/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2019 Denis Shienkov ** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator. ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms ** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further ** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following ** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will ** be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html. ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "peripheralregisterhandler.h" #include "debuggeractions.h" #include "debuggercore.h" #include "debuggertr.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace Utils; namespace Debugger::Internal { // Keys of a properties in SVD file. constexpr char kAccess[] = "access"; constexpr char kAddressOffset[] = "addressOffset"; constexpr char kBaseAddress[] = "baseAddress"; constexpr char kBitOffset[] = "bitOffset"; constexpr char kBitRange[] = "bitRange"; constexpr char kBitWidth[] = "bitWidth"; constexpr char kDerivedFrom[] = "derivedFrom"; constexpr char kDescription[] = "description"; constexpr char kDevice[] = "device"; constexpr char kDisplayName[] = "displayName"; constexpr char kField[] = "field"; constexpr char kFields[] = "fields"; constexpr char kGroupName[] = "groupName"; constexpr char kLsb[] = "lsb"; constexpr char kMsb[] = "msb"; constexpr char kName[] = "name"; constexpr char kPeripheral[] = "peripheral"; constexpr char kPeripherals[] = "peripherals"; constexpr char kReadOnly[] = "read-only"; constexpr char kReadWrite[] = "read-write"; constexpr char kRegister[] = "register"; constexpr char kRegisters[] = "registers"; constexpr char kResetvalue[] = "resetValue"; constexpr char kSize[] = "size"; constexpr char kWritOnlye[] = "write-only"; enum PeripheralRegisterColumns { PeripheralRegisterNameColumn, PeripheralRegisterValueColumn, PeripheralRegisterAccessColumn, PeripheralRegisterColumnCount }; enum PeripheralRegisterDataRole { PeripheralRegisterChangedRole = Qt::UserRole }; static QString accessName(PeripheralRegisterAccess access) { switch (access) { case PeripheralRegisterAccess::ReadOnly: return Tr::tr("RO"); case PeripheralRegisterAccess::WriteOnly: return Tr::tr("WO"); case PeripheralRegisterAccess::ReadWrite: return Tr::tr("RW"); default: return Tr::tr("N/A"); } } static PeripheralRegisterAccess decodeAccess(const QString &accessText) { if (accessText == QLatin1String(kReadWrite)) return PeripheralRegisterAccess::ReadWrite; if (accessText == QLatin1String(kReadOnly)) return PeripheralRegisterAccess::ReadOnly; if (accessText == QLatin1String(kWritOnlye)) return PeripheralRegisterAccess::WriteOnly; return PeripheralRegisterAccess::Unknown; } static quint64 decodeNumeric(const QString &text) { bool ok = false; const quint64 result = text.toULongLong(&ok, 10); if (ok) return result; return text.toUInt(&ok, 16); } static QString valueToString(quint64 value, int size, PeripheralRegisterFormat fmt) { QString result; if (fmt == PeripheralRegisterFormat::Hexadecimal) { result = QString::number(value, 16); result.prepend("0x" + QString(size / 4 - result.size(), '0')); } else if (fmt == PeripheralRegisterFormat::Decimal) { result = QString::number(value, 10); } else if (fmt == PeripheralRegisterFormat::Octal) { result = QString::number(value, 8); result.prepend('0' + QString(size / 2 - result.size(), '0')); } else if (fmt == PeripheralRegisterFormat::Binary) { result = QString::number(value, 2); result.prepend("0b" + QString(size - result.size(), '0')); } return result; } static quint64 valueFromString(const QString &string, PeripheralRegisterFormat fmt, bool *ok) { if (fmt == PeripheralRegisterFormat::Hexadecimal) { const QRegularExpression re("^(0x)?([0-9A-F]+)$"); const QRegularExpressionMatch m = re.match(string); if (m.hasMatch()) return m.captured(2).toULongLong(ok, 16); } else if (fmt == PeripheralRegisterFormat::Decimal) { const QRegularExpression re("^([0-9]+)$"); const QRegularExpressionMatch m = re.match(string); if (m.hasMatch()) return m.captured(1).toULongLong(ok, 10); } else if (fmt == PeripheralRegisterFormat::Octal) { const QRegularExpression re("^(0)?([0-7]+)$"); const QRegularExpressionMatch m = re.match(string); if (m.hasMatch()) return m.captured(2).toULongLong(ok, 8); } else if (fmt == PeripheralRegisterFormat::Binary) { const QRegularExpression re("^(0b)?([0-1]+)$"); const QRegularExpressionMatch m = re.match(string); if (m.hasMatch()) return m.captured(2).toULongLong(ok, 2); } *ok = false; return 0; } // PeripheralRegisterField QString PeripheralRegisterField::bitRangeString() const { const int from = bitOffset; const int to = bitOffset + bitWidth - 1; return Tr::tr("[%1..%2]").arg(to).arg(from); } QString PeripheralRegisterField::bitValueString(quint64 regValue) const { const quint64 value = bitValue(regValue); return valueToString(value, bitWidth, format); } quint64 PeripheralRegisterField::bitValue(quint64 regValue) const { const quint64 mask = bitMask(); regValue &= mask; regValue >>= bitOffset; return regValue; } quint64 PeripheralRegisterField::bitMask() const { quint64 mask = 0; for (auto pos = bitOffset; pos < bitOffset + bitWidth; ++pos) mask |= quint64(quint64(1) << pos); return mask; } // PeripheralRegisterValue bool PeripheralRegisterValue::fromString(const QString &string, PeripheralRegisterFormat fmt) { bool ok = false; const quint64 newVal = valueFromString(string, fmt, &ok); if (!ok) return false; v = newVal; return true; } QString PeripheralRegisterValue::toString( int size, PeripheralRegisterFormat fmt) const { return valueToString(v, size, fmt); } // PeripheralRegister QString PeripheralRegister::currentValueString() const { return currentValue.toString(size, format); } QString PeripheralRegister::previousValueString() const { return previousValue.toString(size, format); } QString PeripheralRegister::resetValueString() const { return resetValue.toString(size, format); } QString PeripheralRegister::addressString(quint64 baseAddress) const { return "0x" + QString::number(address(baseAddress), 16); } quint64 PeripheralRegister::address(quint64 baseAddress) const { return baseAddress + addressOffset; } // PeripheralRegisterFieldItem class PeripheralRegisterFieldItem final : public TypedTreeItem { public: explicit PeripheralRegisterFieldItem( DebuggerEngine *engine, const PeripheralRegisterGroup &group, PeripheralRegister ®, PeripheralRegisterField &fld); QVariant data(int column, int role) const final; bool setData(int column, const QVariant &value, int role) final; Qt::ItemFlags flags(int column) const final; void triggerChange(); DebuggerEngine *m_engine = nullptr; const PeripheralRegisterGroup &m_group; PeripheralRegister &m_reg; PeripheralRegisterField &m_fld; }; PeripheralRegisterFieldItem::PeripheralRegisterFieldItem( DebuggerEngine *engine, const PeripheralRegisterGroup &group, PeripheralRegister ®, PeripheralRegisterField &fld) : m_engine(engine), m_group(group), m_reg(reg), m_fld(fld) { } QVariant PeripheralRegisterFieldItem::data(int column, int role) const { switch (role) { case PeripheralRegisterChangedRole: return m_fld.bitValue(m_reg.currentValue.v) != m_fld.bitValue(m_reg.previousValue.v); case Qt::DisplayRole: switch (column) { case PeripheralRegisterNameColumn: return m_fld.name; case PeripheralRegisterValueColumn: return m_fld.bitValueString(m_reg.currentValue.v); case PeripheralRegisterAccessColumn: return accessName(m_fld.access); } break; case Qt::ToolTipRole: switch (column) { case PeripheralRegisterNameColumn: return QString("%1.%2\n%3\nBits: %4, %5") .arg(m_reg.name) .arg(m_fld.name) .arg(m_fld.description) .arg(m_fld.bitRangeString()) .arg(m_fld.bitWidth); case PeripheralRegisterValueColumn: return QString("Value: %1").arg( m_fld.bitValueString(m_reg.currentValue.v)); } break; case Qt::EditRole: return m_fld.bitValueString(m_reg.currentValue.v); case Qt::TextAlignmentRole: { if (column == PeripheralRegisterValueColumn) return Qt::AlignRight; return {}; } default: break; } return {}; } bool PeripheralRegisterFieldItem::setData( int column, const QVariant &value, int role) { if (column == PeripheralRegisterValueColumn && role == Qt::EditRole) { bool ok = false; quint64 bitValue = valueFromString(value.toString(), m_fld.format, &ok); if (!ok) return false; bitValue <<= m_fld.bitOffset; const quint64 mask = m_fld.bitMask(); m_reg.currentValue.v &= ~mask; m_reg.currentValue.v |= bitValue; triggerChange(); return true; } return false; } Qt::ItemFlags PeripheralRegisterFieldItem::flags(int column) const { const Qt::ItemFlags notEditable = Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled; if (column != PeripheralRegisterValueColumn) return notEditable; if (m_fld.access == PeripheralRegisterAccess::ReadWrite || m_fld.access == PeripheralRegisterAccess::WriteOnly) { return notEditable | Qt::ItemIsEditable; } return notEditable; } void PeripheralRegisterFieldItem::triggerChange() { m_engine->setPeripheralRegisterValue(m_reg.address(m_group.baseAddress), m_reg.currentValue.v); } // PeripheralRegisterItem class PeripheralRegisterItem final : public TypedTreeItem { public: explicit PeripheralRegisterItem( DebuggerEngine *engine, const PeripheralRegisterGroup &group, PeripheralRegister ®); QVariant data(int column, int role) const final; bool setData(int column, const QVariant &value, int role) final; Qt::ItemFlags flags(int column) const final; void triggerChange(); DebuggerEngine *m_engine = nullptr; const PeripheralRegisterGroup &m_group; PeripheralRegister &m_reg; }; PeripheralRegisterItem::PeripheralRegisterItem( DebuggerEngine *engine, const PeripheralRegisterGroup &group, PeripheralRegister ®) : m_engine(engine), m_group(group), m_reg(reg) { for (auto &fld : m_reg.fields) { const auto item = new PeripheralRegisterFieldItem( m_engine, m_group, m_reg, fld); appendChild(item); } } QVariant PeripheralRegisterItem::data(int column, int role) const { switch (role) { case PeripheralRegisterChangedRole: return m_reg.currentValue != m_reg.previousValue; case Qt::DisplayRole: switch (column) { case PeripheralRegisterNameColumn: return m_reg.name; case PeripheralRegisterValueColumn: return m_reg.currentValueString(); case PeripheralRegisterAccessColumn: return accessName(m_reg.access); } break; case Qt::ToolTipRole: switch (column) { case PeripheralRegisterNameColumn: return QStringLiteral("%1 / %2\n%3\n%4 @ %5, %6") .arg(m_group.name) .arg(m_reg.name) .arg(m_reg.description) .arg(accessName(m_reg.access)) .arg(m_reg.addressString(m_group.baseAddress)) .arg(m_reg.size); case PeripheralRegisterValueColumn: return QStringLiteral("Current value: %1\n" "Previous value: %2\n" "Reset value: %3") .arg(m_reg.currentValueString(), m_reg.previousValueString(), m_reg.resetValueString()); } break; case Qt::EditRole: return m_reg.currentValueString(); case Qt::TextAlignmentRole: { if (column == PeripheralRegisterValueColumn) return Qt::AlignRight; return {}; } default: break; } return {}; } bool PeripheralRegisterItem::setData(int column, const QVariant &value, int role) { if (column == PeripheralRegisterValueColumn && role == Qt::EditRole) { if (m_reg.currentValue.fromString(value.toString(), m_reg.format)) { triggerChange(); return true; } } return false; } Qt::ItemFlags PeripheralRegisterItem::flags(int column) const { const Qt::ItemFlags notEditable = Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled; if (column != PeripheralRegisterValueColumn) return notEditable; if (m_reg.access == PeripheralRegisterAccess::ReadWrite || m_reg.access == PeripheralRegisterAccess::WriteOnly) { return notEditable | Qt::ItemIsEditable; } return notEditable; } void PeripheralRegisterItem::triggerChange() { m_engine->setPeripheralRegisterValue(m_reg.address(m_group.baseAddress), m_reg.currentValue.v); } // PeripheralRegisterDelegate class PeripheralRegisterDelegate final : public QItemDelegate { public: QWidget *createEditor(QWidget *parent, const QStyleOptionViewItem &, const QModelIndex &index) const final { if (index.column() == PeripheralRegisterValueColumn) { const auto lineEdit = new QLineEdit(parent); lineEdit->setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft); lineEdit->setFrame(false); return lineEdit; } return nullptr; } void setEditorData(QWidget *editor, const QModelIndex &index) const final { const auto lineEdit = qobject_cast(editor); QTC_ASSERT(lineEdit, return); lineEdit->setText(index.data(Qt::EditRole).toString()); } void setModelData(QWidget *editor, QAbstractItemModel *model, const QModelIndex &index) const final { if (index.column() == PeripheralRegisterValueColumn) { const auto lineEdit = qobject_cast(editor); QTC_ASSERT(lineEdit, return); model->setData(index, lineEdit->text(), Qt::EditRole); } } void updateEditorGeometry(QWidget *editor, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &) const final { editor->setGeometry(option.rect); } void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const final { if (index.column() == PeripheralRegisterValueColumn) { const bool paintRed = index.data(PeripheralRegisterChangedRole).toBool(); const QPen oldPen = painter->pen(); const QColor lightColor(140, 140, 140); if (paintRed) painter->setPen(QColor(200, 0, 0)); else painter->setPen(lightColor); // FIXME: performance? this changes only on real font changes. const QFontMetrics fm(option.font); const int charWidth = qMax(fm.horizontalAdvance('x'), fm.horizontalAdvance('0')); const QString str = index.data(Qt::DisplayRole).toString(); int x = option.rect.x(); bool light = !paintRed; for (int i = 0; i < str.size(); ++i) { const QChar c = str.at(i); const int uc = c.unicode(); if (light && (uc != 'x' && uc != '0')) { light = false; painter->setPen(oldPen.color()); } if (uc == ' ') { light = true; painter->setPen(lightColor); } else { QRect r = option.rect; r.setX(x); r.setWidth(charWidth); painter->drawText(r, Qt::AlignHCenter, c); } x += charWidth; } painter->setPen(oldPen); } else { QItemDelegate::paint(painter, option, index); } } }; // PeripheralRegisterHandler PeripheralRegisterHandler::PeripheralRegisterHandler(DebuggerEngine *engine) : m_engine(engine) { setObjectName("PeripheralRegisterModel"); setHeader({Tr::tr("Name"), Tr::tr("Value"), Tr::tr("Access")}); } static void handleField(QXmlStreamReader &in, PeripheralRegister ®) { PeripheralRegisterField fld; Utils::optional from; Utils::optional to; while (in.readNextStartElement()) { const auto elementName = in.name(); if (elementName == QLatin1String(kName)) { fld.name = in.readElementText(); } else if (elementName == QLatin1String(kDescription)) { fld.description = in.readElementText(); } else if (elementName == QLatin1String(kAccess)) { fld.access = decodeAccess(in.readElementText()); } else if (elementName == QLatin1String(kBitRange)) { const QString elementText = in.readElementText(); const int startBracket = elementText.indexOf('['); const int endBracket = elementText.indexOf(']'); if (startBracket == -1 || endBracket == -1 || (endBracket - startBracket) <= 0) continue; const QString range = elementText.mid(startBracket + 1, endBracket - 1); const QStringList items = range.split(':'); enum { MaxBit, MinBit, BitsCount }; if (items.count() != BitsCount) continue; const int from = int(decodeNumeric(items.at(MinBit))); const int to = int(decodeNumeric(items.at(MaxBit))); fld.bitOffset = from; fld.bitWidth = to - from + 1; } else if (elementName == QLatin1String(kBitOffset)) { fld.bitOffset = int(decodeNumeric(in.readElementText())); } else if (elementName == QLatin1String(kBitWidth)) { fld.bitWidth = int(decodeNumeric(in.readElementText())); } else if (elementName == QLatin1String(kLsb)) { from = int(decodeNumeric(in.readElementText())); } else if (elementName == QLatin1String(kMsb)) { to = int(decodeNumeric(in.readElementText())); } else { in.skipCurrentElement(); } } if (from && to) { fld.bitOffset = *from; fld.bitWidth = *to - *from + 1; } // Inherit the field access from the register access if the filed // has not the access rights description. if (fld.access == PeripheralRegisterAccess::Unknown) fld.access = reg.access; reg.fields.push_back(fld); } static void handleRegister(QXmlStreamReader &in, PeripheralRegisterGroup &group) { PeripheralRegister reg; while (in.readNextStartElement()) { const auto elementName = in.name(); if (elementName == QLatin1String(kName)) { reg.name = in.readElementText(); } else if (elementName == QLatin1String(kDisplayName)) { reg.displayName = in.readElementText(); } else if (elementName == QLatin1String(kDescription)) { reg.description = in.readElementText(); } else if (elementName == QLatin1String(kAddressOffset)) { reg.addressOffset = decodeNumeric(in.readElementText()); } else if (elementName == QLatin1String(kSize)) { reg.size = int(decodeNumeric(in.readElementText())); } else if (elementName == QLatin1String(kAccess)) { reg.access = decodeAccess(in.readElementText()); } else if (elementName == QLatin1String(kResetvalue)) { reg.resetValue = decodeNumeric(in.readElementText()); } else if (elementName == QLatin1String(kFields)) { while (in.readNextStartElement()) { const auto elementName = in.name(); if (elementName == QLatin1String(kField)) handleField(in, reg); else in.skipCurrentElement(); } } else { in.skipCurrentElement(); } } group.registers.push_back(reg); } static void handleGroup(QXmlStreamReader &in, PeripheralRegisterGroups &groups) { PeripheralRegisterGroup group; const auto fromGroupName = in.attributes().value(kDerivedFrom); if (!fromGroupName.isEmpty()) { const auto groupEnd = groups.cend(); const auto groupIt = std::find_if(groups.cbegin(), groupEnd, [fromGroupName](const PeripheralRegisterGroup &group) { return fromGroupName == group.name; }); if (groupIt != groupEnd) group = *groupIt; } while (in.readNextStartElement()) { const auto elementName = in.name(); if (elementName == QLatin1String(kName)) { group.name = in.readElementText(); } else if (elementName == QLatin1String(kDescription)) { group.description = in.readElementText(); } else if (elementName == QLatin1String(kGroupName)) { group.displayName = in.readElementText(); } else if (elementName == QLatin1String(kBaseAddress)) { group.baseAddress = decodeNumeric(in.readElementText()); } else if (elementName == QLatin1String(kSize)) { group.size = int(decodeNumeric(in.readElementText())); } else if (elementName == QLatin1String(kAccess)) { group.access = decodeAccess(in.readElementText()); } else if (elementName == QLatin1String(kRegisters)) { while (in.readNextStartElement()) { const auto elementName = in.name(); if (elementName == QLatin1String(kRegister)) handleRegister(in, group); else in.skipCurrentElement(); } } else { in.skipCurrentElement(); } } groups.push_back(group); } static PeripheralRegisterGroups availablePeripheralRegisterGroups(const FilePath &filePath) { QFile f(filePath.toString()); if (!f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) return {}; QXmlStreamReader in(&f); PeripheralRegisterGroups groups; while (in.readNextStartElement()) { const auto elementName = in.name(); if (elementName == QLatin1String(kDevice)) { while (in.readNextStartElement()) { const auto elementName = in.name(); if (elementName == QLatin1String(kPeripherals)) { while (in.readNextStartElement()) { const auto elementName = in.name(); if (elementName == QLatin1String(kPeripheral)) handleGroup(in, groups); else in.skipCurrentElement(); } } else { in.skipCurrentElement(); } } } } return groups; } void PeripheralRegisterHandler::updateRegisterGroups() { clear(); const DebuggerRunParameters &rp = m_engine->runParameters(); if (!rp.peripheralDescriptionFile.exists()) return; m_peripheralRegisterGroups = availablePeripheralRegisterGroups(rp.peripheralDescriptionFile); } void PeripheralRegisterHandler::updateRegister(quint64 address, quint64 value) { const auto regItem = m_activeRegisters.value(address); if (!regItem) return; regItem->m_reg.previousValue = regItem->m_reg.currentValue; regItem->m_reg.currentValue = value; commitUpdates(); } QList PeripheralRegisterHandler::activeRegisters() const { return m_activeRegisters.keys(); } QVariant PeripheralRegisterHandler::data(const QModelIndex &idx, int role) const { if (role == BaseTreeView::ItemDelegateRole) { return QVariant::fromValue(static_cast( new PeripheralRegisterDelegate)); } return PeripheralRegisterModel::data(idx, role); } bool PeripheralRegisterHandler::setData(const QModelIndex &idx, const QVariant &data, int role) { if (role == BaseTreeView::ItemViewEventRole) { const auto ev = data.value(); if (ev.type() == QEvent::ContextMenu) return contextMenuEvent(ev); } return PeripheralRegisterModel::setData(idx, data, role); } bool PeripheralRegisterHandler::contextMenuEvent(const ItemViewEvent &ev) { const DebuggerState state = m_engine->state(); const auto menu = new QMenu; QMenu *groupMenu = createRegisterGroupsMenu(state); menu->addMenu(groupMenu); if (const auto regItem = itemForIndexAtLevel( ev.sourceModelIndex())) { // Show the register value format menu only // if a register item chose. QMenu *fmtMenu = createRegisterFormatMenu(state, regItem); menu->addMenu(fmtMenu); } else if (const auto fldItem = itemForIndexAtLevel( ev.sourceModelIndex())) { // Show the register field value format menu only // if a register field item chose. QMenu *fmtMenu = createRegisterFieldFormatMenu(state, fldItem); menu->addMenu(fmtMenu); } menu->addAction(debuggerSettings()->settingsDialog.action()); connect(menu, &QMenu::aboutToHide, menu, &QObject::deleteLater); menu->popup(ev.globalPos()); return true; } QMenu *PeripheralRegisterHandler::createRegisterGroupsMenu(DebuggerState state) const { const auto groupMenu = new QMenu(Tr::tr("View Groups")); const auto actionGroup = new QActionGroup(groupMenu); bool hasActions = false; for (const PeripheralRegisterGroup &group : qAsConst(m_peripheralRegisterGroups)) { const QString actName = QStringLiteral("%1: %2") .arg(group.name, group.description); QAction *act = groupMenu->addAction(actName); const bool on = m_engine->hasCapability(RegisterCapability) && (state == InferiorStopOk || state == InferiorUnrunnable); act->setEnabled(on); act->setData(group.name); act->setCheckable(true); act->setChecked(group.active); actionGroup->addAction(act); QObject::connect(act, &QAction::triggered, this, &PeripheralRegisterHandler::setActiveGroup); hasActions = true; } groupMenu->setEnabled(hasActions); groupMenu->setStyleSheet("QMenu { menu-scrollable: 1; }"); return groupMenu; } QMenu *PeripheralRegisterHandler::createRegisterFormatMenu( DebuggerState state, PeripheralRegisterItem *item) const { const auto fmtMenu = new QMenu(Tr::tr("Format")); const auto actionGroup = new QActionGroup(fmtMenu); const bool on = m_engine->hasCapability(RegisterCapability) && (state == InferiorStopOk || state == InferiorUnrunnable); const PeripheralRegisterFormat fmt = item->m_reg.format; // Hexadecimal action. const auto hexAct = addCheckableAction( this, fmtMenu, Tr::tr("Hexadecimal"), on, fmt == PeripheralRegisterFormat::Hexadecimal, [item] { item->m_reg.format = PeripheralRegisterFormat::Hexadecimal; item->update(); }); actionGroup->addAction(hexAct); // Decimal action. const auto decAct = addCheckableAction( this, fmtMenu, Tr::tr("Decimal"), on, fmt == PeripheralRegisterFormat::Decimal, [item] { item->m_reg.format = PeripheralRegisterFormat::Decimal; item->update(); }); actionGroup->addAction(decAct); // Octal action. const auto octAct = addCheckableAction( this, fmtMenu, Tr::tr("Octal"), on, fmt == PeripheralRegisterFormat::Octal, [item] { item->m_reg.format = PeripheralRegisterFormat::Octal; item->update(); }); actionGroup->addAction(octAct); // Binary action. const auto binAct = addCheckableAction( this, fmtMenu, Tr::tr("Binary"), on, fmt == PeripheralRegisterFormat::Binary, [item] { item->m_reg.format = PeripheralRegisterFormat::Binary; item->update(); }); actionGroup->addAction(binAct); return fmtMenu; } QMenu *PeripheralRegisterHandler::createRegisterFieldFormatMenu( DebuggerState state, PeripheralRegisterFieldItem *item) const { const auto fmtMenu = new QMenu(Tr::tr("Format")); const auto actionGroup = new QActionGroup(fmtMenu); const bool on = m_engine->hasCapability(RegisterCapability) && (state == InferiorStopOk || state == InferiorUnrunnable); const PeripheralRegisterFormat fmt = item->m_fld.format; // Hexadecimal action. const auto hexAct = addCheckableAction( this, fmtMenu, Tr::tr("Hexadecimal"), on, fmt == PeripheralRegisterFormat::Hexadecimal, [item] { item->m_fld.format = PeripheralRegisterFormat::Hexadecimal; item->update(); }); actionGroup->addAction(hexAct); // Decimal action. const auto decAct = addCheckableAction( this, fmtMenu, Tr::tr("Decimal"), on, fmt == PeripheralRegisterFormat::Decimal, [item] { item->m_fld.format = PeripheralRegisterFormat::Decimal; item->update(); }); actionGroup->addAction(decAct); // Octal action. const auto octAct = addCheckableAction( this, fmtMenu, Tr::tr("Octal"), on, fmt == PeripheralRegisterFormat::Octal, [item] { item->m_fld.format = PeripheralRegisterFormat::Octal; item->update(); }); actionGroup->addAction(octAct); // Binary action. const auto binAct = addCheckableAction( this, fmtMenu, Tr::tr("Binary"), on, fmt == PeripheralRegisterFormat::Binary, [item] { item->m_fld.format = PeripheralRegisterFormat::Binary; item->update(); }); actionGroup->addAction(binAct); return fmtMenu; } void PeripheralRegisterHandler::setActiveGroup(bool checked) { if (!checked) return; deactivateGroups(); if (const auto act = qobject_cast(sender())) { const QString groupName = act->data().toString(); const auto groupEnd = m_peripheralRegisterGroups.end(); const auto groupIt = std::find_if( m_peripheralRegisterGroups.begin(), groupEnd, [groupName](const PeripheralRegisterGroup &group){ return group.name == groupName; }); if (groupIt == groupEnd) return; // Group not found. // Set active group. groupIt->active = true; // Add all register items of active register group. m_activeRegisters.reserve(groupIt->registers.count()); for (PeripheralRegister ® : groupIt->registers) { const auto item = new PeripheralRegisterItem(m_engine, *groupIt, reg); rootItem()->appendChild(item); const quint64 address = reg.address(groupIt->baseAddress); m_activeRegisters.insert(address, item); } m_engine->reloadPeripheralRegisters(); } } void PeripheralRegisterHandler::deactivateGroups() { clear(); for (PeripheralRegisterGroup &group : m_peripheralRegisterGroups) group.active = false; m_activeRegisters.clear(); } } // Debugger::Internal