// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 #include "fakevimactions.h" #include "fakevimhandler.h" #include "fakevimtr.h" // Please do not add any direct dependencies to other Qt Creator code here. // Instead emit signals and let the FakeVimPlugin channel the information to // Qt Creator. The idea is to keep this file here in a "clean" state that // allows easy reuse with any QTextEdit or QPlainTextEdit derived class. #include #include #include #include using namespace Utils; namespace FakeVim { namespace Internal { #ifdef FAKEVIM_STANDALONE FvBaseAspect::FvBaseAspect() { } void FvBaseAspect::setValue(const QVariant &value) { m_value = value; } QVariant FvBaseAspect::value() const { return m_value; } void FvBaseAspect::setDefaultValue(const QVariant &value) { m_defaultValue = value; m_value = value; } QVariant FvBaseAspect::defaultValue() const { return m_defaultValue; } void FvBaseAspect::setSettingsKey(const QString &group, const QString &key) { m_settingsGroup = group; m_settingsKey = key; } QString FvBaseAspect::settingsKey() const { return m_settingsKey; } // unused but kept for compile void setAutoApply(bool ) {} #endif FakeVimSettings::FakeVimSettings() { setAutoApply(false); #ifndef FAKEVIM_STANDALONE setup(&useFakeVim, false, "UseFakeVim", {}, Tr::tr("Use FakeVim")); #endif // Specific FakeVim settings setup(&readVimRc, false, "ReadVimRc", {}, Tr::tr("Read .vimrc from location:")); setup(&vimRcPath, QString(), "VimRcPath", {}, {}); // Tr::tr("Path to .vimrc") setup(&showMarks, false, "ShowMarks", "sm", Tr::tr("Show position of text marks")); setup(&passControlKey, false, "PassControlKey", "pck", Tr::tr("Pass control keys")); setup(&passKeys, true, "PassKeys", "pk", Tr::tr("Pass keys in insert mode")); // Emulated Vsetting setup(&startOfLine, true, "StartOfLine", "sol", Tr::tr("Start of line")); setup(&tabStop, 8, "TabStop", "ts", Tr::tr("Tabulator size:")); setup(&smartTab, false, "SmartTab", "sta", Tr::tr("Smart tabulators")); setup(&hlSearch, true, "HlSearch", "hls", Tr::tr("Highlight search results")); setup(&shiftWidth, 8, "ShiftWidth", "sw", Tr::tr("Shift width:")); setup(&expandTab, false, "ExpandTab", "et", Tr::tr("Expand tabulators")); setup(&autoIndent, false, "AutoIndent", "ai", Tr::tr("Automatic indentation")); setup(&smartIndent, false, "SmartIndent", "si", Tr::tr("Smart indentation")); setup(&incSearch, true, "IncSearch", "is", Tr::tr("Incremental search")); setup(&useCoreSearch, false, "UseCoreSearch", "ucs", Tr::tr("Use search dialog")); setup(&smartCase, false, "SmartCase", "scs", Tr::tr("Use smartcase")); setup(&ignoreCase, false, "IgnoreCase", "ic", Tr::tr("Use ignorecase")); setup(&wrapScan, true, "WrapScan", "ws", Tr::tr("Use wrapscan")); setup(&tildeOp, false, "TildeOp", "top", Tr::tr("Use tildeop")); setup(&showCmd, true, "ShowCmd", "sc", Tr::tr("Show partial command")); setup(&relativeNumber, false, "RelativeNumber", "rnu", Tr::tr("Show line numbers relative to cursor")); setup(&blinkingCursor, false, "BlinkingCursor", "bc", Tr::tr("Blinking cursor")); setup(&scrollOff, 0, "ScrollOff", "so", Tr::tr("Scroll offset:")); setup(&backspace, "indent,eol,start", "Backspace", "bs", Tr::tr("Backspace:")); setup(&isKeyword, "@,48-57,_,192-255,a-z,A-Z", "IsKeyword", "isk", Tr::tr("Keyword characters:")); setup(&clipboard, {}, "Clipboard", "cb", Tr::tr("")); setup(&formatOptions, {}, "formatoptions", "fo", Tr::tr("")); // Emulated plugins setup(&emulateVimCommentary, false, "commentary", {}, "vim-commentary"); setup(&emulateReplaceWithRegister, false, "ReplaceWithRegister", {}, "ReplaceWithRegister"); setup(&emulateExchange, false, "exchange", {}, "vim-exchange"); setup(&emulateArgTextObj, false, "argtextobj", {}, "argtextobj.vim"); setup(&emulateSurround, false, "surround", {}, "vim-surround"); // Some polish useFakeVim.setDisplayName(Tr::tr("Use Vim-style Editing")); relativeNumber.setToolTip(Tr::tr("Displays line numbers relative to the line containing " "text cursor.")); passControlKey.setToolTip(Tr::tr("Does not interpret key sequences like Ctrl-S in FakeVim " "but handles them as regular shortcuts. This gives easier access to core functionality " "at the price of losing some features of FakeVim.")); passKeys.setToolTip(Tr::tr("Does not interpret some key presses in insert mode so that " "code can be properly completed and expanded.")); tabStop.setToolTip(Tr::tr("Vim tabstop option.")); #ifndef FAKEVIM_STANDALONE backspace.setDisplayStyle(FvStringAspect::LineEditDisplay); isKeyword.setDisplayStyle(FvStringAspect::LineEditDisplay); const QString vimrcDefault = QLatin1String(HostOsInfo::isAnyUnixHost() ? "$HOME/.vimrc" : "%USERPROFILE%\\_vimrc"); vimRcPath.setExpectedKind(PathChooser::File); vimRcPath.setToolTip(Tr::tr("Keep empty to use the default path, i.e. " "%USERPROFILE%\\_vimrc on Windows, ~/.vimrc otherwise.")); vimRcPath.setPlaceHolderText(Tr::tr("Default: %1").arg(vimrcDefault)); vimRcPath.setDisplayStyle(FvStringAspect::PathChooserDisplay); #endif } FakeVimSettings::~FakeVimSettings() = default; FvBaseAspect *FakeVimSettings::item(const QString &name) { return m_nameToAspect.value(name, nullptr); } QString FakeVimSettings::trySetValue(const QString &name, const QString &value) { FvBaseAspect *aspect = m_nameToAspect.value(name, nullptr); if (!aspect) return Tr::tr("Unknown option: %1").arg(name); if (aspect == &tabStop || aspect == &shiftWidth) { if (value.toInt() <= 0) return Tr::tr("Argument must be positive: %1=%2") .arg(name).arg(value); } aspect->setValue(value); return QString(); } void FakeVimSettings::setup(FvBaseAspect *aspect, const QVariant &value, const QString &settingsKey, const QString &shortName, const QString &labelText) { aspect->setSettingsKey("FakeVim", settingsKey); aspect->setDefaultValue(value); #ifndef FAKEVIM_STANDALONE aspect->setLabelText(labelText); aspect->setAutoApply(false); registerAspect(aspect); if (auto boolAspect = dynamic_cast(aspect)) boolAspect->setLabelPlacement(FvBoolAspect::LabelPlacement::AtCheckBoxWithoutDummyLabel); #else Q_UNUSED(labelText) #endif const QString longName = settingsKey.toLower(); if (!longName.isEmpty()) { m_nameToAspect[longName] = aspect; m_aspectToName[aspect] = longName; } if (!shortName.isEmpty()) m_nameToAspect[shortName] = aspect; } FakeVimSettings *fakeVimSettings() { static FakeVimSettings s; return &s; } } // namespace Internal } // namespace FakeVim