// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 #include "stackframe.h" #include "debuggerengine.h" #include "debuggerprotocol.h" #include "debuggertr.h" #include "watchutils.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace Utils; namespace Debugger::Internal { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // StackFrame // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// StackFrame::StackFrame() = default; void StackFrame::clear() { line = -1; function.clear(); file.clear(); module.clear(); receiver.clear(); address = 0; } bool StackFrame::isUsable() const { return usable; } QString StackFrame::toString() const { QString res; QTextStream str(&res); str << Tr::tr("Address:") << ' '; str.setIntegerBase(16); str << address; str.setIntegerBase(10); str << ' ' << Tr::tr("Function:") << ' ' << function << ' ' << Tr::tr("File:") << ' ' << file << ' ' << Tr::tr("Line:") << ' ' << line << ' ' << Tr::tr("From:") << ' ' << module << ' ' << Tr::tr("To:") << ' ' << receiver; return res; } QList StackFrame::parseFrames(const GdbMi &data, const DebuggerRunParameters &rp) { StackFrames frames; frames.reserve(data.childCount()); for (const GdbMi &item : data) frames.append(parseFrame(item, rp)); return frames; } StackFrame StackFrame::parseFrame(const GdbMi &frameMi, const DebuggerRunParameters &rp) { StackFrame frame; frame.level = frameMi["level"].data(); frame.function = frameMi["function"].data(); frame.module = frameMi["module"].data(); const FilePath debugger = rp.debugger.command.executable(); const FilePath onDevicePath = FilePath::fromString(frameMi["file"].data()).onDevice(debugger); frame.file = onDevicePath.localSource().value_or(onDevicePath); frame.line = frameMi["line"].toInt(); frame.address = frameMi["address"].toAddress(); frame.context = frameMi["context"].data(); if (frameMi["language"].data() == "js" || frame.file.endsWith(".js") || frame.file.endsWith(".qml")) { frame.language = QmlLanguage; frame.fixQrcFrame(rp); } GdbMi usable = frameMi["usable"]; if (usable.isValid()) frame.usable = usable.data().toInt(); else frame.usable = frame.file.isReadableFile(); return frame; } QString StackFrame::toToolTip() const { const QString filePath = file.toUserOutput(); QString res; QTextStream str(&res); str << ""; if (address) str << ""; if (!function.isEmpty()) str << ""; if (!file.isEmpty()) str << ""; if (line != -1) str << ""; if (!module.isEmpty()) str << ""; if (!receiver.isEmpty()) str << ""; str << "
" << Tr::tr("Address:") << "" << formatToolTipAddress(address) << "
" << (language == CppLanguage ? Tr::tr("Function:") : Tr::tr("JS-Function:")) << "" << function << "
" << Tr::tr("File:") << "" << filePath << "
" << Tr::tr("Line:") << "" << line << "
" << Tr::tr("Module:") << "" << module << "
" << Tr::tr("Receiver:") << "" << receiver << "
"; str <<"

" << Tr::tr("Note:") << " "; bool showDistributionNote = false; if (isUsable()) { str << Tr::tr("Sources for this frame are available.
Double-click on " "the file name to open an editor."); } else if (line <= 0) { str << Tr::tr("Binary debug information is not accessible for this " "frame. This either means the core was not compiled " "with debug information, or the debug information is not " "accessible."); showDistributionNote = true; } else { str << Tr::tr("Binary debug information is accessible for this " "frame. However, matching sources have not been found."); showDistributionNote = true; } if (file.osType() != OsTypeWindows && showDistributionNote) { str << ' ' << Tr::tr("Note that most distributions ship debug information " "in separate packages."); } str << ""; return res; } static FilePath findFile(const FilePath &baseDir, const FilePath &relativeFile) { for (FilePath dir(baseDir); !dir.isEmpty(); dir = dir.parentDir()) { const FilePath absolutePath = dir.resolvePath(relativeFile); if (absolutePath.isFile()) return absolutePath; } return {}; } // Try to resolve files coming from resource files. void StackFrame::fixQrcFrame(const DebuggerRunParameters &rp) { if (language != QmlLanguage) return; if (file.isAbsolutePath()) { usable = file.isFile(); return; } if (!file.startsWith("qrc:/")) return; FilePath relativeFile = file; QString relativePath = file.path(); relativePath = relativePath.right(relativePath.size() - 5); while (relativePath.startsWith('/')) relativePath = relativePath.mid(1); relativeFile = relativeFile.withNewPath(relativePath); FilePath absFile = findFile(rp.projectSourceDirectory, relativeFile); if (absFile.isEmpty()) absFile = findFile(FilePath::fromString(QDir::currentPath()), relativeFile); if (absFile.isEmpty()) return; file = absFile; usable = true; } QDebug operator<<(QDebug d, const StackFrame &f) { QString res; QTextStream str(&res); str << "level=" << f.level << " address=" << f.address; if (!f.function.isEmpty()) str << ' ' << f.function; if (!f.file.isEmpty()) str << ' ' << f.file << ':' << f.line; if (!f.module.isEmpty()) str << " from=" << f.module; if (!f.receiver.isEmpty()) str << " to=" << f.receiver; d.nospace() << res; return d; } } // Debugger::Internal