/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator. ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms ** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further ** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following ** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will ** be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html. ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "searchresultwindow.h" #include "searchresultwidget.h" #include "searchresultcolor.h" #include "textfindconstants.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static const char SETTINGSKEYSECTIONNAME[] = "SearchResults"; static const char SETTINGSKEYEXPANDRESULTS[] = "ExpandResults"; static const int MAX_SEARCH_HISTORY = 12; namespace Core { namespace Internal { class InternalScrollArea : public QScrollArea { Q_OBJECT public: explicit InternalScrollArea(QWidget *parent) : QScrollArea(parent) { setFrameStyle(QFrame::NoFrame); setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAsNeeded); setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAsNeeded); } QSize sizeHint() const override { if (widget()) return widget()->size(); return QScrollArea::sizeHint(); } }; class SearchResultWindowPrivate : public QObject { Q_DECLARE_TR_FUNCTIONS(Core::SearchResultWindow) public: SearchResultWindowPrivate(SearchResultWindow *window, QWidget *newSearchPanel); bool isSearchVisible() const { return m_currentIndex > 0; } int visibleSearchIndex() const { return m_currentIndex - 1; } void setCurrentIndex(int index, bool focus); void setCurrentIndexWithFocus(int index) { setCurrentIndex(index, true); } void moveWidgetToTop(); void popupRequested(bool focus); void handleExpandCollapseToolButton(bool checked); SearchResultWindow *q; QList m_searchResultWidgets; QToolButton *m_expandCollapseButton; QToolButton *m_newSearchButton; QAction *m_expandCollapseAction; static const bool m_initiallyExpand = false; QWidget *m_spacer; QLabel *m_historyLabel; QWidget *m_spacer2; QComboBox *m_recentSearchesBox; QStackedWidget *m_widget; QList m_searchResults; int m_currentIndex; QFont m_font; SearchResultColor m_color; int m_tabWidth; }; SearchResultWindowPrivate::SearchResultWindowPrivate(SearchResultWindow *window, QWidget *nsp) : q(window), m_expandCollapseButton(nullptr), m_expandCollapseAction(new QAction(tr("Expand All"), window)), m_spacer(new QWidget), m_historyLabel(new QLabel(tr("History:"))), m_spacer2(new QWidget), m_recentSearchesBox(new QComboBox), m_widget(new QStackedWidget), m_currentIndex(0), m_tabWidth(8) { m_spacer->setMinimumWidth(30); m_spacer2->setMinimumWidth(5); m_recentSearchesBox->setProperty("drawleftborder", true); m_recentSearchesBox->setSizeAdjustPolicy(QComboBox::AdjustToContents); m_recentSearchesBox->addItem(tr("New Search")); connect(m_recentSearchesBox, QOverload::of(&QComboBox::activated), this, &SearchResultWindowPrivate::setCurrentIndexWithFocus); m_widget->setWindowTitle(q->displayName()); auto newSearchArea = new InternalScrollArea(m_widget); newSearchArea->setWidget(nsp); newSearchArea->setFocusProxy(nsp); m_widget->addWidget(newSearchArea); m_expandCollapseButton = new QToolButton(m_widget); m_expandCollapseAction->setCheckable(true); m_expandCollapseAction->setIcon(Utils::Icons::EXPAND_ALL_TOOLBAR.icon()); m_expandCollapseAction->setEnabled(false); Command *cmd = ActionManager::registerAction(m_expandCollapseAction, "Find.ExpandAll"); cmd->setAttribute(Command::CA_UpdateText); m_expandCollapseButton->setDefaultAction(cmd->action()); QAction *newSearchAction = new QAction(tr("New Search"), this); newSearchAction->setIcon(Utils::Icons::NEWSEARCH_TOOLBAR.icon()); cmd = ActionManager::command(Constants::ADVANCED_FIND); m_newSearchButton = Command::toolButtonWithAppendedShortcut(newSearchAction, cmd); if (QTC_GUARD(cmd && cmd->action())) connect(m_newSearchButton, &QToolButton::triggered, cmd->action(), &QAction::trigger); connect(m_expandCollapseAction, &QAction::toggled, this, &SearchResultWindowPrivate::handleExpandCollapseToolButton); } void SearchResultWindowPrivate::setCurrentIndex(int index, bool focus) { if (isSearchVisible()) m_searchResultWidgets.at(visibleSearchIndex())->notifyVisibilityChanged(false); m_currentIndex = index; m_widget->setCurrentIndex(index); m_recentSearchesBox->setCurrentIndex(index); if (!isSearchVisible()) { if (focus) m_widget->currentWidget()->setFocus(); m_expandCollapseAction->setEnabled(false); m_newSearchButton->setEnabled(false); } else { if (focus) m_searchResultWidgets.at(visibleSearchIndex())->setFocusInternally(); m_searchResultWidgets.at(visibleSearchIndex())->notifyVisibilityChanged(true); m_expandCollapseAction->setEnabled(true); m_newSearchButton->setEnabled(true); } q->navigateStateChanged(); } void SearchResultWindowPrivate::moveWidgetToTop() { auto widget = qobject_cast(sender()); QTC_ASSERT(widget, return); int index = m_searchResultWidgets.indexOf(widget); if (index == 0) return; // nothing to do int internalIndex = index + 1/*account for "new search" entry*/; QString searchEntry = m_recentSearchesBox->itemText(internalIndex); m_searchResultWidgets.removeAt(index); m_widget->removeWidget(widget); m_recentSearchesBox->removeItem(internalIndex); SearchResult *result = m_searchResults.takeAt(index); m_searchResultWidgets.prepend(widget); m_widget->insertWidget(1, widget); m_recentSearchesBox->insertItem(1, searchEntry); m_searchResults.prepend(result); // adapt the current index if (index == visibleSearchIndex()) { // was visible, so we switch // this is the default case m_currentIndex = 1; m_widget->setCurrentIndex(1); m_recentSearchesBox->setCurrentIndex(1); } else if (visibleSearchIndex() < index) { // academical case where the widget moved before the current widget // only our internal book keeping needed ++m_currentIndex; } } void SearchResultWindowPrivate::popupRequested(bool focus) { auto widget = qobject_cast(sender()); QTC_ASSERT(widget, return); int internalIndex = m_searchResultWidgets.indexOf(widget) + 1/*account for "new search" entry*/; setCurrentIndex(internalIndex, focus); q->popup(focus ? IOutputPane::ModeSwitch | IOutputPane::WithFocus : IOutputPane::NoModeSwitch); } } // namespace Internal using namespace Core::Internal; /*! \enum Core::SearchResultWindow::SearchMode This enum type specifies whether a search should show the replace UI or not: \value SearchOnly The search does not support replace. \value SearchAndReplace The search supports replace, so show the UI for it. */ /*! \class Core::SearchResult \brief The SearchResult class reports user interaction, such as the activation of a search result item. Whenever a new search is initiated via startNewSearch, an instance of this class is returned to provide the initiator with the hooks for handling user interaction. */ /*! \fn void SearchResult::activated(const Core::SearchResultItem &item) Indicates that the user activated the search result \a item by double-clicking it, for example. */ /*! \fn void SearchResult::replaceButtonClicked(const QString &replaceText, const QList &checkedItems, bool preserveCase) Indicates that the user initiated a text replace by selecting \gui {Replace All}, for example. The signal reports the text to use for replacement in \a replaceText, and the list of search result items that were selected by the user in \a checkedItems. The handler of this signal should apply the replace only on the selected items. */ /*! \class Core::SearchResultWindow \brief The SearchResultWindow class is the implementation of a commonly shared \gui{Search Results} output pane. Use it to show search results to a user. Whenever you want to show the user a list of search results, or want to present UI for a global search and replace, use the single instance of this class. Except for being an implementation of a output pane, the SearchResultWindow has a few functions and one enum that allows other plugins to show their search results and hook into the user actions for selecting an entry and performing a global replace. Whenever you start a search, call startNewSearch(SearchMode) to initialize the \gui {Search Results} output pane. The parameter determines if the GUI for replacing should be shown. The function returns a SearchResult object that is your hook into the signals from user interaction for this search. When you produce search results, call addResults or addResult to add them to the \gui {Search Results} output pane. After the search has finished call finishSearch to inform the \gui {Search Results} output pane about it. You will get activated signals via your SearchResult instance when the user selects a search result item, and, if you started the search with the SearchAndReplace option, the replaceButtonClicked signal when the user requests a replace. */ /*! \fn QString SearchResultWindow::displayName() const \internal */ SearchResultWindow *SearchResultWindow::m_instance = nullptr; /*! \internal */ SearchResultWindow::SearchResultWindow(QWidget *newSearchPanel) : d(new SearchResultWindowPrivate(this, newSearchPanel)) { m_instance = this; readSettings(); } /*! \internal */ SearchResultWindow::~SearchResultWindow() { qDeleteAll(d->m_searchResults); delete d->m_widget; d->m_widget = nullptr; delete d; } /*! Returns the single shared instance of the \gui {Search Results} output pane. */ SearchResultWindow *SearchResultWindow::instance() { return m_instance; } /*! \internal */ void SearchResultWindow::visibilityChanged(bool visible) { if (d->isSearchVisible()) d->m_searchResultWidgets.at(d->visibleSearchIndex())->notifyVisibilityChanged(visible); } /*! \internal */ QWidget *SearchResultWindow::outputWidget(QWidget *) { return d->m_widget; } /*! \internal */ QList SearchResultWindow::toolBarWidgets() const { return {d->m_expandCollapseButton, d->m_newSearchButton, d->m_spacer, d->m_historyLabel, d->m_spacer2, d->m_recentSearchesBox}; } /*! Tells the \gui {Search Results} output pane to start a new search. The \a label should be a string that shortly describes the type of the search, that is, the search filter and possibly the most relevant search option, followed by a colon ':'. For example: \c {Project 'myproject':} The \a searchTerm is shown after the colon. The \a toolTip should elaborate on the search parameters, like file patterns that are searched and find flags. If \a cfgGroup is not empty, it will be used for storing the "do not ask again" setting of a "this change cannot be undone" warning (which is implicitly requested by passing a non-empty group). Returns a SearchResult object that is used for signaling user interaction with the results of this search. The search result window owns the returned SearchResult and might delete it any time, even while the search is running (for example, when the user clears the \gui {Search Results} pane, or when the user opens so many other searches that this search falls out of the history). */ SearchResult *SearchResultWindow::startNewSearch(const QString &label, const QString &toolTip, const QString &searchTerm, SearchMode searchOrSearchAndReplace, PreserveCaseMode preserveCaseMode, const QString &cfgGroup) { if (d->m_searchResults.size() >= MAX_SEARCH_HISTORY) { d->m_searchResultWidgets.last()->notifyVisibilityChanged(false); // widget first, because that might send interesting signals to SearchResult delete d->m_searchResultWidgets.takeLast(); delete d->m_searchResults.takeLast(); d->m_recentSearchesBox->removeItem(d->m_recentSearchesBox->count()-1); if (d->m_currentIndex >= d->m_recentSearchesBox->count()) { // temporarily set the index to the last existing d->m_currentIndex = d->m_recentSearchesBox->count() - 1; } } auto widget = new SearchResultWidget; d->m_searchResultWidgets.prepend(widget); d->m_widget->insertWidget(1, widget); connect(widget, &SearchResultWidget::navigateStateChanged, this, &SearchResultWindow::navigateStateChanged); connect(widget, &SearchResultWidget::restarted, d, &SearchResultWindowPrivate::moveWidgetToTop); connect(widget, &SearchResultWidget::requestPopup, d, &SearchResultWindowPrivate::popupRequested); widget->setTextEditorFont(d->m_font, d->m_color); widget->setTabWidth(d->m_tabWidth); widget->setSupportPreserveCase(preserveCaseMode == PreserveCaseEnabled); bool supportsReplace = searchOrSearchAndReplace != SearchOnly; widget->setSupportsReplace(supportsReplace, supportsReplace ? cfgGroup : QString()); widget->setAutoExpandResults(d->m_expandCollapseAction->isChecked()); widget->setInfo(label, toolTip, searchTerm); auto result = new SearchResult(widget); d->m_searchResults.prepend(result); d->m_recentSearchesBox->insertItem(1, tr("%1 %2").arg(label, searchTerm)); if (d->m_currentIndex > 0) ++d->m_currentIndex; // so setCurrentIndex still knows about the right "currentIndex" and its widget d->setCurrentIndexWithFocus(1); return result; } /*! Clears the current contents of the \gui {Search Results} output pane. */ void SearchResultWindow::clearContents() { for (int i = d->m_recentSearchesBox->count() - 1; i > 0 /* don't want i==0 */; --i) d->m_recentSearchesBox->removeItem(i); foreach (Internal::SearchResultWidget *widget, d->m_searchResultWidgets) widget->notifyVisibilityChanged(false); qDeleteAll(d->m_searchResultWidgets); d->m_searchResultWidgets.clear(); qDeleteAll(d->m_searchResults); d->m_searchResults.clear(); d->m_currentIndex = 0; d->m_widget->currentWidget()->setFocus(); d->m_expandCollapseAction->setEnabled(false); navigateStateChanged(); } /*! \internal */ bool SearchResultWindow::hasFocus() const { QWidget *widget = d->m_widget->focusWidget(); if (!widget) return false; return widget->window()->focusWidget() == widget; } /*! \internal */ bool SearchResultWindow::canFocus() const { if (d->isSearchVisible()) return d->m_searchResultWidgets.at(d->visibleSearchIndex())->canFocusInternally(); return true; } /*! \internal */ void SearchResultWindow::setFocus() { if (!d->isSearchVisible()) d->m_widget->currentWidget()->setFocus(); else d->m_searchResultWidgets.at(d->visibleSearchIndex())->setFocusInternally(); } /*! \internal */ void SearchResultWindow::setTextEditorFont(const QFont &font, const QColor &textForegroundColor, const QColor &textBackgroundColor, const QColor &highlightForegroundColor, const QColor &highlightBackgroundColor) { d->m_font = font; Internal::SearchResultColor color; color.textBackground = textBackgroundColor; color.textForeground = textForegroundColor; color.highlightBackground = highlightBackgroundColor.isValid() ? highlightBackgroundColor : textBackgroundColor; color.highlightForeground = highlightForegroundColor.isValid() ? highlightForegroundColor : textForegroundColor; d->m_color = color; foreach (Internal::SearchResultWidget *widget, d->m_searchResultWidgets) widget->setTextEditorFont(font, color); } void SearchResultWindow::setTabWidth(int tabWidth) { d->m_tabWidth = tabWidth; foreach (Internal::SearchResultWidget *widget, d->m_searchResultWidgets) widget->setTabWidth(tabWidth); } void SearchResultWindow::openNewSearchPanel() { d->setCurrentIndexWithFocus(0); popup(IOutputPane::ModeSwitch | IOutputPane::WithFocus | IOutputPane::EnsureSizeHint); } void SearchResultWindowPrivate::handleExpandCollapseToolButton(bool checked) { if (!isSearchVisible()) return; m_searchResultWidgets.at(visibleSearchIndex())->setAutoExpandResults(checked); if (checked) { m_expandCollapseAction->setText(tr("Collapse All")); m_searchResultWidgets.at(visibleSearchIndex())->expandAll(); } else { m_expandCollapseAction->setText(tr("Expand All")); m_searchResultWidgets.at(visibleSearchIndex())->collapseAll(); } } /*! \internal */ void SearchResultWindow::readSettings() { QSettings *s = ICore::settings(); s->beginGroup(QLatin1String(SETTINGSKEYSECTIONNAME)); d->m_expandCollapseAction->setChecked(s->value(QLatin1String(SETTINGSKEYEXPANDRESULTS), d->m_initiallyExpand).toBool()); s->endGroup(); } /*! \internal */ void SearchResultWindow::writeSettings() { QSettings *s = ICore::settings(); s->beginGroup(QLatin1String(SETTINGSKEYSECTIONNAME)); s->setValue(QLatin1String(SETTINGSKEYEXPANDRESULTS), d->m_expandCollapseAction->isChecked()); s->endGroup(); } /*! \internal */ int SearchResultWindow::priorityInStatusBar() const { return 80; } /*! \internal */ bool SearchResultWindow::canNext() const { if (d->isSearchVisible()) return d->m_searchResultWidgets.at(d->visibleSearchIndex())->count() > 0; return false; } /*! \internal */ bool SearchResultWindow::canPrevious() const { return canNext(); } /*! \internal */ void SearchResultWindow::goToNext() { int index = d->m_widget->currentIndex(); if (index != 0) d->m_searchResultWidgets.at(index-1)->goToNext(); } /*! \internal */ void SearchResultWindow::goToPrev() { int index = d->m_widget->currentIndex(); if (index != 0) d->m_searchResultWidgets.at(index-1)->goToPrevious(); } /*! \internal */ bool SearchResultWindow::canNavigate() const { return true; } /*! \internal */ SearchResult::SearchResult(SearchResultWidget *widget) : m_widget(widget) { connect(widget, &SearchResultWidget::activated, this, &SearchResult::activated); connect(widget, &SearchResultWidget::replaceButtonClicked, this, &SearchResult::replaceButtonClicked); connect(widget, &SearchResultWidget::cancelled, this, &SearchResult::cancelled); connect(widget, &SearchResultWidget::paused, this, &SearchResult::paused); connect(widget, &SearchResultWidget::visibilityChanged, this, &SearchResult::visibilityChanged); connect(widget, &SearchResultWidget::searchAgainRequested, this, &SearchResult::searchAgainRequested); } /*! Attaches some random \a data to this search, that you can use later. \sa userData() */ void SearchResult::setUserData(const QVariant &data) { m_userData = data; } /*! Returns the data that was attached to this search by calling setUserData(). \sa setUserData() */ QVariant SearchResult::userData() const { return m_userData; } /*! Returns the text that should replace the text in search results. */ QString SearchResult::textToReplace() const { return m_widget->textToReplace(); } int SearchResult::count() const { return m_widget->count(); } void SearchResult::setSearchAgainSupported(bool supported) { m_widget->setSearchAgainSupported(supported); } QWidget *SearchResult::additionalReplaceWidget() const { return m_widget->additionalReplaceWidget(); } /*! Adds a single result line to the \gui {Search Results} output pane. \a fileName, \a lineNumber, and \a lineText are shown on the result line. \a searchTermStart and \a searchTermLength specify the region that should be visually marked (string position and length in \a lineText). You can attach arbitrary \a userData to the search result, which can be used, for example, when reacting to the signals of the search results for your search. \sa addResults() */ void SearchResult::addResult(const QString &fileName, int lineNumber, const QString &lineText, int searchTermStart, int searchTermLength, const QVariant &userData) { Search::TextRange mainRange; mainRange.begin.line = lineNumber; mainRange.begin.column = searchTermStart; mainRange.end.line = mainRange.begin.line; mainRange.end.column = mainRange.begin.column + searchTermLength; m_widget->addResult(fileName, lineText, mainRange, userData); } void SearchResult::addResult(const QString &fileName, const QString &lineText, Search::TextRange mainRange, const QVariant &userData) { m_widget->addResult(fileName, lineText, mainRange, userData); emit countChanged(m_widget->count()); } /*! Adds the search result \a items to the \gui {Search Results} output pane. \sa addResult() */ void SearchResult::addResults(const QList &items, AddMode mode) { m_widget->addResults(items, mode); emit countChanged(m_widget->count()); } /*! Notifies the \gui {Search Results} output pane that the current search has finished, and the UI should reflect that. */ void SearchResult::finishSearch(bool canceled) { m_widget->finishSearch(canceled); } /*! Sets the value in the UI element that allows the user to type the text that should replace text in search results to \a textToReplace. */ void SearchResult::setTextToReplace(const QString &textToReplace) { m_widget->setTextToReplace(textToReplace); } /*! * Removes all search results. */ void SearchResult::restart() { m_widget->restart(); } void SearchResult::setSearchAgainEnabled(bool enabled) { m_widget->setSearchAgainEnabled(enabled); } /*! * Opens the \gui {Search Results} output pane with this search. */ void SearchResult::popup() { m_widget->sendRequestPopup(); } } // namespace Core #include "searchresultwindow.moc"