/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator. ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms ** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further ** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following ** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will ** be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html. ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "sourceutils.h" #include "debuggerinternalconstants.h" #include "debuggerengine.h" #include "disassemblerlines.h" #include "watchdata.h" #include "watchutils.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include enum { debug = 0 }; using namespace CppTools; using namespace CPlusPlus; using namespace TextEditor; namespace CPlusPlus { static void debugCppSymbolRecursion(QTextStream &str, const Overview &o, const Symbol &s, bool doRecurse = true, int recursion = 0) { for (int i = 0; i < recursion; i++) str << " "; str << "Symbol: " << o.prettyName(s.name()) << " at line " << s.line(); if (s.isFunction()) str << " function"; if (s.isClass()) str << " class"; if (s.isDeclaration()) str << " declaration"; if (s.isBlock()) str << " block"; if (doRecurse && s.isScope()) { const Scope *scoped = s.asScope(); const int size = scoped->memberCount(); str << " scoped symbol of " << size << '\n'; for (int m = 0; m < size; m++) debugCppSymbolRecursion(str, o, *scoped->memberAt(m), true, recursion + 1); } else { str << '\n'; } } QDebug operator<<(QDebug d, const Symbol &s) { QString output; Overview o; QTextStream str(&output); debugCppSymbolRecursion(str, o, s, true, 0); d.nospace() << output; return d; } QDebug operator<<(QDebug d, const Scope &scope) { QString output; Overview o; QTextStream str(&output); const int size = scope.memberCount(); str << "Scope of " << size; if (scope.isNamespace()) str << " namespace"; if (scope.isClass()) str << " class"; if (scope.isEnum()) str << " enum"; if (scope.isBlock()) str << " block"; if (scope.isFunction()) str << " function"; if (scope.isDeclaration()) str << " prototype"; #if 0 // ### port me if (const Symbol *owner = &scope) { str << " owner: "; debugCppSymbolRecursion(str, o, *owner, false, 0); } else { str << " 0-owner\n"; } #endif for (int s = 0; s < size; s++) debugCppSymbolRecursion(str, o, *scope.memberAt(s), true, 2); d.nospace() << output; return d; } } // namespace CPlusPlus namespace Debugger { namespace Internal { /* getUninitializedVariables(): Get variables that are not initialized * at a certain line of a function from the code model to be able to * indicate them as not in scope in the locals view. * Find document + function in the code model, do a double check and * collect declarative symbols that are in the function past or on * the current line. blockRecursion() recurses up the scopes * and collect symbols declared past or on the current line. * Recursion goes up from the innermost scope, keeping a map * of occurrences seen, to be able to derive the names of * shadowed variables as the debugger sees them: \code int x; // Occurrence (1), should be reported as "x " if (true) { int x = 5; (2) // Occurrence (2), should be reported as "x" } \endcode */ typedef QHash SeenHash; static void blockRecursion(const Overview &overview, const Scope *scope, unsigned line, QStringList *uninitializedVariables, SeenHash *seenHash, int level = 0) { // Go backwards in case someone has identical variables in the same scope. // Fixme: loop variables or similar are currently seen in the outer scope for (int s = scope->memberCount() - 1; s >= 0; --s){ const Symbol *symbol = scope->memberAt(s); if (symbol->isDeclaration()) { // Find out about shadowed symbols by bookkeeping // the already seen occurrences in a hash. const QString name = overview.prettyName(symbol->name()); SeenHash::iterator it = seenHash->find(name); if (it == seenHash->end()) it = seenHash->insert(name, 0); else ++(it.value()); // Is the declaration on or past the current line, that is, // the variable not initialized. if (symbol->line() >= line) uninitializedVariables->push_back(WatchItem::shadowedName(name, it.value())); } } // Next block scope. if (const Scope *enclosingScope = scope->enclosingBlock()) blockRecursion(overview, enclosingScope, line, uninitializedVariables, seenHash, level + 1); } // Inline helper with integer error return codes. static inline int getUninitializedVariablesI(const Snapshot &snapshot, const QString &functionName, const QString &file, int line, QStringList *uninitializedVariables) { uninitializedVariables->clear(); // Find document if (snapshot.isEmpty() || functionName.isEmpty() || file.isEmpty() || line < 1) return 1; const Snapshot::const_iterator docIt = snapshot.find(file); if (docIt == snapshot.end()) return 2; const Document::Ptr doc = docIt.value(); // Look at symbol at line and find its function. Either it is the // function itself or some expression/variable. const Symbol *symbolAtLine = doc->lastVisibleSymbolAt(line, 0); if (!symbolAtLine) return 4; // First figure out the function to do a safety name check // and the innermost scope at cursor position const Function *function = 0; const Scope *innerMostScope = 0; if (symbolAtLine->isFunction()) { function = symbolAtLine->asFunction(); if (function->memberCount() == 1) // Skip over function block if (Block *block = function->memberAt(0)->asBlock()) innerMostScope = block; } else { if (const Scope *functionScope = symbolAtLine->enclosingFunction()) { function = functionScope->asFunction(); innerMostScope = symbolAtLine->isBlock() ? symbolAtLine->asBlock() : symbolAtLine->enclosingBlock(); } } if (!function || !innerMostScope) return 7; // Compare function names with a bit off fuzz, // skipping modules from a CDB symbol "lib!foo" or namespaces // that the code model does not show at this point Overview overview; const QString name = overview.prettyName(function->name()); if (!functionName.endsWith(name)) return 11; if (functionName.size() > name.size()) { const char previousChar = functionName.at(functionName.size() - name.size() - 1).toLatin1(); if (previousChar != ':' && previousChar != '!' ) return 11; } // Starting from the innermost block scope, collect declarations. SeenHash seenHash; blockRecursion(overview, innerMostScope, line, uninitializedVariables, &seenHash); return 0; } bool getUninitializedVariables(const Snapshot &snapshot, const QString &function, const QString &file, int line, QStringList *uninitializedVariables) { const int rc = getUninitializedVariablesI(snapshot, function, file, line, uninitializedVariables); if (debug) { QString msg; QTextStream str(&msg); str << "getUninitializedVariables() " << function << ' ' << file << ':' << line << " returns (int) " << rc << " '" << uninitializedVariables->join(QLatin1Char(',')) << '\''; if (rc) str << " of " << snapshot.size() << " documents"; qDebug() << msg; } return rc == 0; } QString cppFunctionAt(const QString &fileName, int line, int column) { const Snapshot snapshot = CppModelManager::instance()->snapshot(); if (const Document::Ptr document = snapshot.document(fileName)) return document->functionAt(line, column); return QString(); } // Return the Cpp expression, and, if desired, the function QString cppExpressionAt(TextEditorWidget *editorWidget, int pos, int *line, int *column, QString *function, int *scopeFromLine, int *scopeToLine) { if (function) function->clear(); const QString fileName = editorWidget->textDocument()->filePath().toString(); const Snapshot snapshot = CppModelManager::instance()->snapshot(); const Document::Ptr document = snapshot.document(fileName); QTextCursor tc = editorWidget->textCursor(); QString expr = tc.selectedText(); if (expr.isEmpty()) { tc.setPosition(pos); const QChar ch = editorWidget->characterAt(pos); if (ch.isLetterOrNumber() || ch == QLatin1Char('_')) tc.movePosition(QTextCursor::EndOfWord); // Fetch the expression's code. ExpressionUnderCursor expressionUnderCursor(document ? document->languageFeatures() : LanguageFeatures::defaultFeatures()); expr = expressionUnderCursor(tc); } *column = tc.positionInBlock(); *line = tc.blockNumber() + 1; if (!expr.isEmpty() && document) { QString func = document->functionAt(*line, *column, scopeFromLine, scopeToLine); if (function) *function = func; } return expr; } // Ensure an expression can be added as side-effect // free debugger expression. QString fixCppExpression(const QString &expIn) { QString exp = expIn.trimmed(); // Extract the first identifier, everything else is considered // too dangerous. int pos1 = 0, pos2 = exp.size(); bool inId = false; for (int i = 0; i != exp.size(); ++i) { const QChar c = exp.at(i); const bool isIdChar = c.isLetterOrNumber() || c.unicode() == '_'; if (inId && !isIdChar) { pos2 = i; break; } if (!inId && isIdChar) { inId = true; pos1 = i; } } exp = exp.mid(pos1, pos2 - pos1); return removeObviousSideEffects(exp); } ContextData getLocationContext(TextDocument *document, int lineNumber) { ContextData data; QTC_ASSERT(document, return data); if (document->property(Constants::OPENED_WITH_DISASSEMBLY).toBool()) { QString line = document->document()->findBlockByNumber(lineNumber - 1).text(); DisassemblerLine l; l.fromString(line); if (l.address) { data.type = LocationByAddress; data.address = l.address; } else { QString fileName = document->property(Constants::DISASSEMBLER_SOURCE_FILE).toString(); if (!fileName.isEmpty()) { // Possibly one of the "27 [1] foo = x" lines int pos = line.indexOf(QLatin1Char('[')); int ln = line.leftRef(pos - 1).toInt(); if (ln > 0) { data.type = LocationByFile; data.fileName = fileName; data.lineNumber = ln; } } } } else { data.type = LocationByFile; data.fileName = document->filePath().toString(); data.lineNumber = lineNumber; } return data; } } // namespace Internal } // namespace Debugger