/************************************************************************** ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator ** ** Copyright (c) 2011 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). ** ** Contact: Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com) ** ** ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage ** ** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and ** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this file. ** Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General ** Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met: ** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html. ** ** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional ** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package. ** ** Other Usage ** ** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms and ** conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you and Nokia. ** ** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact ** Nokia at qt-info@nokia.com. ** **************************************************************************/ #include "cppfunctiondecldeflink.h" #include "cppeditor.h" #include "cppquickfixassistant.h" #include "cpplocalsymbols.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace CPlusPlus; using namespace CppEditor; using namespace CppEditor::Internal; FunctionDeclDefLinkFinder::FunctionDeclDefLinkFinder(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { connect(&m_watcher, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(onFutureDone())); } void FunctionDeclDefLinkFinder::onFutureDone() { QSharedPointer link = m_watcher.result(); if (link) { link->linkSelection = m_scannedSelection; link->nameSelection = m_nameSelection; if (m_nameSelection.selectedText() != link->nameInitial) link.clear(); } m_scannedSelection = QTextCursor(); m_nameSelection = QTextCursor(); if (link) emit foundLink(link); } QTextCursor FunctionDeclDefLinkFinder::scannedSelection() const { return m_scannedSelection; } // parent is either a FunctionDefinitionAST or a SimpleDeclarationAST // line and column are 1-based static bool findDeclOrDef(const Document::Ptr &doc, int line, int column, DeclarationAST **parent, DeclaratorAST **decl, FunctionDeclaratorAST **funcDecl) { QList path = ASTPath(doc)(line, column); // for function definitions, simply scan for FunctionDefinitionAST not preceded // by CompoundStatement/CtorInitializer // for function declarations, look for SimpleDeclarations with a single Declarator // with a FunctionDeclarator postfix FunctionDefinitionAST *funcDef = 0; SimpleDeclarationAST *simpleDecl = 0; *decl = 0; for (int i = path.size() - 1; i > 0; --i) { AST *ast = path.at(i); if (ast->asCompoundStatement() || ast->asCtorInitializer()) break; if ((funcDef = ast->asFunctionDefinition()) != 0) { *parent = funcDef; *decl = funcDef->declarator; break; } if ((simpleDecl = ast->asSimpleDeclaration()) != 0) { *parent = simpleDecl; if (!simpleDecl->declarator_list || !simpleDecl->declarator_list->value) break; *decl = simpleDecl->declarator_list->value; break; } } if (!*parent || !*decl) return false; if (!(*decl)->postfix_declarator_list || !(*decl)->postfix_declarator_list->value) return false; *funcDecl = (*decl)->postfix_declarator_list->value->asFunctionDeclarator(); return *funcDecl; } static void declDefLinkStartEnd(const CppTools::CppRefactoringFileConstPtr &file, DeclarationAST *parent, FunctionDeclaratorAST *funcDecl, int *start, int *end) { *start = file->startOf(parent); if (funcDecl->trailing_return_type) *end = file->endOf(funcDecl->trailing_return_type); else if (funcDecl->exception_specification) *end = file->endOf(funcDecl->exception_specification); else if (funcDecl->cv_qualifier_list) *end = file->endOf(funcDecl->cv_qualifier_list->lastValue()); else *end = file->endOf(funcDecl->rparen_token); } static DeclaratorIdAST *getDeclaratorId(DeclaratorAST *declarator) { if (!declarator || !declarator->core_declarator) return 0; if (DeclaratorIdAST *id = declarator->core_declarator->asDeclaratorId()) { return id; } if (NestedDeclaratorAST *nested = declarator->core_declarator->asNestedDeclarator()) { return getDeclaratorId(nested->declarator); } return 0; } static QSharedPointer findLinkHelper(QSharedPointer link, CppTools::CppRefactoringChanges changes) { QSharedPointer noResult; const Snapshot &snapshot = changes.snapshot(); // find the matching decl/def symbol Symbol *target = 0; if (FunctionDefinitionAST *funcDef = link->sourceDeclaration->asFunctionDefinition()) { QList nameMatch, argumentCountMatch, typeMatch; findMatchingDeclaration(LookupContext(link->sourceDocument, snapshot), funcDef->symbol, &typeMatch, &argumentCountMatch, &nameMatch); if (!typeMatch.isEmpty()) target = typeMatch.first(); } else if (link->sourceDeclaration->asSimpleDeclaration()) { target = snapshot.findMatchingDefinition(link->sourceFunctionDeclarator->symbol, true); } if (!target) { return noResult; } // parse the target file to get the linked decl/def const QString targetFileName = QString::fromUtf8( target->fileName(), target->fileNameLength()); CppTools::CppRefactoringFileConstPtr targetFile = changes.fileNoEditor(targetFileName); if (!targetFile->isValid()) return noResult; DeclarationAST *targetParent = 0; FunctionDeclaratorAST *targetFuncDecl = 0; DeclaratorAST *targetDeclarator = 0; if (!findDeclOrDef(targetFile->cppDocument(), target->line(), target->column(), &targetParent, &targetDeclarator, &targetFuncDecl)) return noResult; // the parens are necessary for finding good places for changes if (!targetFuncDecl->lparen_token || !targetFuncDecl->rparen_token) return noResult; // if the source and target argument counts differ, something is wrong QTC_ASSERT(targetFuncDecl->symbol->argumentCount() == link->sourceFunction->argumentCount(), return noResult); int targetStart, targetEnd; declDefLinkStartEnd(targetFile, targetParent, targetFuncDecl, &targetStart, &targetEnd); QString targetInitial = targetFile->textOf( targetFile->startOf(targetParent), targetEnd); targetFile->lineAndColumn(targetStart, &link->targetLine, &link->targetColumn); link->targetInitial = targetInitial; link->targetFile = targetFile; link->targetFunction = targetFuncDecl->symbol; link->targetFunctionDeclarator = targetFuncDecl; link->targetDeclaration = targetParent; return link; } void FunctionDeclDefLinkFinder::startFindLinkAt( QTextCursor cursor, const Document::Ptr &doc, const Snapshot &snapshot) { // check if cursor is on function decl/def DeclarationAST *parent = 0; FunctionDeclaratorAST *funcDecl = 0; DeclaratorAST *declarator = 0; if (!findDeclOrDef(doc, cursor.blockNumber() + 1, cursor.columnNumber() + 1, &parent, &declarator, &funcDecl)) return; // find the start/end offsets CppTools::CppRefactoringChanges refactoringChanges(snapshot); CppTools::CppRefactoringFilePtr sourceFile = refactoringChanges.file(doc->fileName()); sourceFile->setCppDocument(doc); int start, end; declDefLinkStartEnd(sourceFile, parent, funcDecl, &start, &end); // if already scanning, don't scan again if (!m_scannedSelection.isNull() && m_scannedSelection.selectionStart() == start && m_scannedSelection.selectionEnd() == end) { return; } // build the selection for the currently scanned area m_scannedSelection = cursor; m_scannedSelection.setPosition(end); m_scannedSelection.setPosition(start, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor); m_scannedSelection.setKeepPositionOnInsert(true); // build selection for the name DeclaratorIdAST *declId = getDeclaratorId(declarator); m_nameSelection = cursor; m_nameSelection.setPosition(sourceFile->endOf(declId)); m_nameSelection.setPosition(sourceFile->startOf(declId), QTextCursor::KeepAnchor); m_nameSelection.setKeepPositionOnInsert(true); // set up a base result QSharedPointer result(new FunctionDeclDefLink); result->nameInitial = m_nameSelection.selectedText(); result->sourceDocument = doc; result->sourceFunction = funcDecl->symbol; result->sourceDeclaration = parent; result->sourceFunctionDeclarator = funcDecl; // handle the rest in a thread m_watcher.setFuture(QtConcurrent::run(&findLinkHelper, result, refactoringChanges)); } FunctionDeclDefLink::FunctionDeclDefLink() { hasMarker = false; targetLine = 0; targetColumn = 0; sourceFunction = 0; targetFunction = 0; targetDeclaration = 0; targetFunctionDeclarator = 0; } FunctionDeclDefLink::~FunctionDeclDefLink() { } bool FunctionDeclDefLink::isValid() const { return !linkSelection.isNull(); } bool FunctionDeclDefLink::isMarkerVisible() const { return hasMarker; } static bool namesEqual(const Name *n1, const Name *n2) { return n1 == n2 || (n1 && n2 && n1->isEqualTo(n2)); } void FunctionDeclDefLink::apply(CPPEditorWidget *editor, bool jumpToMatch) { Snapshot snapshot = editor->semanticInfo().snapshot; // first verify the interesting region of the target file is unchanged CppTools::CppRefactoringChanges refactoringChanges(snapshot); CppTools::CppRefactoringFilePtr newTargetFile = refactoringChanges.file(targetFile->fileName()); if (!newTargetFile->isValid()) return; const int targetStart = newTargetFile->position(targetLine, targetColumn); const int targetEnd = targetStart + targetInitial.size(); if (targetInitial == newTargetFile->textOf(targetStart, targetEnd)) { const Utils::ChangeSet changeset = changes(snapshot, targetStart); newTargetFile->setChangeSet(changeset); if (jumpToMatch) { const int jumpTarget = newTargetFile->position(targetFunction->line(), targetFunction->column()); newTargetFile->setOpenEditor(true, jumpTarget); } newTargetFile->apply(); } else { TextEditor::ToolTip::instance()->show( editor->toolTipPosition(linkSelection), TextEditor::TextContent( tr("Target file was changed, could not apply changes"))); } } template static QList removeMarkersOfType(const QList &markers) { QList result; foreach (const TextEditor::RefactorMarker &marker, markers) { if (!marker.data.canConvert()) result += marker; } return result; } void FunctionDeclDefLink::hideMarker(CPPEditorWidget *editor) { if (!hasMarker) return; editor->setRefactorMarkers( removeMarkersOfType(editor->refactorMarkers())); hasMarker = false; } void FunctionDeclDefLink::showMarker(CPPEditorWidget *editor) { if (hasMarker) return; QList markers = removeMarkersOfType(editor->refactorMarkers()); TextEditor::RefactorMarker marker; // show the marker at the end of the linked area, with a special case // to avoid it overlapping with a trailing semicolon marker.cursor = editor->textCursor(); marker.cursor.setPosition(linkSelection.selectionEnd()); const int endBlockNr = marker.cursor.blockNumber(); marker.cursor.setPosition(linkSelection.selectionEnd() + 1, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor); if (marker.cursor.blockNumber() != endBlockNr || marker.cursor.selectedText() != QLatin1String(";")) { marker.cursor.setPosition(linkSelection.selectionEnd()); } QString message; if (targetDeclaration->asFunctionDefinition()) message = tr("Apply changes to definition"); else message = tr("Apply changes to declaration"); Core::ActionManager *actionManager = Core::ICore::instance()->actionManager(); Core::Command *quickfixCommand = actionManager->command(TextEditor::Constants::QUICKFIX_THIS); if (quickfixCommand) message = Utils::ProxyAction::stringWithAppendedShortcut(message, quickfixCommand->keySequence()); marker.tooltip = message; marker.data = QVariant::fromValue(Marker()); markers += marker; editor->setRefactorMarkers(markers); hasMarker = true; } // does consider foo(void) to have one argument static int declaredParameterCount(Function *function) { int c = function->argumentCount(); if (c == 0 && function->memberCount() > 0 && function->memberAt(0)->type().type()->isVoidType()) return 1; return c; } Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QRegExp, commentArgNameRegexp) static bool hasCommentedName( TranslationUnit *unit, const QString &source, FunctionDeclaratorAST *declarator, int i) { if (!declarator || !declarator->parameter_declaration_clause || !declarator->parameter_declaration_clause->parameter_declaration_list) return false; if (Function *f = declarator->symbol) { QTC_ASSERT(f, return false); if (Symbol *a = f->argumentAt(i)) { QTC_ASSERT(a, return false); if (a->name()) return false; } } ParameterDeclarationListAST *list = declarator->parameter_declaration_clause->parameter_declaration_list; while (list && i) { list = list->next; --i; } if (!list || !list->value || i) return false; ParameterDeclarationAST *param = list->value; if (param->symbol && param->symbol->name()) { return false; } // maybe in a comment but in the right spot? int nameStart = 0; if (param->declarator) nameStart = unit->tokenAt(param->declarator->lastToken() - 1).end(); else if (param->type_specifier_list) nameStart = unit->tokenAt(param->type_specifier_list->lastToken() - 1).end(); else nameStart = unit->tokenAt(param->firstToken()).begin(); int nameEnd = 0; if (param->equal_token) nameEnd = unit->tokenAt(param->equal_token).begin(); else nameEnd = unit->tokenAt(param->lastToken()).begin(); // one token after QString text = source.mid(nameStart, nameEnd - nameStart); if (commentArgNameRegexp()->isEmpty()) { *commentArgNameRegexp() = QRegExp(QLatin1String("/\\*\\s*(\\w*)\\s*\\*/")); } return commentArgNameRegexp()->indexIn(text) != -1; } static bool canReplaceSpecifier(TranslationUnit *translationUnit, SpecifierAST *specifier) { if (SimpleSpecifierAST *simple = specifier->asSimpleSpecifier()) { switch (translationUnit->tokenAt(simple->specifier_token).kind()) { case T_CONST: case T_VOLATILE: case T_CHAR: case T_WCHAR_T: case T_BOOL: case T_SHORT: case T_INT: case T_LONG: case T_SIGNED: case T_UNSIGNED: case T_FLOAT: case T_DOUBLE: case T_VOID: case T_AUTO: case T___TYPEOF__: case T___ATTRIBUTE__: return true; default: return false; } } if (specifier->asAttributeSpecifier()) return false; return true; } static SpecifierAST *findFirstReplaceableSpecifier(TranslationUnit *translationUnit, SpecifierListAST *list) { for (SpecifierListAST *it = list; it; it = it->next) { if (canReplaceSpecifier(translationUnit, it->value)) return it->value; } return 0; } typedef QVarLengthArray IndicesList; template static int findUniqueTypeMatch(int sourceParamIndex, Function *sourceFunction, Function *newFunction, const IndicesListType &sourceParams, const IndicesListType &newParams) { Symbol *sourceParam = sourceFunction->argumentAt(sourceParamIndex); // if other sourceParams have the same type, we can't do anything for (int i = 0; i < sourceParams.size(); ++i) { int otherSourceParamIndex = sourceParams.at(i); if (sourceParamIndex == otherSourceParamIndex) continue; if (sourceParam->type().isEqualTo(sourceFunction->argumentAt(otherSourceParamIndex)->type())) return -1; } // if there's exactly one newParam with the same type, bind to that // this is primarily done to catch moves of unnamed parameters int newParamWithSameTypeIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < newParams.size(); ++i) { int newParamIndex = newParams.at(i); if (sourceParam->type().isEqualTo(newFunction->argumentAt(newParamIndex)->type())) { if (newParamWithSameTypeIndex != -1) return -1; newParamWithSameTypeIndex = newParamIndex; } } return newParamWithSameTypeIndex; } static IndicesList unmatchedIndices(const IndicesList &indices) { IndicesList ret; ret.reserve(indices.size()); for (int i = 0; i < indices.size(); ++i) { if (indices[i] == -1) ret.append(i); } return ret; } static QString ensureCorrectParameterSpacing(const QString &text, bool isFirstParam) { if (isFirstParam) { // drop leading spaces int firstNonSpace = 0; while (firstNonSpace + 1 < text.size() && text.at(firstNonSpace).isSpace()) ++firstNonSpace; return text.mid(firstNonSpace); } else { // ensure one leading space if (text.isEmpty() || !text.at(0).isSpace()) { return QLatin1Char(' ') + text; } } return text; } static unsigned findCommaTokenBetween(const CppTools::CppRefactoringFileConstPtr &file, ParameterDeclarationAST *left, ParameterDeclarationAST *right) { unsigned last = left->lastToken() - 1; for (unsigned tokenIndex = right->firstToken(); tokenIndex > last; --tokenIndex) { if (file->tokenAt(tokenIndex).kind() == T_COMMA) return tokenIndex; } return 0; } Utils::ChangeSet FunctionDeclDefLink::changes(const Snapshot &snapshot, int targetOffset) { Utils::ChangeSet changes; // Everything prefixed with 'new' in this function relates to the state of the 'source' // function *after* the user did his changes. // The 'newTarget' prefix indicates something relates to the changes we plan to do // to the 'target' function. // parse the current source declaration TypeOfExpression typeOfExpression; // ### just need to preprocess... typeOfExpression.init(sourceDocument, snapshot); QString newDeclText = linkSelection.selectedText(); for (int i = 0; i < newDeclText.size(); ++i) { if (newDeclText.at(i).toAscii() == 0) newDeclText[i] = QLatin1Char('\n'); } newDeclText.append(QLatin1String("{}")); const QString newDeclTextPreprocessed = typeOfExpression.preprocess(newDeclText); Document::Ptr newDeclDoc = Document::create(QLatin1String("")); newDeclDoc->setSource(newDeclTextPreprocessed.toUtf8()); newDeclDoc->parse(Document::ParseDeclaration); newDeclDoc->check(); // extract the function symbol if (!newDeclDoc->translationUnit()->ast()) return changes; FunctionDefinitionAST *newDef = newDeclDoc->translationUnit()->ast()->asFunctionDefinition(); if (!newDef) return changes; Function *newFunction = newDef->symbol; if (!newFunction) return changes; Overview overview; overview.setShowReturnTypes(true); overview.setShowTemplateParameters(true); overview.setShowArgumentNames(true); overview.setShowFunctionSignatures(true); // abort if the name of the newly parsed function is not the expected one DeclaratorIdAST *newDeclId = getDeclaratorId(newDef->declarator); if (!newDeclId || !newDeclId->name || !newDeclId->name->name || overview(newDeclId->name->name) != nameInitial) { return changes; } LookupContext sourceContext(sourceDocument, snapshot); LookupContext targetContext(targetFile->cppDocument(), snapshot); // sync return type { // set up for rewriting return type SubstitutionEnvironment env; env.setContext(sourceContext); env.switchScope(sourceFunction->enclosingScope()); ClassOrNamespace *targetCoN = targetContext.lookupType(targetFunction->enclosingScope()); if (!targetCoN) targetCoN = targetContext.globalNamespace(); UseMinimalNames q(targetCoN); env.enter(&q); Control *control = sourceContext.control().data(); // get return type start position and declarator info from declaration DeclaratorAST *declarator = 0; SpecifierAST *firstReplaceableSpecifier = 0; TranslationUnit *targetTranslationUnit = targetFile->cppDocument()->translationUnit(); if (SimpleDeclarationAST *simple = targetDeclaration->asSimpleDeclaration()) { declarator = simple->declarator_list->value; firstReplaceableSpecifier = findFirstReplaceableSpecifier( targetTranslationUnit, simple->decl_specifier_list); } else if (FunctionDefinitionAST *def = targetDeclaration->asFunctionDefinition()) { declarator = def->declarator; firstReplaceableSpecifier = findFirstReplaceableSpecifier( targetTranslationUnit, def->decl_specifier_list); } int returnTypeStart = 0; if (firstReplaceableSpecifier) returnTypeStart = targetFile->startOf(firstReplaceableSpecifier); else returnTypeStart = targetFile->startOf(declarator); if (!newFunction->returnType().isEqualTo(sourceFunction->returnType()) && !newFunction->returnType().isEqualTo(targetFunction->returnType())) { FullySpecifiedType type = rewriteType(newFunction->returnType(), &env, control); const QString replacement = overview(type, targetFunction->name()); changes.replace(returnTypeStart, targetFile->startOf(targetFunctionDeclarator->lparen_token), replacement); } } // sync parameters { // set up for rewriting parameter types SubstitutionEnvironment env; env.setContext(sourceContext); env.switchScope(sourceFunction); ClassOrNamespace *targetCoN = targetContext.lookupType(targetFunction); if (!targetCoN) targetCoN = targetContext.globalNamespace(); UseMinimalNames q(targetCoN); env.enter(&q); Control *control = sourceContext.control().data(); Overview overview; // make a easy to access list of the target parameter declarations QVarLengthArray targetParameterDecls; // there is no parameter declaration clause if the function has no arguments if (targetFunctionDeclarator->parameter_declaration_clause) { for (ParameterDeclarationListAST *it = targetFunctionDeclarator->parameter_declaration_clause->parameter_declaration_list; it; it = it->next) { targetParameterDecls.append(it->value); } } // the number of parameters in sourceFunction or targetFunction const int existingParamCount = declaredParameterCount(sourceFunction); QTC_ASSERT(existingParamCount == declaredParameterCount(targetFunction), return changes); QTC_ASSERT(existingParamCount == targetParameterDecls.size(), return changes); const int newParamCount = declaredParameterCount(newFunction); // When syncing parameters we need to take care that parameters inserted or // removed in the middle or parameters being reshuffled are treated correctly. // To do that, we construct a newParam -> sourceParam map, based on parameter // names and types. // Initially they start out with -1 to indicate a new parameter. IndicesList newParamToSourceParam(newParamCount); for (int i = 0; i < newParamCount; ++i) newParamToSourceParam[i] = -1; // fill newParamToSourceParam { IndicesList sourceParamToNewParam(existingParamCount); for (int i = 0; i < existingParamCount; ++i) sourceParamToNewParam[i] = -1; QMultiHash sourceParamNameToIndex; for (int i = 0; i < existingParamCount; ++i) { Symbol *sourceParam = sourceFunction->argumentAt(i); sourceParamNameToIndex.insert(overview(sourceParam->name()), i); } QMultiHash newParamNameToIndex; for (int i = 0; i < newParamCount; ++i) { Symbol *newParam = newFunction->argumentAt(i); newParamNameToIndex.insert(overview(newParam->name()), i); } // name-based binds (possibly disambiguated by type) for (int sourceParamIndex = 0; sourceParamIndex < existingParamCount; ++sourceParamIndex) { Symbol *sourceParam = sourceFunction->argumentAt(sourceParamIndex); const QString &name = overview(sourceParam->name()); QList newParams = newParamNameToIndex.values(name); QList sourceParams = sourceParamNameToIndex.values(name); if (newParams.isEmpty()) continue; // if the names match uniquely, bind them // this catches moves of named parameters if (newParams.size() == 1 && sourceParams.size() == 1) { sourceParamToNewParam[sourceParamIndex] = newParams.first(); newParamToSourceParam[newParams.first()] = sourceParamIndex; } else { // if the name match is not unique, try to find a unique // type match among the same-name parameters const int newParamWithSameTypeIndex = findUniqueTypeMatch( sourceParamIndex, sourceFunction, newFunction, sourceParams, newParams); if (newParamWithSameTypeIndex != -1) { sourceParamToNewParam[sourceParamIndex] = newParamWithSameTypeIndex; newParamToSourceParam[newParamWithSameTypeIndex] = sourceParamIndex; } } } // find unique type matches among the unbound parameters const IndicesList &freeSourceParams = unmatchedIndices(sourceParamToNewParam); const IndicesList &freeNewParams = unmatchedIndices(newParamToSourceParam); for (int i = 0; i < freeSourceParams.size(); ++i) { int sourceParamIndex = freeSourceParams.at(i); const int newParamWithSameTypeIndex = findUniqueTypeMatch( sourceParamIndex, sourceFunction, newFunction, freeSourceParams, freeNewParams); if (newParamWithSameTypeIndex != -1) { sourceParamToNewParam[sourceParamIndex] = newParamWithSameTypeIndex; newParamToSourceParam[newParamWithSameTypeIndex] = sourceParamIndex; } } // add position based binds if possible for (int i = 0; i < existingParamCount && i < newParamCount; ++i) { if (newParamToSourceParam[i] == -1 && sourceParamToNewParam[i] == -1) { newParamToSourceParam[i] = i; sourceParamToNewParam[i] = i; } } } // build the new parameter declarations QString newTargetParameters; bool hadChanges = newParamCount < existingParamCount; // below, additions and changes set this to true as well QHash renamedTargetParameters; for (int newParamIndex = 0; newParamIndex < newParamCount; ++newParamIndex) { const int existingParamIndex = newParamToSourceParam[newParamIndex]; Symbol *newParam = newFunction->argumentAt(newParamIndex); const bool isFirstNewParam = newParamIndex == 0; if (!isFirstNewParam) newTargetParameters += QLatin1Char(','); QString newTargetParam; // if it's genuinely new, add it if (existingParamIndex == -1) { FullySpecifiedType type = rewriteType(newParam->type(), &env, control); newTargetParam = overview(type, newParam->name()); hadChanges = true; } // otherwise preserve as much as possible from the existing parameter else { Symbol *targetParam = targetFunction->argumentAt(existingParamIndex); Symbol *sourceParam = sourceFunction->argumentAt(existingParamIndex); ParameterDeclarationAST *targetParamAst = targetParameterDecls.at(existingParamIndex); int parameterStart = targetFile->endOf(targetFunctionDeclarator->lparen_token); if (existingParamIndex > 0) { ParameterDeclarationAST *prevTargetParamAst = targetParameterDecls.at(existingParamIndex - 1); const unsigned commaToken = findCommaTokenBetween(targetFile, prevTargetParamAst, targetParamAst); if (commaToken > 0) parameterStart = targetFile->endOf(commaToken); } int parameterEnd = targetFile->startOf(targetFunctionDeclarator->rparen_token); if (existingParamIndex + 1 < existingParamCount) { ParameterDeclarationAST *nextTargetParamAst = targetParameterDecls.at(existingParamIndex + 1); const unsigned commaToken = findCommaTokenBetween(targetFile, targetParamAst, nextTargetParamAst); if (commaToken > 0) parameterEnd = targetFile->startOf(commaToken); } // if the name wasn't changed, don't change the target name even if it's different const Name *replacementName = newParam->name(); if (namesEqual(replacementName, sourceParam->name())) replacementName = targetParam->name(); // don't change the name if it's in a comment if (hasCommentedName(targetFile->cppDocument()->translationUnit(), targetFile->cppDocument()->source(), targetFunctionDeclarator, existingParamIndex)) replacementName = 0; // track renames if (replacementName != targetParam->name() && replacementName) renamedTargetParameters[targetParam] = overview(replacementName); // need to change the type (and name)? if (!newParam->type().isEqualTo(sourceParam->type()) && !newParam->type().isEqualTo(targetParam->type())) { const int parameterTypeStart = targetFile->startOf(targetParamAst); int parameterTypeEnd = 0; if (targetParamAst->declarator) parameterTypeEnd = targetFile->endOf(targetParamAst->declarator); else if (targetParamAst->type_specifier_list) parameterTypeEnd = targetFile->endOf(targetParamAst->type_specifier_list->lastToken() - 1); else parameterTypeEnd = targetFile->startOf(targetParamAst); FullySpecifiedType replacementType = rewriteType(newParam->type(), &env, control); newTargetParam = targetFile->textOf(parameterStart, parameterTypeStart); newTargetParam += overview(replacementType, replacementName); newTargetParam += targetFile->textOf(parameterTypeEnd, parameterEnd); hadChanges = true; } // change the name only? else if (!namesEqual(targetParam->name(), replacementName)) { DeclaratorIdAST *id = getDeclaratorId(targetParamAst->declarator); const QString &replacementNameStr = overview(replacementName); if (id) { newTargetParam += targetFile->textOf(parameterStart, targetFile->startOf(id)); QString rest = targetFile->textOf(targetFile->endOf(id), parameterEnd); if (replacementNameStr.isEmpty()) { unsigned nextToken = targetFile->tokenAt(id->lastToken()).kind(); // token after id if (nextToken == T_COMMA || nextToken == T_EQUAL || nextToken == T_RPAREN) { if (nextToken != T_EQUAL) newTargetParam = newTargetParam.trimmed(); newTargetParam += rest.trimmed(); } } else { newTargetParam += replacementNameStr; newTargetParam += rest; } } else { // add name to unnamed parameter int insertPos = parameterEnd; if (targetParamAst->equal_token) insertPos = targetFile->startOf(targetParamAst->equal_token); newTargetParam += targetFile->textOf(parameterStart, insertPos); // prepend a space, unless ' ', '*', '&' QChar lastChar; if (!newTargetParam.isEmpty()) lastChar = newTargetParam.at(newTargetParam.size() - 1); if (!lastChar.isSpace() && lastChar != QLatin1Char('*') && lastChar != QLatin1Char('&')) newTargetParam += QLatin1Char(' '); newTargetParam += replacementNameStr; // append a space, unless unnecessary const QString &rest = targetFile->textOf(insertPos, parameterEnd); if (!rest.isEmpty() && !rest.at(0).isSpace()) newTargetParam += QLatin1Char(' '); newTargetParam += rest; } hadChanges = true; } // change nothing - though the parameter might still have moved else { if (existingParamIndex != newParamIndex) hadChanges = true; newTargetParam = targetFile->textOf(parameterStart, parameterEnd); } } // apply newTargetParameters += ensureCorrectParameterSpacing(newTargetParam, isFirstNewParam); } if (hadChanges) { changes.replace(targetFile->endOf(targetFunctionDeclarator->lparen_token), targetFile->startOf(targetFunctionDeclarator->rparen_token), newTargetParameters); } // for function definitions, rename the local usages FunctionDefinitionAST *targetDefinition = targetDeclaration->asFunctionDefinition(); if (targetDefinition && !renamedTargetParameters.isEmpty()) { const LocalSymbols localSymbols(targetFile->cppDocument(), targetDefinition); const int endOfArguments = targetFile->endOf(targetFunctionDeclarator->rparen_token); QHashIterator it(renamedTargetParameters); while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); const QList &uses = localSymbols.uses.value(it.key()); foreach (const SemanticInfo::Use &use, uses) { const int useStart = targetFile->position(use.line, use.column); if (useStart <= endOfArguments) continue; changes.replace(useStart, useStart + use.length, it.value()); } } } } // sync cv qualification if (targetFunction->isConst() != newFunction->isConst() || targetFunction->isVolatile() != newFunction->isVolatile()) { QString cvString; if (newFunction->isConst()) cvString += QLatin1String("const"); if (newFunction->isVolatile()) { if (!cvString.isEmpty()) cvString += QLatin1Char(' '); cvString += QLatin1String("volatile"); } // if the target function is neither const or volatile, just add the new specifiers after the closing ')' if (!targetFunction->isConst() && !targetFunction->isVolatile()) { cvString.prepend(QLatin1Char(' ')); changes.insert(targetFile->endOf(targetFunctionDeclarator->rparen_token), cvString); } // modify/remove existing specifiers else { SimpleSpecifierAST *constSpecifier = 0; SimpleSpecifierAST *volatileSpecifier = 0; for (SpecifierListAST *it = targetFunctionDeclarator->cv_qualifier_list; it; it = it->next) { if (SimpleSpecifierAST *simple = it->value->asSimpleSpecifier()) { unsigned kind = targetFile->tokenAt(simple->specifier_token).kind(); if (kind == T_CONST) constSpecifier = simple; else if (kind == T_VOLATILE) volatileSpecifier = simple; } } // if there are both, we just need to remove if (constSpecifier && volatileSpecifier) { if (!newFunction->isConst()) changes.remove(targetFile->endOf(constSpecifier->specifier_token - 1), targetFile->endOf(constSpecifier)); if (!newFunction->isVolatile()) changes.remove(targetFile->endOf(volatileSpecifier->specifier_token - 1), targetFile->endOf(volatileSpecifier)); } // otherwise adjust, remove or extend the one existing specifier else { SimpleSpecifierAST *specifier = constSpecifier ? constSpecifier : volatileSpecifier; QTC_ASSERT(specifier, return changes); if (!newFunction->isConst() && !newFunction->isVolatile()) { changes.remove(targetFile->endOf(specifier->specifier_token - 1), targetFile->endOf(specifier)); } else { changes.replace(targetFile->range(specifier), cvString); } } } } if (targetOffset != -1) { // move all change operations to have the right start offset const int moveAmount = targetOffset - targetFile->startOf(targetDeclaration); QList ops = changes.operationList(); for (int i = 0; i < ops.size(); ++i) { ops[i].pos1 += moveAmount; ops[i].pos2 += moveAmount; } changes = Utils::ChangeSet(ops); } return changes; } class ApplyDeclDefLinkOperation : public CppQuickFixOperation { public: explicit ApplyDeclDefLinkOperation( const QSharedPointer &interface, const QSharedPointer &link) : CppQuickFixOperation(interface, 10) , m_link(link) {} virtual void perform() { CPPEditorWidget *editor = assistInterface()->editor(); QSharedPointer link = editor->declDefLink(); if (link != m_link) return; return editor->applyDeclDefLinkChanges(/*don't jump*/false); } protected: virtual void performChanges(const CppTools::CppRefactoringFilePtr &, const CppTools::CppRefactoringChanges &) { /* never called since perform is overridden */ } private: QSharedPointer m_link; }; QList ApplyDeclDefLinkChanges::match(const QSharedPointer &interface) { QList results; QSharedPointer link = interface->editor()->declDefLink(); if (!link || !link->isMarkerVisible()) return results; QSharedPointer op(new ApplyDeclDefLinkOperation(interface, link)); op->setDescription(FunctionDeclDefLink::tr("Apply function signature changes")); results += op; return results; }