/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2018 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator. ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms ** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further ** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following ** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will ** be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html. ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "menubarfilter.h" #include "actionmanager/actioncontainer.h" #include "actionmanager/actionmanager.h" #include "coreconstants.h" #include "icore.h" #include "locator/locatormanager.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE Utils::QHashValueType qHash(const QPointer &p, Utils::QHashValueType seed) { return qHash(p.data(), seed); } QT_END_NAMESPACE using namespace Core::Internal; using namespace Core; MenuBarFilter::MenuBarFilter() { setId("Actions from the menu"); setDisplayName(tr("Actions from the Menu")); setDefaultShortcutString("t"); connect(ICore::instance(), &ICore::contextAboutToChange, this, [this] { if (LocatorManager::locatorHasFocus()) updateEnabledActionCache(); }); } static const QList menuBarActions() { QMenuBar *menuBar = Core::ActionManager::actionContainer(Constants::MENU_BAR)->menuBar(); QTC_ASSERT(menuBar, return {}); return menuBar->actions(); } QList MenuBarFilter::matchesFor(QFutureInterface &future, const QString &entry) { Q_UNUSED(future) Q_UNUSED(entry) return std::move(m_entries); } void MenuBarFilter::accept(LocatorFilterEntry selection, QString *newText, int *selectionStart, int *selectionLength) const { Q_UNUSED(newText) Q_UNUSED(selectionStart) Q_UNUSED(selectionLength) if (auto action = selection.internalData.value>()) { QMetaObject::invokeMethod(action, [action] { if (action->isEnabled()) action->trigger(); }, Qt::QueuedConnection); } } QList MenuBarFilter::matchesForAction(QAction *action, const QStringList &entryPath, const QStringList &path, QVector &processedMenus) { QList entries; if (!m_enabledActions.contains(action)) return entries; const QString text = Utils::stripAccelerator(action->text()); if (QMenu *menu = action->menu()) { if (processedMenus.contains(menu)) return entries; processedMenus.append(menu); if (menu->isEnabled()) { const QList &actions = menu->actions(); QStringList menuPath(path); menuPath << text; for (QAction *menuAction : actions) entries << matchesForAction(menuAction, entryPath, menuPath, processedMenus); } } else if (!text.isEmpty()) { int entryIndex = 0; int entryLength = 0; int pathIndex = 0; LocatorFilterEntry::HighlightInfo::DataType highlightType = LocatorFilterEntry::HighlightInfo::DisplayName; const QString pathText = path.join(" > "); QStringList actionPath(path); if (!entryPath.isEmpty()) { actionPath << text; for (const QString &entry : entryPath) { const QRegularExpression re(".*" + entry + ".*", QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption); pathIndex = actionPath.indexOf(re, pathIndex); if (pathIndex < 0) return entries; } const QString &lastEntry(entryPath.last()); entryLength = lastEntry.length(); entryIndex = text.indexOf(lastEntry, 0, Qt::CaseInsensitive); if (entryIndex >= 0) { highlightType = LocatorFilterEntry::HighlightInfo::DisplayName; } else { entryIndex = pathText.indexOf(lastEntry, 0, Qt::CaseInsensitive); QTC_ASSERT(entryIndex >= 0, return entries); highlightType = LocatorFilterEntry::HighlightInfo::ExtraInfo; } } LocatorFilterEntry filterEntry(this, text, QVariant(), action->icon()); filterEntry.internalData.setValue(QPointer(action)); filterEntry.extraInfo = pathText; filterEntry.highlightInfo = {entryIndex, entryLength, highlightType}; entries << filterEntry; } return entries; } static void requestMenuUpdate(const QAction* action) { if (QMenu *menu = action->menu()) { emit menu->aboutToShow(); const QList &actions = menu->actions(); for (const QAction *menuActions : actions) requestMenuUpdate(menuActions); } } void MenuBarFilter::updateEnabledActionCache() { m_enabledActions.clear(); QList queue = menuBarActions(); for (QAction *action : qAsConst(queue)) requestMenuUpdate(action); while (!queue.isEmpty()) { QAction *action = queue.takeFirst(); if (action->isEnabled()) { m_enabledActions.insert(action); if (QMenu *menu = action->menu()) { if (menu->isEnabled()) queue.append(menu->actions()); } } } } void Core::Internal::MenuBarFilter::prepareSearch(const QString &entry) { Q_UNUSED(entry) static const QString separators = ". >/"; static const QRegularExpression seperatorRegExp(QString("[%1]").arg(separators)); QString normalized = entry; normalized.replace(seperatorRegExp, separators.at(0)); const QStringList entryPath = normalized.split(separators.at(0), Qt::SkipEmptyParts); m_entries.clear(); QVector processedMenus; for (QAction* action : menuBarActions()) m_entries << matchesForAction(action, entryPath, QStringList(), processedMenus); }