// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 #include "gdbengine.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace Core; using namespace ProjectExplorer; using namespace Utils; namespace Debugger::Internal { enum { debugPending = 0 }; #define PENDING_DEBUG(s) do { if (debugPending) qDebug() << s; } while (0) #define CB(callback) [this](const DebuggerResponse &r) { callback(r); } #define CHECK_STATE(s) do { checkState(s, __FILE__, __LINE__); } while (0) static int ¤tToken() { static int token = 0; return token; } static bool isMostlyHarmlessMessage(const QStringView msg) { return msg == u"warning: GDB: Failed to set controlling terminal: " "Inappropriate ioctl for device\\n" || msg == u"warning: GDB: Failed to set controlling terminal: " "Invalid argument\\n"; } static QMessageBox *showMessageBox(QMessageBox::Icon icon, const QString &title, const QString &text, QMessageBox::StandardButtons buttons) { auto mb = new QMessageBox(icon, title, text, buttons, ICore::dialogParent()); mb->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); mb->setTextInteractionFlags(Qt::TextSelectableByMouse); mb->show(); return mb; } enum class TracepointCaptureType { Address, Caller, Callstack, FilePos, Function, Pid, ProcessName, Tick, Tid, ThreadName, Expression }; struct TracepointCaptureData { TracepointCaptureType type; QVariant expression; int start; int end; }; const char tracepointCapturePropertyName[] = "GDB.TracepointCapture"; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // GdbEngine // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// GdbEngine::GdbEngine() { m_gdbProc.setProcessMode(ProcessMode::Writer); setObjectName("GdbEngine"); setDebuggerName("GDB"); m_gdbOutputCodec = QTextCodec::codecForLocale(); m_inferiorOutputCodec = QTextCodec::codecForLocale(); m_commandTimer.setSingleShot(true); connect(&m_commandTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &GdbEngine::commandTimeout); DebuggerSettings &s = *debuggerSettings(); connect(&s.autoDerefPointers, &BaseAspect::changed, this, &GdbEngine::reloadLocals); connect(s.createFullBacktrace.action(), &QAction::triggered, this, &GdbEngine::createFullBacktrace); connect(&s.useDebuggingHelpers, &BaseAspect::changed, this, &GdbEngine::reloadLocals); connect(&s.useDynamicType, &BaseAspect::changed, this, &GdbEngine::reloadLocals); connect(&m_gdbProc, &QtcProcess::started, this, &GdbEngine::handleGdbStarted); connect(&m_gdbProc, &QtcProcess::done, this, &GdbEngine::handleGdbDone); connect(&m_gdbProc, &QtcProcess::readyReadStandardOutput, this, &GdbEngine::readGdbStandardOutput); connect(&m_gdbProc, &QtcProcess::readyReadStandardError, this, &GdbEngine::readGdbStandardError); // Output connect(&m_outputCollector, &OutputCollector::byteDelivery, this, &GdbEngine::readDebuggeeOutput); } GdbEngine::~GdbEngine() { // Prevent sending error messages afterwards. disconnect(); } QString GdbEngine::failedToStartMessage() { return Tr::tr("The gdb process failed to start."); } // Parse "~:gdb: unknown target exception 0xc0000139 at 0x77bef04e\n" // and return an exception message static QString msgWinException(const QString &data, unsigned *exCodeIn = nullptr) { if (exCodeIn) *exCodeIn = 0; const int exCodePos = data.indexOf("0x"); const int blankPos = exCodePos != -1 ? data.indexOf(' ', exCodePos + 1) : -1; const int addressPos = blankPos != -1 ? data.indexOf("0x", blankPos + 1) : -1; if (addressPos < 0) return Tr::tr("An exception was triggered."); const unsigned exCode = data.mid(exCodePos, blankPos - exCodePos).toUInt(nullptr, 0); if (exCodeIn) *exCodeIn = exCode; const quint64 address = data.mid(addressPos).trimmed().toULongLong(nullptr, 0); QString rc; QTextStream str(&rc); str << Tr::tr("An exception was triggered:") << ' '; formatWindowsException(exCode, address, 0, 0, 0, str); str << '.'; return rc; } static bool isNameChar(int c) { // could be 'stopped' or 'shlibs-added' return (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || c == '-'; } static bool contains(const QString &message, const QString &pattern, int size) { const int s = message.size(); if (s < size) return false; const int pos = message.indexOf(pattern); if (pos == -1) return false; const bool beginFits = pos == 0 || message.at(pos - 1) == '\n'; const bool endFits = pos + size == s || message.at(pos + size) == '\n'; return beginFits && endFits; } static bool isGdbConnectionError(const QString &message) { // Handle messages gdb client produces when the target exits (gdbserver) // // we get this as response either to a specific command, e.g. // 31^error,msg="Remote connection closed" // or as informative output: // &Remote connection closed const char msg1[] = "Remote connection closed"; const char msg2[] = "Remote communication error. Target disconnected.: No error."; const char msg3[] = "Quit"; return contains(message, msg1, sizeof(msg1) - 1) || contains(message, msg2, sizeof(msg2) - 1) || contains(message, msg3, sizeof(msg3) - 1); } void GdbEngine::handleResponse(const QString &buff) { showMessage(buff, LogOutput); if (buff.isEmpty() || buff == "(gdb) ") return; DebuggerOutputParser parser(buff); const int token = parser.readInt(); // Next char decides kind of response. switch (parser.readChar().unicode()) { case '*': case '+': case '=': { const QString asyncClass = parser.readString(isNameChar); GdbMi result; while (!parser.isAtEnd()) { GdbMi data; if (!parser.isCurrent(',')) { // happens on archer where we get // 23^running *running,thread-id="all" (gdb) result.m_type = GdbMi::Tuple; break; } parser.advance(); // skip ',' data.parseResultOrValue(parser); if (data.isValid()) { //qDebug() << "parsed result:" << data.toString(); result.addChild(data); result.m_type = GdbMi::Tuple; } } handleAsyncOutput(asyncClass, result); break; } case '~': { QString data = parser.readCString(); if (data.startsWith("bridgemessage={")) { // It's already logged. break; } if (data.startsWith("interpreterresult={")) { GdbMi allData; allData.fromStringMultiple(data); DebuggerResponse response; response.resultClass = ResultDone; response.data = allData["interpreterresult"]; response.token = allData["token"].toInt(); handleResultRecord(&response); break; } if (data.startsWith("interpreterasync={")) { GdbMi allData; allData.fromStringMultiple(data); QString asyncClass = allData["asyncclass"].data(); if (asyncClass == "breakpointmodified") handleInterpreterBreakpointModified(allData["interpreterasync"]); break; } if (data.startsWith("tracepointhit={")) { GdbMi allData; allData.fromStringMultiple(data); handleTracepointHit(allData["tracepointhit"]); break; } if (data.startsWith("tracepointmodified=")) { GdbMi allData; allData.fromStringMultiple(data); handleTracepointModified(allData["tracepointmodified"]); break; } m_pendingConsoleStreamOutput += data; // Fragile, but it's all we have. if (data.contains("\nNo more reverse-execution history.\n")) handleBeginOfRecordingReached(); // Show some messages to give the impression something happens. if (data.startsWith("Reading symbols from ")) { showStatusMessage(Tr::tr("Reading %1...").arg(data.mid(21)), 1000); progressPing(); } else if (data.startsWith("[New ") || data.startsWith("[Thread ")) { if (data.endsWith('\n')) data.chop(1); progressPing(); showStatusMessage(data, 1000); } else if (data.startsWith("gdb: unknown target exception 0x")) { // [Windows, most likely some DLL/Entry point not found]: // "gdb: unknown target exception 0xc0000139 at 0x77bef04e" // This may be fatal and cause the target to exit later unsigned exCode; m_lastWinException = msgWinException(data, &exCode); showMessage(m_lastWinException, LogMisc); const Task::TaskType type = isFatalWinException(exCode) ? Task::Error : Task::Warning; TaskHub::addTask(Task(type, m_lastWinException, {}, -1, Constants::TASK_CATEGORY_DEBUGGER_RUNTIME)); } break; } case '@': { QString data = parser.readCString(); QString msg = data.left(data.size() - 1); showMessage(msg, AppOutput); break; } case '&': { QString data = parser.readCString(); // On Windows, the contents seem to depend on the debugger // version and/or OS version used. if (data.startsWith("warning:")) { showMessage(data.mid(9), AppStuff); // Cut "warning: " if (data.contains("is not compatible with target architecture")) m_ignoreNextTrap = true; } m_pendingLogStreamOutput += data; if (isGdbConnectionError(data)) { notifyInferiorExited(); break; } break; } case '^': { DebuggerResponse response; response.token = token; QString resultClass = parser.readString(isNameChar); if (resultClass == "done") response.resultClass = ResultDone; else if (resultClass == "running") response.resultClass = ResultRunning; else if (resultClass == "connected") response.resultClass = ResultConnected; else if (resultClass == "error") response.resultClass = ResultError; else if (resultClass == "exit") response.resultClass = ResultExit; else response.resultClass = ResultUnknown; if (!parser.isAtEnd()) { if (parser.isCurrent(',')) { parser.advance(); response.data.parseTuple_helper(parser); response.data.m_type = GdbMi::Tuple; response.data.m_name = "data"; } else { // Archer has this. response.data.m_type = GdbMi::Tuple; response.data.m_name = "data"; } } response.logStreamOutput = m_pendingLogStreamOutput; response.consoleStreamOutput = m_pendingConsoleStreamOutput; m_pendingLogStreamOutput.clear(); m_pendingConsoleStreamOutput.clear(); if (response.data.data().isEmpty()) response.data.fromString(response.consoleStreamOutput); handleResultRecord(&response); break; } default: { qDebug() << "UNKNOWN RESPONSE TYPE '" << parser.current() << "'. BUFFER: " << parser.buffer(); break; } } } void GdbEngine::handleAsyncOutput(const QString &asyncClass, const GdbMi &result) { if (asyncClass == "stopped") { if (m_inUpdateLocals) { showMessage("UNEXPECTED *stopped NOTIFICATION IGNORED", LogWarning); } else { handleStopResponse(result); m_pendingLogStreamOutput.clear(); m_pendingConsoleStreamOutput.clear(); } } else if (asyncClass == "running") { if (m_inUpdateLocals) { showMessage("UNEXPECTED *running NOTIFICATION IGNORED", LogWarning); } else { GdbMi threads = result["thread-id"]; threadsHandler()->notifyRunning(threads.data()); if (runParameters().toolChainAbi.os() == Abi::WindowsOS) { // NOTE: Each created thread spits out a *running message. We completely ignore them // on Windows, and handle only numbered responses // FIXME: Breakpoints on Windows are exceptions which are thrown in newly // created threads so we have to filter out the running threads messages when // we request a stop. } else if (state() == InferiorRunOk || state() == EngineSetupRequested) { // We get multiple *running after thread creation and in Windows terminals. showMessage(QString("NOTE: INFERIOR STILL RUNNING IN STATE %1."). arg(DebuggerEngine::stateName(state()))); } else { notifyInferiorRunOk(); } } } else if (asyncClass == "library-loaded") { // Archer has 'id="/usr/lib/libdrm.so.2", // target-name="/usr/lib/libdrm.so.2", // host-name="/usr/lib/libdrm.so.2", // symbols-loaded="0" // id="/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.6" // target-name="/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.6" // host-name="/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.6" // symbols-loaded="0",thread-group="i1" QString id = result["id"].data(); if (!id.isEmpty()) showStatusMessage(Tr::tr("Library %1 loaded.").arg(id), 1000); progressPing(); Module module; module.startAddress = 0; module.endAddress = 0; module.hostPath = result["host-name"].data(); module.modulePath = result["target-name"].data(); module.moduleName = QFileInfo(module.hostPath).baseName(); modulesHandler()->updateModule(module); } else if (asyncClass == "library-unloaded") { // Archer has 'id="/usr/lib/libdrm.so.2", // target-name="/usr/lib/libdrm.so.2", // host-name="/usr/lib/libdrm.so.2" QString id = result["id"].data(); modulesHandler()->removeModule(result["target-name"].data()); progressPing(); showStatusMessage(Tr::tr("Library %1 unloaded.").arg(id), 1000); } else if (asyncClass == "thread-group-added") { // 7.1-symbianelf has "{id="i1"}" } else if (asyncClass == "thread-group-started") { // Archer had only "{id="28902"}" at some point of 6.8.x. // *-started seems to be standard in 7.1, but in early // 7.0.x, there was a *-created instead. progressPing(); // 7.1.50 has thread-group-started,id="i1",pid="3529" QString id = result["id"].data(); showStatusMessage(Tr::tr("Thread group %1 created.").arg(id), 1000); notifyInferiorPid(result["pid"].toProcessHandle()); handleThreadGroupCreated(result); } else if (asyncClass == "thread-created") { //"{id="1",group-id="28902"}" QString id = result["id"].data(); showStatusMessage(Tr::tr("Thread %1 created.").arg(id), 1000); ThreadData thread; thread.id = id; thread.groupId = result["group-id"].data(); threadsHandler()->updateThread(thread); } else if (asyncClass == "thread-group-exited") { // Archer has "{id="28902"}" QString id = result["id"].data(); showStatusMessage(Tr::tr("Thread group %1 exited.").arg(id), 1000); handleThreadGroupExited(result); } else if (asyncClass == "thread-exited") { //"{id="1",group-id="28902"}" QString id = result["id"].data(); QString groupid = result["group-id"].data(); showStatusMessage(Tr::tr("Thread %1 in group %2 exited.") .arg(id).arg(groupid), 1000); threadsHandler()->removeThread(id); } else if (asyncClass == "thread-selected") { QString id = result["id"].data(); showStatusMessage(Tr::tr("Thread %1 selected.").arg(id), 1000); //"{id="2"}" } else if (asyncClass == "breakpoint-modified") { // New in FSF gdb since 2011-04-27. // "{bkpt={number="3",type="breakpoint",disp="keep", // enabled="y",addr="",times="1", // original-location="\\",simple_gdbtest_app.cpp\\":135"}, // {number="3.1",enabled="y",addr="0x0805ff68", // func="Vector::Vector(int)", // file="simple_gdbtest_app.cpp", // fullname="/data/...line="135"},{number="3.2"...}}.." // Note the leading comma in original-location. Filter it out. // We don't need the field anyway. QString ba = result.toString(); ba = '[' + ba.mid(6, ba.size() - 7) + ']'; const int pos1 = ba.indexOf(",original-location"); const int pos2 = ba.indexOf("\":", pos1 + 2); const int pos3 = ba.indexOf('"', pos2 + 2); ba.remove(pos1, pos3 - pos1 + 1); GdbMi res; res.fromString(ba); BreakHandler *handler = breakHandler(); Breakpoint bp; for (const GdbMi &bkpt : res) { const QString nr = bkpt["number"].data(); if (nr.contains('.')) { // A sub-breakpoint. QTC_ASSERT(bp, continue); SubBreakpoint loc = bp->findOrCreateSubBreakpoint(nr); loc->params.updateFromGdbOutput(bkpt); loc->params.type = bp->type(); } else { // A primary breakpoint. bp = handler->findBreakpointByResponseId(nr); if (bp) bp->updateFromGdbOutput(bkpt); } } if (bp) bp->adjustMarker(); } else if (asyncClass == "breakpoint-created") { // "{bkpt={number="1",type="breakpoint",disp="del",enabled="y", // addr="",pending="main",times="0", // original-location="main"}}" -- or -- // {bkpt={number="2",type="hw watchpoint",disp="keep",enabled="y", // what="*0xbfffed48",times="0",original-location="*0xbfffed48"}} BreakHandler *handler = breakHandler(); for (const GdbMi &bkpt : result) { const QString nr = bkpt["number"].data(); BreakpointParameters br; br.type = BreakpointByFileAndLine; br.updateFromGdbOutput(bkpt); handler->handleAlienBreakpoint(nr, br); } } else if (asyncClass == "breakpoint-deleted") { // "breakpoint-deleted" "{id="1"}" // New in FSF gdb since 2011-04-27. const QString nr = result["id"].data(); // This also triggers when a temporary breakpoint is hit. // We do not really want that, as this loses all information. // FIXME: Use a special marker for this case? // if (!bp.isOneShot()) ... is not sufficient. // It keeps temporary "Jump" breakpoints alive. breakHandler()->removeAlienBreakpoint(nr); } else if (asyncClass == "cmd-param-changed") { // New since 2012-08-09 // "{param="debug remote",value="1"}" } else if (asyncClass == "memory-changed") { // New since 2013 // "{thread-group="i1",addr="0x0918a7a8",len="0x10"}" } else if (asyncClass == "tsv-created") { // New since 2013-02-06 } else if (asyncClass == "tsv-modified") { // New since 2013-02-06 } else { qDebug() << "IGNORED ASYNC OUTPUT" << asyncClass << result.toString(); } } void GdbEngine::readGdbStandardError() { QString err = QString::fromUtf8(m_gdbProc.readAllStandardError()); showMessage("UNEXPECTED GDB STDERR: " + err); if (err == "Undefined command: \"bb\". Try \"help\".\n") return; if (err.startsWith("BFD: reopening")) return; qWarning() << "Unexpected GDB stderr:" << err; } void GdbEngine::readDebuggeeOutput(const QByteArray &ba) { const QString msg = m_inferiorOutputCodec->toUnicode(ba.constData(), ba.size(), &m_inferiorOutputCodecState); if (msg.startsWith("&\"") && isMostlyHarmlessMessage(QStringView{msg}.mid(2, msg.size() - 4))) showMessage("Mostly harmless terminal warning suppressed.", LogWarning); else showMessage(msg, AppStuff); } void GdbEngine::readGdbStandardOutput() { m_commandTimer.start(); // Restart timer. int newstart = 0; int scan = m_inbuffer.size(); QByteArray out = m_gdbProc.readAllStandardOutput(); m_inbuffer.append(out); // This can trigger when a dialog starts a nested event loop. if (m_busy) return; while (newstart < m_inbuffer.size()) { int start = newstart; int end = m_inbuffer.indexOf('\n', scan); if (end < 0) { m_inbuffer.remove(0, start); return; } newstart = end + 1; scan = newstart; if (end == start) continue; if (m_inbuffer.at(end - 1) == '\r') { --end; if (end == start) continue; } m_busy = true; QString msg = m_gdbOutputCodec->toUnicode(m_inbuffer.constData() + start, end - start, &m_gdbOutputCodecState); handleResponse(msg); m_busy = false; } m_inbuffer.clear(); } void GdbEngine::interruptInferior() { // A core never runs, so this cannot be called. QTC_ASSERT(!isCoreEngine(), return); CHECK_STATE(InferiorStopRequested); if (usesExecInterrupt()) { runCommand({"-exec-interrupt"}); } else { showStatusMessage(Tr::tr("Stop requested..."), 5000); showMessage("TRYING TO INTERRUPT INFERIOR"); if (HostOsInfo::isWindowsHost() && !m_isQnxGdb) { IDevice::ConstPtr dev = device(); QTC_ASSERT(dev, notifyInferiorStopFailed(); return); DeviceProcessSignalOperation::Ptr signalOperation = dev->signalOperation(); QTC_ASSERT(signalOperation, notifyInferiorStopFailed(); return); connect(signalOperation.data(), &DeviceProcessSignalOperation::finished, this, [this, signalOperation](const QString &error) { if (error.isEmpty()) { showMessage("Interrupted " + QString::number(inferiorPid())); notifyInferiorStopOk(); } else { showMessage(error, LogError); notifyInferiorStopFailed(); } }); signalOperation->setDebuggerCommand(runParameters().debugger.command.executable()); signalOperation->interruptProcess(inferiorPid()); } else { interruptInferior2(); } } } void GdbEngine::runCommand(const DebuggerCommand &command) { const int token = ++currentToken(); DebuggerCommand cmd = command; if (cmd.function.isEmpty()) { showMessage(QString("EMPTY FUNCTION RUN, TOKEN: %1 ARGS: %2") .arg(token).arg(cmd.args.toString())); QTC_ASSERT(false, return); } if (!m_gdbProc.isRunning()) { showMessage(QString("NO GDB PROCESS RUNNING, CMD IGNORED: %1 %2") .arg(cmd.function).arg(state())); if (cmd.callback) { DebuggerResponse response; response.resultClass = ResultError; cmd.callback(response); } return; } if (cmd.flags & (NeedsTemporaryStop|NeedsFullStop)) { showMessage("RUNNING NEEDS-STOP COMMAND " + cmd.function); const bool wantContinue = bool(cmd.flags & NeedsTemporaryStop); cmd.flags &= ~(NeedsTemporaryStop|NeedsFullStop); if (state() == InferiorStopRequested) { if (cmd.flags & LosesChild) { notifyInferiorIll(); return; } showMessage("CHILD ALREADY BEING INTERRUPTED. STILL HOPING."); // Calling shutdown() here breaks all situations where two // NeedsStop commands are issued in quick succession. m_onStop.append(cmd, wantContinue); return; } if (state() == InferiorRunOk) { showStatusMessage(Tr::tr("Stopping temporarily."), 1000); m_onStop.append(cmd, wantContinue); setState(InferiorStopRequested); interruptInferior(); return; } if (state() != InferiorStopOk) showMessage("UNSAFE STATE FOR QUEUED COMMAND. EXECUTING IMMEDIATELY"); } if (!(cmd.flags & Discardable)) ++m_nonDiscardableCount; bool isPythonCommand = true; if ((cmd.flags & NativeCommand) || cmd.function.contains('-') || cmd.function.contains(' ')) isPythonCommand = false; if (isPythonCommand) { cmd.arg("token", token); cmd.function = "python theDumper." + cmd.function + "(" + cmd.argsToPython() + ")"; } QTC_ASSERT(m_gdbProc.isRunning(), return); cmd.postTime = QTime::currentTime().msecsSinceStartOfDay(); m_commandForToken[token] = cmd; m_flagsForToken[token] = cmd.flags; if (cmd.flags & ConsoleCommand) cmd.function = "-interpreter-exec console \"" + cmd.function + '"'; cmd.function = QString::number(token) + cmd.function; showMessage(cmd.function, LogInput); if (m_scheduledTestResponses.contains(token)) { // Fake response for test cases. QString buffer = m_scheduledTestResponses.value(token); buffer.replace("@TOKEN@", QString::number(token)); m_scheduledTestResponses.remove(token); showMessage(QString("FAKING TEST RESPONSE (TOKEN: %2, RESPONSE: %3)") .arg(token).arg(buffer)); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, [this, buffer] { handleResponse(buffer); }); } else { m_gdbProc.write(cmd.function + "\r\n"); if (command.flags & NeedsFlush) { // We don't need the response or result here, just want to flush // anything that's still on the gdb side. m_gdbProc.write({"p 0\n"}); } // Start Watchdog. if (m_commandTimer.interval() <= 20000) m_commandTimer.setInterval(commandTimeoutTime()); // The process can die for external reason between the "-gdb-exit" was // sent and a response could be retrieved. We don't want the watchdog // to bark in that case since the only possible outcome is a dead // process anyway. if (!cmd.function.endsWith("-gdb-exit")) m_commandTimer.start(); //if (cmd.flags & LosesChild) // notifyInferiorIll(); } } int GdbEngine::commandTimeoutTime() const { const int time = debuggerSettings()->gdbWatchdogTimeout.value(); return 1000 * qMax(20, time); } void GdbEngine::commandTimeout() { const QList keys = Utils::sorted(m_commandForToken.keys()); bool killIt = false; for (int key : keys) { const DebuggerCommand &cmd = m_commandForToken.value(key); killIt = true; showMessage(QString::number(key) + ": " + cmd.function); } QStringList commands; for (const DebuggerCommand &cmd : std::as_const(m_commandForToken)) commands << QString("\"%1\"").arg(cmd.function); if (killIt) { showMessage(QString("TIMED OUT WAITING FOR GDB REPLY. " "COMMANDS STILL IN PROGRESS: ") + commands.join(", ")); int timeOut = m_commandTimer.interval(); //m_commandTimer.stop(); const QString msg = Tr::tr("The gdb process has not responded " "to a command within %n seconds. This could mean it is stuck " "in an endless loop or taking longer than expected to perform " "the operation.\nYou can choose between waiting " "longer or aborting debugging.", nullptr, timeOut / 1000); QMessageBox *mb = showMessageBox(QMessageBox::Critical, Tr::tr("GDB Not Responding"), msg, QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel); mb->button(QMessageBox::Cancel)->setText(Tr::tr("Give GDB More Time")); mb->button(QMessageBox::Ok)->setText(Tr::tr("Stop Debugging")); if (mb->exec() == QMessageBox::Ok) { showMessage("KILLING DEBUGGER AS REQUESTED BY USER"); // This is an undefined state, so we just pull the emergency brake. m_gdbProc.kill(); notifyEngineShutdownFinished(); } else { showMessage("CONTINUE DEBUGGER AS REQUESTED BY USER"); } } else { showMessage(QString("\nNON-CRITICAL TIMEOUT\nCOMMANDS STILL IN PROGRESS: ") + commands.join(", ")); } } void GdbEngine::handleResultRecord(DebuggerResponse *response) { //qDebug() << "TOKEN:" << response->token // << " ACCEPTABLE:" << m_oldestAcceptableToken; //qDebug() << "\nRESULT" << response->token << response->toString(); int token = response->token; if (token <= 0) return; if (!m_commandForToken.contains(token)) { // In theory this should not happen (rather the error should be // reported in the "first" response to the command) in practice it // does. We try to handle a few situations we are aware of gracefully. // Ideally, this code should not be present at all. showMessage(QString("COOKIE FOR TOKEN %1 ALREADY EATEN (%2). " "TWO RESPONSES FOR ONE COMMAND?").arg(token). arg(stateName(state()))); if (response->resultClass == ResultError) { QString msg = response->data["msg"].data(); if (msg == "Cannot find new threads: generic error") { // Handle a case known to occur on Linux/gdb 6.8 when debugging moc // with helpers enabled. In this case we get a second response with // msg="Cannot find new threads: generic error" showMessage("APPLYING WORKAROUND #1"); AsynchronousMessageBox::critical(Tr::tr("Executable Failed"), msg); showStatusMessage(Tr::tr("Process failed to start.")); //shutdown(); notifyInferiorIll(); } else if (msg == "\"finish\" not meaningful in the outermost frame.") { // Handle a case known to appear on GDB 6.4 symbianelf when // the stack is cut due to access to protected memory. //showMessage("APPLYING WORKAROUND #2"); notifyInferiorStopOk(); } else if (msg.startsWith("Cannot find bounds of current function")) { // Happens when running "-exec-next" in a function for which // there is no debug information. Divert to "-exec-next-step" showMessage("APPLYING WORKAROUND #3"); notifyInferiorStopOk(); executeStepOver(true); } else if (msg.startsWith("Couldn't get registers: No such process.")) { // Happens on archer-tromey-python // There might to be a race between a process shutting down // and library load messages. showMessage("APPLYING WORKAROUND #4"); notifyInferiorStopOk(); //notifyInferiorIll(); //showStatusMessage(Tr::tr("Executable failed: %1").arg(msg)); //shutdown(); //AsynchronousMessageBox::critical(Tr::tr("Executable Failed"), msg); } else if (msg.contains("Cannot insert breakpoint")) { // For breakpoints set by address to non-existent addresses we // might get something like "6^error,msg="Warning:\nCannot insert // breakpoint 3.\nError accessing memory address 0x34592327: // Input/output error.\nCannot insert breakpoint 4.\nError // accessing memory address 0x34592335: Input/output error.\n". // This should not stop us from proceeding. // Most notably, that happens after a "6^running" and "*running" // We are probably sitting at _start and can't proceed as // long as the breakpoints are enabled. // FIXME: Should we silently disable the offending breakpoints? showMessage("APPLYING WORKAROUND #5"); AsynchronousMessageBox::critical(Tr::tr("Setting Breakpoints Failed"), msg); QTC_CHECK(state() == InferiorRunOk); notifyInferiorSpontaneousStop(); notifyEngineIll(); } else if (msg.startsWith("Process record: failed to record execution log.")) { // Reverse execution recording failed. Full message is something like // ~"Process record does not support instruction 0xfae64 at address 0x7ffff7dec6f8.\n" notifyInferiorSpontaneousStop(); handleRecordingFailed(); } else if (msg.startsWith("Target multi-thread does not support this command.")) { notifyInferiorSpontaneousStop(); handleRecordingFailed(); } else if (isGdbConnectionError(msg)) { notifyInferiorExited(); } else { // Windows: Some DLL or some function not found. Report // the exception now in a box. if (msg.startsWith("During startup program exited with")) notifyInferiorExited(); else if (msg.contains("Command aborted.")) notifyInferiorSpontaneousStop(); QString logMsg; if (!m_lastWinException.isEmpty()) logMsg = m_lastWinException + '\n'; logMsg += msg; AsynchronousMessageBox::critical(Tr::tr("Executable Failed"), logMsg); showStatusMessage(Tr::tr("Executable failed: %1").arg(logMsg)); } } return; } DebuggerCommand cmd = m_commandForToken.take(token); const int flags = m_flagsForToken.take(token); if (debuggerSettings()->logTimeStamps.value()) { showMessage(QString("Response time: %1: %2 s") .arg(cmd.function) .arg(QTime::fromMSecsSinceStartOfDay(cmd.postTime).msecsTo(QTime::currentTime()) / 1000.), LogTime); } if (response->token < m_oldestAcceptableToken && (flags & Discardable)) { //showMessage(_("### SKIPPING OLD RESULT") + response.toString()); return; } bool isExpectedResult = (response->resultClass == ResultError) // Can always happen. || (response->resultClass == ResultRunning && (flags & RunRequest)) || (response->resultClass == ResultExit && (flags & ExitRequest)) || (response->resultClass == ResultDone); // ResultDone can almost "always" happen. Known examples are: // (response->resultClass == ResultDone && cmd.function == "continue") // Happens with some incarnations of gdb 6.8 for "jump to line" // (response->resultClass == ResultDone && cmd.function.startsWith("jump")) // (response->resultClass == ResultDone && cmd.function.startsWith("detach")) // Happens when stepping finishes very quickly and issues *stopped and ^done // instead of ^running and *stopped // (response->resultClass == ResultDone && (cmd.flags & RunRequest)); if (!isExpectedResult) { const DebuggerRunParameters &rp = runParameters(); Abi abi = rp.toolChainAbi; if (abi.os() == Abi::WindowsOS && cmd.function.startsWith("attach") && (rp.startMode == AttachToLocalProcess || terminal())) { // Ignore spurious 'running' responses to 'attach'. } else { QString rsp = DebuggerResponse::stringFromResultClass(response->resultClass); rsp = "UNEXPECTED RESPONSE '" + rsp + "' TO COMMAND '" + cmd.function + "'"; qWarning("%s", qPrintable(rsp)); showMessage(rsp); } } if (!(flags & Discardable)) --m_nonDiscardableCount; m_inUpdateLocals = (flags & InUpdateLocals); if (cmd.callback) cmd.callback(*response); PENDING_DEBUG("MISSING TOKENS: " << m_commandForToken.keys()); if (m_commandForToken.isEmpty()) m_commandTimer.stop(); } bool GdbEngine::acceptsDebuggerCommands() const { return true; // return state() == InferiorStopOk // || state() == InferiorUnrunnable; } void GdbEngine::executeDebuggerCommand(const QString &command) { QTC_CHECK(acceptsDebuggerCommands()); runCommand({command, NativeCommand}); } // This is triggered when switching snapshots. void GdbEngine::updateAll() { //PENDING_DEBUG("UPDATING ALL\n"); QTC_CHECK(state() == InferiorUnrunnable || state() == InferiorStopOk); DebuggerCommand cmd(stackCommand(debuggerSettings()->maximalStackDepth.value())); cmd.callback = [this](const DebuggerResponse &r) { handleStackListFrames(r, false); }; runCommand(cmd); stackHandler()->setCurrentIndex(0); runCommand({"-thread-info", CB(handleThreadInfo)}); reloadRegisters(); reloadPeripheralRegisters(); updateLocals(); } void GdbEngine::handleQuerySources(const DebuggerResponse &response) { m_sourcesListUpdating = false; if (response.resultClass == ResultDone) { QMap oldShortToFull = m_shortToFullName; m_shortToFullName.clear(); m_fullToShortName.clear(); // "^done,files=[{file="../../../../bin/dumper/dumper.cpp", // fullname="/data5/dev/ide/main/bin/dumper/dumper.cpp"}, for (const GdbMi &item : response.data["files"]) { GdbMi fileName = item["file"]; if (fileName.data().endsWith("")) continue; GdbMi fullName = item["fullname"]; QString file = fileName.data(); QString full; if (fullName.isValid()) { full = cleanupFullName(fullName.data()); m_fullToShortName[full] = file; } m_shortToFullName[file] = full; } if (m_shortToFullName != oldShortToFull) sourceFilesHandler()->setSourceFiles(m_shortToFullName); } } void GdbEngine::handleExecuteJumpToLine(const DebuggerResponse &response) { if (response.resultClass == ResultRunning) { // All is fine. Waiting for a *running // and the temporary breakpoint to be hit. notifyInferiorRunOk(); // Only needed for gdb < 7.0. } else if (response.resultClass == ResultError) { // Could be "Unreasonable jump request" or similar. QString out = Tr::tr("Cannot jump. Stopped."); QString msg = response.data["msg"].data(); if (!msg.isEmpty()) out += ". " + msg; showStatusMessage(out); notifyInferiorRunFailed(); } else if (response.resultClass == ResultDone) { // This happens on old gdb. Trigger the effect of a '*stopped'. showStatusMessage(Tr::tr("Jumped. Stopped.")); notifyInferiorSpontaneousStop(); handleStop2(response.data); } } void GdbEngine::handleExecuteRunToLine(const DebuggerResponse &response) { if (response.resultClass == ResultRunning) { // All is fine. Waiting for a *running // and the temporary breakpoint to be hit. } else if (response.resultClass == ResultDone) { // This happens on old gdb (Mac). gdb is not stopped yet, // but merely accepted the continue. // >&"continue\n" // >~"Continuing.\n" //>~"testArray () at ../simple/app.cpp:241\n" //>~"241\t s[1] = \"b\";\n" //>122^done showStatusMessage(Tr::tr("Target line hit, and therefore stopped.")); notifyInferiorRunOk(); } } static bool isExitedReason(const QString &reason) { return reason == "exited-normally" // inferior exited normally || reason == "exited-signalled" // inferior exited because of a signal //|| reason == "signal-received" // inferior received signal || reason == "exited"; // inferior exited } void GdbEngine::handleStopResponse(const GdbMi &data) { // Ignore trap on Windows terminals, which results in // spurious "* stopped" message. if (m_expectTerminalTrap) { m_expectTerminalTrap = false; if ((!data.isValid() || !data["reason"].isValid()) && Abi::hostAbi().os() == Abi::WindowsOS) { showMessage("IGNORING TERMINAL SIGTRAP", LogMisc); return; } } if (isDying()) { notifyInferiorStopOk(); return; } const QString reason = data["reason"].data(); const GdbMi frame = data["frame"]; // Jump over well-known frames. static int stepCounter = 0; if (debuggerSettings()->skipKnownFrames.value()) { if (reason == "end-stepping-range" || reason == "function-finished") { //showMessage(frame.toString()); QString funcName = frame["function"].data(); QString fileName = frame["file"].data(); if (isLeavableFunction(funcName, fileName)) { //showMessage(_("LEAVING ") + funcName); ++stepCounter; executeStepOut(); return; } if (isSkippableFunction(funcName, fileName)) { //showMessage(_("SKIPPING ") + funcName); ++stepCounter; executeStepIn(false); return; } //if (stepCounter) // qDebug() << "STEPCOUNTER:" << stepCounter; stepCounter = 0; } } GdbMi threads = data["stopped-thread"]; threadsHandler()->notifyStopped(threads.data()); if (isExitedReason(reason)) { // // The user triggered a stop, but meanwhile the app simply exited ... // QTC_ASSERT(state() == InferiorStopRequested // /*|| state() == InferiorStopRequested_Kill*/, // qDebug() << state()); QString msg; if (reason == "exited") { const int exitCode = data["exit-code"].toInt(); notifyExitCode(exitCode); msg = Tr::tr("Application exited with exit code %1").arg(exitCode); } else if (reason == "exited-signalled" || reason == "signal-received") { msg = Tr::tr("Application exited after receiving signal %1") .arg(data["signal-name"].toString()); } else { msg = Tr::tr("Application exited normally."); } // Only show the message. Ramp-down will be triggered by -thread-group-exited. showStatusMessage(msg); return; } if (!m_onStop.isEmpty()) { notifyInferiorStopOk(); showMessage("HANDLING QUEUED COMMANDS AFTER TEMPORARY STOP", LogMisc); DebuggerCommandSequence seq = m_onStop; m_onStop = DebuggerCommandSequence(); for (const DebuggerCommand &cmd : seq.commands()) runCommand(cmd); if (seq.wantContinue()) continueInferiorInternal(); return; } const QString nr = data["bkptno"].data(); int lineNumber = 0; QString fullName; QString function; QString language; if (frame.isValid()) { const GdbMi lineNumberG = frame["line"]; function = frame["function"].data(); // V4 protocol if (function.isEmpty()) function = frame["func"].data(); // GDB's *stopped messages language = frame["language"].data(); if (lineNumberG.isValid()) { lineNumber = lineNumberG.toInt(); fullName = cleanupFullName(frame["fullname"].data()); if (fullName.isEmpty()) fullName = frame["file"].data(); } // found line number } else { showMessage("INVALID STOPPED REASON", LogWarning); } const FilePath onDevicePath = FilePath::fromString(fullName).onDevice( runParameters().debugger.command.executable()); const FilePath fileName = onDevicePath.localSource().value_or(onDevicePath); if (!nr.isEmpty() && frame.isValid()) { // Use opportunity to update the breakpoint marker position. if (Breakpoint bp = breakHandler()->findBreakpointByResponseId(nr)) { const FilePath &bpFileName = bp->fileName(); if (!bpFileName.isEmpty()) bp->setMarkerFileAndLine(bpFileName, lineNumber); else if (!fileName.isEmpty()) bp->setMarkerFileAndLine(fileName, lineNumber); } } //qDebug() << "BP " << rid << data.toString(); // Quickly set the location marker. if (lineNumber && !operatesByInstruction() && fileName.exists() && function != "qt_v4TriggeredBreakpointHook" && function != "qt_qmlDebugMessageAvailable" && language != "js") gotoLocation(Location(fileName, lineNumber)); if (state() == InferiorRunOk) { // Stop triggered by a breakpoint or otherwise not directly // initiated by the user. notifyInferiorSpontaneousStop(); } else if (state() == InferiorRunRequested) { // Stop triggered by something like "-exec-step\n" // "&"Cannot access memory at address 0xbfffedd4\n" // or, on S40, // "*running,thread-id="30"" // "&"Warning:\n"" // "&"Cannot insert breakpoint -33.\n" // "&"Error accessing memory address 0x11673fc: Input/output error.\n"" // In this case a proper response 94^error,msg="" will follow and // be handled in the result handler. // -- or -- // *stopped arriving earlier than ^done response to an -exec-step notifyInferiorRunOk(); notifyInferiorSpontaneousStop(); } else if (state() == InferiorStopOk) { // That's expected. } else if (state() == InferiorStopRequested) { notifyInferiorStopOk(); } else if (state() == EngineRunRequested) { // This is gdb 7+'s initial *stopped in response to attach that // appears before the ^done is seen for local setups. notifyEngineRunAndInferiorStopOk(); if (terminal()) { continueInferiorInternal(); return; } } else { QTC_CHECK(false); } CHECK_STATE(InferiorStopOk); handleStop1(data); } static QString stopSignal(const Abi &abi) { return QLatin1String(abi.os() == Abi::WindowsOS ? "SIGTRAP" : "SIGINT"); } void GdbEngine::handleStop1(const GdbMi &data) { CHECK_STATE(InferiorStopOk); QTC_ASSERT(!isDying(), return); const GdbMi frame = data["frame"]; const QString reason = data["reason"].data(); // This was seen on XP after removing a breakpoint while running // >945*stopped,reason="signal-received",signal-name="SIGTRAP", // signal-meaning="Trace/breakpoint trap",thread-id="2", // frame={addr="0x7c91120f",func="ntdll!DbgUiConnectToDbg", // args=[],from="C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\ntdll.dll"} // also seen on gdb 6.8-symbianelf without qXfer:libraries:read+; // FIXME: remote.c parses "loaded" reply. It should be turning // that into a TARGET_WAITKIND_LOADED. Does it? // The bandaid here has the problem that it breaks for 'next' over a // statement that indirectly loads shared libraries // 6.1.2010: Breaks interrupting inferiors, disabled: if (m_ignoreNextTrap && reason == "signal-received" && data["signal-name"].data() == "SIGTRAP") { m_ignoreNextTrap = false; continueInferiorInternal(); return; } // Show return value if possible, usually with reason "function-finished". // *stopped,reason="function-finished",frame={addr="0x080556da", // func="testReturnValue",args=[],file="/../app.cpp", // fullname="/../app.cpp",line="1611"},gdb-result-var="$1", // return-value="{d = 0x808d998}",thread-id="1",stopped-threads="all", // core="1" GdbMi resultVar = data["gdb-result-var"]; if (resultVar.isValid()) m_resultVarName = resultVar.data(); else m_resultVarName.clear(); if (!m_systemDumpersLoaded) { m_systemDumpersLoaded = true; if (m_gdbVersion >= 70400 && debuggerSettings()->loadGdbDumpers.value()) runCommand({"importPlainDumpers on"}); else runCommand({"importPlainDumpers off"}); } handleStop2(data); } void GdbEngine::handleStop2(const GdbMi &data) { CHECK_STATE(InferiorStopOk); QTC_ASSERT(!isDying(), return); // A user initiated stop looks like the following. Note that there is // this extra "stopper thread" created and "properly" reported by gdb. // // dNOTE: INFERIOR RUN OK // dState changed from InferiorRunRequested(10) to InferiorRunOk(11). // >*running,thread-id="all" // >=thread-exited,id="11",group-id="i1" // sThread 11 in group i1 exited // dState changed from InferiorRunOk(11) to InferiorStopRequested(13). // dCALL: INTERRUPT INFERIOR // sStop requested... // dTRYING TO INTERRUPT INFERIOR // >=thread-created,id="12",group-id="i1" // sThread 12 created // >~"[New Thread 8576.0x1154]\n" // s[New Thread 8576.0x1154] // >*running,thread-id="all" // >~"[Switching to Thread 8576.0x1154]\n" // >*stopped,reason="signal-received",signal-name="SIGTRAP", // signal-meaning="Trace/breakpointtrap",frame={addr="0x7c90120f",func= // "ntdll!DbgUiConnectToDbg",args=[],from="C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\ntdll.dll"}, // thread-id="12",stopped-threads="all" // dNOTE: INFERIOR STOP OK // dState changed from InferiorStopRequested(13) to InferiorStopOk(14). const QString reason = data["reason"].data(); const DebuggerRunParameters &rp = runParameters(); bool isStopperThread = false; if (rp.toolChainAbi.os() == Abi::WindowsOS && terminal() && reason == "signal-received" && data["signal-name"].data() == "SIGTRAP") { // This is the stopper thread. That also means that the // reported thread is not the one we'd like to expose // to the user. isStopperThread = true; } if (reason == "watchpoint-trigger") { // *stopped,reason="watchpoint-trigger",wpt={number="2",exp="*0xbfffed40"}, // value={old="1",new="0"},frame={addr="0x00451e1b", // func="QScopedPointer",args=[{name="this",value="0xbfffed40"}, // {name="p",value="0x0"}],file="x.h",fullname="/home/.../x.h",line="95"}, // thread-id="1",stopped-threads="all",core="2" const GdbMi wpt = data["wpt"]; const QString rid = wpt["number"].data(); const Breakpoint bp = breakHandler()->findBreakpointByResponseId(rid); const quint64 bpAddress = wpt["exp"].data().mid(1).toULongLong(nullptr, 0); QString msg; if (bp) { if (bp->type() == WatchpointAtExpression) msg = bp->msgWatchpointByExpressionTriggered(bp->expression()); if (bp->type() == WatchpointAtAddress) msg = bp->msgWatchpointByAddressTriggered(bpAddress); } GdbMi value = data["value"]; GdbMi oldValue = value["old"]; GdbMi newValue = value["new"]; if (oldValue.isValid() && newValue.isValid()) { msg += ' '; msg += Tr::tr("Value changed from %1 to %2.") .arg(oldValue.data()).arg(newValue.data()); } showStatusMessage(msg); } else if (reason == "breakpoint-hit") { GdbMi gNumber = data["bkptno"]; // 'number' or 'bkptno'? if (!gNumber.isValid()) gNumber = data["number"]; const QString rid = gNumber.data(); const QString threadId = data["thread-id"].data(); m_currentThread = threadId; if (const Breakpoint bp = breakHandler()->findBreakpointByResponseId(rid)) { showStatusMessage(bp->msgBreakpointTriggered(threadId)); const QString commands = bp->command().trimmed(); // Can be either c or cont[inue] const QRegularExpression contExp("(^|\\n)\\s*c(ont(i(n(ue?)?)?)?)?$"); QTC_CHECK(contExp.isValid()); if (contExp.match(commands).hasMatch()) { notifyInferiorRunRequested(); notifyInferiorRunOk(); return; } } } else { QString reasontr = msgStopped(reason); if (reason == "signal-received") { QString name = data["signal-name"].data(); QString meaning = data["signal-meaning"].data(); // Ignore these as they are showing up regularly when // stopping debugging. if (name == stopSignal(rp.toolChainAbi) || rp.expectedSignals.contains(name)) { showMessage(name + " CONSIDERED HARMLESS. CONTINUING."); } else if (m_isQnxGdb && name == "0" && meaning == "Signal 0") { showMessage("SIGNAL 0 CONSIDERED BOGUS."); } else { showMessage("HANDLING SIGNAL " + name); if (debuggerSettings()->useMessageBoxForSignals.value() && !isStopperThread) if (!showStoppedBySignalMessageBox(meaning, name)) { showMessage("SIGNAL RECEIVED WHILE SHOWING SIGNAL MESSAGE"); return; } if (!name.isEmpty() && !meaning.isEmpty()) reasontr = msgStoppedBySignal(meaning, name); } } if (reason.isEmpty()) showStatusMessage(msgStopped()); else showStatusMessage(reasontr); } // Let the event loop run before deciding whether to update the stack. m_stackNeeded = true; // setTokenBarrier() might reset this. QTimer::singleShot(0, this, &GdbEngine::handleStop3); } void GdbEngine::handleStop3() { DebuggerCommand cmd("-thread-info", Discardable); cmd.callback = CB(handleThreadInfo); runCommand(cmd); } void GdbEngine::handleShowVersion(const DebuggerResponse &response) { showMessage("PARSING VERSION: " + response.toString()); if (response.resultClass == ResultDone) { bool isMacGdb = false; int gdbBuildVersion = -1; m_gdbVersion = 100; m_isQnxGdb = false; QString msg = response.consoleStreamOutput; extractGdbVersion(msg, &m_gdbVersion, &gdbBuildVersion, &isMacGdb, &m_isQnxGdb); // On Mac, FSF GDB does not work sufficiently well, // and on Linux and Windows we require at least 7.4.1, // on Android 7.3.1. bool isSupported = m_gdbVersion >= 70300; if (isSupported) showMessage("SUPPORTED GDB VERSION " + msg); else showMessage("UNSUPPORTED GDB VERSION " + msg); showMessage(QString("USING GDB VERSION: %1, BUILD: %2%3").arg(m_gdbVersion) .arg(gdbBuildVersion).arg(QLatin1String(isMacGdb ? " (APPLE)" : ""))); if (usesExecInterrupt()) runCommand({"set target-async on", ConsoleCommand}); else runCommand({"set target-async off", ConsoleCommand}); //runCommand("set build-id-verbose 2", ConsoleCommand); } } void GdbEngine::handlePythonSetup(const DebuggerResponse &response) { CHECK_STATE(EngineSetupRequested); if (response.resultClass == ResultDone) { GdbMi data = response.data; watchHandler()->addDumpers(data["dumpers"]); m_pythonVersion = data["python"].toInt(); if (m_pythonVersion < 20700) { int pythonMajor = m_pythonVersion / 10000; int pythonMinor = (m_pythonVersion / 100) % 100; QString out = "

" + Tr::tr("The selected build of GDB supports Python scripting, " "but the used version %1.%2 is not sufficient for " "%3. Supported versions are Python 2.7 and 3.x.") .arg(pythonMajor).arg(pythonMinor) .arg(Core::Constants::IDE_DISPLAY_NAME); showStatusMessage(out); AsynchronousMessageBox::critical(Tr::tr("Execution Error"), out); } loadInitScript(); CHECK_STATE(EngineSetupRequested); showMessage("ENGINE SUCCESSFULLY STARTED"); setupInferior(); } else { QString msg = response.data["msg"].data(); if (msg.contains("Python scripting is not supported in this copy of GDB.")) { QString out1 = "The selected build of GDB does not support Python scripting."; QString out2 = QStringLiteral("It cannot be used in %1.") .arg(Core::Constants::IDE_DISPLAY_NAME); showStatusMessage(out1 + ' ' + out2); AsynchronousMessageBox::critical(Tr::tr("Execution Error"), out1 + "
" + out2); } notifyEngineSetupFailed(); } } void GdbEngine::showExecutionError(const QString &message) { AsynchronousMessageBox::critical(Tr::tr("Execution Error"), Tr::tr("Cannot continue debugged process:") + '\n' + message); } void GdbEngine::handleExecuteContinue(const DebuggerResponse &response) { CHECK_STATE(InferiorRunRequested); if (response.resultClass == ResultRunning) { // All is fine. Waiting for a *running. notifyInferiorRunOk(); // Only needed for gdb < 7.0. return; } QString msg = response.data["msg"].data(); if (msg.startsWith("Cannot find bounds of current function")) { notifyInferiorRunFailed(); if (isDying()) return; CHECK_STATE(InferiorStopOk); showStatusMessage(Tr::tr("Stopped."), 5000); reloadStack(); } else if (msg.startsWith("Cannot access memory at address")) { // Happens on single step on ARM prolog and epilogs. } else if (msg.startsWith("\"finish\" not meaningful in the outermost frame")) { notifyInferiorRunFailed(); if (isDying()) return; CHECK_STATE(InferiorStopOk); // FIXME: Fix translation in master. showStatusMessage(msg, 5000); gotoCurrentLocation(); } else if (msg.startsWith("Cannot execute this command while the selected thread is running.")) { showExecutionError(msg); notifyInferiorRunFailed() ; } else { showExecutionError(msg); notifyInferiorIll(); } } QString GdbEngine::fullName(const QString &fileName) { if (fileName.isEmpty()) return QString(); QTC_ASSERT(!m_sourcesListUpdating, /* */); return m_shortToFullName.value(fileName, QString()); } QString GdbEngine::cleanupFullName(const QString &fileName) { QString cleanFilePath = fileName; // Gdb running on windows often delivers "fullnames" which // (a) have no drive letter and (b) are not normalized. if (Abi::hostAbi().os() == Abi::WindowsOS) { if (fileName.isEmpty()) return QString(); QFileInfo fi(fileName); if (fi.isReadable()) cleanFilePath = QDir::cleanPath(fi.absoluteFilePath()); } if (!debuggerSettings()->autoEnrichParameters.value()) return cleanFilePath; const QString sysroot = runParameters().sysRoot.toString(); if (QFileInfo(cleanFilePath).isReadable()) return cleanFilePath; if (!sysroot.isEmpty() && fileName.startsWith('/')) { cleanFilePath = sysroot + fileName; if (QFileInfo(cleanFilePath).isReadable()) return cleanFilePath; } if (m_baseNameToFullName.isEmpty()) { FilePath filePath = FilePath::fromString(sysroot + "/usr/src/debug"); if (filePath.isDir()) { filePath.iterateDirectory( [this](const FilePath &filePath) { QString name = filePath.fileName(); if (!name.startsWith('.')) { QString path = filePath.path(); m_baseNameToFullName.insert(name, path); } return true; }, {{"*"}, QDir::NoFilter, QDirIterator::Subdirectories}); } } cleanFilePath.clear(); const QString base = FilePath::fromString(fileName).fileName(); QMultiMap::const_iterator jt = m_baseNameToFullName.constFind(base); while (jt != m_baseNameToFullName.constEnd() && jt.key() == base) { // FIXME: Use some heuristics to find the "best" match. return jt.value(); //++jt; } return cleanFilePath; } void GdbEngine::shutdownInferior() { CHECK_STATE(InferiorShutdownRequested); if (runParameters().startMode == AttachToCore) { notifyInferiorShutdownFinished(); return; } DebuggerCommand cmd; cmd.function = QLatin1String(runParameters().closeMode == DetachAtClose ? "detach " : "kill "); cmd.callback = CB(handleInferiorShutdown); cmd.flags = NeedsTemporaryStop|LosesChild; runCommand(cmd); } void GdbEngine::handleInferiorShutdown(const DebuggerResponse &response) { if (response.resultClass == ResultDone) { // We'll get async thread-group-exited responses to which we react. // Nothing to do here. // notifyInferiorShutdownFinished(); return; } // "kill" got stuck, gdb was kill -9'd, or similar. CHECK_STATE(InferiorShutdownRequested); QString msg = response.data["msg"].data(); if (msg.contains(": No such file or directory.")) { // This happens when someone removed the binary behind our back. // It is not really an error from a user's point of view. showMessage("NOTE: " + msg); } else if (m_gdbProc.isRunning()) { AsynchronousMessageBox::critical(Tr::tr("Failed to Shut Down Application"), msgInferiorStopFailed(msg)); } notifyInferiorShutdownFinished(); } void GdbEngine::handleGdbExit(const DebuggerResponse &response) { if (response.resultClass == ResultExit) { showMessage("GDB CLAIMS EXIT; WAITING"); // Don't set state here, this will be handled in handleGdbFinished() //notifyEngineShutdownOk(); } else { QString msg = msgGdbStopFailed(response.data["msg"].data()); qDebug() << QString("GDB WON'T EXIT (%1); KILLING IT").arg(msg); showMessage(QString("GDB WON'T EXIT (%1); KILLING IT").arg(msg)); m_gdbProc.kill(); notifyEngineShutdownFinished(); } } void GdbEngine::setLinuxOsAbi() { // In case GDB has multiple supported targets, the default osabi can be Cygwin. if (!HostOsInfo::isWindowsHost()) return; const DebuggerRunParameters &rp = runParameters(); bool isElf = (rp.toolChainAbi.binaryFormat() == Abi::ElfFormat); if (!isElf && !rp.inferior.command.isEmpty()) { isElf = Utils::anyOf(Abi::abisOfBinary(rp.inferior.command.executable()), [](const Abi &abi) { return abi.binaryFormat() == Abi::ElfFormat; }); } if (isElf) runCommand({"set osabi GNU/Linux"}); } void GdbEngine::detachDebugger() { CHECK_STATE(InferiorStopOk); QTC_CHECK(runParameters().startMode != AttachToCore); DebuggerCommand cmd("detach", NativeCommand | ExitRequest); cmd.callback = [this](const DebuggerResponse &) { CHECK_STATE(InferiorStopOk); notifyInferiorExited(); }; runCommand(cmd); } void GdbEngine::handleThreadGroupCreated(const GdbMi &result) { QString groupId = result["id"].data(); QString pid = result["pid"].data(); threadsHandler()->notifyGroupCreated(groupId, pid); } void GdbEngine::handleThreadGroupExited(const GdbMi &result) { QString groupId = result["id"].data(); if (threadsHandler()->notifyGroupExited(groupId)) { const int exitCode = result["exit-code"].toInt(); notifyExitCode(exitCode); if (m_rerunPending) m_rerunPending = false; else notifyInferiorExited(); } } static QString msgNoGdbBinaryForToolChain(const Abi &tc) { return Tr::tr("There is no GDB binary available for binaries in format \"%1\".") .arg(tc.toString()); } bool GdbEngine::hasCapability(unsigned cap) const { if (cap & (AutoDerefPointersCapability | DisassemblerCapability | RegisterCapability | ShowMemoryCapability | CreateFullBacktraceCapability | AddWatcherCapability | ShowModuleSymbolsCapability | ShowModuleSectionsCapability | OperateByInstructionCapability | WatchComplexExpressionsCapability | MemoryAddressCapability | AdditionalQmlStackCapability)) { return true; } if (runParameters().startMode == AttachToCore) return false; return cap & (JumpToLineCapability | ReloadModuleCapability | ReloadModuleSymbolsCapability | BreakOnThrowAndCatchCapability | BreakConditionCapability | BreakIndividualLocationsCapability | TracePointCapability | ReturnFromFunctionCapability | WatchpointByAddressCapability | WatchpointByExpressionCapability | AddWatcherWhileRunningCapability | WatchWidgetsCapability | CatchCapability | RunToLineCapability | MemoryAddressCapability | AdditionalQmlStackCapability | ResetInferiorCapability | SnapshotCapability | ReverseSteppingCapability); } void GdbEngine::continueInferiorInternal() { CHECK_STATE(InferiorStopOk); notifyInferiorRunRequested(); showStatusMessage(Tr::tr("Running requested..."), 5000); CHECK_STATE(InferiorRunRequested); if (isNativeMixedActiveFrame()) { DebuggerCommand cmd("executeContinue", RunRequest); cmd.callback = CB(handleExecuteContinue); runCommand(cmd); } else { DebuggerCommand cmd("-exec-continue"); cmd.flags = RunRequest | NeedsFlush; cmd.callback = CB(handleExecuteContinue); runCommand(cmd); } } void GdbEngine::continueInferior() { CHECK_STATE(InferiorStopOk); setTokenBarrier(); continueInferiorInternal(); } void GdbEngine::executeStepIn(bool byInstruction) { CHECK_STATE(InferiorStopOk); setTokenBarrier(); notifyInferiorRunRequested(); showStatusMessage(Tr::tr("Step requested..."), 5000); DebuggerCommand cmd; if (isNativeMixedActiveFrame()) { cmd.flags = RunRequest; cmd.function = "executeStep"; cmd.callback = CB(handleExecuteStep); } else if (byInstruction) { cmd.flags = RunRequest|NeedsFlush; cmd.function = "-exec-step-instruction"; if (isReverseDebugging()) cmd.function += "--reverse"; cmd.callback = CB(handleExecuteContinue); } else { cmd.flags = RunRequest|NeedsFlush; cmd.function = "-exec-step"; if (isReverseDebugging()) cmd.function += " --reverse"; cmd.callback = CB(handleExecuteStep); } runCommand(cmd); } void GdbEngine::handleExecuteStep(const DebuggerResponse &response) { if (response.resultClass == ResultDone) { // Step was finishing too quick, and a '*stopped' messages should // have preceded it, so just ignore this result. QTC_CHECK(state() == InferiorStopOk); return; } CHECK_STATE(InferiorRunRequested); if (response.resultClass == ResultRunning) { // All is fine. Waiting for a *running. notifyInferiorRunOk(); // Only needed for gdb < 7.0. return; } QString msg = response.data["msg"].data(); if (msg.startsWith("Cannot find bounds of current function") || msg.contains("Error accessing memory address") || msg.startsWith("Cannot access memory at address")) { // On S40: "40^error,msg="Warning:\nCannot insert breakpoint -39.\n" //" Error accessing memory address 0x11673fc: Input/output error.\n" notifyInferiorRunFailed(); if (isDying()) return; executeStepIn(true); // Fall back to instruction-wise stepping. } else if (msg.startsWith("Cannot execute this command while the selected thread is running.")) { showExecutionError(msg); notifyInferiorRunFailed(); } else if (msg.startsWith("warning: SuspendThread failed")) { // On Win: would lead to "PC register is not available" or "\312" continueInferiorInternal(); } else { showExecutionError(msg); notifyInferiorIll(); } } void GdbEngine::executeStepOut() { CHECK_STATE(InferiorStopOk); runCommand({"-stack-select-frame 0", Discardable}); setTokenBarrier(); notifyInferiorRunRequested(); showStatusMessage(Tr::tr("Finish function requested..."), 5000); if (isNativeMixedActiveFrame()) { runCommand({"executeStepOut", RunRequest}); } else { // -exec-finish in 'main' results (correctly) in // 40^error,msg="\"finish\" not meaningful in the outermost frame." // However, this message does not seem to get flushed before // anything else happen - i.e. "never". Force some extra output. runCommand({"-exec-finish", RunRequest|NeedsFlush, CB(handleExecuteContinue)}); } } void GdbEngine::executeStepOver(bool byInstruction) { CHECK_STATE(InferiorStopOk); setTokenBarrier(); notifyInferiorRunRequested(); showStatusMessage(Tr::tr("Step next requested..."), 5000); DebuggerCommand cmd; cmd.flags = RunRequest; if (isNativeMixedActiveFrame()) { cmd.function = "executeNext"; } else if (byInstruction) { cmd.function = "-exec-next-instruction"; if (isReverseDebugging()) cmd.function += " --reverse"; cmd.callback = CB(handleExecuteContinue); } else { cmd.function = "-exec-next"; if (isReverseDebugging()) cmd.function += " --reverse"; cmd.callback = CB(handleExecuteNext); } runCommand(cmd); } void GdbEngine::handleExecuteNext(const DebuggerResponse &response) { if (response.resultClass == ResultDone) { // Step was finishing too quick, and a '*stopped' messages should // have preceded it, so just ignore this result. CHECK_STATE(InferiorStopOk); return; } CHECK_STATE(InferiorRunRequested); if (response.resultClass == ResultRunning) { // All is fine. Waiting for a *running. notifyInferiorRunOk(); // Only needed for gdb < 7.0. return; } CHECK_STATE(InferiorStopOk); QString msg = response.data["msg"].data(); if (msg.startsWith("Cannot find bounds of current function") || msg.contains("Error accessing memory address ")) { notifyInferiorRunFailed(); if (!isDying()) executeStepOver(true); // Fall back to instruction-wise stepping. } else if (msg.startsWith("Cannot execute this command while the selected thread is running.")) { showExecutionError(msg); notifyInferiorRunFailed(); } else if (msg.startsWith("Target multi-thread does not support this command.")) { notifyInferiorRunFailed(); handleRecordingFailed(); } else { AsynchronousMessageBox::warning(Tr::tr("Execution Error"), Tr::tr("Cannot continue debugged process:") + '\n' + msg); //notifyInferiorIll(); } } static QString addressSpec(quint64 address) { return "*0x" + QString::number(address, 16); } void GdbEngine::executeRunToLine(const ContextData &data) { CHECK_STATE(InferiorStopOk); setTokenBarrier(); notifyInferiorRunRequested(); showStatusMessage(Tr::tr("Run to line %1 requested...").arg(data.lineNumber), 5000); #if 1 QString loc; if (data.address) loc = addressSpec(data.address); else loc = '"' + breakLocation(data.fileName.toString()) + '"' + ':' + QString::number(data.lineNumber); runCommand({"tbreak " + loc}); runCommand({"continue", NativeCommand|RunRequest, CB(handleExecuteRunToLine)}); #else // Seems to jump to unpredicatable places. Observed in the manual // tests in the Foo::Foo() constructor with both gdb 6.8 and 7.1. QString args = '"' + breakLocation(fileName) + '"' + ':' + QString::number(lineNumber); runCommand("-exec-until " + args, RunRequest, CB(handleExecuteContinue)); #endif } void GdbEngine::executeRunToFunction(const QString &functionName) { CHECK_STATE(InferiorStopOk); setTokenBarrier(); runCommand({"-break-insert -t " + functionName}); showStatusMessage(Tr::tr("Run to function %1 requested...").arg(functionName), 5000); continueInferiorInternal(); } void GdbEngine::executeJumpToLine(const ContextData &data) { CHECK_STATE(InferiorStopOk); QString loc; if (data.address) loc = addressSpec(data.address); else loc = '"' + breakLocation(data.fileName.toString()) + '"' + ':' + QString::number(data.lineNumber); runCommand({"tbreak " + loc}); notifyInferiorRunRequested(); runCommand({"jump " + loc, RunRequest, CB(handleExecuteJumpToLine)}); // will produce something like // &"jump \"/home/apoenitz/dev/work/test1/test1.cpp\":242" // ~"Continuing at 0x4058f3." // ~"run1 (argc=1, argv=0x7fffbf1f5538) at test1.cpp:242" // ~"242\t x *= 2;" // 23^done" } void GdbEngine::executeReturn() { CHECK_STATE(InferiorStopOk); setTokenBarrier(); notifyInferiorRunRequested(); showStatusMessage(Tr::tr("Immediate return from function requested..."), 5000); runCommand({"-exec-return", RunRequest, CB(handleExecuteReturn)}); } void GdbEngine::executeRecordReverse(bool record) { if (record) runCommand({"record full"}); else runCommand({"record stop"}); } void GdbEngine::handleExecuteReturn(const DebuggerResponse &response) { if (response.resultClass == ResultDone) { notifyInferiorStopOk(); updateAll(); return; } notifyInferiorRunFailed(); } /*! Discards the results of all pending watch-updating commands. This function is called at the beginning of all step, next, finish, and so on, debugger functions. If non-watch-updating commands with call-backs are still in the pipe, it will complain. */ void GdbEngine::setTokenBarrier() { //QTC_ASSERT(m_nonDiscardableCount == 0, /**/); bool good = true; for (auto it = m_commandForToken.cbegin(), end = m_commandForToken.cend(); it != end; ++it) { if (!(m_flagsForToken.value(it.key()) & Discardable)) { qDebug() << "TOKEN: " << it.key() << "CMD:" << it.value().function; good = false; } } QTC_ASSERT(good, return); PENDING_DEBUG("\n--- token barrier ---\n"); showMessage("--- token barrier ---", LogMiscInput); if (debuggerSettings()->logTimeStamps.value()) showMessage(LogWindow::logTimeStamp(), LogMiscInput); m_oldestAcceptableToken = currentToken(); m_stackNeeded = false; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Breakpoint specific stuff // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// QString GdbEngine::breakLocation(const QString &file) const { QString where = m_fullToShortName.value(file); if (where.isEmpty()) return FilePath::fromString(file).fileName(); return where; } QString GdbEngine::breakpointLocation(const BreakpointParameters &data) { QTC_ASSERT(data.type != UnknownBreakpointType, return QString()); // FIXME: Non-GCC-runtime if (data.type == BreakpointAtThrow) return QLatin1String("__cxa_throw"); if (data.type == BreakpointAtCatch) return QLatin1String("__cxa_begin_catch"); if (data.type == BreakpointAtMain) return mainFunction(); if (data.type == BreakpointByFunction) return "--function \"" + data.functionName + '"'; if (data.type == BreakpointByAddress) return addressSpec(data.address); BreakpointPathUsage usage = data.pathUsage; if (usage == BreakpointPathUsageEngineDefault) usage = BreakpointUseShortPath; const QString fileName = usage == BreakpointUseFullPath ? data.fileName.toString() : breakLocation(data.fileName.toString()); // The argument is simply a C-quoted version of the argument to the // non-MI "break" command, including the "original" quoting it wants. return "\"\\\"" + GdbMi::escapeCString(fileName) + "\\\":" + QString::number(data.lineNumber) + '"'; } QString GdbEngine::breakpointLocation2(const BreakpointParameters &data) { BreakpointPathUsage usage = data.pathUsage; if (usage == BreakpointPathUsageEngineDefault) usage = BreakpointUseShortPath; const QString fileName = usage == BreakpointUseFullPath ? data.fileName.toString() : breakLocation(data.fileName.toString()); return GdbMi::escapeCString(fileName) + ':' + QString::number(data.lineNumber); } void GdbEngine::handleInsertInterpreterBreakpoint(const DebuggerResponse &response, const Breakpoint &bp) { QTC_ASSERT(bp, return); const bool pending = response.data["pending"].toInt(); if (pending) { notifyBreakpointInsertOk(bp); } else { bp->setResponseId(response.data["number"].data()); bp->updateFromGdbOutput(response.data); notifyBreakpointInsertOk(bp); } } void GdbEngine::handleInterpreterBreakpointModified(const GdbMi &data) { int modelId = data["modelid"].toInt(); Breakpoint bp = breakHandler()->findBreakpointByModelId(modelId); QTC_ASSERT(bp, return); bp->updateFromGdbOutput(data); } void GdbEngine::handleWatchInsert(const DebuggerResponse &response, const Breakpoint &bp) { if (bp && response.resultClass == ResultDone) { // "Hardware watchpoint 2: *0xbfffed40\n" QString ba = response.consoleStreamOutput; GdbMi wpt = response.data["wpt"]; if (wpt.isValid()) { // Mac yields: //>32^done,wpt={number="4",exp="*4355182176"} bp->setResponseId(wpt["number"].data()); QString exp = wpt["exp"].data(); if (exp.startsWith('*')) bp->setAddress(exp.mid(1).toULongLong(nullptr, 0)); QTC_CHECK(!bp->needsChange()); notifyBreakpointInsertOk(bp); } else if (ba.startsWith("Hardware watchpoint ") || ba.startsWith("Watchpoint ")) { // Non-Mac: "Hardware watchpoint 2: *0xbfffed40\n" const int end = ba.indexOf(':'); const int begin = ba.lastIndexOf(' ', end) + 1; const QString address = ba.mid(end + 2).trimmed(); bp->setResponseId(ba.mid(begin, end - begin)); if (address.startsWith('*')) bp->setAddress(address.mid(1).toULongLong(nullptr, 0)); QTC_CHECK(!bp->needsChange()); notifyBreakpointInsertOk(bp); } else { showMessage("CANNOT PARSE WATCHPOINT FROM " + ba); } } } void GdbEngine::handleCatchInsert(const DebuggerResponse &response, const Breakpoint &bp) { if (response.resultClass == ResultDone) notifyBreakpointInsertOk(bp); } void GdbEngine::handleBkpt(const GdbMi &bkpt, const Breakpoint &bp) { QTC_ASSERT(bp, return); const bool usePseudoTracepoints = debuggerSettings()->usePseudoTracepoints.value(); const QString nr = bkpt["number"].data(); if (nr.contains('.')) { // A sub-breakpoint. SubBreakpoint sub = bp->findOrCreateSubBreakpoint(nr); QTC_ASSERT(sub, return); sub->params.updateFromGdbOutput(bkpt); sub->params.type = bp->type(); if (usePseudoTracepoints && bp->isTracepoint()) { sub->params.tracepoint = true; sub->params.message = bp->message(); } return; } // The MI output format might change, see // http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gdb.patches/83936 const GdbMi locations = bkpt["locations"]; if (locations.isValid()) { for (const GdbMi &location : locations) { // A sub-breakpoint. const QString subnr = location["number"].data(); SubBreakpoint sub = bp->findOrCreateSubBreakpoint(subnr); QTC_ASSERT(sub, return); sub->params.updateFromGdbOutput(location); sub->params.type = bp->type(); if (usePseudoTracepoints && bp->isTracepoint()) { sub->params.tracepoint = true; sub->params.message = bp->message(); } } } // A (the?) primary breakpoint. bp->setResponseId(nr); bp->updateFromGdbOutput(bkpt); if (usePseudoTracepoints && bp->isTracepoint()) bp->setMessage(bp->requestedParameters().message); } void GdbEngine::handleBreakInsert1(const DebuggerResponse &response, const Breakpoint &bp) { QTC_ASSERT(bp, return); if (bp->state() == BreakpointRemoveRequested) { if (response.resultClass == ResultDone) { // This delete was deferred. Act now. const GdbMi mainbkpt = response.data["bkpt"]; notifyBreakpointRemoveProceeding(bp); DebuggerCommand cmd("-break-delete " + mainbkpt["number"].data()); cmd.flags = NeedsTemporaryStop; runCommand(cmd); notifyBreakpointRemoveOk(bp); return; } } if (response.resultClass == ResultDone) { // The result is a list with the first entry marked "bkpt" // and "unmarked" rest. The "bkpt" one seems to always be // the "main" entry. Use the "main" entry to retrieve the // already known data from the BreakpointManager, and then // iterate over all items to update main- and sub-data. for (const GdbMi &bkpt : response.data) handleBkpt(bkpt, bp); if (bp->needsChange()) { bp->gotoState(BreakpointUpdateRequested, BreakpointInsertionProceeding); updateBreakpoint(bp); } else { notifyBreakpointInsertOk(bp); } } else if (response.data["msg"].data().contains("Unknown option")) { // Older version of gdb don't know the -a option to set tracepoints // ^error,msg="mi_cmd_break_insert: Unknown option ``a''" const QString fileName = bp->fileName().toString(); const int lineNumber = bp->lineNumber(); DebuggerCommand cmd("trace \"" + GdbMi::escapeCString(fileName) + "\":" + QString::number(lineNumber), NeedsTemporaryStop); runCommand(cmd); } else { // Some versions of gdb like "GNU gdb (GDB) SUSE (" // know how to do pending breakpoints using CLI but not MI. So try // again with MI. DebuggerCommand cmd("break " + breakpointLocation2(bp->requestedParameters()), NeedsTemporaryStop); cmd.callback = [this, bp](const DebuggerResponse &r) { handleBreakInsert2(r, bp); }; runCommand(cmd); } } void GdbEngine::handleBreakInsert2(const DebuggerResponse &response, const Breakpoint &bp) { if (response.resultClass == ResultDone) { notifyBreakpointInsertOk(bp); } else { // Note: gdb < 60800 doesn't "do" pending breakpoints. // Not much we can do about it except implementing the // logic on top of shared library events, and that's not // worth the effort. } } void GdbEngine::handleBreakDisable(const DebuggerResponse &response, const Breakpoint &bp) { if (response.resultClass == ResultDone) { // This should only be the requested state. QTC_ASSERT(bp, return); bp->setEnabled(false); // GDB does *not* touch the subbreakpoints in that case // bp->forFirstLevelChildren([&](const SubBreakpoint &l) { l->params.enabled = false; }); updateBreakpoint(bp); // Maybe there's more to do. } } void GdbEngine::handleBreakEnable(const DebuggerResponse &response, const Breakpoint &bp) { if (response.resultClass == ResultDone) { QTC_ASSERT(bp, return); // This should only be the requested state. bp->setEnabled(true); // GDB does *not* touch the subbreakpoints in that case //bp->forFirstLevelChildren([&](const SubBreakpoint &l) { l->params.enabled = true; }); updateBreakpoint(bp); // Maybe there's more to do. } } void GdbEngine::handleBreakThreadSpec(const DebuggerResponse &response, const Breakpoint &bp) { QTC_CHECK(response.resultClass == ResultDone); QTC_ASSERT(bp, return); // Parsing is fragile. Assume we got what we asked for instead. bp->setThreadSpec(bp->requestedParameters().threadSpec); notifyBreakpointNeedsReinsertion(bp); insertBreakpoint(bp); } void GdbEngine::handleBreakLineNumber(const DebuggerResponse &response, const Breakpoint &bp) { QTC_CHECK(response.resultClass == ResultDone); QTC_ASSERT(bp, return); notifyBreakpointNeedsReinsertion(bp); insertBreakpoint(bp); } void GdbEngine::handleBreakIgnore(const DebuggerResponse &response, const Breakpoint &bp) { // gdb 6.8: // ignore 2 0: // ~"Will stop next time breakpoint 2 is reached.\n" // 28^done // ignore 2 12: // &"ignore 2 12\n" // ~"Will ignore next 12 crossings of breakpoint 2.\n" // 29^done // // gdb 6.3 does not produce any console output QTC_CHECK(response.resultClass == ResultDone); QTC_ASSERT(bp, return); //QString msg = _(response.consoleStreamOutput); //if (msg.contains(__("Will stop next time breakpoint"))) // response.ignoreCount = _("0"); //else if (msg.contains(__("Will ignore next"))) // response.ignoreCount = data->ignoreCount; // FIXME: this assumes it is doing the right thing... bp->setIgnoreCount(bp->requestedParameters().ignoreCount); bp->setCommand(bp->requestedParameters().command); updateBreakpoint(bp); // Maybe there's more to do. } void GdbEngine::handleBreakCondition(const DebuggerResponse &, const Breakpoint &bp) { QTC_ASSERT(bp, return); // Can happen at invalid condition strings. //QTC_CHECK(response.resultClass == ResultDone) // We just assume it was successful. Otherwise we had to parse // the output stream data. // The following happens on Mac: // QByteArray msg = response.data.findChild("msg").data(); // if (msg.startsWith("Error parsing breakpoint condition. " // " Will try again when we hit the breakpoint.")) bp->setCondition(bp->requestedParameters().condition); updateBreakpoint(bp); // Maybe there's more to do. } void GdbEngine::updateTracepointCaptures(const Breakpoint &bp) { static QRegularExpression capsRegExp( "(^|[^\\\\])(\\$(ADDRESS|CALLER|CALLSTACK|FILEPOS|FUNCTION|PID|PNAME|TICK|TID|TNAME)" "|{[^}]+})"); QString message = bp->globalBreakpoint()->requestedParameters().message; if (message.isEmpty()) { bp->setProperty(tracepointCapturePropertyName, {}); return; } QVariantList caps; QRegularExpressionMatch match = capsRegExp.match(message, 0); while (match.hasMatch()) { QString t = match.captured(2); if (t[0] == '$') { TracepointCaptureType type; if (t == "$ADDRESS") type = TracepointCaptureType::Address; else if (t == "$CALLER") type = TracepointCaptureType::Caller; else if (t == "$CALLSTACK") type = TracepointCaptureType::Callstack; else if (t == "$FILEPOS") type = TracepointCaptureType::FilePos; else if (t == "$FUNCTION") type = TracepointCaptureType::Function; else if (t == "$PID") type = TracepointCaptureType::Pid; else if (t == "$PNAME") type = TracepointCaptureType::ProcessName; else if (t == "$TICK") type = TracepointCaptureType::Tick; else if (t == "$TID") type = TracepointCaptureType::Tid; else if (t == "$TNAME") type = TracepointCaptureType::ThreadName; else QTC_ASSERT(false, continue); caps << QVariant::fromValue( {type, {}, static_cast(match.capturedStart(2)), static_cast(match.capturedEnd(2))}); } else { QString expression = t.mid(1, t.length() - 2); caps << QVariant::fromValue( {TracepointCaptureType::Expression, expression, static_cast(match.capturedStart(2)), static_cast(match.capturedEnd(2))}); } match = capsRegExp.match(message, match.capturedEnd()); } bp->setProperty(tracepointCapturePropertyName, caps); } void GdbEngine::handleTracepointInsert(const DebuggerResponse &response, const Breakpoint &bp) { QTC_ASSERT(bp, return); if (bp->state() == BreakpointRemoveRequested) { if (response.resultClass == ResultDone) { // This delete was deferred. Act now. const GdbMi mainbkpt = response.data["tracepoint"][0]; notifyBreakpointRemoveProceeding(bp); DebuggerCommand cmd("-break-delete " + mainbkpt["number"].data()); cmd.flags = NeedsTemporaryStop; runCommand(cmd); notifyBreakpointRemoveOk(bp); return; } } if (response.resultClass == ResultDone) { for (const GdbMi &bkpt : response.data["tracepoint"]) handleBkpt(bkpt, bp); if (bp->needsChange()) { bp->gotoState(BreakpointUpdateRequested, BreakpointInsertionProceeding); updateBreakpoint(bp); } else { notifyBreakpointInsertOk(bp); } } } void GdbEngine::handleTracepointHit(const GdbMi &data) { const GdbMi &result = data["result"]; const QString rid = result["number"].data(); Breakpoint bp = breakHandler()->findBreakpointByResponseId(rid); QTC_ASSERT(bp, return); const GdbMi &warnings = data["warnings"]; if (warnings.childCount() > 0) { for (const GdbMi &warning: warnings) { emit appendMessageRequested(warning.toString(), ErrorMessageFormat, true); } } QString message = bp->message(); QVariant caps = bp->property(tracepointCapturePropertyName); if (caps.isValid()) { QList capsList = caps.toList(); const GdbMi &miCaps = result["caps"]; if (capsList.length() == miCaps.childCount()) { // reverse iterate to make start/end correct for (int i = capsList.length() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { TracepointCaptureData cap = capsList.at(i).value(); const GdbMi &miCap = miCaps.childAt(i); switch (cap.type) { case TracepointCaptureType::Callstack: { QStringList frames; for (const GdbMi &frame: miCap) { frames.append(frame.data()); } message.replace(cap.start, cap.end - cap.start, frames.join(" <- ")); break; } case TracepointCaptureType::Expression: { QString key = miCap.data(); const GdbMi &expression = data["expressions"][key.toLatin1().data()]; if (expression.isValid()) { QString s = expression.toString(); // remove '=' s = s.right(s.length() - key.length() - 1); message.replace(cap.start, cap.end - cap.start, s); } else { QTC_CHECK(false); } break; } default: message.replace(cap.start, cap.end - cap.start, miCap.data()); } } } else { QTC_CHECK(false); } } showMessage(message); emit appendMessageRequested(message, NormalMessageFormat, true); } void GdbEngine::handleTracepointModified(const GdbMi &data) { QString ba = data.toString(); // remove original-location const int pos1 = ba.indexOf("original-location="); const int pos2 = ba.indexOf(":", pos1 + 17); int pos3 = ba.indexOf('"', pos2 + 1); if (ba[pos3 + 1] == ',') ++pos3; ba.remove(pos1, pos3 - pos1 + 1); GdbMi res; res.fromString(ba); BreakHandler *handler = breakHandler(); Breakpoint bp; for (const GdbMi &bkpt : res) { const QString nr = bkpt["number"].data(); if (nr.contains('.')) { // A sub-breakpoint. QTC_ASSERT(bp, continue); SubBreakpoint loc = bp->findOrCreateSubBreakpoint(nr); loc->params.updateFromGdbOutput(bkpt); loc->params.type = bp->type(); if (bp->isTracepoint()) { loc->params.tracepoint = true; loc->params.message = bp->message(); } } else { // A primary breakpoint. bp = handler->findBreakpointByResponseId(nr); if (bp) bp->updateFromGdbOutput(bkpt); } } QTC_ASSERT(bp, return); bp->adjustMarker(); } bool GdbEngine::acceptsBreakpoint(const BreakpointParameters &bp) const { if (runParameters().startMode == AttachToCore) return false; if (bp.isCppBreakpoint()) return true; return isNativeMixedEnabled(); } void GdbEngine::insertBreakpoint(const Breakpoint &bp) { // Set up fallback in case of pending breakpoints which aren't handled // by the MI interface.A QTC_ASSERT(bp, return); QTC_CHECK(bp->state() == BreakpointInsertionRequested); notifyBreakpointInsertProceeding(bp); const BreakpointParameters &requested = bp->requestedParameters(); if (!requested.isCppBreakpoint()) { DebuggerCommand cmd("insertInterpreterBreakpoint", NeedsTemporaryStop); bp->addToCommand(&cmd); cmd.callback = [this, bp](const DebuggerResponse &r) { handleInsertInterpreterBreakpoint(r, bp); }; runCommand(cmd); return; } const auto handleWatch = [this, bp](const DebuggerResponse &r) { handleWatchInsert(r, bp); }; const auto handleCatch = [this, bp](const DebuggerResponse &r) { handleCatchInsert(r, bp); }; BreakpointType type = requested.type; DebuggerCommand cmd; if (type == WatchpointAtAddress) { cmd.function = "watch " + addressSpec(requested.address); cmd.callback = handleWatch; } else if (type == WatchpointAtExpression) { cmd.function = "watch " + requested.expression; cmd.callback = handleWatch; } else if (type == BreakpointAtFork) { cmd.function = "catch fork"; cmd.callback = handleCatch; cmd.flags = NeedsTemporaryStop; runCommand(cmd); // Another one... cmd.function = "catch vfork"; } else if (type == BreakpointAtExec) { cmd.function = "catch exec"; cmd.callback = handleCatch; } else if (type == BreakpointAtSysCall) { cmd.function = "catch syscall"; cmd.callback = handleCatch; } else { int spec = requested.threadSpec; if (requested.isTracepoint()) { if (debuggerSettings()->usePseudoTracepoints.value()) { cmd.function = "createTracepoint"; if (requested.oneShot) cmd.arg("temporary", true); if (int ignoreCount = requested.ignoreCount) cmd.arg("ignore_count", ignoreCount); QString condition = requested.condition; if (!condition.isEmpty()) cmd.arg("condition", condition.replace('"', "\\\"")); if (spec >= 0) cmd.arg("thread", spec); updateTracepointCaptures(bp); QVariant tpCaps = bp->property(tracepointCapturePropertyName); if (tpCaps.isValid()) { QJsonArray caps; for (const QVariant &tpCap : tpCaps.toList()) { TracepointCaptureData data = tpCap.value(); QJsonArray cap; cap.append(static_cast(data.type)); if (data.expression.isValid()) cap.append(data.expression.toString()); else cap.append(QJsonValue::Null); caps.append(cap); } cmd.arg("caps", caps); } // for dumping of expressions const bool alwaysVerbose = qtcEnvironmentVariableIsSet( "QTC_DEBUGGER_PYTHON_VERBOSE"); const DebuggerSettings &s = *debuggerSettings(); cmd.arg("passexceptions", alwaysVerbose); cmd.arg("fancy", s.useDebuggingHelpers.value()); cmd.arg("autoderef", s.autoDerefPointers.value()); cmd.arg("dyntype", s.useDynamicType.value()); cmd.arg("qobjectnames", s.showQObjectNames.value()); cmd.arg("nativemixed", isNativeMixedActive()); cmd.arg("stringcutoff", s.maximalStringLength.value()); cmd.arg("displaystringlimit", s.displayStringLimit.value()); cmd.arg("spec", breakpointLocation2(requested)); cmd.callback = [this, bp](const DebuggerResponse &r) { handleTracepointInsert(r, bp); }; } else { cmd.function = "-break-insert -a -f "; if (requested.oneShot) cmd.function += "-t "; if (!requested.enabled) cmd.function += "-d "; if (int ignoreCount = requested.ignoreCount) cmd.function += "-i " + QString::number(ignoreCount) + ' '; QString condition = requested.condition; if (!condition.isEmpty()) cmd.function += " -c \"" + condition.replace('"', "\\\"") + "\" "; cmd.function += breakpointLocation(requested); cmd.callback = [this, bp](const DebuggerResponse &r) { handleBreakInsert1(r, bp); }; } } else { cmd.function = "-break-insert "; if (spec >= 0) cmd.function += "-p " + QString::number(spec); cmd.function += " -f "; if (requested.oneShot) cmd.function += "-t "; if (!requested.enabled) cmd.function += "-d "; if (int ignoreCount = requested.ignoreCount) cmd.function += "-i " + QString::number(ignoreCount) + ' '; QString condition = requested.condition; if (!condition.isEmpty()) cmd.function += " -c \"" + condition.replace('"', "\\\"") + "\" "; cmd.function += breakpointLocation(requested); cmd.callback = [this, bp](const DebuggerResponse &r) { handleBreakInsert1(r, bp); }; } } cmd.flags = NeedsTemporaryStop; runCommand(cmd); } void GdbEngine::updateBreakpoint(const Breakpoint &bp) { QTC_ASSERT(bp, return); const BreakpointParameters &requested = bp->requestedParameters(); QTC_ASSERT(requested.type != UnknownBreakpointType, return); QTC_ASSERT(!bp->responseId().isEmpty(), return); const QString bpnr = bp->responseId(); const BreakpointState state = bp->state(); if (state == BreakpointUpdateRequested) notifyBreakpointChangeProceeding(bp); const BreakpointState state2 = bp->state(); QTC_ASSERT(state2 == BreakpointUpdateProceeding, qDebug() << state2); DebuggerCommand cmd; // FIXME: See QTCREATORBUG-21611, QTCREATORBUG-21616 // if (!bp->isPending() && requested.threadSpec != bp->threadSpec()) { // // The only way to change this seems to be to re-set the bp completely. // cmd.function = "-break-delete " + bpnr; // cmd.callback = [this, bp](const DebuggerResponse &r) { handleBreakThreadSpec(r, bp); }; // } else if (!bp->isPending() && requested.lineNumber != bp->lineNumber()) { // // The only way to change this seems to be to re-set the bp completely. // cmd.function = "-break-delete " + bpnr; // cmd.callback = [this, bp](const DebuggerResponse &r) { handleBreakLineNumber(r, bp); }; // } else if if (requested.command != bp->command()) { cmd.function = "-break-commands " + bpnr; for (QString command : requested.command.split('\n')) { if (!command.isEmpty()) { // escape backslashes and quotes command.replace('\\', "\\\\"); command.replace('"', "\\\""); cmd.function += " \"" + command + '"'; } } cmd.callback = [this, bp](const DebuggerResponse &r) { handleBreakIgnore(r, bp); }; } else if (!requested.conditionsMatch(bp->condition())) { cmd.function = "condition " + bpnr + ' ' + requested.condition; cmd.callback = [this, bp](const DebuggerResponse &r) { handleBreakCondition(r, bp); }; } else if (requested.ignoreCount != bp->ignoreCount()) { cmd.function = "ignore " + bpnr + ' ' + QString::number(requested.ignoreCount); cmd.callback = [this, bp](const DebuggerResponse &r) { handleBreakIgnore(r, bp); }; } else if (!requested.enabled && bp->isEnabled()) { cmd.function = "-break-disable " + bpnr; cmd.callback = [this, bp](const DebuggerResponse &r) { handleBreakDisable(r, bp); }; } else if (requested.enabled && !bp->isEnabled()) { cmd.function = "-break-enable " + bpnr; cmd.callback = [this, bp](const DebuggerResponse &r) { handleBreakEnable(r, bp); }; } else { notifyBreakpointChangeOk(bp); return; } cmd.flags = NeedsTemporaryStop; runCommand(cmd); } void GdbEngine::enableSubBreakpoint(const SubBreakpoint &sbp, bool on) { QTC_ASSERT(sbp, return); DebuggerCommand cmd((on ? "-break-enable " : "-break-disable ") + sbp->responseId); runCommand(cmd); } void GdbEngine::removeBreakpoint(const Breakpoint &bp) { QTC_ASSERT(bp, return); QTC_CHECK(bp->state() == BreakpointRemoveRequested); const BreakpointParameters &requested = bp->requestedParameters(); if (!requested.isCppBreakpoint()) { DebuggerCommand cmd("removeInterpreterBreakpoint"); bp->addToCommand(&cmd); runCommand(cmd); notifyBreakpointRemoveOk(bp); return; } if (!bp->responseId().isEmpty()) { // We already have a fully inserted breakpoint. notifyBreakpointRemoveProceeding(bp); showMessage( QString("DELETING BP %1 IN %2").arg(bp->responseId()).arg(bp->fileName().toString())); DebuggerCommand cmd("-break-delete " + bp->responseId(), NeedsTemporaryStop); runCommand(cmd); // Pretend it succeeds without waiting for response. Feels better. // Otherwise, clicking in the gutter leaves the breakpoint visible // for quite some time, so the user assumes a mis-click and clicks // again, effectivly re-introducing the breakpoint. notifyBreakpointRemoveOk(bp); } else { // Breakpoint was scheduled to be inserted, but we haven't had // an answer so far. Postpone activity by doing nothing. } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Modules specific stuff // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static QString dotEscape(QString str) { str.replace(' ', '.'); str.replace('\\', '.'); str.replace('/', '.'); return str; } void GdbEngine::loadSymbols(const QString &modulePath) { // FIXME: gdb does not understand quoted names here (tested with 6.8) runCommand({"sharedlibrary " + dotEscape(modulePath)}); reloadModulesInternal(); reloadStack(); updateLocals(); } void GdbEngine::loadAllSymbols() { runCommand({"sharedlibrary .*"}); reloadModulesInternal(); reloadStack(); updateLocals(); } void GdbEngine::loadSymbolsForStack() { bool needUpdate = false; const Modules &modules = modulesHandler()->modules(); stackHandler()->forItemsAtLevel<2>([modules, &needUpdate, this](StackFrameItem *frameItem) { const StackFrame &frame = frameItem->frame; if (frame.function == "??") { //qDebug() << "LOAD FOR " << frame.address; for (const Module &module : modules) { if (module.startAddress <= frame.address && frame.address < module.endAddress) { runCommand({"sharedlibrary " + dotEscape(module.modulePath)}); needUpdate = true; } } } }); if (needUpdate) { reloadStack(); updateLocals(); } } static void handleShowModuleSymbols(const DebuggerResponse &response, const QString &modulePath, const QString &fileName) { if (response.resultClass == ResultDone) { Symbols symbols; QFile file(fileName); file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); // Object file /opt/dev/qt/lib/libQtNetworkMyns.so.4: // [ 0] A 0x16bd64 _DYNAMIC moc_qudpsocket.cpp // [12] S 0xe94680 _ZN4myns5QFileC1Ev section .plt myns::QFile::QFile() const QStringList lines = QString::fromLocal8Bit(file.readAll()).split('\n'); for (const QString &line : lines) { if (line.isEmpty()) continue; if (line.at(0) != '[') continue; int posCode = line.indexOf(']') + 2; int posAddress = line.indexOf("0x", posCode); if (posAddress == -1) continue; int posName = line.indexOf(" ", posAddress); int lenAddress = posName - posAddress; int posSection = line.indexOf(" section "); int lenName = 0; int lenSection = 0; int posDemangled = 0; if (posSection == -1) { lenName = line.size() - posName; posDemangled = posName; } else { lenName = posSection - posName; posSection += 10; posDemangled = line.indexOf(' ', posSection + 1); if (posDemangled == -1) { lenSection = line.size() - posSection; } else { lenSection = posDemangled - posSection; posDemangled += 1; } } int lenDemangled = 0; if (posDemangled != -1) lenDemangled = line.size() - posDemangled; Symbol symbol; symbol.state = line.mid(posCode, 1); symbol.address = line.mid(posAddress, lenAddress); symbol.name = line.mid(posName, lenName); symbol.section = line.mid(posSection, lenSection); symbol.demangled = line.mid(posDemangled, lenDemangled); symbols.push_back(symbol); } file.close(); file.remove(); DebuggerEngine::showModuleSymbols(modulePath, symbols); } else { AsynchronousMessageBox::critical(Tr::tr("Cannot Read Symbols"), Tr::tr("Cannot read symbols for module \"%1\".").arg(fileName)); } } void GdbEngine::requestModuleSymbols(const QString &modulePath) { Utils::TemporaryFile tf("gdbsymbols"); if (!tf.open()) return; QString fileName = tf.fileName(); tf.close(); DebuggerCommand cmd("maint print msymbols \"" + fileName + "\" " + modulePath, NeedsTemporaryStop); cmd.callback = [modulePath, fileName](const DebuggerResponse &r) { handleShowModuleSymbols(r, modulePath, fileName); }; runCommand(cmd); } void GdbEngine::requestModuleSections(const QString &moduleName) { // There seems to be no way to get the symbols from a single .so. DebuggerCommand cmd("maint info section ALLOBJ", NeedsTemporaryStop); cmd.callback = [this, moduleName](const DebuggerResponse &r) { handleShowModuleSections(r, moduleName); }; runCommand(cmd); } void GdbEngine::handleShowModuleSections(const DebuggerResponse &response, const QString &moduleName) { // ~" Object file: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libffi.so.6\n" // ~" 0xb44a6114->0xb44a6138 at 0x00000114: .note.gnu.build-id ALLOC LOAD READONLY DATA HAS_CONTENTS\n" if (response.resultClass == ResultDone) { const QStringList lines = response.consoleStreamOutput.split('\n'); const QString prefix = " Object file: "; const QString needle = prefix + moduleName; Sections sections; bool active = false; for (const QString &line : std::as_const(lines)) { if (line.startsWith(prefix)) { if (active) break; if (line == needle) active = true; } else { if (active) { QStringList items = line.split(' ', Qt::SkipEmptyParts); QString fromTo = items.value(0, QString()); const int pos = fromTo.indexOf('-'); QTC_ASSERT(pos >= 0, continue); Section section; section.from = fromTo.left(pos); section.to = fromTo.mid(pos + 2); section.address = items.value(2, QString()); section.name = items.value(3, QString()); section.flags = items.value(4, QString()); sections.append(section); } } } if (!sections.isEmpty()) DebuggerEngine::showModuleSections(moduleName, sections); } } void GdbEngine::reloadModules() { if (state() == InferiorRunOk || state() == InferiorStopOk) reloadModulesInternal(); } void GdbEngine::reloadModulesInternal() { runCommand({"info shared", NeedsTemporaryStop, CB(handleModulesList)}); } static QString nameFromPath(const QString &path) { return QFileInfo(path).baseName(); } void GdbEngine::handleModulesList(const DebuggerResponse &response) { if (response.resultClass == ResultDone) { ModulesHandler *handler = modulesHandler(); Module module; // That's console-based output, likely Linux or Windows, // but we can avoid the target dependency here. QString data = response.consoleStreamOutput; QTextStream ts(&data, QIODevice::ReadOnly); bool found = false; while (!ts.atEnd()) { QString line = ts.readLine(); QString symbolsRead; QTextStream ts(&line, QIODevice::ReadOnly); if (line.startsWith("0x")) { ts >> module.startAddress >> module.endAddress >> symbolsRead; module.modulePath = ts.readLine().trimmed(); module.moduleName = nameFromPath(module.modulePath); module.symbolsRead = (symbolsRead == "Yes" ? Module::ReadOk : Module::ReadFailed); handler->updateModule(module); found = true; } else if (line.trimmed().startsWith("No")) { // gdb 6.4 symbianelf ts >> symbolsRead; QTC_ASSERT(symbolsRead == "No", continue); module.startAddress = 0; module.endAddress = 0; module.modulePath = ts.readLine().trimmed(); module.moduleName = nameFromPath(module.modulePath); handler->updateModule(module); found = true; } } if (!found) { // Mac has^done,shlib-info={num="1",name="dyld",kind="-", // dyld-addr="0x8fe00000",reason="dyld",requested-state="Y", // state="Y",path="/usr/lib/dyld",description="/usr/lib/dyld", // loaded_addr="0x8fe00000",slide="0x0",prefix="__dyld_"}, // shlib-info={...}... for (const GdbMi &item : response.data) { module.modulePath = item["path"].data(); module.moduleName = nameFromPath(module.modulePath); module.symbolsRead = (item["state"].data() == "Y") ? Module::ReadOk : Module::ReadFailed; module.startAddress = item["loaded_addr"].data().toULongLong(nullptr, 0); module.endAddress = 0; // FIXME: End address not easily available. handler->updateModule(module); } } } } void GdbEngine::examineModules() { ModulesHandler *handler = modulesHandler(); for (const Module &module : handler->modules()) { if (module.elfData.symbolsType == UnknownSymbols) handler->updateModule(module); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Source files specific stuff // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void GdbEngine::reloadSourceFiles() { if ((state() == InferiorRunOk || state() == InferiorStopOk) && !m_sourcesListUpdating) { m_sourcesListUpdating = true; DebuggerCommand cmd("-file-list-exec-source-files", NeedsTemporaryStop); cmd.callback = [this](const DebuggerResponse &response) { m_sourcesListUpdating = false; if (response.resultClass == ResultDone) { QMap oldShortToFull = m_shortToFullName; m_shortToFullName.clear(); m_fullToShortName.clear(); // "^done,files=[{file="../../../../bin/dumper/dumper.cpp", // fullname="/data5/dev/ide/main/bin/dumper/dumper.cpp"}, for (const GdbMi &item : response.data["files"]) { GdbMi fileName = item["file"]; if (fileName.data().endsWith("")) continue; GdbMi fullName = item["fullname"]; QString file = fileName.data(); QString full; if (fullName.isValid()) { full = cleanupFullName(fullName.data()); m_fullToShortName[full] = file; } m_shortToFullName[file] = full; } if (m_shortToFullName != oldShortToFull) sourceFilesHandler()->setSourceFiles(m_shortToFullName); } }; runCommand(cmd); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Stack specific stuff // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void GdbEngine::selectThread(const Thread &thread) { showStatusMessage(Tr::tr("Retrieving data for stack view thread %1...") .arg(thread->id()), 10000); DebuggerCommand cmd("-thread-select " + thread->id(), Discardable); cmd.callback = [this](const DebuggerResponse &) { QTC_CHECK(state() == InferiorUnrunnable || state() == InferiorStopOk); showStatusMessage(Tr::tr("Retrieving data for stack view..."), 3000); reloadStack(); // Will reload registers. updateLocals(); }; runCommand(cmd); } void GdbEngine::reloadFullStack() { PENDING_DEBUG("RELOAD FULL STACK"); resetLocation(); DebuggerCommand cmd = stackCommand(-1); cmd.callback = [this](const DebuggerResponse &r) { handleStackListFrames(r, true); }; cmd.flags = Discardable; runCommand(cmd); } void GdbEngine::loadAdditionalQmlStack() { DebuggerCommand cmd = stackCommand(-1); cmd.arg("extraqml", "1"); cmd.callback = [this](const DebuggerResponse &r) { handleStackListFrames(r, true); }; cmd.flags = Discardable; runCommand(cmd); } DebuggerCommand GdbEngine::stackCommand(int depth) { DebuggerCommand cmd("fetchStack"); cmd.arg("limit", depth); cmd.arg("nativemixed", isNativeMixedActive()); return cmd; } void GdbEngine::reloadStack() { PENDING_DEBUG("RELOAD STACK"); DebuggerCommand cmd = stackCommand(debuggerSettings()->maximalStackDepth.value()); cmd.callback = [this](const DebuggerResponse &r) { handleStackListFrames(r, false); }; cmd.flags = Discardable; runCommand(cmd); } void GdbEngine::handleStackListFrames(const DebuggerResponse &response, bool isFull) { if (response.resultClass != ResultDone) { // That always happens on symbian gdb with // ^error,data={msg="Previous frame identical to this frame (corrupt stack?)" // logStreamOutput: "Previous frame identical to this frame (corrupt stack?)\n" //qDebug() << "LISTING STACK FAILED: " << response.toString(); reloadRegisters(); reloadPeripheralRegisters(); return; } GdbMi stack = response.data["stack"]; // C++ //if (!frames.isValid() || frames.childCount() == 0) // Mixed. GdbMi frames = stack["frames"]; if (!frames.isValid()) isFull = true; stackHandler()->setFramesAndCurrentIndex(frames, isFull); activateFrame(stackHandler()->currentIndex()); } void GdbEngine::activateFrame(int frameIndex) { if (state() != InferiorStopOk && state() != InferiorUnrunnable) return; StackHandler *handler = stackHandler(); if (handler->isSpecialFrame(frameIndex)) { reloadFullStack(); return; } QTC_ASSERT(frameIndex < handler->stackSize(), return); handler->setCurrentIndex(frameIndex); gotoCurrentLocation(); if (handler->frameAt(frameIndex).language != QmlLanguage) { // Assuming the command always succeeds this saves a roundtrip. // Otherwise the lines below would need to get triggered // after a response to this -stack-select-frame here. //if (!m_currentThread.isEmpty()) // cmd += " --thread " + m_currentThread; runCommand({"-stack-select-frame " + QString::number(frameIndex), Discardable}); } updateLocals(); reloadRegisters(); reloadPeripheralRegisters(); } void GdbEngine::handleThreadInfo(const DebuggerResponse &response) { if (response.resultClass == ResultDone) { ThreadsHandler *handler = threadsHandler(); handler->setThreads(response.data); updateState(); // Adjust Threads combobox. if (debuggerSettings()->showThreadNames.value()) { runCommand({QString("threadnames %1").arg(debuggerSettings()->maximalStackDepth.value()), Discardable, CB(handleThreadNames)}); } reloadStack(); // Will trigger register reload. } else { // Fall back for older versions: Try to get at least a list // of running threads. runCommand({"-thread-list-ids", Discardable, CB(handleThreadListIds)}); } } void GdbEngine::handleThreadListIds(const DebuggerResponse &response) { // "72^done,{thread-ids={thread-id="2",thread-id="1"},number-of-threads="2"} // In gdb 7.1+ additionally: current-thread-id="1" ThreadsHandler *handler = threadsHandler(); for (const GdbMi &item : response.data["thread-ids"]) { ThreadData thread; thread.id = item.data(); handler->updateThread(thread); } reloadStack(); // Will trigger register reload. } void GdbEngine::handleThreadNames(const DebuggerResponse &response) { if (response.resultClass == ResultDone) { ThreadsHandler *handler = threadsHandler(); GdbMi names; names.fromString(response.consoleStreamOutput); for (const GdbMi &name : names) { ThreadData thread; thread.id = name["id"].data(); // Core is unavailable in core dump. Allow the user to provide it. thread.core = name["core"].data(); thread.name = decodeData(name["value"].data(), name["valueencoded"].data()); handler->updateThread(thread); } updateState(); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Snapshot specific stuff // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void GdbEngine::createSnapshot() { QString fileName; Utils::TemporaryFile tf("gdbsnapshot"); if (tf.open()) { fileName = tf.fileName(); tf.close(); // This must not be quoted, it doesn't work otherwise. DebuggerCommand cmd("gcore " + fileName, NeedsTemporaryStop | ConsoleCommand); cmd.callback = [this, fileName](const DebuggerResponse &r) { handleMakeSnapshot(r, fileName); }; runCommand(cmd); } else { AsynchronousMessageBox::critical(Tr::tr("Snapshot Creation Error"), Tr::tr("Cannot create snapshot file.")); } } void GdbEngine::handleMakeSnapshot(const DebuggerResponse &response, const QString &coreFile) { if (response.resultClass == ResultDone) { emit attachToCoreRequested(coreFile); } else { QString msg = response.data["msg"].data(); AsynchronousMessageBox::critical(Tr::tr("Snapshot Creation Error"), Tr::tr("Cannot create snapshot:") + '\n' + msg); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Register specific stuff // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void GdbEngine::reloadRegisters() { if (!isRegistersWindowVisible()) return; if (state() != InferiorStopOk && state() != InferiorUnrunnable) return; if (true) { if (!m_registerNamesListed) { // The MI version does not give register size. // runCommand("-data-list-register-names", CB(handleRegisterListNames)); m_registerNamesListed = true; runCommand({"maintenance print register-groups", CB(handleRegisterListing)}); } // Can cause i386-linux-nat.c:571: internal-error: Got request // for bad register number 41.\nA problem internal to GDB has been detected. runCommand({"-data-list-register-values r", Discardable, CB(handleRegisterListValues)}); } else { runCommand({"maintenance print cooked-registers", CB(handleMaintPrintRegisters)}); } } void GdbEngine::reloadPeripheralRegisters() { if (!isPeripheralRegistersWindowVisible()) return; const QList addresses = peripheralRegisterHandler()->activeRegisters(); if (addresses.isEmpty()) return; // Nothing to update. for (const quint64 address : addresses) { const QString fun = QStringLiteral("x/1u 0x%1") .arg(QString::number(address, 16)); runCommand({fun, CB(handlePeripheralRegisterListValues)}); } } static QString readWord(const QString &ba, int *pos) { const int n = ba.size(); while (*pos < n && ba.at(*pos) == ' ') ++*pos; const int start = *pos; while (*pos < n && ba.at(*pos) != ' ' && ba.at(*pos) != '\n') ++*pos; return ba.mid(start, *pos - start); } void GdbEngine::handleMaintPrintRegisters(const DebuggerResponse &response) { if (response.resultClass != ResultDone) return; const QString &ba = response.consoleStreamOutput; RegisterHandler *handler = registerHandler(); //0 1 2 3 4 5 6 //0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 // Name Nr Rel Offset Size Type Raw value // rax 0 0 0 8 int64_t 0x0000000000000000 // rip 16 16 128 8 *1 0x0000000000400dc9 // eflags 17 17 136 4 i386_eflags 0x00000246 // cs 18 18 140 4 int32_t 0x00000033 // xmm15 55 55 516 16 vec128 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 // mxcsr 56 56 532 4 i386_mxcsr 0x00001fa0 // '' // st6 30 30 224 10 _i387_ext 0x00000000000000000000 // st7 31 31 234 10 _i387_ext 0x00000000000000000000 // fctrl 32 32 244 4 int 0x0000037f const int n = ba.size(); int pos = 0; while (true) { // Skip first line, and until '\n' after each line finished. while (pos < n && ba.at(pos) != '\n') ++pos; if (pos >= n) break; ++pos; // skip \n Register reg; reg.name = readWord(ba, &pos); if (reg.name == "''" || reg.name == "*1:" || reg.name.isEmpty()) continue; readWord(ba, &pos); // Nr readWord(ba, &pos); // Rel readWord(ba, &pos); // Offset reg.size = readWord(ba, &pos).toInt(); reg.reportedType = readWord(ba, &pos); reg.value.fromString(readWord(ba, &pos), HexadecimalFormat); handler->updateRegister(reg); } handler->commitUpdates(); } void GdbEngine::setRegisterValue(const QString &name, const QString &value) { QString fullName = name; if (name.startsWith("xmm")) fullName += ".uint128"; runCommand({"set $" + fullName + "=" + value}); reloadRegisters(); } void GdbEngine::setPeripheralRegisterValue(quint64 address, quint64 value) { const QString fun = QStringLiteral("set {int}0x%1=%2") .arg(QString::number(address, 16)) .arg(value); runCommand({fun}); reloadPeripheralRegisters(); } void GdbEngine::handleRegisterListNames(const DebuggerResponse &response) { if (response.resultClass != ResultDone) { m_registerNamesListed = false; return; } m_registers.clear(); int gdbRegisterNumber = 0; for (const GdbMi &item : response.data["register-names"]) { if (!item.data().isEmpty()) { Register reg; reg.name = item.data(); m_registers[gdbRegisterNumber] = reg; } ++gdbRegisterNumber; } } void GdbEngine::handleRegisterListing(const DebuggerResponse &response) { if (response.resultClass != ResultDone) { m_registerNamesListed = false; return; } // &"maintenance print raw-registers\n" // >~" Name Nr Rel Offset Size Type Groups\n" // >~" rax 0 0 0 8 int64_t general,all,save,restore\n" // >~" rip 16 16 128 8 *1 general,all,save,restore\n" // >~" fop 39 39 272 4 int float,all,save,restore\n" // >~" xmm0 40 40 276 16 vec128 sse,all,save,restore,vector\n" // >~" '' 145 145 536 0 int0_t general\n" m_registers.clear(); QStringList lines = response.consoleStreamOutput.split('\n'); for (int i = 1; i < lines.size(); ++i) { const QStringList parts = lines.at(i).split(' ', Qt::SkipEmptyParts); if (parts.size() < 7) continue; int gdbRegisterNumber = parts.at(1).toInt(); Register reg; reg.name = parts.at(0); reg.size = parts.at(4).toInt(); reg.reportedType = parts.at(5); reg.groups = Utils::toSet(parts.at(6).split(',')); m_registers[gdbRegisterNumber] = reg; } } void GdbEngine::handleRegisterListValues(const DebuggerResponse &response) { if (response.resultClass != ResultDone) return; RegisterHandler *handler = registerHandler(); // 24^done,register-values=[{number="0",value="0xf423f"},...] for (const GdbMi &item : response.data["register-values"]) { const int number = item["number"].toInt(); auto reg = m_registers.find(number); if (reg == m_registers.end()) continue; QString data = item["value"].data(); if (data.startsWith("0x")) { reg->value.fromString(data, HexadecimalFormat); } else if (data == "") { // Nothing. See QTCREATORBUG-14029. } else { // This is what GDB considers machine readable output: // value="{v4_float = {0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // v2_double = {0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000}, // v16_int8 = {0x00 }, // v8_int16 = {0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000}, // v4_int32 = {0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000}, // v2_int64 = {0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000}, // uint128 = }"} // Try to make sense of it using the int32 chunks. // Android gdb 7.10 has u32 = {0x00000000, 0x40340000}. // Use that if available. QString result; int pos1 = data.indexOf("_int32"); if (pos1 == -1) pos1 = data.indexOf("u32"); const int pos2 = data.indexOf('{', pos1) + 1; const int pos3 = data.indexOf('}', pos2); QString inner = data.mid(pos2, pos3 - pos2); QStringList list = inner.split(','); for (int i = list.size(); --i >= 0; ) { QString chunk = list.at(i); if (chunk.startsWith(' ')) chunk.remove(0, 1); if (chunk.startsWith('<') || chunk.startsWith('{')) // , {v4_float=... continue; if (chunk.startsWith("0x")) chunk.remove(0, 2); QTC_ASSERT(chunk.size() == 8, continue); result.append(chunk); } reg->value.fromString(result, HexadecimalFormat); } handler->updateRegister(*reg); } handler->commitUpdates(); } void GdbEngine::handlePeripheralRegisterListValues( const DebuggerResponse &response) { if (response.resultClass != ResultDone) return; const QString output = response.consoleStreamOutput; // Regexp to match for '0x50060800:\t0\n'. const QRegularExpression re("^(0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+):\\t(\\d+)\\n$"); const QRegularExpressionMatch m = re.match(output); if (!m.hasMatch()) return; enum { AddressMatch = 1, ValueMatch = 2 }; bool aok = false; bool vok = false; const quint64 address = m.captured(AddressMatch).toULongLong(&aok, 16); const quint64 value = m.captured(ValueMatch).toULongLong(&vok, 10); if (!aok || !vok) return; peripheralRegisterHandler()->updateRegister(address, value); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Watch specific stuff // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void GdbEngine::reloadLocals() { // if the engine is not running - do nothing if (state() == DebuggerState::DebuggerFinished || state() == DebuggerState::DebuggerNotReady) return; setTokenBarrier(); updateLocals(); } void GdbEngine::handleVarAssign(const DebuggerResponse &) { // Everything might have changed, force re-evaluation. setTokenBarrier(); updateLocals(); } void GdbEngine::assignValueInDebugger(WatchItem *item, const QString &expression, const QVariant &value) { DebuggerCommand cmd("assignValue"); cmd.arg("type", toHex(item->type)); cmd.arg("expr", toHex(expression)); cmd.arg("value", toHex(value.toString())); cmd.arg("simpleType", isIntOrFloatType(item->type)); cmd.callback = CB(handleVarAssign); runCommand(cmd); } class MemoryAgentCookie { public: MemoryAgentCookie() = default; QByteArray *accumulator = nullptr; // Shared between split request. Last one cleans up. uint *pendingRequests = nullptr; // Shared between split request. Last one cleans up. QPointer agent; quint64 base = 0; // base address. uint offset = 0; // offset to base, and in accumulator uint length = 0; // }; void GdbEngine::changeMemory(MemoryAgent *agent, quint64 addr, const QByteArray &data) { Q_UNUSED(agent) DebuggerCommand cmd("-data-write-memory 0x" + QString::number(addr, 16) + " d 1", NeedsTemporaryStop); for (unsigned char c : data) cmd.function += ' ' + QString::number(uint(c)); cmd.callback = CB(handleVarAssign); runCommand(cmd); } void GdbEngine::fetchMemory(MemoryAgent *agent, quint64 addr, quint64 length) { MemoryAgentCookie ac; ac.accumulator = new QByteArray(length, char()); ac.pendingRequests = new uint(1); ac.agent = agent; ac.base = addr; ac.length = length; fetchMemoryHelper(ac); } void GdbEngine::fetchMemoryHelper(const MemoryAgentCookie &ac) { DebuggerCommand cmd("-data-read-memory 0x" + QString::number(ac.base + ac.offset, 16) + " x 1 1 " + QString::number(ac.length), NeedsTemporaryStop); cmd.callback = [this, ac](const DebuggerResponse &r) { handleFetchMemory(r, ac); }; runCommand(cmd); } void GdbEngine::handleFetchMemory(const DebuggerResponse &response, MemoryAgentCookie ac) { // ^done,addr="0x08910c88",nr-bytes="16",total-bytes="16", // next-row="0x08910c98",prev-row="0x08910c78",next-page="0x08910c98", // prev-page="0x08910c78",memory=[{addr="0x08910c88", // data=["1","0","0","0","5","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0"]}] --*ac.pendingRequests; showMessage(QString("PENDING: %1").arg(*ac.pendingRequests)); QTC_ASSERT(ac.agent, return); if (response.resultClass == ResultDone) { GdbMi memory = response.data["memory"]; QTC_ASSERT(memory.childCount() <= 1, return); if (memory.childCount() == 0) return; GdbMi memory0 = memory.childAt(0); // we asked for only one 'row' GdbMi data = memory0["data"]; int i = 0; for (const GdbMi &child : data) { bool ok = true; unsigned char c = '?'; c = child.data().toUInt(&ok, 0); QTC_ASSERT(ok, return); (*ac.accumulator)[ac.offset + i++] = c; } } else { // We have an error if (ac.length > 1) { // ... and size > 1, split the load and re-try. *ac.pendingRequests += 2; uint hunk = ac.length / 2; MemoryAgentCookie ac1 = ac; ac1.length = hunk; ac1.offset = ac.offset; MemoryAgentCookie ac2 = ac; ac2.length = ac.length - hunk; ac2.offset = ac.offset + hunk; fetchMemoryHelper(ac1); fetchMemoryHelper(ac2); } } if (*ac.pendingRequests <= 0) { ac.agent->addData(ac.base, *ac.accumulator); delete ac.pendingRequests; delete ac.accumulator; } } class DisassemblerAgentCookie { public: DisassemblerAgentCookie() : agent(nullptr) {} DisassemblerAgentCookie(DisassemblerAgent *agent_) : agent(agent_) {} public: QPointer agent; }; void GdbEngine::fetchDisassembler(DisassemblerAgent *agent) { if (debuggerSettings()->intelFlavor.value()) runCommand({"set disassembly-flavor intel"}); else runCommand({"set disassembly-flavor att"}); fetchDisassemblerByCliPointMixed(agent); } static inline QString disassemblerCommand(const Location &location, bool mixed, QChar mixedFlag) { QString command = "disassemble /r"; if (mixed) command += mixedFlag; command += ' '; if (const quint64 address = location.address()) { command += "0x"; command += QString::number(address, 16); } else if (!location.functionName().isEmpty()) { command += location.functionName(); } else { QTC_ASSERT(false, return QString(); ); } return command; } void GdbEngine::fetchDisassemblerByCliPointMixed(const DisassemblerAgentCookie &ac) { QTC_ASSERT(ac.agent, return); DebuggerCommand cmd(disassemblerCommand(ac.agent->location(), true, mixedDisasmFlag()), Discardable | ConsoleCommand); cmd.callback = [this, ac](const DebuggerResponse &response) { if (response.resultClass == ResultDone) if (handleCliDisassemblerResult(response.consoleStreamOutput, ac.agent)) return; // 'point, plain' can take far too long. // Skip this feature and immediately fall back to the 'range' version: fetchDisassemblerByCliRangeMixed(ac); }; runCommand(cmd); } void GdbEngine::fetchDisassemblerByCliRangeMixed(const DisassemblerAgentCookie &ac) { QTC_ASSERT(ac.agent, return); const quint64 address = ac.agent->address(); QString start = QString::number(address - 20, 16); QString end = QString::number(address + 100, 16); DebuggerCommand cmd("disassemble /r" + mixedDisasmFlag() + " 0x" + start + ",0x" + end, Discardable | ConsoleCommand); cmd.callback = [this, ac](const DebuggerResponse &response) { if (response.resultClass == ResultDone) if (handleCliDisassemblerResult(response.consoleStreamOutput, ac.agent)) return; fetchDisassemblerByCliRangePlain(ac); }; runCommand(cmd); } void GdbEngine::fetchDisassemblerByCliRangePlain(const DisassemblerAgentCookie &ac0) { DisassemblerAgentCookie ac = ac0; QTC_ASSERT(ac.agent, return); const quint64 address = ac.agent->address(); QString start = QString::number(address - 20, 16); QString end = QString::number(address + 100, 16); DebuggerCommand cmd("disassemble /r 0x" + start + ",0x" + end, Discardable); cmd.callback = [this, ac](const DebuggerResponse &response) { if (response.resultClass == ResultDone) if (handleCliDisassemblerResult(response.consoleStreamOutput, ac.agent)) return; // Finally, give up. //76^error,msg="No function contains program counter for selected..." //76^error,msg="No function contains specified address." //>568^error,msg="Line number 0 out of range; QString msg = response.data["msg"].data(); showStatusMessage(Tr::tr("Disassembler failed: %1").arg(msg), 5000); }; runCommand(cmd); } struct LineData { LineData() = default; LineData(int i, int f) : index(i), function(f) {} int index; int function; }; bool GdbEngine::handleCliDisassemblerResult(const QString &output, DisassemblerAgent *agent) { QTC_ASSERT(agent, return true); // First line is something like // "Dump of assembler code from 0xb7ff598f to 0xb7ff5a07:" DisassemblerLines dlines; const QStringList lineList = output.split('\n'); for (const QString &line : lineList) dlines.appendUnparsed(line); QVector lines = dlines.data(); using LineMap = QMap; LineMap lineMap; int currentFunction = -1; for (int i = 0, n = lines.size(); i != n; ++i) { const DisassemblerLine &line = lines.at(i); if (line.address) lineMap.insert(line.address, LineData(i, currentFunction)); else currentFunction = i; } currentFunction = -1; DisassemblerLines result; result.setBytesLength(dlines.bytesLength()); for (LineMap::const_iterator it = lineMap.constBegin(), et = lineMap.constEnd(); it != et; ++it) { LineData d = *it; if (d.function != currentFunction) { if (d.function != -1) { DisassemblerLine &line = lines[d.function]; ++line.hunk; result.appendLine(line); currentFunction = d.function; } } result.appendLine(lines.at(d.index)); } if (result.coversAddress(agent->address())) { agent->setContents(result); return true; } return false; } static SourcePathMap mergeStartParametersSourcePathMap(const DebuggerRunParameters &sp, const SourcePathMap &in) { // Do not overwrite user settings. SourcePathMap rc = sp.sourcePathMap; for (auto it = in.constBegin(), end = in.constEnd(); it != end; ++it) { // Entries that start with parenthesis are handled in CppDebuggerEngine::validateRunParameters if (!it.key().startsWith('(')) rc.insert(it.key(), sp.macroExpander->expand(it.value())); } return rc; } // // Starting up & shutting down // void GdbEngine::setupEngine() { CHECK_STATE(EngineSetupRequested); showMessage("TRYING TO START ADAPTER"); if (isRemoteEngine()) m_gdbProc.setUseCtrlCStub(runParameters().useCtrlCStub); // This is only set for QNX const DebuggerRunParameters &rp = runParameters(); CommandLine gdbCommand = rp.debugger.command; if (usesOutputCollector()) { if (!m_outputCollector.listen()) { handleAdapterStartFailed(Tr::tr("Cannot set up communication with child process: %1") .arg(m_outputCollector.errorString())); return; } gdbCommand.addArg("--tty=" + m_outputCollector.serverName()); } const QStringList testList = qtcEnvironmentVariable("QTC_DEBUGGER_TESTS").split(','); for (const QString &test : testList) m_testCases.insert(test.toInt()); for (int test : std::as_const(m_testCases)) showMessage("ENABLING TEST CASE: " + QString::number(test)); m_expectTerminalTrap = terminal(); if (rp.debugger.command.isEmpty()) { handleGdbStartFailed(); handleAdapterStartFailed( msgNoGdbBinaryForToolChain(rp.toolChainAbi), Constants::DEBUGGER_COMMON_SETTINGS_ID); return; } gdbCommand.addArgs({"-i", "mi"}); if (!debuggerSettings()->loadGdbInit.value()) gdbCommand.addArg("-n"); // This is filled in DebuggerKitAspect::runnable Environment gdbEnv = rp.debugger.environment; gdbEnv.setupEnglishOutput(); if (rp.runAsRoot) RunControl::provideAskPassEntry(gdbEnv); m_gdbProc.setRunAsRoot(rp.runAsRoot); showMessage("STARTING " + gdbCommand.toUserOutput()); m_gdbProc.setCommand(gdbCommand); if (rp.debugger.workingDirectory.isDir()) m_gdbProc.setWorkingDirectory(rp.debugger.workingDirectory); m_gdbProc.setEnvironment(gdbEnv); m_gdbProc.start(); } void GdbEngine::handleGdbStarted() { showMessage("GDB STARTED, INITIALIZING IT"); runCommand({"show version", CB(handleShowVersion)}); runCommand({"show debug-file-directory", CB(handleDebugInfoLocation)}); //runCommand("-enable-timings"); //rurun print static-members off"); // Seemingly doesn't work. //runCommand("set debug infrun 1"); //runCommand("define hook-stop\n-thread-list-ids\n-stack-list-frames\nend"); //runCommand("define hook-stop\nprint 4\nend"); //runCommand("define hookpost-stop\nprint 5\nend"); //runCommand("define hook-call\nprint 6\nend"); //runCommand("define hookpost-call\nprint 7\nend"); //runCommand("set step-mode on"); // we can't work with that yes //runCommand("set exec-done-display on"); //runCommand("set print pretty on"); //runCommand("set confirm off"); //runCommand("set pagination off"); // The following does not work with 6.3.50-20050815 (Apple version gdb-1344) // (Mac OS 10.6), but does so for gdb-966 (10.5): //runCommand("set print inferior-events 1"); runCommand({"set breakpoint pending on"}); runCommand({"set print elements 10000"}); if (debuggerSettings()->useIndexCache.value()) runCommand({"set index-cache on"}); // Produces a few messages during symtab loading //runCommand("set verbose on"); // one of the following is needed to prevent crashes in gdb on code like: // template T foo() { return T(0); } // int main() { return foo(); } // (gdb) call 'int foo'() // /build/buildd/gdb-6.8/gdb/valops.c:2069: internal-error // This seems to be fixed, however, with 'on' it seems to _require_ // explicit casting of function pointers: // GNU gdb (GDB) // (gdb) p &Myns::QMetaType::typeName -> $1 = (const char *(*)(int)) 0xb7cf73b0 // (gdb) p Myns::QMetaType::typeName(1024) -> 31^error,msg="Couldn't find method Myns::QMetaType::typeName" // But we can work around on the dumper side. So let's use the default (i.e. 'on') //runCommand("set overload-resolution off"); //runCommand(_("set demangle-style none")); runCommand({"set unwindonsignal on"}); runCommand({"set width 0"}); runCommand({"set height 0"}); // FIXME: Provide proper Gui settings for these: //runCommand("set breakpoint always-inserted on", ConsoleCommand); // displaced-stepping does not work in Thumb mode. //runCommand("set displaced-stepping on"); //runCommand("set trust-readonly-sections on", ConsoleCommand); //runCommand("set remotecache on", ConsoleCommand); //runCommand("set non-stop on", ConsoleCommand); showStatusMessage(Tr::tr("Setting up inferior...")); const DebuggerRunParameters &rp = runParameters(); // Addint executable to modules list. Module module; module.startAddress = 0; module.endAddress = 0; module.modulePath = rp.inferior.command.executable().toString(); module.moduleName = ""; modulesHandler()->updateModule(module); // Apply source path mappings from global options. //showMessage(_("Assuming Qt is installed at %1").arg(qtInstallPath)); const SourcePathMap sourcePathMap = mergePlatformQtPath(rp, debuggerSettings()->sourcePathMap.value()); const SourcePathMap completeSourcePathMap = mergeStartParametersSourcePathMap(rp, sourcePathMap); for (auto it = completeSourcePathMap.constBegin(), cend = completeSourcePathMap.constEnd(); it != cend; ++it) { runCommand({"set substitute-path " + it.key() + " " + expand(it.value())}); } // Spaces just will not work. for (const QString &src : rp.debugSourceLocation) { if (QDir(src).exists()) runCommand({"directory " + src}); else showMessage("# directory does not exist: " + src, LogInput); } if (!rp.sysRoot.isEmpty()) { runCommand({"set sysroot " + rp.sysRoot.toString()}); // sysroot is not enough to correctly locate the sources, so explicitly // relocate the most likely place for the debug source runCommand({"set substitute-path /usr/src " + rp.sysRoot.toString() + "/usr/src"}); } //QByteArray ba = QFileInfo(sp.dumperLibrary).path().toLocal8Bit(); //if (!ba.isEmpty()) // runCommand("set solib-search-path " + ba); if (debuggerSettings()->multiInferior.value() || runParameters().multiProcess) { //runCommand("set follow-exec-mode new"); runCommand({"set detach-on-fork off"}); } // Finally, set up Python. // We need to guarantee a roundtrip before the adapter proceeds. // Make sure this stays the last command in startGdb(). // Don't use ConsoleCommand, otherwise Mac won't markup the output. //if (terminal()->isUsable()) // runCommand({"set inferior-tty " + QString::fromUtf8(terminal()->slaveDevice())}); const QString uninstalledData = rp.debugger.command.executable().parentDir() .pathAppended("data-directory/python").path(); runCommand({"python sys.path.insert(1, '" + rp.dumperPath.path() + "')"}); runCommand({"python sys.path.append('" + uninstalledData + "')"}); runCommand({"python from gdbbridge import *"}); const QString path = debuggerSettings()->extraDumperFile.value(); if (!path.isEmpty() && QFileInfo(path).isReadable()) { DebuggerCommand cmd("addDumperModule"); cmd.arg("path", path); runCommand(cmd); } const QString commands = expand(debuggerSettings()->extraDumperCommands.value()); if (!commands.isEmpty()) runCommand({commands}); DebuggerCommand cmd1("setFallbackQtVersion"); cmd1.arg("version", rp.fallbackQtVersion); runCommand(cmd1); runCommand({"loadDumpers", CB(handlePythonSetup)}); // Reload peripheral register description. peripheralRegisterHandler()->updateRegisterGroups(); } void GdbEngine::handleGdbStartFailed() { if (usesOutputCollector()) m_outputCollector.shutdown(); } void GdbEngine::loadInitScript() { const FilePath script = runParameters().overrideStartScript; if (!script.isEmpty()) { if (script.isReadableFile()) { runCommand({"source " + script.path()}); } else { AsynchronousMessageBox::warning( Tr::tr("Cannot Find Debugger Initialization Script"), Tr::tr("The debugger settings point to a script file at \"%1\", " "which is not accessible. If a script file is not needed, " "consider clearing that entry to avoid this warning." ).arg(script.toUserOutput())); } } else { const QString commands = nativeStartupCommands().trimmed(); if (!commands.isEmpty()) runCommand({commands}); } } void GdbEngine::setEnvironmentVariables() { auto isWindowsPath = [this](const QString &str){ return HostOsInfo::isWindowsHost() && !isRemoteEngine() && str.compare("path", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0; }; Environment baseEnv = runParameters().debugger.environment; Environment runEnv = runParameters().inferior.environment; const NameValueItems items = baseEnv.diff(runEnv); for (const EnvironmentItem &item : items) { // imitate the weird windows gdb behavior of setting the case of the path environment // variable name to an all uppercase PATH const QString name = isWindowsPath(item.name) ? "PATH" : item.name; if (item.operation == EnvironmentItem::Unset || item.operation == EnvironmentItem::SetDisabled) { runCommand({"unset environment " + name}); } else { if (name != item.name) runCommand({"unset environment " + item.name}); runCommand({"-gdb-set environment " + name + '=' + item.value}); } } } void GdbEngine::reloadDebuggingHelpers() { runCommand({"reloadDumpers"}); reloadLocals(); } void GdbEngine::handleGdbDone() { if (m_gdbProc.result() == ProcessResult::StartFailed) { handleGdbStartFailed(); QString msg; const FilePath wd = m_gdbProc.workingDirectory(); if (!wd.isReadableDir()) { msg = failedToStartMessage() + ' ' + Tr::tr("The working directory \"%1\" is not usable.") .arg(wd.toUserOutput()); } else { msg = RunWorker::userMessageForProcessError(QProcess::FailedToStart, runParameters().debugger.command.executable()); } handleAdapterStartFailed(msg); return; } const QProcess::ProcessError error = m_gdbProc.error(); if (error != QProcess::UnknownError) { QString msg = RunWorker::userMessageForProcessError(error, runParameters().debugger.command.executable()); const QString errorString = m_gdbProc.errorString(); if (!errorString.isEmpty()) msg += '\n' + errorString; showMessage("HANDLE GDB ERROR: " + msg); if (error == QProcess::FailedToStart) return; // This should be handled by the code trying to start the process. AsynchronousMessageBox::critical(Tr::tr("GDB I/O Error"), msg); } if (m_commandTimer.isActive()) m_commandTimer.stop(); notifyDebuggerProcessFinished(m_gdbProc.resultData(), "GDB"); } void GdbEngine::abortDebuggerProcess() { m_gdbProc.kill(); } void GdbEngine::resetInferior() { if (!runParameters().commandsForReset.isEmpty()) { const QStringList commands = expand(runParameters().commandsForReset).split('\n'); for (QString command : commands) { command = command.trimmed(); if (!command.isEmpty()) runCommand({command, ConsoleCommand | NeedsTemporaryStop | NativeCommand}); } } m_rerunPending = true; requestInterruptInferior(); runEngine(); } void GdbEngine::handleAdapterStartFailed(const QString &msg, Id settingsIdHint) { showMessage("ADAPTER START FAILED"); if (!msg.isEmpty() && !Internal::isTestRun()) { const QString title = Tr::tr("Adapter Start Failed"); ICore::showWarningWithOptions(title, msg, QString(), settingsIdHint); } notifyEngineSetupFailed(); } void GdbEngine::prepareForRestart() { m_rerunPending = false; m_commandForToken.clear(); m_flagsForToken.clear(); } void GdbEngine::handleInferiorPrepared() { CHECK_STATE(EngineSetupRequested); notifyEngineSetupOk(); runEngine(); } void GdbEngine::handleDebugInfoLocation(const DebuggerResponse &response) { if (response.resultClass == ResultDone) { const FilePath debugInfoLocation = runParameters().debugInfoLocation; if (!debugInfoLocation.isEmpty() && debugInfoLocation.exists()) { const QString curDebugInfoLocations = response.consoleStreamOutput.split('"').value(1); QString cmd = "set debug-file-directory " + debugInfoLocation.toString(); if (!curDebugInfoLocations.isEmpty()) cmd += HostOsInfo::pathListSeparator() + curDebugInfoLocations; runCommand({cmd}); } } } void GdbEngine::notifyInferiorSetupFailedHelper(const QString &msg) { showStatusMessage(Tr::tr("Failed to start application:") + ' ' + msg); if (state() == EngineSetupFailed) { showMessage("INFERIOR START FAILED, BUT ADAPTER DIED ALREADY"); return; // Adapter crashed meanwhile, so this notification is meaningless. } showMessage("INFERIOR START FAILED"); AsynchronousMessageBox::critical(Tr::tr("Failed to Start Application"), msg); notifyEngineSetupFailed(); } void GdbEngine::createFullBacktrace() { DebuggerCommand cmd("thread apply all bt full", NeedsTemporaryStop | ConsoleCommand); cmd.callback = [](const DebuggerResponse &response) { if (response.resultClass == ResultDone) { Internal::openTextEditor("Backtrace $", response.consoleStreamOutput + response.logStreamOutput); } }; runCommand(cmd); } void GdbEngine::resetCommandQueue() { m_commandTimer.stop(); if (!m_commandForToken.isEmpty()) { QString msg; QTextStream ts(&msg); ts << "RESETING COMMAND QUEUE. LEFT OVER TOKENS: "; for (const DebuggerCommand &cmd : std::as_const(m_commandForToken)) ts << "CMD:" << cmd.function; m_commandForToken.clear(); m_flagsForToken.clear(); showMessage(msg); } } bool GdbEngine::usesExecInterrupt() const { DebuggerStartMode mode = runParameters().startMode; return (mode == AttachToRemoteServer || mode == AttachToRemoteProcess) && usesTargetAsync(); } bool GdbEngine::usesTargetAsync() const { return runParameters().useTargetAsync || debuggerSettings()->targetAsync.value(); } void GdbEngine::scheduleTestResponse(int testCase, const QString &response) { if (!m_testCases.contains(testCase) && runParameters().testCase != testCase) return; int token = currentToken() + 1; showMessage(QString("SCHEDULING TEST RESPONSE (CASE: %1, TOKEN: %2, RESPONSE: %3)") .arg(testCase).arg(token).arg(response)); m_scheduledTestResponses[token] = response; } QString GdbEngine::msgGdbStopFailed(const QString &why) { return Tr::tr("The gdb process could not be stopped:\n%1").arg(why); } QString GdbEngine::msgInferiorStopFailed(const QString &why) { return Tr::tr("Application process could not be stopped:\n%1").arg(why); } QString GdbEngine::msgInferiorSetupOk() { return Tr::tr("Application started."); } QString GdbEngine::msgInferiorRunOk() { return Tr::tr("Application running."); } QString GdbEngine::msgAttachedToStoppedInferior() { return Tr::tr("Attached to stopped application."); } QString GdbEngine::msgConnectRemoteServerFailed(const QString &why) { return Tr::tr("Connecting to remote server failed:\n%1").arg(why); } void GdbEngine::interruptLocalInferior(qint64 pid) { CHECK_STATE(InferiorStopRequested); if (pid <= 0) { showMessage("TRYING TO INTERRUPT INFERIOR BEFORE PID WAS OBTAINED", LogError); return; } QString errorMessage; if (runParameters().runAsRoot) { Environment env = Environment::systemEnvironment(); RunControl::provideAskPassEntry(env); QtcProcess proc; proc.setCommand(CommandLine{"sudo", {"-A", "kill", "-s", "SIGINT", QString::number(pid)}}); proc.setEnvironment(env); proc.start(); proc.waitForFinished(); } else if (interruptProcess(pid, GdbEngineType, &errorMessage)) { showMessage("Interrupted " + QString::number(pid)); } else { showMessage(errorMessage, LogError); notifyInferiorStopFailed(); } } void GdbEngine::debugLastCommand() { runCommand(m_lastDebuggableCommand); } bool GdbEngine::isLocalRunEngine() const { return !isCoreEngine() && !isLocalAttachEngine() && !isRemoteEngine(); } bool GdbEngine::isPlainEngine() const { return isLocalRunEngine() && !terminal(); } bool GdbEngine::isCoreEngine() const { return runParameters().startMode == AttachToCore; } bool GdbEngine::isRemoteEngine() const { DebuggerStartMode startMode = runParameters().startMode; return startMode == StartRemoteProcess || startMode == AttachToRemoteServer; } bool GdbEngine::isLocalAttachEngine() const { return runParameters().startMode == AttachToLocalProcess; } bool GdbEngine::isTermEngine() const { return isLocalRunEngine() && terminal(); } bool GdbEngine::usesOutputCollector() const { return isPlainEngine() && !runParameters().debugger.command.executable().needsDevice(); } void GdbEngine::claimInitialBreakpoints() { CHECK_STATE(EngineRunRequested); const DebuggerRunParameters &rp = runParameters(); if (rp.startMode != AttachToCore) { showStatusMessage(Tr::tr("Setting breakpoints...")); showMessage(Tr::tr("Setting breakpoints...")); BreakpointManager::claimBreakpointsForEngine(this); const DebuggerSettings &s = *debuggerSettings(); const bool onAbort = s.breakOnAbort.value(); const bool onWarning = s.breakOnWarning.value(); const bool onFatal = s.breakOnFatal.value(); if (onAbort || onWarning || onFatal) { DebuggerCommand cmd("createSpecialBreakpoints"); cmd.arg("breakonabort", onAbort); cmd.arg("breakonwarning", onWarning); cmd.arg("breakonfatal", onFatal); runCommand(cmd); } } // It is ok to cut corners here and not wait for createSpecialBreakpoints()'s // response, as the command is synchronous from Creator's point of view, // and even if it fails (e.g. due to stripped binaries), continuing with // the start up is the best we can do. if (!rp.commandsAfterConnect.isEmpty()) { const QString commands = expand(rp.commandsAfterConnect); for (const QString &command : commands.split('\n')) runCommand({command, NativeCommand}); } } void GdbEngine::setupInferior() { CHECK_STATE(EngineSetupRequested); const DebuggerRunParameters &rp = runParameters(); //runCommand("set follow-exec-mode new"); if (rp.breakOnMain) runCommand({"tbreak " + mainFunction()}); if (rp.startMode == AttachToRemoteProcess) { handleInferiorPrepared(); } else if (isLocalAttachEngine()) { // Task 254674 does not want to remove them //qq->breakHandler()->removeAllBreakpoints(); handleInferiorPrepared(); } else if (isRemoteEngine()) { setLinuxOsAbi(); QString symbolFile; if (!rp.symbolFile.isEmpty()) symbolFile = rp.symbolFile.toFileInfo().absoluteFilePath(); //const QByteArray sysroot = sp.sysroot.toLocal8Bit(); //const QByteArray remoteArch = sp.remoteArchitecture.toLatin1(); const QString args = runParameters().inferior.command.arguments(); // if (!remoteArch.isEmpty()) // postCommand("set architecture " + remoteArch); if (!rp.solibSearchPath.isEmpty()) { DebuggerCommand cmd("appendSolibSearchPath"); for (const FilePath &filePath : rp.solibSearchPath) cmd.arg("path", filePath.path()); cmd.arg("separator", HostOsInfo::pathListSeparator()); runCommand(cmd); } if (!args.isEmpty()) runCommand({"-exec-arguments " + args}); setEnvironmentVariables(); // This has to be issued before 'target remote'. On pre-7.0 the // command is not present and will result in ' No symbol table is // loaded. Use the "file" command.' as gdb tries to set the // value of a variable with name 'target-async'. // // Testing with -list-target-features which was introduced at // the same time would not work either, as this need an existing // target. // // Using it even without a target and having it fail might still // be better as: // Some external comment: '[but] "set target-async on" with a native // windows gdb will work, but then fail when you actually do // "run"/"attach", I think.. // gdb/mi/mi-main.c:1958: internal-error: // mi_execute_async_cli_command: Assertion `is_running (inferior_ptid)' // failed.\nA problem internal to GDB has been detected,[...] if (usesTargetAsync()) runCommand({"set target-async on", CB(handleSetTargetAsync)}); if (symbolFile.isEmpty()) { showMessage(Tr::tr("No symbol file given."), StatusBar); callTargetRemote(); } else { runCommand({"-file-exec-and-symbols \"" + symbolFile + '"', CB(handleFileExecAndSymbols)}); } } else if (isCoreEngine()) { setLinuxOsAbi(); FilePath executable = rp.inferior.command.executable(); if (executable.isEmpty()) { CoreInfo cinfo = CoreInfo::readExecutableNameFromCore(rp.debugger, rp.coreFile); if (!cinfo.isCore) { AsynchronousMessageBox::warning(Tr::tr("Error Loading Core File"), Tr::tr("The specified file does not appear to be a core file.")); notifyEngineSetupFailed(); return; } executable = cinfo.foundExecutableName; if (executable.isEmpty()) { AsynchronousMessageBox::warning(Tr::tr("Error Loading Symbols"), Tr::tr("No executable to load symbols from specified core.")); notifyEngineSetupFailed(); return; } } // Do that first, otherwise no symbols are loaded. QFileInfo fi = executable.toFileInfo(); QString path = fi.absoluteFilePath(); // This is *not* equivalent to -file-exec-and-symbols. If the file is not executable // (contains only debugging symbols), this should still work. runCommand({"-file-exec-file \"" + path + '"'}); runCommand({"-file-symbol-file \"" + path + '"', CB(handleFileExecAndSymbols)}); } else if (isTermEngine()) { const qint64 attachedPID = terminal()->applicationPid(); const qint64 attachedMainThreadID = terminal()->applicationMainThreadId(); notifyInferiorPid(ProcessHandle(attachedPID)); const QString msg = (attachedMainThreadID != -1) ? QString("Going to attach to %1 (%2)").arg(attachedPID).arg(attachedMainThreadID) : QString("Going to attach to %1").arg(attachedPID); showMessage(msg, LogMisc); // For some reason, this breaks GDB 9 on Linux. See QTCREATORBUG-26299. if (HostOsInfo::isWindowsHost() && m_gdbVersion >= 100000) { // Required for debugging MinGW32 apps with 64-bit GDB. See QTCREATORBUG-26208. const QString executable = runParameters().inferior.command.executable().toFileInfo().absoluteFilePath(); runCommand({"-file-exec-and-symbols \"" + executable + '"', CB(handleFileExecAndSymbols)}); } else { handleInferiorPrepared(); } } else if (isPlainEngine()) { setEnvironmentVariables(); if (!rp.inferior.workingDirectory.isEmpty()) runCommand({"cd " + rp.inferior.workingDirectory.path()}); if (!rp.inferior.command.arguments().isEmpty()) { QString args = rp.inferior.command.arguments(); runCommand({"-exec-arguments " + args}); } QString executable = runParameters().inferior.command.executable().path(); runCommand({"-file-exec-and-symbols \"" + executable + '"', CB(handleFileExecAndSymbols)}); } } void GdbEngine::runEngine() { CHECK_STATE(EngineRunRequested); const DebuggerRunParameters &rp = runParameters(); if (rp.startMode == AttachToRemoteProcess) { claimInitialBreakpoints(); notifyEngineRunAndInferiorStopOk(); QString channel = rp.remoteChannel; runCommand({"target remote " + channel}); } else if (isLocalAttachEngine()) { const qint64 pid = rp.attachPID.pid(); showStatusMessage(Tr::tr("Attaching to process %1.").arg(pid)); runCommand({"attach " + QString::number(pid), [this](const DebuggerResponse &r) { handleLocalAttach(r); }}); // In some cases we get only output like // "Could not attach to process. If your uid matches the uid of the target\n" // "process, check the setting of /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope, or try\n" // " again as the root user. For more details, see /etc/sysctl.d/10-ptrace.conf\n" // " ptrace: Operation not permitted.\n" // but no(!) ^ response. Use a second command to force *some* output runCommand({"print 24"}); } else if (isRemoteEngine()) { claimInitialBreakpoints(); if (runParameters().useContinueInsteadOfRun) { notifyEngineRunAndInferiorStopOk(); continueInferiorInternal(); } else { runCommand({"-exec-run", DebuggerCommand::RunRequest, CB(handleExecRun)}); } } else if (isCoreEngine()) { claimInitialBreakpoints(); runCommand({"target core " + runParameters().coreFile.path(), CB(handleTargetCore)}); } else if (isTermEngine()) { const qint64 attachedPID = terminal()->applicationPid(); const qint64 mainThreadId = terminal()->applicationMainThreadId(); runCommand({"attach " + QString::number(attachedPID), [this, mainThreadId](const DebuggerResponse &r) { handleStubAttached(r, mainThreadId); }}); } else if (isPlainEngine()) { claimInitialBreakpoints(); if (runParameters().useContinueInsteadOfRun) runCommand({"-exec-continue", DebuggerCommand::RunRequest, CB(handleExecuteContinue)}); else runCommand({"-exec-run", DebuggerCommand::RunRequest, CB(handleExecRun)}); } } void GdbEngine::handleLocalAttach(const DebuggerResponse &response) { QTC_ASSERT(state() == EngineRunRequested || state() == InferiorStopOk, qDebug() << state()); switch (response.resultClass) { case ResultDone: case ResultRunning: showMessage("INFERIOR ATTACHED"); if (state() == EngineRunRequested) { // Happens e.g. for "Attach to unstarted application" // We will get a '*stopped' later that we'll interpret as 'spontaneous' // So acknowledge the current state and put a delayed 'continue' in the pipe. showMessage(Tr::tr("Attached to running application."), StatusBar); claimInitialBreakpoints(); notifyEngineRunAndInferiorRunOk(); } else { // InferiorStopOk, e.g. for "Attach to running application". // The *stopped came in between sending the 'attach' and // receiving its '^done'. claimInitialBreakpoints(); notifyEngineRunAndInferiorStopOk(); if (runParameters().continueAfterAttach) continueInferiorInternal(); else updateAll(); } break; case ResultError: if (response.data["msg"].data() == "ptrace: Operation not permitted.") { QString msg = msgPtraceError(runParameters().startMode); showStatusMessage(Tr::tr("Failed to attach to application: %1").arg(msg)); AsynchronousMessageBox::warning(Tr::tr("Debugger Error"), msg); notifyEngineIll(); break; } showStatusMessage(Tr::tr("Failed to attach to application: %1") .arg(QString(response.data["msg"].data()))); notifyEngineIll(); break; default: showStatusMessage(Tr::tr("Failed to attach to application: %1") .arg(QString(response.data["msg"].data()))); notifyEngineIll(); break; } } void GdbEngine::handleRemoteAttach(const DebuggerResponse &response) { CHECK_STATE(EngineSetupRequested); switch (response.resultClass) { case ResultDone: case ResultRunning: { showMessage("INFERIOR ATTACHED"); showMessage(msgAttachedToStoppedInferior(), StatusBar); handleInferiorPrepared(); break; } case ResultError: if (response.data["msg"].data() == "ptrace: Operation not permitted.") { notifyInferiorSetupFailedHelper(msgPtraceError(runParameters().startMode)); break; } notifyInferiorSetupFailedHelper(response.data["msg"].data()); break; default: notifyInferiorSetupFailedHelper(response.data["msg"].data()); break; } } void GdbEngine::interruptInferior2() { if (isLocalAttachEngine()) { interruptLocalInferior(runParameters().attachPID.pid()); } else if (isRemoteEngine() || runParameters().startMode == AttachToRemoteProcess || m_gdbProc.commandLine().executable().needsDevice()) { CHECK_STATE(InferiorStopRequested); if (usesTargetAsync()) { runCommand({"-exec-interrupt", CB(handleInterruptInferior)}); } else { m_gdbProc.interrupt(); } } else if (isPlainEngine()) { interruptLocalInferior(inferiorPid()); } else if (isTermEngine()) { terminal()->interrupt(); } } QChar GdbEngine::mixedDisasmFlag() const { // /m is deprecated since 7.11, and was replaced by /s which works better with optimizations return m_gdbVersion >= 71100 ? 's' : 'm'; } void GdbEngine::shutdownEngine() { if (usesOutputCollector()) { showMessage(QString("PLAIN ADAPTER SHUTDOWN %1").arg(state())); m_outputCollector.shutdown(); } CHECK_STATE(EngineShutdownRequested); showMessage(QString("INITIATE GDBENGINE SHUTDOWN, PROC STATE: %1").arg(m_gdbProc.state())); switch (m_gdbProc.state()) { case QProcess::Running: { if (runParameters().closeMode == KillAndExitMonitorAtClose) runCommand({"monitor exit"}); runCommand({"exitGdb", ExitRequest, CB(handleGdbExit)}); break; } case QProcess::NotRunning: // Cannot find executable. notifyEngineShutdownFinished(); break; case QProcess::Starting: showMessage("GDB NOT REALLY RUNNING; KILLING IT"); m_gdbProc.kill(); notifyEngineShutdownFinished(); break; } } void GdbEngine::handleFileExecAndSymbols(const DebuggerResponse &response) { CHECK_STATE(EngineSetupRequested); if (isRemoteEngine()) { if (response.resultClass != ResultDone) { QString msg = response.data["msg"].data(); if (!msg.isEmpty()) { showMessage(msg); showMessage(msg, StatusBar); } } callTargetRemote(); // Proceed nevertheless. } else if (isCoreEngine()) { const FilePath core = runParameters().coreFile; if (response.resultClass == ResultDone) { showMessage(Tr::tr("Symbols found."), StatusBar); handleInferiorPrepared(); } else { QString msg = Tr::tr("No symbols found in the core file \"%1\".").arg(core.toUserOutput()) + ' ' + Tr::tr("This can be caused by a path length limitation " "in the core file.") + ' ' + Tr::tr("Try to specify the binary in " "Debug > Start Debugging > Load Core File."); notifyInferiorSetupFailedHelper(msg); } } else if (isLocalRunEngine()) { if (response.resultClass == ResultDone) { handleInferiorPrepared(); } else { QString msg = response.data["msg"].data(); // Extend the message a bit in unknown cases. if (!msg.endsWith("File format not recognized")) msg = Tr::tr("Starting executable failed:") + '\n' + msg; notifyInferiorSetupFailedHelper(msg); } } } void GdbEngine::handleExecRun(const DebuggerResponse &response) { CHECK_STATE(EngineRunRequested); if (response.resultClass == ResultRunning) { notifyEngineRunAndInferiorRunOk(); showMessage("INFERIOR STARTED"); showMessage(msgInferiorSetupOk(), StatusBar); } else { showMessage(response.data["msg"].data()); notifyEngineRunFailed(); } } void GdbEngine::handleSetTargetAsync(const DebuggerResponse &response) { CHECK_STATE(EngineSetupRequested); if (response.resultClass == ResultError) qDebug() << "Adapter too old: does not support asynchronous mode."; } void GdbEngine::callTargetRemote() { CHECK_STATE(EngineSetupRequested); QString channel = runParameters().remoteChannel; // Don't touch channels with explicitly set protocols. if (!channel.startsWith("tcp:") && !channel.startsWith("udp:") && !channel.startsWith("file:") && channel.contains(':') && !channel.startsWith('|')) { // "Fix" the IPv6 case with host names without '['...']' if (!channel.startsWith('[') && channel.count(':') >= 2) { channel.insert(0, '['); channel.insert(channel.lastIndexOf(':'), ']'); } channel = "tcp:" + channel; } if (m_isQnxGdb) runCommand({"target qnx " + channel, CB(handleTargetQnx)}); else if (runParameters().useExtendedRemote) runCommand({"target extended-remote " + channel, CB(handleTargetExtendedRemote)}); else runCommand({"target remote " + channel, CB(handleTargetRemote)}); } void GdbEngine::handleTargetRemote(const DebuggerResponse &response) { CHECK_STATE(EngineSetupRequested); if (response.resultClass == ResultDone) { // gdb server will stop the remote application itself. showMessage("INFERIOR STARTED"); showMessage(msgAttachedToStoppedInferior(), StatusBar); QString commands = expand(debuggerSettings()->gdbPostAttachCommands.value()); if (!commands.isEmpty()) runCommand({commands, NativeCommand}); handleInferiorPrepared(); } else { // 16^error,msg="hd:5555: Connection timed out." notifyInferiorSetupFailedHelper(msgConnectRemoteServerFailed(response.data["msg"].data())); } } void GdbEngine::handleTargetExtendedRemote(const DebuggerResponse &response) { CHECK_STATE(EngineSetupRequested); if (response.resultClass == ResultDone) { showMessage("ATTACHED TO GDB SERVER STARTED"); showMessage(msgAttachedToStoppedInferior(), StatusBar); QString commands = expand(debuggerSettings()->gdbPostAttachCommands.value()); if (!commands.isEmpty()) runCommand({commands, NativeCommand}); if (runParameters().attachPID.isValid()) { // attach to pid if valid // gdb server will stop the remote application itself. runCommand({"attach " + QString::number(runParameters().attachPID.pid()), CB(handleTargetExtendedAttach)}); } else if (!runParameters().inferior.command.isEmpty()) { runCommand({"-gdb-set remote exec-file " + runParameters().inferior.command.executable().toString(), CB(handleTargetExtendedAttach)}); } else { const QString title = Tr::tr("No Remote Executable or Process ID Specified"); const QString msg = Tr::tr( "No remote executable could be determined from your build system files.

" "In case you use qmake, consider adding

" "    target.path = /tmp/your_executable # path on device
" "    INSTALLS += target

" "to your .pro file."); QMessageBox *mb = showMessageBox(QMessageBox::Critical, title, msg, QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel); mb->button(QMessageBox::Cancel)->setText(Tr::tr("Continue Debugging")); mb->button(QMessageBox::Ok)->setText(Tr::tr("Stop Debugging")); if (mb->exec() == QMessageBox::Ok) { showMessage("KILLING DEBUGGER AS REQUESTED BY USER"); notifyInferiorSetupFailedHelper(title); } else { showMessage("CONTINUE DEBUGGER AS REQUESTED BY USER"); handleInferiorPrepared(); // This will likely fail. } } } else { notifyInferiorSetupFailedHelper(msgConnectRemoteServerFailed(response.data["msg"].data())); } } void GdbEngine::handleTargetExtendedAttach(const DebuggerResponse &response) { CHECK_STATE(EngineSetupRequested); if (response.resultClass == ResultDone) { // gdb server will stop the remote application itself. handleInferiorPrepared(); } else { notifyInferiorSetupFailedHelper(msgConnectRemoteServerFailed(response.data["msg"].data())); } } void GdbEngine::handleTargetQnx(const DebuggerResponse &response) { CHECK_STATE(EngineSetupRequested); if (response.resultClass == ResultDone) { // gdb server will stop the remote application itself. showMessage("INFERIOR STARTED"); showMessage(msgAttachedToStoppedInferior(), StatusBar); const DebuggerRunParameters &rp = runParameters(); if (rp.attachPID.isValid()) runCommand({"attach " + QString::number(rp.attachPID.pid()), CB(handleRemoteAttach)}); else if (!rp.inferior.command.isEmpty()) runCommand({"set nto-executable " + rp.inferior.command.executable().toString(), CB(handleSetNtoExecutable)}); else handleInferiorPrepared(); } else { // 16^error,msg="hd:5555: Connection timed out." notifyInferiorSetupFailedHelper(response.data["msg"].data()); } } void GdbEngine::handleSetNtoExecutable(const DebuggerResponse &response) { CHECK_STATE(EngineSetupRequested); switch (response.resultClass) { case ResultDone: case ResultRunning: { showMessage("EXECUTABLE SET"); showMessage(msgAttachedToStoppedInferior(), StatusBar); handleInferiorPrepared(); break; } case ResultError: default: notifyInferiorSetupFailedHelper(response.data["msg"].data()); } } void GdbEngine::handleInterruptInferior(const DebuggerResponse &response) { if (response.resultClass == ResultDone) { // The gdb server will trigger extra output that we will pick up // to do a proper state transition. } else { // FIXME: On some gdb versions like git 170ffa5d7dd this produces // >810^error,msg="mi_cmd_exec_interrupt: Inferior not executing." notifyInferiorStopOk(); } } void GdbEngine::handleStubAttached(const DebuggerResponse &response, qint64 mainThreadId) { // InferiorStopOk can happen if the "*stopped" in response to the // 'attach' comes in before its '^done' QTC_ASSERT(state() == EngineRunRequested || state() == InferiorStopOk, qDebug() << state()); switch (response.resultClass) { case ResultDone: case ResultRunning: claimInitialBreakpoints(); if (runParameters().toolChainAbi.os() == ProjectExplorer::Abi::WindowsOS) { QString errorMessage; // Resume thread that was suspended by console stub process (see stub code). if (winResumeThread(mainThreadId, &errorMessage)) { showMessage(QString("Inferior attached, thread %1 resumed"). arg(mainThreadId), LogMisc); } else { showMessage(QString("Inferior attached, unable to resume thread %1: %2"). arg(mainThreadId).arg(errorMessage), LogWarning); } notifyEngineRunAndInferiorStopOk(); continueInferiorInternal(); } else { showMessage("INFERIOR ATTACHED"); QTC_ASSERT(terminal(), return); terminal()->kickoffProcess(); //notifyEngineRunAndInferiorRunOk(); // Wait for the upcoming *stopped and handle it there. } break; case ResultError: if (response.data["msg"].data() == "ptrace: Operation not permitted.") { showMessage(msgPtraceError(runParameters().startMode)); notifyEngineRunFailed(); break; } showMessage(response.data["msg"].data()); notifyEngineIll(); break; default: showMessage(QString("Invalid response %1").arg(response.resultClass)); notifyEngineIll(); break; } } static FilePath findExecutableFromName(const QString &fileNameFromCore, const FilePath &coreFile) { if (fileNameFromCore.isEmpty()) return {}; FilePath filePathFromCore = FilePath::fromUserInput(fileNameFromCore); if (filePathFromCore.isFile()) return filePathFromCore; // turn the filename into an absolute path, using the location of the core as a hint const FilePath coreDir = coreFile.absoluteFilePath().parentDir(); const FilePath absPath = coreDir.resolvePath(fileNameFromCore); if (absPath.isFile() || absPath.isEmpty()) return absPath; // remove possible trailing arguments QStringList pathFragments = absPath.path().split(' '); while (pathFragments.size() > 0) { const FilePath joined_path = FilePath::fromString(pathFragments.join(' ')); if (joined_path.isFile()) return joined_path; pathFragments.pop_back(); } return {}; } CoreInfo CoreInfo::readExecutableNameFromCore(const Runnable &debugger, const FilePath &coreFile) { CoreInfo cinfo; #if 0 ElfReader reader(coreFile); cinfo.rawStringFromCore = QString::fromLocal8Bit(reader.readCoreName(&cinfo.isCore)); cinfo.foundExecutableName = findExecutableFromName(cinfo.rawStringFromCore, coreFile); #else QStringList args = {"-nx", "-batch"}; // Multiarch GDB on Windows crashes if osabi is cygwin (the default) when opening a core dump. if (HostOsInfo::isWindowsHost()) args += {"-ex", "set osabi GNU/Linux"}; args += {"-ex", "core " + coreFile.toUserOutput()}; QtcProcess proc; Environment envLang(Environment::systemEnvironment()); envLang.setupEnglishOutput(); proc.setEnvironment(envLang); proc.setCommand({debugger.command.executable(), args}); proc.runBlocking(); if (proc.result() == ProcessResult::FinishedWithSuccess) { QString output = proc.cleanedStdOut(); // Core was generated by `/data/dev/creator-2.6/bin/qtcreator'. // Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault. int pos1 = output.indexOf("Core was generated by"); if (pos1 != -1) { pos1 += 23; int pos2 = output.indexOf('\'', pos1); if (pos2 != -1) { cinfo.isCore = true; cinfo.rawStringFromCore = output.mid(pos1, pos2 - pos1); cinfo.foundExecutableName = findExecutableFromName(cinfo.rawStringFromCore, coreFile); } } } #endif return cinfo; } void GdbEngine::handleTargetCore(const DebuggerResponse &response) { CHECK_STATE(EngineRunRequested); notifyEngineRunOkAndInferiorUnrunnable(); showMessage(Tr::tr("Attached to core."), StatusBar); if (response.resultClass == ResultError) { // We'll accept any kind of error e.g. &"Cannot access memory at address 0x2abc2a24\n" // Even without the stack, the user can find interesting stuff by exploring // the memory, globals etc. showStatusMessage( Tr::tr("Attach to core \"%1\" failed:").arg(runParameters().coreFile.toUserOutput()) + '\n' + response.data["msg"].data() + '\n' + Tr::tr("Continuing nevertheless.")); } // Due to the auto-solib-add off setting, we don't have any // symbols yet. Load them in order of importance. reloadStack(); reloadModulesInternal(); runCommand({"p 5", CB(handleCoreRoundTrip)}); } void GdbEngine::handleCoreRoundTrip(const DebuggerResponse &response) { CHECK_STATE(InferiorUnrunnable); Q_UNUSED(response) loadSymbolsForStack(); handleStop3(); QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, &GdbEngine::loadAllSymbols); } void GdbEngine::doUpdateLocals(const UpdateParameters ¶ms) { watchHandler()->notifyUpdateStarted(params); DebuggerCommand cmd("fetchVariables", Discardable|InUpdateLocals); watchHandler()->appendFormatRequests(&cmd); watchHandler()->appendWatchersAndTooltipRequests(&cmd); const bool alwaysVerbose = qtcEnvironmentVariableIsSet("QTC_DEBUGGER_PYTHON_VERBOSE"); const DebuggerSettings &s = *debuggerSettings(); cmd.arg("passexceptions", alwaysVerbose); cmd.arg("fancy", s.useDebuggingHelpers.value()); cmd.arg("autoderef", s.autoDerefPointers.value()); cmd.arg("dyntype", s.useDynamicType.value()); cmd.arg("qobjectnames", s.showQObjectNames.value()); cmd.arg("timestamps", s.logTimeStamps.value()); StackFrame frame = stackHandler()->currentFrame(); cmd.arg("context", frame.context); cmd.arg("nativemixed", isNativeMixedActive()); cmd.arg("stringcutoff", s.maximalStringLength.value()); cmd.arg("displaystringlimit", s.displayStringLimit.value()); cmd.arg("resultvarname", m_resultVarName); cmd.arg("partialvar", params.partialVariable); m_lastDebuggableCommand = cmd; m_lastDebuggableCommand.arg("passexceptions", "1"); cmd.callback = CB(handleFetchVariables); runCommand(cmd); } void GdbEngine::handleFetchVariables(const DebuggerResponse &response) { m_inUpdateLocals = false; updateLocalsView(response.data); watchHandler()->notifyUpdateFinished(); updateToolTips(); } QString GdbEngine::msgPtraceError(DebuggerStartMode sm) { if (sm == StartInternal) { return QCoreApplication::translate("QtDumperHelper", "ptrace: Operation not permitted.\n\n" "Could not attach to the process. " "Make sure no other debugger traces this process.\n" "Check the settings of\n" "/proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope\n" "For more details, see /etc/sysctl.d/10-ptrace.conf\n"); } return QCoreApplication::translate("QtDumperHelper", "ptrace: Operation not permitted.\n\n" "Could not attach to the process. " "Make sure no other debugger traces this process.\n" "If your uid matches the uid\n" "of the target process, check the settings of\n" "/proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope\n" "For more details, see /etc/sysctl.d/10-ptrace.conf\n"); } QString GdbEngine::mainFunction() const { const DebuggerRunParameters &rp = runParameters(); return QLatin1String(rp.toolChainAbi.os() == Abi::WindowsOS && !terminal() ? "qMain" : "main"); } // // Factory // DebuggerEngine *createGdbEngine() { return new GdbEngine; } } // Debugger::Internal Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(Debugger::Internal::GdbMi) Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(Debugger::Internal::TracepointCaptureData)