CppTools::Internal::CompletionSettingsPage 0 0 484 376 Behavior Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Fixed 30 20 When typing a matching character and there is a text selection, instead of removing the selection, surrounds it with the corresponding characters. Surround &text selections true Qt::Horizontal 70 24 Activate completion: Qt::Horizontal 40 24 &Case-sensitivity: caseSensitivity 0 0 Full None First Letter Automatically split strings Manually When Triggered Always Inserts the common prefix of available completion items. Autocomplete common &prefix true Automatically inserts semicolons and closing brackets, parentheses, curly braces, and quotes when appropriate. &Automatically insert matching characters true Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Fixed 30 20 true Insert &space after function name Documentation Comments Automatically creates a Doxygen comment upon pressing enter after a '/**', '/*!', '//!' or '///'. Enable Doxygen blocks Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Fixed 30 20 Generates a <i>brief</i> command with an initial description for the corresponding declaration. Generate brief description Adds leading asterisks when continuing C/C++ "/*", Qt "/*!" and Java "/**" style comments on new lines. Add leading asterisks Qt::Vertical 20 40 autoInsertBrackets toggled(bool) spaceAfterFunctionName setEnabled(bool) 267 131 333 206 autoInsertBrackets toggled(bool) surroundSelectedText setEnabled(bool) 109 123 119 156 enableDoxygenCheckBox toggled(bool) generateBriefCheckBox setEnabled(bool) 153 272 204 293