *c = current->childOfName(path.at(i)); if (c) current = c; else current = current->append(new BranchNode(path.at(i))); } current->append(n); } BranchNode *append(BranchNode *n) { n->parent = this; children.append(n); return n; } BranchNode *prepend(BranchNode *n) { n->parent = this; children.prepend(n); return n; } QStringList childrenNames() const { if (children.count() > 0) { QStringList names; for (BranchNode *n : children) { names.append(n->childrenNames()); } return names; } return {fullName().join('/')}; } int rowOf(BranchNode *node) { return children.indexOf(node); } BranchNode *parent = nullptr; QList children; QString name; QString sha; QString tracking; QDateTime dateTime; mutable QString toolTip; }; class BranchModel::Private { public: explicit Private(GitClient *client) : client(client), rootNode(new BranchNode) { } Private(const Private &) = delete; Private &operator=(const Private &) = delete; ~Private() { delete rootNode; } bool hasTags() const { return rootNode->children.count() > Tags; } void parseOutputLine(const QString &line, bool force = false); void flushOldEntries(); GitClient *client; QString workingDirectory; BranchNode *rootNode; BranchNode *currentBranch = nullptr; BranchNode *headNode = nullptr; QString currentSha; QDateTime currentDateTime; QStringList obsoleteLocalBranches; Utils::FileSystemWatcher fsWatcher; bool oldBranchesIncluded = false; struct OldEntry { QString line; QDateTime dateTime; bool operator<(const OldEntry &other) const { return dateTime < other.dateTime; } }; BranchNode *currentRoot = nullptr; QString currentRemote; std::set oldEntries; }; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BranchModel: // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BranchModel::BranchModel(GitClient *client, QObject *parent) : QAbstractItemModel(parent), d(new Private(client)) { QTC_CHECK(d->client); // Abuse the sha field for ref prefix d->rootNode->append(new BranchNode(tr("Local Branches"), "refs/heads")); d->rootNode->append(new BranchNode(tr("Remote Branches"), "refs/remotes")); connect(&d->fsWatcher, &Utils::FileSystemWatcher::fileChanged, this, [this] { QString errorMessage; refresh(d->workingDirectory, &errorMessage); }); } BranchModel::~BranchModel() { delete d; } QModelIndex BranchModel::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parentIdx) const { if (column > 1) return QModelIndex(); BranchNode *parentNode = indexToNode(parentIdx); if (row >= parentNode->count()) return QModelIndex(); return nodeToIndex(parentNode->children.at(row), column); } QModelIndex BranchModel::parent(const QModelIndex &index) const { if (!index.isValid()) return QModelIndex(); BranchNode *node = indexToNode(index); if (node->parent == d->rootNode) return QModelIndex(); return nodeToIndex(node->parent, 0); } int BranchModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parentIdx) const { if (parentIdx.column() > 0) return 0; return indexToNode(parentIdx)->count(); } int BranchModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { Q_UNUSED(parent) return 2; } QVariant BranchModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { BranchNode *node = indexToNode(index); if (!node) return QVariant(); switch (role) { case Qt::DisplayRole: { QString res; switch (index.column()) { case 0: { res = node->name; if (!node->tracking.isEmpty()) res += " [" + node->tracking + ']'; break; } case 1: if (node->isLeaf() && node->dateTime.isValid()) res = node->dateTime.toString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"); break; } return res; } case Qt::EditRole: return index.column() == 0 ? node->fullName().join('/') : QVariant(); case Qt::ToolTipRole: if (!node->isLeaf()) return QVariant(); if (node->toolTip.isEmpty()) node->toolTip = toolTip(node->sha); return node->toolTip; case Qt::FontRole: { QFont font; if (!node->isLeaf()) { font.setBold(true); } else if (node == d->currentBranch) { font.setBold(true); font.setUnderline(true); } return font; } default: return QVariant(); } } bool BranchModel::setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role) { if (index.column() != 0 || role != Qt::EditRole) return false; BranchNode *node = indexToNode(index); if (!node) return false; const QString newName = value.toString(); if (newName.isEmpty()) return false; const QString oldName = node->fullName().join('/'); if (oldName == newName) return false; renameBranch(oldName, newName); return true; } Qt::ItemFlags BranchModel::flags(const QModelIndex &index) const { BranchNode *node = indexToNode(index); if (!node) return Qt::NoItemFlags; Qt::ItemFlags res = Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled; if (node != d->headNode && node->isLeaf() && node->isLocal() && index.column() == 0) res |= Qt::ItemIsEditable; return res; } void BranchModel::clear() { for (BranchNode *root : qAsConst(d->rootNode->children)) { while (root->count()) delete root->children.takeLast(); } if (d->hasTags()) d->rootNode->children.takeLast(); d->currentSha.clear(); d->currentDateTime = QDateTime(); d->currentBranch = nullptr; d->headNode = nullptr; d->obsoleteLocalBranches.clear(); } bool BranchModel::refresh(const QString &workingDirectory, QString *errorMessage) { beginResetModel(); clear(); if (workingDirectory.isEmpty()) { endResetModel(); return true; } d->currentSha = d->client->synchronousTopRevision(workingDirectory, &d->currentDateTime); const QStringList args = {"--format=%(objectname)\t%(refname)\t%(upstream:short)\t" "%(*objectname)\t%(committerdate:raw)\t%(*committerdate:raw)"}; QString output; if (!d->client->synchronousForEachRefCmd(workingDirectory, args, &output, errorMessage)) { endResetModel(); return false; } if (d->workingDirectory != workingDirectory) { d->workingDirectory = workingDirectory; d->fsWatcher.removeFiles(d->fsWatcher.files()); const QString gitDir = d->client->findGitDirForRepository(workingDirectory); if (!gitDir.isEmpty()) d->fsWatcher.addFile(gitDir + "/HEAD", Utils::FileSystemWatcher::WatchModifiedDate); } const QStringList lines = output.split('\n'); for (const QString &l : lines) d->parseOutputLine(l); d->flushOldEntries(); if (d->currentBranch) { if (d->currentBranch->isLocal()) d->currentBranch = nullptr; setCurrentBranch(); } if (!d->currentBranch) { BranchNode *local = d->rootNode->children.at(LocalBranches); d->currentBranch = d->headNode = new BranchNode(tr("Detached HEAD"), "HEAD", QString(), d->currentDateTime); local->prepend(d->headNode); } endResetModel(); return true; } void BranchModel::setCurrentBranch() { QString currentBranch = d->client->synchronousCurrentLocalBranch(d->workingDirectory); if (currentBranch.isEmpty()) return; BranchNode *local = d->rootNode->children.at(LocalBranches); const QStringList branchParts = currentBranch.split('/'); for (const QString &branchPart : branchParts) { local = local->childOfName(branchPart); if (!local) return; } d->currentBranch = local; } void BranchModel::renameBranch(const QString &oldName, const QString &newName) { QString errorMessage; QString output; if (!d->client->synchronousBranchCmd(d->workingDirectory, {"-m", oldName, newName}, &output, &errorMessage)) VcsOutputWindow::appendError(errorMessage); else refresh(d->workingDirectory, &errorMessage); } void BranchModel::renameTag(const QString &oldName, const QString &newName) { QString errorMessage; QString output; if (!d->client->synchronousTagCmd(d->workingDirectory, {newName, oldName}, &output, &errorMessage) || !d->client->synchronousTagCmd(d->workingDirectory, {"-d", oldName}, &output, &errorMessage)) { VcsOutputWindow::appendError(errorMessage); } else { refresh(d->workingDirectory, &errorMessage); } } QString BranchModel::workingDirectory() const { return d->workingDirectory; } GitClient *BranchModel::client() const { return d->client; } QModelIndex BranchModel::currentBranch() const { if (!d->currentBranch) return QModelIndex(); return nodeToIndex(d->currentBranch, 0); } QString BranchModel::fullName(const QModelIndex &idx, bool includePrefix) const { if (!idx.isValid()) return QString(); BranchNode *node = indexToNode(idx); if (!node || !node->isLeaf()) return QString(); if (node == d->headNode) return QString("HEAD"); return node->fullName(includePrefix).join('/'); } QStringList BranchModel::localBranchNames() const { if (!d->rootNode || !d->rootNode->count()) return QStringList(); return d->rootNode->children.at(LocalBranches)->childrenNames() + d->obsoleteLocalBranches; } QString BranchModel::sha(const QModelIndex &idx) const { if (!idx.isValid()) return QString(); BranchNode *node = indexToNode(idx); return node->sha; } QDateTime BranchModel::dateTime(const QModelIndex &idx) const { if (!idx.isValid()) return QDateTime(); BranchNode *node = indexToNode(idx); return node->dateTime; } bool BranchModel::isHead(const QModelIndex &idx) const { if (!idx.isValid()) return false; BranchNode *node = indexToNode(idx); return node == d->headNode; } bool BranchModel::isLocal(const QModelIndex &idx) const { if (!idx.isValid()) return false; BranchNode *node = indexToNode(idx); return node == d->headNode ? false : node->isLocal(); } bool BranchModel::isLeaf(const QModelIndex &idx) const { if (!idx.isValid()) return false; BranchNode *node = indexToNode(idx); return node->isLeaf(); } bool BranchModel::isTag(const QModelIndex &idx) const { if (!idx.isValid() || !d->hasTags()) return false; return indexToNode(idx)->isTag(); } void BranchModel::removeBranch(const QModelIndex &idx) { QString branch = fullName(idx); if (branch.isEmpty()) return; QString errorMessage; QString output; if (!d->client->synchronousBranchCmd(d->workingDirectory, {"-D", branch}, &output, &errorMessage)) { VcsOutputWindow::appendError(errorMessage); return; } removeNode(idx); } void BranchModel::removeTag(const QModelIndex &idx) { QString tag = fullName(idx); if (tag.isEmpty()) return; QString errorMessage; QString output; if (!d->client->synchronousTagCmd(d->workingDirectory, {"-d", tag}, &output, &errorMessage)) { VcsOutputWindow::appendError(errorMessage); return; } removeNode(idx); } VcsCommand *BranchModel::checkoutBranch(const QModelIndex &idx) { QString branch = fullName(idx, !isLocal(idx)); if (branch.isEmpty()) return nullptr; // No StashGuard since this function for now is only used with clean working dir. // If it is ever used from another place, please add StashGuard here return d->client->checkout(d->workingDirectory, branch, GitClient::StashMode::NoStash); } bool BranchModel::branchIsMerged(const QModelIndex &idx) { QString branch = fullName(idx); if (branch.isEmpty()) return false; QString errorMessage; QString output; if (!d->client->synchronousBranchCmd(d->workingDirectory, {"-a", "--contains", sha(idx)}, &output, &errorMessage)) { VcsOutputWindow::appendError(errorMessage); } const QStringList lines = output.split('\n', QString::SkipEmptyParts); for (const QString &l : lines) { QString currentBranch = l.mid(2); // remove first letters (those are either // " " or "* " depending on whether it is // the currently checked out branch or not) if (currentBranch != branch) return true; } return false; } static int positionForName(BranchNode *node, const QString &name) { int pos = 0; for (pos = 0; pos < node->count(); ++pos) { if (node->children.at(pos)->name >= name) break; } return pos; } QModelIndex BranchModel::addBranch(const QString &name, bool track, const QModelIndex &startPoint) { if (!d->rootNode || !d->rootNode->count()) return QModelIndex(); const QString trackedBranch = fullName(startPoint); const QString fullTrackedBranch = fullName(startPoint, true); QString startSha; QString output; QString errorMessage; QDateTime branchDateTime; QStringList args = {QLatin1String(track ? "--track" : "--no-track"), name}; if (!fullTrackedBranch.isEmpty()) { args << fullTrackedBranch; startSha = sha(startPoint); branchDateTime = dateTime(startPoint); } else { const QStringList arguments({"-n1", "--format=%H %ct"}); if (d->client->synchronousLog(d->workingDirectory, arguments, &output, &errorMessage, VcsCommand::SuppressCommandLogging)) { const QStringList values = output.split(' '); startSha = values[0]; branchDateTime = QDateTime::fromSecsSinceEpoch(values[1].toLongLong()); } } if (!d->client->synchronousBranchCmd(d->workingDirectory, args, &output, &errorMessage)) { VcsOutputWindow::appendError(errorMessage); return QModelIndex(); } BranchNode *local = d->rootNode->children.at(LocalBranches); const int slash = name.indexOf('/'); const QString leafName = slash == -1 ? name : name.mid(slash + 1); bool added = false; if (slash != -1) { const QString nodeName = name.left(slash); int pos = positionForName(local, nodeName); BranchNode *child = (pos == local->count()) ? nullptr : local->children.at(pos); if (!child || child->name != nodeName) { child = new BranchNode(nodeName); beginInsertRows(nodeToIndex(local, 0), pos, pos); added = true; child->parent = local; local->children.insert(pos, child); } local = child; } int pos = positionForName(local, leafName); auto newNode = new BranchNode(leafName, startSha, track ? trackedBranch : QString(), branchDateTime); if (!added) beginInsertRows(nodeToIndex(local, 0), pos, pos); newNode->parent = local; local->children.insert(pos, newNode); endInsertRows(); return nodeToIndex(newNode, 0); } void BranchModel::setRemoteTracking(const QModelIndex &trackingIndex) { QModelIndex current = currentBranch(); QTC_ASSERT(current.isValid(), return); const QString currentName = fullName(current); const QString shortTracking = fullName(trackingIndex); const QString tracking = fullName(trackingIndex, true); d->client->synchronousSetTrackingBranch(d->workingDirectory, currentName, tracking); d->currentBranch->tracking = shortTracking; emit dataChanged(current, current); } void BranchModel::setOldBranchesIncluded(bool value) { d->oldBranchesIncluded = value; } Utils::optional BranchModel::remoteName(const QModelIndex &idx) const { const BranchNode *remotesNode = d->rootNode->children.at(RemoteBranches); const BranchNode *node = indexToNode(idx); if (!node) return Utils::nullopt; if (node == remotesNode) return QString(); if (node->parent == remotesNode) return node->name; return Utils::nullopt; } void BranchModel::Private::parseOutputLine(const QString &line, bool force) { if (line.size() < 3) return; // objectname, refname, upstream:short, *objectname, committerdate:raw, *committerdate:raw QStringList lineParts = line.split('\t'); const QString shaDeref = lineParts.at(3); const QString sha = shaDeref.isEmpty() ? lineParts.at(0) : shaDeref; const QString fullName = lineParts.at(1); const QString upstream = lineParts.at(2); QDateTime dateTime; const bool current = (sha == currentSha); QString strDateTime = lineParts.at(5); if (strDateTime.isEmpty()) strDateTime = lineParts.at(4); if (!strDateTime.isEmpty()) { const qint64 timeT = strDateTime.leftRef(strDateTime.indexOf(' ')).toLongLong(); dateTime = QDateTime::fromSecsSinceEpoch(timeT); } bool isOld = false; if (!oldBranchesIncluded && !force && !current && dateTime.isValid()) { const qint64 age = dateTime.daysTo(QDateTime::currentDateTime()); isOld = age > Constants::OBSOLETE_COMMIT_AGE_IN_DAYS; } bool showTags = client->settings().boolValue(GitSettings::showTagsKey); // insert node into tree: QStringList nameParts = fullName.split('/'); nameParts.removeFirst(); // remove refs... BranchNode *root = nullptr; BranchNode *oldEntriesRoot = nullptr; RootNodes rootType; if (nameParts.first() == "heads") { rootType = LocalBranches; if (isOld) obsoleteLocalBranches.append(fullName.mid(sizeof("refs/heads/")-1)); } else if (nameParts.first() == "remotes") { rootType = RemoteBranches; const QString remoteName = nameParts.at(1); root = rootNode->children.at(rootType); oldEntriesRoot = root->childOfName(remoteName); if (!oldEntriesRoot) oldEntriesRoot = root->append(new BranchNode(remoteName)); } else if (showTags && nameParts.first() == "tags") { if (!hasTags()) // Tags is missing, add it rootNode->append(new BranchNode(tr("Tags"), "refs/tags")); rootType = Tags; } else { return; } root = rootNode->children.at(rootType); if (!oldEntriesRoot) oldEntriesRoot = root; if (isOld) { if (oldEntriesRoot->children.size() > Constants::MAX_OBSOLETE_COMMITS_TO_DISPLAY) return; if (currentRoot != oldEntriesRoot) { flushOldEntries(); currentRoot = oldEntriesRoot; } const bool eraseOldestEntry = oldEntries.size() >= Constants::MAX_OBSOLETE_COMMITS_TO_DISPLAY; if (!eraseOldestEntry || dateTime > oldEntries.begin()->dateTime) { if (eraseOldestEntry) oldEntries.erase(oldEntries.begin()); oldEntries.insert(Private::OldEntry{line, dateTime}); } return; } nameParts.removeFirst(); // limit depth of list. Git basically only ever wants one / and considers the rest as part of // the name. while (nameParts.count() > 3) { nameParts[2] = nameParts.at(2) + '/' + nameParts.at(3); nameParts.removeAt(3); } const QString name = nameParts.last(); nameParts.removeLast(); auto newNode = new BranchNode(name, sha, upstream, dateTime); root->insert(nameParts, newNode); if (current) currentBranch = newNode; } void BranchModel::Private::flushOldEntries() { if (!currentRoot) return; for (int size = currentRoot->children.size(); size > 0 && !oldEntries.empty(); --size) oldEntries.erase(oldEntries.begin()); for (const Private::OldEntry &entry : oldEntries) parseOutputLine(entry.line, true); oldEntries.clear(); currentRoot = nullptr; } BranchNode *BranchModel::indexToNode(const QModelIndex &index) const { if (index.column() > 1) return nullptr; if (!index.isValid()) return d->rootNode; return static_cast(index.internalPointer()); } QModelIndex BranchModel::nodeToIndex(BranchNode *node, int column) const { if (node == d->rootNode) return QModelIndex(); return createIndex(node->parent->rowOf(node), column, static_cast(node)); } void BranchModel::removeNode(const QModelIndex &idx) { QModelIndex nodeIndex = idx; // idx is a leaf, so count must be 0. BranchNode *node = indexToNode(nodeIndex); while (node->count() == 0 && node->parent != d->rootNode) { BranchNode *parentNode = node->parent; const QModelIndex parentIndex = nodeToIndex(parentNode, 0); const int nodeRow = nodeIndex.row(); beginRemoveRows(parentIndex, nodeRow, nodeRow); parentNode->children.removeAt(nodeRow); delete node; endRemoveRows(); node = parentNode; nodeIndex = parentIndex; } } QString BranchModel::toolTip(const QString &sha) const { // Show the sha description excluding diff as toolTip QString output; QString errorMessage; QStringList arguments("-n1"); arguments << sha; if (!d->client->synchronousLog(d->workingDirectory, arguments, &output, &errorMessage, VcsCommand::SuppressCommandLogging)) { return errorMessage; } return output; } } // namespace Internal } // namespace Git