GdbOptionsPage 0 0 480 371 Gdb interaction 6 6 9 This is either a full absolute path leading to the gdb binary you intend to use or the name of a gdb binary that will be searched in your PATH. Gdb location: Environment: environmentEdit This is either empty or points to a file containing gdb commands that will be executed immediately after gdb starts up. Gdb startup script: When this option is checked, the debugger plugin attempts to extract full path information for all source files from gdb. This is a slow process but enables setting breakpoints in files with the same file name in different directories. Use full path information to set breakpoints Gdb timeout: This is the number of seconds Qt Creator will wait before it terminates non-responsive gdb process. The default value of 20 seconds should be sufficient for most applications, but there are situations when loading big libraries or listing source files takes much longer than that on slow machines. In this case, the value should be increased. Qt::LeftToRight 20 1000000 20 20 Behaviour of breakpoint setting in plugins This is the slowest but safest option. Try to set breakpoints in plugins always automatically. Try to set breakpoints in selected plugins Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Preferred 10 10 Matching regular expression: Never set breakpoints in plugins automatically Qt::Vertical QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding 10 1 Utils::PathChooser QWidget