The subdirectory cpp contains classes for CPP-Editor/Designer integration. They are dependent on the CPP editor plugin. Including cpp.pri in enables them and defines CPP_ENABLED. Editor ------ The editor shows read-only XML text in a PlainTextEditor and Designer in Design mode. The switch is done in the currentEditorChanged signal. To make the text editor work, IEditor needs to aggregate a PlainTextEditable and delegate some functionality to it, while the isModified()-handling needs to be done by Designer itself. Resource handling: ------------------ When the editor is opened for the ui file we remember the internal qrc list read from the ui file (m_originalUiQrcPaths). In next step (a call to updateResources()), we detect if the ui file is inside any project or not. In case the ui file is not in any project (standalone), we apply m_originalUiQrcPaths to the form. Otherwise we take the list of qrc files from the project and apply the list into the form. Depending if the form is opened in standalone mode or not we save all resources or only those which are used inside a form (a call to setSaveResourcesBehaviour()). We need to update resources of the opened form in following cases: - a new qrc file is added to / removed from the project in which the form exists (we connect filesAdded()/filesRemoved() to the updateResources() slot) - a new project is added which contains a form (which was opened in standalone mode) (we connect foldersAdded()/foldersRemoved() to the updateResources() slot) - the opened form is being saved as... with new name, what causes the editor for the form points to a new file which is not in the project (we connect changed() to updateResources() slot) Changes to qrc file contents are not needed to be handled here, since designer's internal file watcher updates the changes to qrc files silently. A call to setResourceEditingEnabled(false) removes the edit resources action form resource browser in designer Building -------- The plugin accesses some private headers of Qt Designer 4.5. Copies of them are located in qt_private to achieve a clean build from a standard Qt distribution. The script can be used to update them.