FakeVim::Internal::FakeVimOptionPage 0 0 580 474 Use FakeVim Vim Behavior Start of line Highlight search results Smart indentation Smart tabulators Expand tabulators Incremental search Use search dialog Use smartcase Use wrapscan Does not interpret key sequences like Ctrl-S in FakeVim but handles them as regular shortcuts. This gives easier access to core functionality at the price of losing some features of FakeVim. Pass control key Automatic indentation Use ignorecase Show partial command Does not interpret some key presses in insert mode so that code can be properly completed and expanded. Pass keys in insert mode Blinking cursor Show position of text marks Displays line numbers relative to the line containing text cursor. Show line numbers relative to cursor Shift width: spinBoxShiftWidth 1 80 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Vim tabstop option. Tabulator size: spinBoxTabStop 1 80 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Scroll offset: spinBoxScrollOff Qt::Horizontal 40 20 QFormLayout::ExpandingFieldsGrow Backspace: lineEditBackspace Keyword characters: lineEditIsKeyword Read .vimrc from location: Copy Text Editor Settings Set Qt Style Set Plain Style Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Qt::Vertical 20 40 Utils::PathChooser QWidget
checkBoxUseFakeVim checkBoxAutoIndent checkBoxSmartIndent checkBoxExpandTab checkBoxSmartTab checkBoxHlSearch checkBoxShowCmd checkBoxStartOfLine checkBoxPassKeys checkBoxIncSearch checkBoxUseCoreSearch checkBoxIgnoreCase checkBoxSmartCase checkBoxWrapScan checkBoxShowMarks checkBoxPassControlKey checkBoxRelativeNumber spinBoxShiftWidth spinBoxTabStop spinBoxScrollOff lineEditBackspace lineEditIsKeyword checkBoxReadVimRc pathChooserVimRcPath pushButtonCopyTextEditorSettings pushButtonSetQtStyle pushButtonSetPlainStyle