/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator. ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms ** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further ** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following ** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will ** be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html. ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "id.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Core { /*! \class Core::Id \brief The Id class encapsulates an identifier that is unique within a specific running \QC process. \c{Core::Id} is used as facility to identify objects of interest in a more typesafe and faster manner than a plain \c QString or \c QByteArray would provide. An id is associated with a plain 7-bit-clean ASCII name used for display and persistency. */ class StringHolder { public: StringHolder() : n(0), str(0) {} StringHolder(const char *s, int length) : n(length), str(s) { if (!n) length = n = static_cast(strlen(s)); h = 0; while (length--) { h = (h << 4) + *s++; h ^= (h & 0xf0000000) >> 23; h &= 0x0fffffff; } } int n; const char *str; quintptr h; }; static bool operator==(const StringHolder &sh1, const StringHolder &sh2) { // sh.n is unlikely to discriminate better than the hash. return sh1.h == sh2.h && sh1.str && sh2.str && strcmp(sh1.str, sh2.str) == 0; } static uint qHash(const StringHolder &sh) { return QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(qHash)(sh.h, 0); } struct IdCache : public QHash { #ifndef QTC_ALLOW_STATIC_LEAKS ~IdCache() { for (IdCache::iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it) delete[](const_cast(it.key().str)); } #endif }; static QHash stringFromId; static IdCache idFromString; static quintptr theId(const char *str, int n = 0) { static quintptr firstUnusedId = 10 * 1000 * 1000; QTC_ASSERT(str && *str, return 0); StringHolder sh(str, n); int res = idFromString.value(sh, 0); if (res == 0) { res = firstUnusedId++; sh.str = qstrdup(sh.str); idFromString[sh] = res; stringFromId[res] = sh; } return res; } static quintptr theId(const QByteArray &ba) { return theId(ba.constData(), ba.size()); } /*! \fn Core::Id::Id(quintptr uid) \internal Constructs an id given \a UID. The UID is an integer value that is unique within the running \QC process. */ /*! Constructs an id given its associated \a name. The internal representation will be unspecified, but consistent within a \QC process. */ Id::Id(const char *name) : m_id(theId(name, 0)) {} /*! Returns an internal representation of the id. */ QByteArray Id::name() const { return stringFromId.value(m_id).str; } /*! Returns a string representation of the id suitable for UI display. This should not be used to create a persistent version of the Id, use \c{toSetting()} instead. \sa fromString(), toSetting() */ QString Id::toString() const { return QString::fromUtf8(stringFromId.value(m_id).str); } /*! Creates an id from a string representation. This should not be used to handle a persistent version of the Id, use \c{fromSetting()} instead. \deprecated \sa toString(), fromSetting() */ Id Id::fromString(const QString &name) { if (name.isEmpty()) return Id(); return Id(theId(name.toUtf8())); } /*! Creates an id from a string representation. This should not be used to handle a persistent version of the Id, use \c{fromSetting()} instead. \deprecated \sa toString(), fromSetting() */ Id Id::fromName(const QByteArray &name) { return Id(theId(name)); } /*! Returns a persistent value representing the id which is suitable to be stored in QSettings. \sa fromSetting() */ QVariant Id::toSetting() const { return QVariant(QString::fromUtf8(stringFromId.value(m_id).str)); } /*! Reconstructs an id from a persistent value. \sa toSetting() */ Id Id::fromSetting(const QVariant &variant) { const QByteArray ba = variant.toString().toUtf8(); if (ba.isEmpty()) return Id(); return Id(theId(ba)); } Id Id::versionedId(const QByteArray &prefix, int major, int minor) { QTC_ASSERT(major >= 0, return fromName(prefix)); QByteArray result = prefix + '.'; result += QString::number(major).toLatin1(); if (minor < 0) return fromName(result); return fromName(result + '.' + QString::number(minor).toLatin1()); } QSet Id::fromStringList(const QStringList &list) { return QSet::fromList(Utils::transform(list, [](const QString &s) { return Id::fromString(s); })); } QStringList Id::toStringList(const QSet &ids) { QList idList = ids.toList(); Utils::sort(idList); return Utils::transform(idList, [](Id i) { return i.toString(); }); } /*! Constructs a derived id. This can be used to construct groups of ids logically belonging together. The associated internal name will be generated by appending \a suffix. */ Id Id::withSuffix(int suffix) const { const QByteArray ba = name() + QByteArray::number(suffix); return Id(ba.constData()); } /*! \overload */ Id Id::withSuffix(const char *suffix) const { const QByteArray ba = name() + suffix; return Id(ba.constData()); } /*! \overload \sa stringSuffix() */ Id Id::withSuffix(const QString &suffix) const { const QByteArray ba = name() + suffix.toUtf8(); return Id(ba.constData()); } /*! Constructs a derived id. This can be used to construct groups of ids logically belonging together. The associated internal name will be generated by prepending \a prefix. */ Id Id::withPrefix(const char *prefix) const { const QByteArray ba = prefix + name(); return Id(ba.constData()); } bool Id::operator==(const char *name) const { const char *string = stringFromId.value(m_id).str; if (string && name) return strcmp(string, name) == 0; else return false; } // For debugging purposes CORE_EXPORT const char *nameForId(quintptr id) { return stringFromId.value(id).str; } bool Id::alphabeticallyBefore(Id other) const { return toString().compare(other.toString(), Qt::CaseInsensitive) < 0; } /*! Extracts a part of the id string representation. This function can be used to split off the base part specified by \a baseId used when generating an id with \c{withSuffix()}. \sa withSuffix() */ QString Id::suffixAfter(Id baseId) const { const QByteArray b = baseId.name(); const QByteArray n = name(); return n.startsWith(b) ? QString::fromUtf8(n.mid(b.size())) : QString(); } } // namespace Core QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &ds, Core::Id id) { return ds << id.name(); } QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &ds, Core::Id &id) { QByteArray ba; ds >> ba; id = Core::Id::fromName(ba); return ds; } QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const Core::Id &id) { return dbg << id.name(); } QT_END_NAMESPACE