/************************************************************************** ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator ** ** Copyright (c) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). ** ** Contact: http://www.qt-project.org/ ** ** ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage ** ** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and ** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this file. ** Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General ** Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met: ** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html. ** ** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional ** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package. ** ** Other Usage ** ** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms and ** conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you and Nokia. ** ** **************************************************************************/ #include "pastebindotcomprotocol.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include enum { debug = 0 }; static const char PASTEBIN_BASE[]="http://pastebin.com/"; static const char PASTEBIN_API[]="api/api_post.php"; static const char PASTEBIN_RAW[]="raw.php"; static const char PASTEBIN_ARCHIVE[]="archive"; static const char API_KEY[]="api_dev_key=516686fc461fb7f9341fd7cf2af6f829&"; // user: qtcreator_apikey namespace CodePaster { PasteBinDotComProtocol::PasteBinDotComProtocol(const NetworkAccessManagerProxyPtr &nw) : NetworkProtocol(nw), m_fetchReply(0), m_pasteReply(0), m_listReply(0), m_fetchId(-1), m_postId(-1), m_hostChecked(false) { } QString PasteBinDotComProtocol::protocolName() { return QLatin1String("Pastebin.Com"); } unsigned PasteBinDotComProtocol::capabilities() const { return ListCapability; } static inline QByteArray format(Protocol::ContentType ct) { QByteArray format = "api_paste_format="; switch (ct) { case Protocol::C: format += 'c'; break; case Protocol::Cpp: format += "cpp-qt"; case Protocol::JavaScript: format += "javascript"; break; case Protocol::Diff: format += "diff"; break; case Protocol::Xml: format += "xml"; break; case Protocol::Text: // fallthrough! default: format += "text"; } format += '&'; return format; } void PasteBinDotComProtocol::paste(const QString &text, ContentType ct, const QString &username, const QString &comment, const QString &description) { Q_UNUSED(comment); Q_UNUSED(description); QTC_ASSERT(!m_pasteReply, return); // Format body QByteArray pasteData = API_KEY; pasteData += "api_option=paste&"; pasteData += "api_paste_expire_date=1M&"; pasteData += format(ct); pasteData += "api_paste_name="; pasteData += QUrl::toPercentEncoding(username); pasteData += "&api_paste_code="; pasteData += QUrl::toPercentEncoding(fixNewLines(text)); // fire request m_pasteReply = httpPost(QLatin1String(PASTEBIN_BASE) + QLatin1String(PASTEBIN_API), pasteData); connect(m_pasteReply, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(pasteFinished())); if (debug) qDebug() << "paste: sending " << m_pasteReply << pasteData; } void PasteBinDotComProtocol::pasteFinished() { if (m_pasteReply->error()) { qWarning("Pastebin.com protocol error: %s", qPrintable(m_pasteReply->errorString())); } else { emit pasteDone(QString::fromLatin1(m_pasteReply->readAll())); } m_pasteReply->deleteLater(); m_pasteReply = 0; } void PasteBinDotComProtocol::fetch(const QString &id) { // Did we get a complete URL or just an id. Insert a call to the php-script QString link = QLatin1String(PASTEBIN_BASE) + QLatin1String(PASTEBIN_RAW); link.append(QLatin1String("?i=")); if (id.startsWith(QLatin1String("http://"))) link.append(id.mid(id.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char('/')) + 1)); else link.append(id); if (debug) qDebug() << "fetch: sending " << link; m_fetchReply = httpGet(link); connect(m_fetchReply, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(fetchFinished())); m_fetchId = id; } void PasteBinDotComProtocol::fetchFinished() { QString title; QString content; const bool error = m_fetchReply->error(); if (error) { content = m_fetchReply->errorString(); if (debug) qDebug() << "fetchFinished: error" << m_fetchId << content; } else { title = QString::fromLatin1("Pastebin.com: %1").arg(m_fetchId); content = QString::fromLatin1(m_fetchReply->readAll()); // Cut out from '
' formatting
        const int preEnd = content.lastIndexOf(QLatin1String("
")); if (preEnd != -1) content.truncate(preEnd); const int preStart = content.indexOf(QLatin1String("
        if (preStart != -1)
            content.remove(0, preStart + 5);
        // Make applicable as patch.
        content = Protocol::textFromHtml(content);
        content += QLatin1Char('\n');
        // -------------
        if (debug) {
            QDebug nsp = qDebug().nospace();
            nsp << "fetchFinished: " << content.size() << " Bytes";
            if (debug > 1)
                nsp << content;
    m_fetchReply = 0;
    emit fetchDone(title, content, error);

void PasteBinDotComProtocol::list()
    QTC_ASSERT(!m_listReply, return);

    const QString url = QLatin1String(PASTEBIN_BASE) + QLatin1String(PASTEBIN_ARCHIVE);
    m_listReply = httpGet(url);
    connect(m_listReply, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(listFinished()));
    if (debug)
        qDebug() << "list: sending " << url << m_listReply;

static inline void padString(QString *s, int len)
    const int missing = len - s->length();
    if (missing > 0)
        s->append(QString(missing, QLatin1Char(' ')));

/* Quick & dirty: Parse out the 'archive' table as of 16.3.2011:

-\endcode */
enum ParseState
    OutSideTable, WithinTable, WithinTableRow, WithinTableHeaderElement,
    WithinTableElement, WithinTableElementAnchor, ParseError

QDebug operator<<(QDebug d, const QXmlStreamAttributes &al)
    QDebug nospace = d.nospace();
    foreach (const QXmlStreamAttribute &a, al)
        nospace << a.name().toString() << '=' << a.value().toString() << ' ';
    return d;

static inline ParseState nextOpeningState(ParseState current, const QXmlStreamReader &reader)
    const QStringRef &element = reader.name();
    switch (current) {
    case OutSideTable:
        // Trigger on main table only.
        if (element == QLatin1String("table")
           && reader.attributes().value(QLatin1String("class")) == QLatin1String("maintable"))
            return WithinTable;
        return OutSideTable;
    case WithinTable:
        if (element == QLatin1String("tr"))
            return WithinTableRow;
    case WithinTableRow:
        if (element == QLatin1String("td"))
            return WithinTableElement;
        if (element == QLatin1String("th"))
            return WithinTableHeaderElement;
    case WithinTableElement:
        if (element == QLatin1String("img"))
            return WithinTableElement;
        if (element == QLatin1String("a"))
            return WithinTableElementAnchor;
    case WithinTableHeaderElement:
    case WithinTableElementAnchor:
    case ParseError:
    return ParseError;

static inline ParseState nextClosingState(ParseState current, const QStringRef &element)
    switch (current) {
    case OutSideTable:
        return OutSideTable;
    case WithinTable:
        if (element == QLatin1String("table"))
            return OutSideTable;
    case WithinTableRow:
        if (element == QLatin1String("tr"))
            return WithinTable;
    case WithinTableElement:
        if (element == QLatin1String("td"))
            return WithinTableRow;
        if (element == QLatin1String("img"))
            return WithinTableElement;
    case WithinTableHeaderElement:
        if (element == QLatin1String("th"))
            return WithinTableRow;
    case WithinTableElementAnchor:
        if (element == QLatin1String("a"))
            return WithinTableElement;
   case ParseError:
   return ParseError;

static inline QStringList parseLists(QIODevice *io)
    enum { maxEntries = 200 }; // Limit the archive, which can grow quite large.

    QStringList rc;
    QXmlStreamReader reader(io);
    ParseState state = OutSideTable;
    int tableRow = 0;
    int tableColumn = 0;

    const QString hrefAttribute = QLatin1String("href");
    QString link;
    QString title;
    QString age;

    while (!reader.atEnd()) {
        switch(reader.readNext()) {
        case QXmlStreamReader::StartElement:
            state = nextOpeningState(state, reader);
            switch (state) {
            case WithinTableRow:
                tableColumn = 0;
            case OutSideTable:
            case WithinTable:
            case WithinTableHeaderElement:
            case WithinTableElement:
            case WithinTableElementAnchor: // 'href="/svb5K8wS"'
                if (tableColumn == 0) {
                    link = reader.attributes().value(hrefAttribute).toString();
                    if (link.startsWith(QLatin1Char('/')))
                        link.remove(0, 1);
            case ParseError:
                return rc;
            } // switch startelement state
        case QXmlStreamReader::EndElement:
            state = nextClosingState(state, reader.name());
            switch (state) {
            case OutSideTable:
                if (tableRow) // Seen the table, bye.
                    return rc;
            case WithinTable:
                // User can occasionally be empty.
                if (tableRow && !link.isEmpty() && !title.isEmpty() && !age.isEmpty()) {
                    QString entry = link;
                    entry += QLatin1Char(' ');
                    entry += title;
                    entry += QLatin1String(" (");
                    entry += age;
                    entry += QLatin1Char(')');
                    if (rc.size() >= maxEntries)
                        return rc;
            case WithinTableRow:
            case WithinTableHeaderElement:
            case WithinTableElement:
            case WithinTableElementAnchor:
            case ParseError:
                return rc;
            } // switch endelement state
        case QXmlStreamReader::Characters:
            switch (state) {
            case WithinTableElement:
                if (tableColumn == 1)
                    age = reader.text().toString();
            case WithinTableElementAnchor:
                if (tableColumn == 0)
                    title = reader.text().toString();
            } // switch characters read state
        } // switch reader state
    return rc;

void PasteBinDotComProtocol::listFinished()
    const bool error = m_listReply->error();
    if (error) {
        if (debug)
            qDebug() << "listFinished: error" << m_listReply->errorString();
    } else {
        QStringList list = parseLists(m_listReply);
        emit listDone(name(), list);
        if (debug)
            qDebug() << list;
    m_listReply = 0;

} // namespace CodePaster
Name / Title Posted Syntax
Vector 1 2 sec ago C++