CppTools::Internal::CppCodeStyleSettingsPage 0 0 463 314 Form 0 General 0 0 Qt::TabFocus Qt::Vertical 20 347 Content Indent true 0 0 0 "public", "protected" and "private" within class body Declarations relative to "public", "protected" and "private" Statements within function body Statements within blocks Declarations within "namespace" definition Qt::Vertical 17 114 Braces Indent Braces true 0 0 0 Class declarations Namespace declarations Enum declarations Function declarations Blocks Qt::Vertical 20 195 "switch" Indent within "switch" true 0 0 0 "case" or "default" Statements relative to "case" or "default" Blocks relative to "case" or "default" "break" statement relative to "case" or "default" Qt::Vertical 20 143 Alignment Align true 0 0 0 <html><head/><body> Enables alignment to tokens after =, += etc. When the option is disabled, regular continuation line indentation will be used.<br> <br> With alignment: <pre> a = a + b </pre> Without alignment: <pre> a = a + b </pre> </body></html> Align after assignments <html><head/><body> Adds an extra level of indentation to multiline conditions in the switch, if, while and foreach statements if they would otherwise have the same or less indentation than a nested statement. For four-spaces indentation only if statement conditions are affected. Without extra padding: <pre> if (a && b) c; </pre> With extra padding: <pre> if (a && b) c; </pre> </body></html> Add extra padding to conditions if they would align to the next line Qt::Vertical 20 40 Pointers and References Bind '*' and '&&' in types/declarations to true <html><head/><body>This does not apply to the star and reference symbol in pointer/reference to functions and arrays, e.g.: <pre> int (&rf)() = ...; int (*pf)() = ...; int (&ra)[2] = ...; int (*pa)[2] = ...; </pre></body></html> Identifier Type name Left const/volatile This does not apply to references. Right const/volatile Qt::Vertical 20 40 TextEditor::TabSettingsWidget QWidget
TextEditor::SnippetEditorWidget QPlainTextEdit