/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator. ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms ** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further ** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following ** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will ** be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html. ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "pdbengine.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace Core; namespace Debugger { namespace Internal { PdbEngine::PdbEngine(const DebuggerRunParameters &startParameters) : DebuggerEngine(startParameters) { setObjectName(QLatin1String("PdbEngine")); } void PdbEngine::executeDebuggerCommand(const QString &command, DebuggerLanguages languages) { if (!(languages & CppLanguage)) return; QTC_ASSERT(state() == InferiorStopOk, qDebug() << state()); if (state() == DebuggerNotReady) { showMessage(_("PDB PROCESS NOT RUNNING, PLAIN CMD IGNORED: ") + command); return; } QTC_ASSERT(m_proc.state() == QProcess::Running, notifyEngineIll()); postDirectCommand(command.toLatin1()); } void PdbEngine::postDirectCommand(const QByteArray &command) { QTC_ASSERT(m_proc.state() == QProcess::Running, notifyEngineIll()); showMessage(_(command), LogInput); m_proc.write(command + '\n'); } void PdbEngine::runCommand(const DebuggerCommand &cmd) { QTC_ASSERT(m_proc.state() == QProcess::Running, notifyEngineIll()); QByteArray command = "qdebug('" + cmd.function + "'," + cmd.argsToPython() + ")"; showMessage(_(command), LogInput); m_proc.write(command + '\n'); } void PdbEngine::shutdownInferior() { QTC_ASSERT(state() == InferiorShutdownRequested, qDebug() << state()); notifyInferiorShutdownOk(); } void PdbEngine::shutdownEngine() { QTC_ASSERT(state() == EngineShutdownRequested, qDebug() << state()); m_proc.kill(); } void PdbEngine::setupEngine() { QTC_ASSERT(state() == EngineSetupRequested, qDebug() << state()); m_interpreter = runParameters().interpreter; QString bridge = ICore::resourcePath() + QLatin1String("/debugger/pdbbridge.py"); connect(&m_proc, static_cast(&QProcess::error), this, &PdbEngine::handlePdbError); connect(&m_proc, static_cast(&QProcess::finished), this, &PdbEngine::handlePdbFinished); connect(&m_proc, &QProcess::readyReadStandardOutput, this, &PdbEngine::readPdbStandardOutput); connect(&m_proc, &QProcess::readyReadStandardError, this, &PdbEngine::readPdbStandardError); QFile scriptFile(runParameters().mainScript); if (!scriptFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly|QIODevice::Text)) { AsynchronousMessageBox::critical(tr("Python Error"), _("Cannot open script file %1:\n%2"). arg(scriptFile.fileName(), scriptFile.errorString())); notifyEngineSetupFailed(); } QStringList args = { bridge, scriptFile.fileName() }; args.append(Utils::QtcProcess::splitArgs(runParameters().inferior.workingDirectory)); showMessage(_("STARTING ") + m_interpreter + QLatin1Char(' ') + args.join(QLatin1Char(' '))); m_proc.setEnvironment(runParameters().debuggerEnvironment.toStringList()); m_proc.start(m_interpreter, args); if (!m_proc.waitForStarted()) { const QString msg = tr("Unable to start pdb \"%1\": %2") .arg(m_interpreter, m_proc.errorString()); notifyEngineSetupFailed(); showMessage(_("ADAPTER START FAILED")); if (!msg.isEmpty()) ICore::showWarningWithOptions(tr("Adapter start failed"), msg); notifyEngineSetupFailed(); return; } notifyEngineSetupOk(); } void PdbEngine::setupInferior() { QTC_ASSERT(state() == InferiorSetupRequested, qDebug() << state()); notifyInferiorSetupOk(); } void PdbEngine::runEngine() { QTC_ASSERT(state() == EngineRunRequested, qDebug() << state()); showStatusMessage(tr("Running requested..."), 5000); attemptBreakpointSynchronization(); notifyEngineRunAndInferiorStopOk(); updateAll(); } void PdbEngine::interruptInferior() { QString error; interruptProcess(m_proc.processId(), GdbEngineType, &error); } void PdbEngine::executeStep() { notifyInferiorRunRequested(); notifyInferiorRunOk(); postDirectCommand("step"); } void PdbEngine::executeStepI() { notifyInferiorRunRequested(); notifyInferiorRunOk(); postDirectCommand("step"); } void PdbEngine::executeStepOut() { notifyInferiorRunRequested(); notifyInferiorRunOk(); postDirectCommand("return"); } void PdbEngine::executeNext() { notifyInferiorRunRequested(); notifyInferiorRunOk(); postDirectCommand("next"); } void PdbEngine::executeNextI() { notifyInferiorRunRequested(); notifyInferiorRunOk(); postDirectCommand("next"); } void PdbEngine::continueInferior() { notifyInferiorRunRequested(); notifyInferiorRunOk(); // Callback will be triggered e.g. when breakpoint is hit. postDirectCommand("continue"); } void PdbEngine::executeRunToLine(const ContextData &data) { Q_UNUSED(data) QTC_CHECK("FIXME: PdbEngine::runToLineExec()" && false); } void PdbEngine::executeRunToFunction(const QString &functionName) { Q_UNUSED(functionName) QTC_CHECK("FIXME: PdbEngine::runToFunctionExec()" && false); } void PdbEngine::executeJumpToLine(const ContextData &data) { Q_UNUSED(data) QTC_CHECK("FIXME: PdbEngine::jumpToLineExec()" && false); } void PdbEngine::activateFrame(int frameIndex) { if (state() != InferiorStopOk && state() != InferiorUnrunnable) return; StackHandler *handler = stackHandler(); QTC_ASSERT(frameIndex < handler->stackSize(), return); handler->setCurrentIndex(frameIndex); gotoLocation(handler->currentFrame()); updateLocals(); } void PdbEngine::selectThread(ThreadId threadId) { Q_UNUSED(threadId) } bool PdbEngine::acceptsBreakpoint(Breakpoint bp) const { const QString fileName = bp.fileName(); return fileName.endsWith(QLatin1String(".py")); } void PdbEngine::insertBreakpoint(Breakpoint bp) { QTC_CHECK(bp.state() == BreakpointInsertRequested); bp.notifyBreakpointInsertProceeding(); QByteArray loc; if (bp.type() == BreakpointByFunction) loc = bp.functionName().toLatin1(); else loc = bp.fileName().toLocal8Bit() + ':' + QByteArray::number(bp.lineNumber()); postDirectCommand("break " + loc); } void PdbEngine::removeBreakpoint(Breakpoint bp) { QTC_CHECK(bp.state() == BreakpointRemoveRequested); bp.notifyBreakpointRemoveProceeding(); BreakpointResponse br = bp.response(); showMessage(_("DELETING BP %1 IN %2").arg(br.id.toString()).arg(bp.fileName())); postDirectCommand("clear " + br.id.toByteArray()); // Pretend it succeeds without waiting for response. bp.notifyBreakpointRemoveOk(); } void PdbEngine::loadSymbols(const QString &moduleName) { Q_UNUSED(moduleName) } void PdbEngine::loadAllSymbols() { } void PdbEngine::reloadModules() { runCommand({"listModules"}); } void PdbEngine::refreshModules(const GdbMi &modules) { ModulesHandler *handler = modulesHandler(); handler->beginUpdateAll(); foreach (const GdbMi &item, modules.children()) { Module module; module.moduleName = _(item["name"].data()); QString path = _(item["value"].data()); int pos = path.indexOf(_("' from '")); if (pos != -1) { path = path.mid(pos + 8); if (path.size() >= 2) path.chop(2); } else if (path.startsWith(_(""))) { path = _("(builtin)"); } module.modulePath = path; handler->updateModule(module); } handler->endUpdateAll(); } void PdbEngine::requestModuleSymbols(const QString &moduleName) { DebuggerCommand cmd("listSymbols"); cmd.arg("module", moduleName); runCommand(cmd); } void PdbEngine::refreshState(const GdbMi &reportedState) { QByteArray newState = reportedState.data(); if (newState == "stopped") { notifyInferiorSpontaneousStop(); updateAll(); } else if (newState == "inferiorexited") { notifyInferiorExited(); } } void PdbEngine::refreshLocation(const GdbMi &reportedLocation) { StackFrame frame; frame.file = reportedLocation["file"].toUtf8(); frame.line = reportedLocation["line"].toInt(); frame.usable = QFileInfo(frame.file).isReadable(); if (state() == InferiorRunOk) { showMessage(QString::fromLatin1("STOPPED AT: %1:%2").arg(frame.file).arg(frame.line)); gotoLocation(frame); notifyInferiorSpontaneousStop(); updateAll(); } } void PdbEngine::refreshSymbols(const GdbMi &symbols) { QString moduleName = symbols["module"].toUtf8(); Symbols syms; foreach (const GdbMi &item, symbols["symbols"].children()) { Symbol symbol; symbol.name = item["name"].toUtf8(); syms.append(symbol); } Internal::showModuleSymbols(moduleName, syms); } bool PdbEngine::canHandleToolTip(const DebuggerToolTipContext &) const { return state() == InferiorStopOk; } void PdbEngine::assignValueInDebugger(WatchItem *, const QString &expression, const QVariant &value) { //DebuggerCommand cmd("assignValue"); //cmd.arg("expression", expression); //cmd.arg("value", value.toString()); //runCommand(cmd); QByteArray exp = expression.toUtf8(); postDirectCommand("global " + exp + ';' + exp + "=" + value.toString().toUtf8()); updateLocals(); } void PdbEngine::updateItem(const QByteArray &iname) { Q_UNUSED(iname); updateAll(); } void PdbEngine::handlePdbError(QProcess::ProcessError error) { showMessage(_("HANDLE PDB ERROR")); switch (error) { case QProcess::Crashed: break; // will get a processExited() as well // impossible case QProcess::FailedToStart: case QProcess::ReadError: case QProcess::WriteError: case QProcess::Timedout: default: //setState(EngineShutdownRequested, true); m_proc.kill(); AsynchronousMessageBox::critical(tr("Pdb I/O Error"), errorMessage(error)); break; } } QString PdbEngine::errorMessage(QProcess::ProcessError error) const { switch (error) { case QProcess::FailedToStart: return tr("The Pdb process failed to start. Either the " "invoked program \"%1\" is missing, or you may have insufficient " "permissions to invoke the program.") .arg(m_interpreter); case QProcess::Crashed: return tr("The Pdb process crashed some time after starting " "successfully."); case QProcess::Timedout: return tr("The last waitFor...() function timed out. " "The state of QProcess is unchanged, and you can try calling " "waitFor...() again."); case QProcess::WriteError: return tr("An error occurred when attempting to write " "to the Pdb process. For example, the process may not be running, " "or it may have closed its input channel."); case QProcess::ReadError: return tr("An error occurred when attempting to read from " "the Pdb process. For example, the process may not be running."); default: return tr("An unknown error in the Pdb process occurred.") + QLatin1Char(' '); } } void PdbEngine::handlePdbFinished(int code, QProcess::ExitStatus type) { showMessage(_("PDB PROCESS FINISHED, status %1, code %2").arg(type).arg(code)); notifyEngineSpontaneousShutdown(); } void PdbEngine::readPdbStandardError() { QByteArray err = m_proc.readAllStandardError(); //qWarning() << "Unexpected pdb stderr:" << err; showMessage(_("Unexpected pdb stderr: " + err)); //handleOutput(err); } void PdbEngine::readPdbStandardOutput() { QByteArray out = m_proc.readAllStandardOutput(); handleOutput(out); } void PdbEngine::handleOutput(const QByteArray &data) { m_inbuffer.append(data); while (true) { int pos = m_inbuffer.indexOf('\n'); if (pos == -1) break; QByteArray response = m_inbuffer.left(pos).trimmed(); m_inbuffer = m_inbuffer.mid(pos + 1); handleOutput2(response); } } void PdbEngine::handleOutput2(const QByteArray &data) { foreach (QByteArray line, data.split('\n')) { GdbMi item; item.fromString(line); showMessage(_(line), LogOutput); if (line.startsWith("stack={")) { refreshStack(item); } else if (line.startsWith("data={")) { refreshLocals(item); } else if (line.startsWith("modules=[")) { refreshModules(item); } else if (line.startsWith("symbols={")) { refreshSymbols(item); } else if (line.startsWith("location={")) { refreshLocation(item); } else if (line.startsWith("state=")) { refreshState(item); } else if (line.startsWith("Breakpoint")) { int pos1 = line.indexOf(" at "); QTC_ASSERT(pos1 != -1, continue); QByteArray bpnr = line.mid(11, pos1 - 11); int pos2 = line.lastIndexOf(':'); QTC_ASSERT(pos2 != -1, continue); QByteArray fileName = line.mid(pos1 + 4, pos2 - pos1 - 4); QByteArray lineNumber = line.mid(pos2 + 1); BreakpointResponse br; br.id = BreakpointResponseId(bpnr); br.fileName = _(fileName); br.lineNumber = lineNumber.toInt(); Breakpoint bp = breakHandler()->findBreakpointByFileAndLine(br.fileName, br.lineNumber, false); if (bp.isValid()) { bp.setResponse(br); QTC_CHECK(!bp.needsChange()); bp.notifyBreakpointInsertOk(); } } } } void PdbEngine::refreshLocals(const GdbMi &vars) { WatchHandler *handler = watchHandler(); handler->resetValueCache(); foreach (const GdbMi &child, vars.children()) { WatchItem *item = new WatchItem; item->parse(child); handler->insertItem(item); } handler->notifyUpdateFinished(); DebuggerToolTipManager::updateEngine(this); } void PdbEngine::refreshStack(const GdbMi &stack) { StackHandler *handler = stackHandler(); StackFrames frames; foreach (const GdbMi &item, stack["frames"].children()) { StackFrame frame; frame.level = item["level"].data(); frame.file = item["file"].toUtf8(); frame.function = item["function"].toUtf8(); frame.module = item["function"].toUtf8(); frame.line = item["line"].toInt(); frame.address = item["address"].toAddress(); GdbMi usable = item["usable"]; if (usable.isValid()) frame.usable = usable.data().toInt(); else frame.usable = QFileInfo(frame.file).isReadable(); frames.append(frame); } bool canExpand = stack["hasmore"].toInt(); //action(ExpandStack)->setEnabled(canExpand); handler->setFrames(frames, canExpand); int index = stackHandler()->firstUsableIndex(); handler->setCurrentIndex(index); if (index >= 0 && index < handler->stackSize()) gotoLocation(handler->frameAt(index)); } void PdbEngine::updateAll() { runCommand({"stackListFrames"}); updateLocals(); } void PdbEngine::updateLocals() { DebuggerCommand cmd("updateData"); cmd.arg("nativeMixed", isNativeMixedActive()); watchHandler()->appendFormatRequests(&cmd); watchHandler()->appendWatchersAndTooltipRequests(&cmd); const static bool alwaysVerbose = !qgetenv("QTC_DEBUGGER_PYTHON_VERBOSE").isEmpty(); cmd.arg("passexceptions", alwaysVerbose); cmd.arg("fancy", boolSetting(UseDebuggingHelpers)); //cmd.arg("resultvarname", m_resultVarName); //m_lastDebuggableCommand = cmd; //m_lastDebuggableCommand.args.replace("\"passexceptions\":0", "\"passexceptions\":1"); cmd.arg("frame", stackHandler()->currentIndex()); watchHandler()->notifyUpdateStarted(); runCommand(cmd); } bool PdbEngine::hasCapability(unsigned cap) const { return cap & (ReloadModuleCapability | BreakConditionCapability | ShowModuleSymbolsCapability); } DebuggerEngine *createPdbEngine(const DebuggerRunParameters &startParameters) { return new PdbEngine(startParameters); } } // namespace Internal } // namespace Debugger