/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: http://www.qt.io/licensing ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator. ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms and ** conditions see http://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further information ** use the contact form at http://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser ** General Public License version 2.1 or version 3 as published by the Free ** Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv21 and ** LICENSE.LGPLv3 included in the packaging of this file. Please review the ** following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License ** requirements will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html and ** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html. ** ** In addition, as a special exception, The Qt Company gives you certain additional ** rights. These rights are described in The Qt Company LGPL Exception ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package. ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "cppprojects.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace CppTools; using namespace ProjectExplorer; ProjectPart::ProjectPart() : project(0) , languageVersion(CXX14) , languageExtensions(NoExtensions) , qtVersion(UnknownQt) , warningFlags(ProjectExplorer::ToolChain::WarningsDefault) , selectedForBuilding(true) { } /*! \brief Retrieves info from concrete compiler using it's flags. \param tc Either nullptr or toolchain for project's active target. \param cxxflags C++ or Objective-C++ flags. \param cflags C or ObjectiveC flags if possible, \a cxxflags otherwise. */ void ProjectPart::evaluateToolchain(const ProjectExplorer::ToolChain *tc, const QStringList &commandLineFlags, const Utils::FileName &sysRoot) { if (!tc) return; using namespace ProjectExplorer; ToolChain::CompilerFlags flags = tc->compilerFlags(commandLineFlags); if (flags & ToolChain::StandardC11) languageVersion = C11; else if (flags & ToolChain::StandardC99) languageVersion = C99; else if (flags & ToolChain::StandardCxx17) languageVersion = CXX17; else if (flags & ToolChain::StandardCxx14) languageVersion = CXX14; else if (flags & ToolChain::StandardCxx11) languageVersion = CXX11; else languageVersion = CXX11; if (flags & ToolChain::BorlandExtensions) languageExtensions |= BorlandExtensions; if (flags & ToolChain::GnuExtensions) languageExtensions |= GnuExtensions; if (flags & ToolChain::MicrosoftExtensions) languageExtensions |= MicrosoftExtensions; if (flags & ToolChain::OpenMP) languageExtensions |= OpenMPExtensions; if (flags & ToolChain::ObjectiveC) languageExtensions |= ObjectiveCExtensions; warningFlags = tc->warningFlags(commandLineFlags); const QList headers = tc->systemHeaderPaths(commandLineFlags, sysRoot); foreach (const ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath &header, headers) { headerPaths << ProjectPart::HeaderPath(header.path(), header.kind() == ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath::FrameworkHeaderPath ? ProjectPart::HeaderPath::FrameworkPath : ProjectPart::HeaderPath::IncludePath); } toolchainDefines = tc->predefinedMacros(commandLineFlags); } ProjectPart::Ptr ProjectPart::copy() const { return Ptr(new ProjectPart(*this)); } QString ProjectPart::id() const { return QDir::fromNativeSeparators(projectFile) + QLatin1Char(' ') + displayName; } QByteArray ProjectPart::readProjectConfigFile(const ProjectPart::Ptr &part) { QByteArray result; QFile f(part->projectConfigFile); if (f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QTextStream is(&f); result = is.readAll().toUtf8(); f.close(); } return result; } ProjectInfo::ProjectInfo() {} ProjectInfo::ProjectInfo(QPointer project) : m_project(project) {} bool ProjectInfo::operator ==(const ProjectInfo &other) const { return m_project == other.m_project && m_projectParts == other.m_projectParts && m_compilerCallData == other.m_compilerCallData && m_headerPaths == other.m_headerPaths && m_sourceFiles == other.m_sourceFiles && m_defines == other.m_defines; } bool ProjectInfo::operator !=(const ProjectInfo &other) const { return !operator ==(other); } bool ProjectInfo::definesChanged(const ProjectInfo &other) const { return m_defines != other.m_defines; } bool ProjectInfo::configurationChanged(const ProjectInfo &other) const { return definesChanged(other) || m_headerPaths != other.m_headerPaths; } bool ProjectInfo::configurationOrFilesChanged(const ProjectInfo &other) const { return configurationChanged(other) || m_sourceFiles != other.m_sourceFiles; } bool ProjectInfo::isValid() const { return !m_project.isNull(); } QPointer ProjectInfo::project() const { return m_project; } const QList ProjectInfo::projectParts() const { return m_projectParts; } void ProjectInfo::appendProjectPart(const ProjectPart::Ptr &part) { if (part) m_projectParts.append(part); } void ProjectInfo::finish() { typedef ProjectPart::HeaderPath HeaderPath; QSet incs; foreach (const ProjectPart::Ptr &part, m_projectParts) { // Update header paths foreach (const HeaderPath &hp, part->headerPaths) { if (!incs.contains(hp)) { incs.insert(hp); m_headerPaths += hp; } } // Update source files foreach (const ProjectFile &file, part->files) m_sourceFiles.insert(file.path); // Update defines m_defines.append(part->toolchainDefines); m_defines.append(part->projectDefines); if (!part->projectConfigFile.isEmpty()) { m_defines.append('\n'); m_defines += ProjectPart::readProjectConfigFile(part); m_defines.append('\n'); } } } void ProjectInfo::clearProjectParts() { m_projectParts.clear(); m_headerPaths.clear(); m_sourceFiles.clear(); m_defines.clear(); m_compilerCallData.clear(); } const ProjectPart::HeaderPaths ProjectInfo::headerPaths() const { return m_headerPaths; } const QSet ProjectInfo::sourceFiles() const { return m_sourceFiles; } const QByteArray ProjectInfo::defines() const { return m_defines; } void ProjectInfo::setCompilerCallData(const CompilerCallData &data) { m_compilerCallData = data; } ProjectInfo::CompilerCallData ProjectInfo::compilerCallData() const { return m_compilerCallData; } namespace { class ProjectFileCategorizer { public: ProjectFileCategorizer(const QString &partName, const QStringList &files) : m_partName(partName) { using CppTools::ProjectFile; QStringList cHeaders, cxxHeaders; foreach (const QString &file, files) { switch (ProjectFile::classify(file)) { case ProjectFile::CSource: m_cSources += file; break; case ProjectFile::CHeader: cHeaders += file; break; case ProjectFile::CXXSource: m_cxxSources += file; break; case ProjectFile::CXXHeader: cxxHeaders += file; break; case ProjectFile::ObjCSource: m_objcSources += file; break; case ProjectFile::ObjCXXSource: m_objcxxSources += file; break; default: continue; } } const bool hasC = !m_cSources.isEmpty(); const bool hasCxx = !m_cxxSources.isEmpty(); const bool hasObjc = !m_objcSources.isEmpty(); const bool hasObjcxx = !m_objcxxSources.isEmpty(); if (hasObjcxx) m_objcxxSources += cxxHeaders + cHeaders; if (hasCxx) m_cxxSources += cxxHeaders + cHeaders; else if (!hasObjcxx) m_cxxSources += cxxHeaders; if (hasObjc) m_objcSources += cHeaders; if (hasC || (!hasObjc && !hasObjcxx && !hasCxx)) m_cSources += cHeaders; m_partCount = (m_cSources.isEmpty() ? 0 : 1) + (m_cxxSources.isEmpty() ? 0 : 1) + (m_objcSources.isEmpty() ? 0 : 1) + (m_objcxxSources.isEmpty() ? 0 : 1); } bool hasCSources() const { return !m_cSources.isEmpty(); } bool hasCxxSources() const { return !m_cxxSources.isEmpty(); } bool hasObjcSources() const { return !m_objcSources.isEmpty(); } bool hasObjcxxSources() const { return !m_objcxxSources.isEmpty(); } QStringList cSources() const { return m_cSources; } QStringList cxxSources() const { return m_cxxSources; } QStringList objcSources() const { return m_objcSources; } QStringList objcxxSources() const { return m_objcxxSources; } bool hasMultipleParts() const { return m_partCount > 1; } bool hasNoParts() const { return m_partCount == 0; } QString partName(const QString &languageName) const { if (hasMultipleParts()) return QString::fromLatin1("%1 (%2)").arg(m_partName).arg(languageName); return m_partName; } private: QString m_partName; QStringList m_cSources, m_cxxSources, m_objcSources, m_objcxxSources; int m_partCount; }; } // anonymous namespace ProjectPartBuilder::ProjectPartBuilder(ProjectInfo &pInfo) : m_templatePart(new ProjectPart) , m_pInfo(pInfo) { m_templatePart->project = pInfo.project(); m_templatePart->displayName = pInfo.project()->displayName(); m_templatePart->projectFile = pInfo.project()->projectFilePath().toString(); } void ProjectPartBuilder::setQtVersion(ProjectPart::QtVersion qtVersion) { m_templatePart->qtVersion = qtVersion; } void ProjectPartBuilder::setCFlags(const QStringList &flags) { m_cFlags = flags; } void ProjectPartBuilder::setCxxFlags(const QStringList &flags) { m_cxxFlags = flags; } void ProjectPartBuilder::setDefines(const QByteArray &defines) { m_templatePart->projectDefines = defines; } void ProjectPartBuilder::setHeaderPaths(const ProjectPart::HeaderPaths &headerPaths) { m_templatePart->headerPaths = headerPaths; } void ProjectPartBuilder::setIncludePaths(const QStringList &includePaths) { m_templatePart->headerPaths.clear(); foreach (const QString &includeFile, includePaths) { ProjectPart::HeaderPath hp(includeFile, ProjectPart::HeaderPath::IncludePath); // The simple project managers are utterly ignorant of frameworks on OSX, and won't report // framework paths. The work-around is to check if the include path ends in ".framework", // and if so, add the parent directory as framework path. if (includeFile.endsWith(QLatin1String(".framework"))) { const int slashIdx = includeFile.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char('/')); if (slashIdx != -1) { hp = ProjectPart::HeaderPath(includeFile.left(slashIdx), ProjectPart::HeaderPath::FrameworkPath); } } m_templatePart->headerPaths += hp; } } void ProjectPartBuilder::setPreCompiledHeaders(const QStringList &pchs) { m_templatePart->precompiledHeaders = pchs; } void ProjectPartBuilder::setProjectFile(const QString &projectFile) { m_templatePart->projectFile = projectFile; } void ProjectPartBuilder::setDisplayName(const QString &displayName) { m_templatePart->displayName = displayName; } void ProjectPartBuilder::setConfigFileName(const QString &configFileName) { m_templatePart->projectConfigFile = configFileName; } QList ProjectPartBuilder::createProjectPartsForFiles(const QStringList &files) { QList languages; ProjectFileCategorizer cat(m_templatePart->displayName, files); if (cat.hasNoParts()) return languages; using CppTools::ProjectFile; using CppTools::ProjectPart; if (cat.hasCSources()) { createProjectPart(cat.cSources(), cat.partName(QCoreApplication::translate("CppTools", "C11")), ProjectPart::C11, ProjectPart::NoExtensions); // TODO: there is no C... // languages += ProjectExplorer::Constants::LANG_C; } if (cat.hasObjcSources()) { createProjectPart(cat.objcSources(), cat.partName(QCoreApplication::translate("CppTools", "Obj-C11")), ProjectPart::C11, ProjectPart::ObjectiveCExtensions); // TODO: there is no Ojective-C... // languages += ProjectExplorer::Constants::LANG_OBJC; } if (cat.hasCxxSources()) { createProjectPart(cat.cxxSources(), cat.partName(QCoreApplication::translate("CppTools", "C++11")), ProjectPart::CXX11, ProjectPart::NoExtensions); languages += ProjectExplorer::Constants::LANG_CXX; } if (cat.hasObjcxxSources()) { createProjectPart(cat.objcxxSources(), cat.partName(QCoreApplication::translate("CppTools", "Obj-C++11")), ProjectPart::CXX11, ProjectPart::ObjectiveCExtensions); // TODO: there is no Objective-C++... languages += ProjectExplorer::Constants::LANG_CXX; } return languages; } void ProjectPartBuilder::createProjectPart(const QStringList &theSources, const QString &partName, ProjectPart::LanguageVersion languageVersion, ProjectPart::LanguageExtensions languageExtensions) { CppTools::ProjectPart::Ptr part(m_templatePart->copy()); part->displayName = partName; QTC_ASSERT(part->project, return); if (ProjectExplorer::Target *activeTarget = part->project->activeTarget()) { if (Kit *kit = activeTarget->kit()) { if (ToolChain *toolChain = ToolChainKitInformation::toolChain(kit)) { const QStringList flags = languageVersion >= ProjectPart::CXX98 ? m_cxxFlags : m_cFlags; part->evaluateToolchain(toolChain, flags, SysRootKitInformation::sysRoot(kit)); } } } part->languageExtensions |= languageExtensions; CppTools::ProjectFileAdder adder(part->files); foreach (const QString &file, theSources) adder.maybeAdd(file); m_pInfo.appendProjectPart(part); } QStringList CompilerOptionsBuilder::createHeaderPathOptions( const ProjectPart::HeaderPaths &headerPaths, IsBlackListed isBlackListed) { typedef ProjectPart::HeaderPath HeaderPath; QStringList result; foreach (const HeaderPath &headerPath , headerPaths) { if (headerPath.path.isEmpty()) continue; if (isBlackListed && isBlackListed(headerPath.path)) continue; QString prefix; switch (headerPath.type) { case HeaderPath::FrameworkPath: prefix = QLatin1String("-F"); break; default: // This shouldn't happen, but let's be nice..: // intentional fall-through: case HeaderPath::IncludePath: prefix = QLatin1String("-I"); break; } result.append(prefix + headerPath.path); } return result; } QStringList CompilerOptionsBuilder::createDefineOptions(const QByteArray &defines, bool toolchainDefines) { QStringList result; foreach (QByteArray def, defines.split('\n')) { if (def.isEmpty()) continue; // This is a quick fix for QTCREATORBUG-11501. // TODO: do a proper fix, see QTCREATORBUG-11709. if (def.startsWith("#define __cplusplus")) continue; // TODO: verify if we can pass compiler-defined macros when also passing -undef. if (toolchainDefines) { //### FIXME: the next 3 check shouldn't be needed: we probably don't want to get the compiler-defined defines in. if (!def.startsWith("#define ")) continue; if (def.startsWith("#define _")) continue; if (def.startsWith("#define OBJC_NEW_PROPERTIES")) continue; } QByteArray str = def.mid(8); int spaceIdx = str.indexOf(' '); QString arg; if (spaceIdx != -1) { arg = QLatin1String("-D" + str.left(spaceIdx) + "=" + str.mid(spaceIdx + 1)); } else { arg = QLatin1String("-D" + str); } arg = arg.replace(QLatin1String("\\\""), QLatin1String("\"")); arg = arg.replace(QLatin1String("\""), QLatin1String("")); if (!result.contains(arg)) result.append(arg); } return result; } QStringList CompilerOptionsBuilder::createLanguageOption(ProjectFile::Kind fileKind, bool objcExt) { QStringList opts; opts += QLatin1String("-x"); switch (fileKind) { case ProjectFile::CHeader: if (objcExt) opts += QLatin1String("objective-c-header"); else opts += QLatin1String("c-header"); break; case ProjectFile::CXXHeader: default: if (!objcExt) { opts += QLatin1String("c++-header"); break; } // else: fall-through! case ProjectFile::ObjCHeader: case ProjectFile::ObjCXXHeader: opts += QLatin1String("objective-c++-header"); break; case ProjectFile::CSource: if (!objcExt) { opts += QLatin1String("c"); break; } // else: fall-through! case ProjectFile::ObjCSource: opts += QLatin1String("objective-c"); break; case ProjectFile::CXXSource: if (!objcExt) { opts += QLatin1String("c++"); break; } // else: fall-through! case ProjectFile::ObjCXXSource: opts += QLatin1String("objective-c++"); break; case ProjectFile::OpenCLSource: opts += QLatin1String("cl"); break; case ProjectFile::CudaSource: opts += QLatin1String("cuda"); break; } return opts; } QStringList CompilerOptionsBuilder::createOptionsForLanguage( ProjectPart::LanguageVersion languageVersion, ProjectPart::LanguageExtensions languageExtensions, bool checkForBorlandExtensions) { QStringList opts; bool gnuExtensions = languageExtensions & ProjectPart::GnuExtensions; switch (languageVersion) { case ProjectPart::C89: opts << (gnuExtensions ? QLatin1String("-std=gnu89") : QLatin1String("-std=c89")); break; case ProjectPart::C99: opts << (gnuExtensions ? QLatin1String("-std=gnu99") : QLatin1String("-std=c99")); break; case ProjectPart::C11: opts << (gnuExtensions ? QLatin1String("-std=gnu11") : QLatin1String("-std=c11")); break; case ProjectPart::CXX11: opts << (gnuExtensions ? QLatin1String("-std=gnu++11") : QLatin1String("-std=c++11")); break; case ProjectPart::CXX98: opts << (gnuExtensions ? QLatin1String("-std=gnu++98") : QLatin1String("-std=c++98")); break; case ProjectPart::CXX03: opts << QLatin1String("-std=c++03"); break; case ProjectPart::CXX14: opts << QLatin1String("-std=c++1y"); // TODO: change to c++14 after 3.5 break; case ProjectPart::CXX17: opts << QLatin1String("-std=c++1z"); // TODO: change to c++17 at some point in the future break; } if (languageExtensions & ProjectPart::MicrosoftExtensions) opts << QLatin1String("-fms-extensions"); if (checkForBorlandExtensions && (languageExtensions & ProjectPart::BorlandExtensions)) opts << QLatin1String("-fborland-extensions"); return opts; }