/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: http://www.qt.io/licensing ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator. ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms and ** conditions see http://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further information ** use the contact form at http://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser ** General Public License version 2.1 or version 3 as published by the Free ** Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv21 and ** LICENSE.LGPLv3 included in the packaging of this file. Please review the ** following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License ** requirements will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html and ** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html. ** ** In addition, as a special exception, The Qt Company gives you certain additional ** rights. These rights are described in The Qt Company LGPL Exception ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package. ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "cppsourceprocessor.h" #include "cppmodelmanager.h" #include "cpptoolsreuse.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /*! * \class CppTools::Internal::CppSourceProcessor * \brief The CppSourceProcessor class updates set of indexed C++ files. * * Working copy ensures that documents with most recent copy placed in memory will be parsed * correctly. * * \sa CPlusPlus::Document * \sa CppTools::WorkingCopy */ using namespace CPlusPlus; using namespace CppTools; using namespace CppTools::Internal; typedef Document::DiagnosticMessage Message; static Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(log, "qtc.cpptools.sourceprocessor") namespace { inline QByteArray generateFingerPrint(const QList &definedMacros, const QByteArray &code) { QCryptographicHash hash(QCryptographicHash::Sha1); hash.addData(code); foreach (const Macro ¯o, definedMacros) { if (macro.isHidden()) { static const QByteArray undef("#undef "); hash.addData(undef); hash.addData(macro.name()); } else { static const QByteArray def("#define "); hash.addData(macro.name()); hash.addData(" ", 1); hash.addData(def); hash.addData(macro.definitionText()); } hash.addData("\n", 1); } return hash.result(); } inline Message messageNoSuchFile(Document::Ptr &document, const QString &fileName, unsigned line) { const QString text = QCoreApplication::translate( "CppSourceProcessor", "%1: No such file or directory").arg(fileName); return Message(Message::Warning, document->fileName(), line, /*column =*/ 0, text); } inline Message messageNoFileContents(Document::Ptr &document, const QString &fileName, unsigned line) { const QString text = QCoreApplication::translate( "CppSourceProcessor", "%1: Could not get file contents").arg(fileName); return Message(Message::Warning, document->fileName(), line, /*column =*/ 0, text); } inline const Macro revision(const WorkingCopy &workingCopy, const Macro ¯o) { Macro newMacro(macro); newMacro.setFileRevision(workingCopy.get(macro.fileName()).second); return newMacro; } } // anonymous namespace CppSourceProcessor::CppSourceProcessor(const Snapshot &snapshot, DocumentCallback documentFinished) : m_snapshot(snapshot), m_documentFinished(documentFinished), m_preprocess(this, &m_env), m_languageFeatures(LanguageFeatures::defaultFeatures()), m_defaultCodec(Core::EditorManager::defaultTextCodec()) { m_preprocess.setKeepComments(true); } CppSourceProcessor::~CppSourceProcessor() { } void CppSourceProcessor::setWorkingCopy(const WorkingCopy &workingCopy) { m_workingCopy = workingCopy; } void CppSourceProcessor::setHeaderPaths(const ProjectPart::HeaderPaths &headerPaths) { m_headerPaths.clear(); for (int i = 0, ei = headerPaths.size(); i < ei; ++i) { const ProjectPart::HeaderPath &path = headerPaths.at(i); if (path.type == ProjectPart::HeaderPath::IncludePath) m_headerPaths.append(ProjectPart::HeaderPath(cleanPath(path.path), path.type)); else addFrameworkPath(path); } } void CppSourceProcessor::setLanguageFeatures(const LanguageFeatures languageFeatures) { m_languageFeatures = languageFeatures; } // Add the given framework path, and expand private frameworks. // // Example: // /ApplicationServices.framework // has private frameworks in: // /ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks // if the "Frameworks" folder exists inside the top level framework. void CppSourceProcessor::addFrameworkPath(const ProjectPart::HeaderPath &frameworkPath) { QTC_ASSERT(frameworkPath.isFrameworkPath(), return); // The algorithm below is a bit too eager, but that's because we're not getting // in the frameworks we're linking against. If we would have that, then we could // add only those private frameworks. const ProjectPart::HeaderPath cleanFrameworkPath(cleanPath(frameworkPath.path), frameworkPath.type); if (!m_headerPaths.contains(cleanFrameworkPath)) m_headerPaths.append(cleanFrameworkPath); const QDir frameworkDir(cleanFrameworkPath.path); const QStringList filter = QStringList() << QLatin1String("*.framework"); foreach (const QFileInfo &framework, frameworkDir.entryInfoList(filter)) { if (!framework.isDir()) continue; const QFileInfo privateFrameworks(framework.absoluteFilePath(), QLatin1String("Frameworks")); if (privateFrameworks.exists() && privateFrameworks.isDir()) addFrameworkPath(ProjectPart::HeaderPath(privateFrameworks.absoluteFilePath(), frameworkPath.type)); } } void CppSourceProcessor::setTodo(const QSet &files) { m_todo = files; } void CppSourceProcessor::run(const QString &fileName, const QStringList &initialIncludes) { sourceNeeded(0, fileName, IncludeGlobal, initialIncludes); } void CppSourceProcessor::removeFromCache(const QString &fileName) { m_snapshot.remove(fileName); } void CppSourceProcessor::resetEnvironment() { m_env.reset(); m_processed.clear(); m_included.clear(); } bool CppSourceProcessor::getFileContents(const QString &absoluteFilePath, QByteArray *contents, unsigned *revision) const { if (absoluteFilePath.isEmpty() || !contents || !revision) return false; // Get from working copy if (m_workingCopy.contains(absoluteFilePath)) { const QPair entry = m_workingCopy.get(absoluteFilePath); *contents = entry.first; *revision = entry.second; return true; } // Get from file *revision = 0; QString error; if (Utils::TextFileFormat::readFileUTF8(absoluteFilePath, m_defaultCodec, contents, &error) != Utils::TextFileFormat::ReadSuccess) { qWarning("Error reading file \"%s\": \"%s\".", qPrintable(absoluteFilePath), qPrintable(error)); return false; } return true; } bool CppSourceProcessor::checkFile(const QString &absoluteFilePath) const { if (absoluteFilePath.isEmpty() || m_included.contains(absoluteFilePath) || m_workingCopy.contains(absoluteFilePath)) { return true; } const QFileInfo fileInfo(absoluteFilePath); return fileInfo.isFile() && fileInfo.isReadable(); } /// Resolve the given file name to its absolute path w.r.t. the include type. QString CppSourceProcessor::resolveFile(const QString &fileName, IncludeType type) { if (type == IncludeGlobal) { QHash::ConstIterator it = m_fileNameCache.constFind(fileName); if (it != m_fileNameCache.constEnd()) return it.value(); const QString fn = resolveFile_helper(fileName, type); m_fileNameCache.insert(fileName, fn); return fn; } // IncludeLocal, IncludeNext return resolveFile_helper(fileName, type); } QString CppSourceProcessor::cleanPath(const QString &path) { QString result = QDir::cleanPath(path); const QChar slash(QLatin1Char('/')); if (!result.endsWith(slash)) result.append(slash); return result; } QString CppSourceProcessor::resolveFile_helper(const QString &fileName, IncludeType type) { if (isInjectedFile(fileName)) return fileName; if (QFileInfo(fileName).isAbsolute()) return checkFile(fileName) ? fileName : QString(); auto headerPathsIt = m_headerPaths.begin(); auto headerPathsEnd = m_headerPaths.end(); if (m_currentDoc) { if (type == IncludeLocal) { const QFileInfo currentFileInfo(m_currentDoc->fileName()); const QString path = cleanPath(currentFileInfo.absolutePath()) + fileName; if (checkFile(path)) return path; // Fall through! "16.2 Source file inclusion" from the standard states to continue // searching as if this would be a global include. } else if (type == IncludeNext) { const QFileInfo currentFileInfo(m_currentDoc->fileName()); const QString currentDirPath = cleanPath(currentFileInfo.dir().path()); for (; headerPathsIt != headerPathsEnd; ++headerPathsIt) { if (headerPathsIt->path == currentDirPath) { ++headerPathsIt; break; } } } } for (; headerPathsIt != headerPathsEnd; ++headerPathsIt) { if (headerPathsIt->isFrameworkPath()) continue; const QString path = headerPathsIt->path + fileName; if (m_workingCopy.contains(path) || checkFile(path)) return path; } const int index = fileName.indexOf(QLatin1Char('/')); if (index != -1) { const QString frameworkName = fileName.left(index); const QString name = frameworkName + QLatin1String(".framework/Headers/") + fileName.mid(index + 1); foreach (const ProjectPart::HeaderPath &headerPath, m_headerPaths) { if (!headerPath.isFrameworkPath()) continue; const QString path = headerPath.path + name; if (checkFile(path)) return path; } } return QString(); } void CppSourceProcessor::macroAdded(const Macro ¯o) { if (!m_currentDoc) return; m_currentDoc->appendMacro(macro); } void CppSourceProcessor::passedMacroDefinitionCheck(unsigned bytesOffset, unsigned utf16charsOffset, unsigned line, const Macro ¯o) { if (!m_currentDoc) return; m_currentDoc->addMacroUse(revision(m_workingCopy, macro), bytesOffset, macro.name().length(), utf16charsOffset, macro.nameToQString().size(), line, QVector()); } void CppSourceProcessor::failedMacroDefinitionCheck(unsigned bytesOffset, unsigned utf16charOffset, const ByteArrayRef &name) { if (!m_currentDoc) return; m_currentDoc->addUndefinedMacroUse(QByteArray(name.start(), name.size()), bytesOffset, utf16charOffset); } void CppSourceProcessor::notifyMacroReference(unsigned bytesOffset, unsigned utf16charOffset, unsigned line, const Macro ¯o) { if (!m_currentDoc) return; m_currentDoc->addMacroUse(revision(m_workingCopy, macro), bytesOffset, macro.name().length(), utf16charOffset, macro.nameToQString().size(), line, QVector()); } void CppSourceProcessor::startExpandingMacro(unsigned bytesOffset, unsigned utf16charOffset, unsigned line, const Macro ¯o, const QVector &actuals) { if (!m_currentDoc) return; m_currentDoc->addMacroUse(revision(m_workingCopy, macro), bytesOffset, macro.name().length(), utf16charOffset, macro.nameToQString().size(), line, actuals); } void CppSourceProcessor::stopExpandingMacro(unsigned, const Macro &) { if (!m_currentDoc) return; } void CppSourceProcessor::markAsIncludeGuard(const QByteArray ¯oName) { if (!m_currentDoc) return; m_currentDoc->setIncludeGuardMacroName(macroName); } void CppSourceProcessor::mergeEnvironment(Document::Ptr doc) { if (!doc) return; const QString fn = doc->fileName(); if (m_processed.contains(fn)) return; m_processed.insert(fn); foreach (const Document::Include &incl, doc->resolvedIncludes()) { const QString includedFile = incl.resolvedFileName(); if (Document::Ptr includedDoc = m_snapshot.document(includedFile)) mergeEnvironment(includedDoc); else if (!m_included.contains(includedFile)) run(includedFile); } m_env.addMacros(doc->definedMacros()); } void CppSourceProcessor::startSkippingBlocks(unsigned utf16charsOffset) { if (m_currentDoc) m_currentDoc->startSkippingBlocks(utf16charsOffset); } void CppSourceProcessor::stopSkippingBlocks(unsigned utf16charsOffset) { if (m_currentDoc) m_currentDoc->stopSkippingBlocks(utf16charsOffset); } void CppSourceProcessor::sourceNeeded(unsigned line, const QString &fileName, IncludeType type, const QStringList &initialIncludes) { if (fileName.isEmpty()) return; QString absoluteFileName = resolveFile(fileName, type); absoluteFileName = QDir::cleanPath(absoluteFileName); if (m_currentDoc) { m_currentDoc->addIncludeFile(Document::Include(fileName, absoluteFileName, line, type)); if (absoluteFileName.isEmpty()) { m_currentDoc->addDiagnosticMessage(messageNoSuchFile(m_currentDoc, fileName, line)); return; } } if (m_included.contains(absoluteFileName)) return; // We've already seen this file. if (!isInjectedFile(absoluteFileName)) m_included.insert(absoluteFileName); // Already in snapshot? Use it! if (Document::Ptr document = m_snapshot.document(absoluteFileName)) { mergeEnvironment(document); return; } const QFileInfo info(absoluteFileName); if (skipFileDueToSizeLimit(info)) return; // TODO: Add diagnostic message // Otherwise get file contents unsigned editorRevision = 0; QByteArray contents; const bool gotFileContents = getFileContents(absoluteFileName, &contents, &editorRevision); if (m_currentDoc && !gotFileContents) { m_currentDoc->addDiagnosticMessage(messageNoFileContents(m_currentDoc, fileName, line)); return; } qCDebug(log) << "Parsing:" << absoluteFileName << "contents:" << contents.size() << "bytes"; Document::Ptr document = Document::create(absoluteFileName); document->setEditorRevision(editorRevision); document->setLanguageFeatures(m_languageFeatures); foreach (const QString &include, initialIncludes) { m_included.insert(include); Document::Include inc(include, include, 0, IncludeLocal); document->addIncludeFile(inc); } if (info.exists()) document->setLastModified(info.lastModified()); const Document::Ptr previousDocument = switchCurrentDocument(document); const QByteArray preprocessedCode = m_preprocess.run(absoluteFileName, contents); // { // QByteArray b(preprocessedCode); b.replace("\n", "<<<\n"); // qDebug("Preprocessed code for \"%s\": [[%s]]", fileName.toUtf8().constData(), b.constData()); // } document->setFingerprint(generateFingerPrint(document->definedMacros(), preprocessedCode)); // Re-use document from global snapshot if possible Document::Ptr globalDocument = m_globalSnapshot.document(absoluteFileName); if (globalDocument && globalDocument->fingerprint() == document->fingerprint()) { switchCurrentDocument(previousDocument); mergeEnvironment(globalDocument); m_snapshot.insert(globalDocument); m_todo.remove(absoluteFileName); return; } // Otherwise process the document document->setUtf8Source(preprocessedCode); document->keepSourceAndAST(); document->tokenize(); document->check(m_workingCopy.contains(document->fileName()) ? Document::FullCheck : Document::FastCheck); m_documentFinished(document); m_snapshot.insert(document); m_todo.remove(absoluteFileName); switchCurrentDocument(previousDocument); } Document::Ptr CppSourceProcessor::switchCurrentDocument(Document::Ptr doc) { const Document::Ptr previousDoc = m_currentDoc; m_currentDoc = doc; return previousDoc; }