CppTools::Internal::CppFileSettingsPage 0 0 547 363 0 0 Headers &Suffix: headerSuffixComboBox 0 0 S&earch paths: headerSearchPathsEdit Comma-separated list of header paths. Paths can be absolute or relative to the directory of the current open document. These paths are used in addition to current directory on Switch Header/Source. &Prefixes: headerSearchPathsEdit Comma-separated list of header prefixes. These prefixes are used in addition to current file name on Switch Header/Source. 0 0 Sources S&uffix: sourceSuffixComboBox 0 0 Se&arch paths: sourceSearchPathsEdit Comma-separated list of source paths. Paths can be absolute or relative to the directory of the current open document. These paths are used in addition to current directory on Switch Header/Source. P&refixes: sourceSearchPathsEdit Comma-separated list of source prefixes. These prefixes are used in addition to current file name on Switch Header/Source. &Lower case file names License &template: licenseTemplatePathChooser Qt::Vertical 0 20 Utils::PathChooser QWidget
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