/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator. ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms ** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further ** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following ** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will ** be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html. ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "shortcutsettings.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(Core::Internal::ShortcutItem*) static int translateModifiers(Qt::KeyboardModifiers state, const QString &text) { int result = 0; // The shift modifier only counts when it is not used to type a symbol // that is only reachable using the shift key anyway if ((state & Qt::ShiftModifier) && (text.size() == 0 || !text.at(0).isPrint() || text.at(0).isLetterOrNumber() || text.at(0).isSpace())) result |= Qt::SHIFT; if (state & Qt::ControlModifier) result |= Qt::CTRL; if (state & Qt::MetaModifier) result |= Qt::META; if (state & Qt::AltModifier) result |= Qt::ALT; return result; } static QString keySequenceToEditString(const QKeySequence &sequence) { QString text = sequence.toString(QKeySequence::PortableText); if (Utils::HostOsInfo::isMacHost()) { // adapt the modifier names text.replace(QLatin1String("Ctrl"), QLatin1String("Cmd"), Qt::CaseInsensitive); text.replace(QLatin1String("Alt"), QLatin1String("Opt"), Qt::CaseInsensitive); text.replace(QLatin1String("Meta"), QLatin1String("Ctrl"), Qt::CaseInsensitive); } return text; } static QKeySequence keySequenceFromEditString(const QString &editString) { QString text = editString; if (Utils::HostOsInfo::isMacHost()) { // adapt the modifier names text.replace(QLatin1String("Opt"), QLatin1String("Alt"), Qt::CaseInsensitive); text.replace(QLatin1String("Ctrl"), QLatin1String("Meta"), Qt::CaseInsensitive); text.replace(QLatin1String("Cmd"), QLatin1String("Ctrl"), Qt::CaseInsensitive); } return QKeySequence::fromString(text, QKeySequence::PortableText); } static bool keySequenceIsValid(const QKeySequence &sequence) { if (sequence.isEmpty()) return false; for (int i = 0; i < sequence.count(); ++i) { if (sequence[i] == Qt::Key_unknown) return false; } return true; } namespace Core { namespace Internal { ShortcutButton::ShortcutButton(QWidget *parent) : QPushButton(parent) , m_key({{0, 0, 0, 0}}) { // Using ShortcutButton::tr() as workaround for QTBUG-34128 setToolTip(ShortcutButton::tr("Click and type the new key sequence.")); setCheckable(true); m_checkedText = ShortcutButton::tr("Stop Recording"); m_uncheckedText = ShortcutButton::tr("Record"); updateText(); connect(this, &ShortcutButton::toggled, this, &ShortcutButton::handleToggleChange); } QSize ShortcutButton::sizeHint() const { if (m_preferredWidth < 0) { // initialize size hint const QString originalText = text(); ShortcutButton *that = const_cast(this); that->setText(m_checkedText); m_preferredWidth = QPushButton::sizeHint().width(); that->setText(m_uncheckedText); int otherWidth = QPushButton::sizeHint().width(); if (otherWidth > m_preferredWidth) m_preferredWidth = otherWidth; that->setText(originalText); } return QSize(m_preferredWidth, QPushButton::sizeHint().height()); } bool ShortcutButton::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *evt) { if (evt->type() == QEvent::ShortcutOverride) { evt->accept(); return true; } if (evt->type() == QEvent::KeyRelease || evt->type() == QEvent::Shortcut || evt->type() == QEvent::Close/*Escape tries to close dialog*/) { return true; } if (evt->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress && isChecked()) { setChecked(false); return true; } if (evt->type() == QEvent::KeyPress) { QKeyEvent *k = static_cast(evt); int nextKey = k->key(); if (m_keyNum > 3 || nextKey == Qt::Key_Control || nextKey == Qt::Key_Shift || nextKey == Qt::Key_Meta || nextKey == Qt::Key_Alt) { return false; } nextKey |= translateModifiers(k->modifiers(), k->text()); switch (m_keyNum) { case 0: m_key[0] = nextKey; break; case 1: m_key[1] = nextKey; break; case 2: m_key[2] = nextKey; break; case 3: m_key[3] = nextKey; break; default: break; } m_keyNum++; k->accept(); emit keySequenceChanged(QKeySequence(m_key[0], m_key[1], m_key[2], m_key[3])); if (m_keyNum > 3) setChecked(false); return true; } return QPushButton::eventFilter(obj, evt); } void ShortcutButton::updateText() { setText(isChecked() ? m_checkedText : m_uncheckedText); } void ShortcutButton::handleToggleChange(bool toogleState) { updateText(); m_keyNum = m_key[0] = m_key[1] = m_key[2] = m_key[3] = 0; if (toogleState) { if (QApplication::focusWidget()) QApplication::focusWidget()->clearFocus(); // funny things happen otherwise qApp->installEventFilter(this); } else { qApp->removeEventFilter(this); } } ShortcutSettingsWidget::ShortcutSettingsWidget(QWidget *parent) : CommandMappings(parent) { setPageTitle(tr("Keyboard Shortcuts")); setTargetHeader(tr("Shortcut")); connect(ActionManager::instance(), &ActionManager::commandListChanged, this, &ShortcutSettingsWidget::initialize); connect(this, &ShortcutSettingsWidget::currentCommandChanged, this, &ShortcutSettingsWidget::handleCurrentCommandChanged); m_shortcutBox = new QGroupBox(tr("Shortcut"), this); m_shortcutBox->setEnabled(false); auto vboxLayout = new QVBoxLayout(m_shortcutBox); m_shortcutBox->setLayout(vboxLayout); auto hboxLayout = new QHBoxLayout; vboxLayout->addLayout(hboxLayout); m_shortcutEdit = new Utils::FancyLineEdit(m_shortcutBox); m_shortcutEdit->setFiltering(true); m_shortcutEdit->setPlaceholderText(tr("Enter key sequence as text")); auto shortcutLabel = new QLabel(tr("Key sequence:")); shortcutLabel->setToolTip(Utils::HostOsInfo::isMacHost() ? QLatin1String("") + tr("Use \"Cmd\", \"Opt\", \"Ctrl\", and \"Shift\" for modifier keys. " "Use \"Escape\", \"Backspace\", \"Delete\", \"Insert\", \"Home\", and so on, for special keys. " "Combine individual keys with \"+\", " "and combine multiple shortcuts to a shortcut sequence with \",\". " "For example, if the user must hold the Ctrl and Shift modifier keys " "while pressing Escape, and then release and press A, " "enter \"Ctrl+Shift+Escape,A\".") + QLatin1String("") : QLatin1String("") + tr("Use \"Ctrl\", \"Alt\", \"Meta\", and \"Shift\" for modifier keys. " "Use \"Escape\", \"Backspace\", \"Delete\", \"Insert\", \"Home\", and so on, for special keys. " "Combine individual keys with \"+\", " "and combine multiple shortcuts to a shortcut sequence with \",\". " "For example, if the user must hold the Ctrl and Shift modifier keys " "while pressing Escape, and then release and press A, " "enter \"Ctrl+Shift+Escape,A\".") + QLatin1String("")); auto shortcutButton = new ShortcutButton(m_shortcutBox); connect(shortcutButton, &ShortcutButton::keySequenceChanged, this, &ShortcutSettingsWidget::setKeySequence); auto resetButton = new QPushButton(tr("Reset"), m_shortcutBox); resetButton->setToolTip(tr("Reset to default.")); connect(resetButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &ShortcutSettingsWidget::resetToDefault); hboxLayout->addWidget(shortcutLabel); hboxLayout->addWidget(m_shortcutEdit); hboxLayout->addWidget(shortcutButton); hboxLayout->addWidget(resetButton); m_warningLabel = new QLabel(m_shortcutBox); m_warningLabel->setTextFormat(Qt::RichText); QPalette palette = m_warningLabel->palette(); palette.setColor(QPalette::Active, QPalette::WindowText, Utils::creatorTheme()->color(Utils::Theme::TextColorError)); m_warningLabel->setPalette(palette); connect(m_warningLabel, &QLabel::linkActivated, this, &ShortcutSettingsWidget::showConflicts); vboxLayout->addWidget(m_warningLabel); layout()->addWidget(m_shortcutBox); initialize(); m_shortcutEdit->setValidationFunction([this](Utils::FancyLineEdit *, QString *) { return validateShortcutEdit(); }); } ShortcutSettingsWidget::~ShortcutSettingsWidget() { qDeleteAll(m_scitems); } ShortcutSettings::ShortcutSettings(QObject *parent) : IOptionsPage(parent) { setId(Constants::SETTINGS_ID_SHORTCUTS); setDisplayName(tr("Keyboard")); setCategory(Constants::SETTINGS_CATEGORY_CORE); setDisplayCategory(QCoreApplication::translate("Core", Constants::SETTINGS_TR_CATEGORY_CORE)); setCategoryIcon(Utils::Icon(Constants::SETTINGS_CATEGORY_CORE_ICON)); } QWidget *ShortcutSettings::widget() { if (!m_widget) m_widget = new ShortcutSettingsWidget(); return m_widget; } void ShortcutSettingsWidget::apply() { foreach (ShortcutItem *item, m_scitems) item->m_cmd->setKeySequence(item->m_key); } void ShortcutSettings::apply() { QTC_ASSERT(m_widget, return); m_widget->apply(); } void ShortcutSettings::finish() { delete m_widget; } void ShortcutSettingsWidget::handleCurrentCommandChanged(QTreeWidgetItem *current) { if (!current || !current->data(0, Qt::UserRole).isValid()) { m_shortcutEdit->clear(); m_warningLabel->clear(); m_shortcutBox->setEnabled(false); return; } else { ShortcutItem *scitem = qvariant_cast(current->data(0, Qt::UserRole)); setKeySequence(scitem->m_key); markCollisions(scitem); m_shortcutBox->setEnabled(true); } } bool ShortcutSettingsWidget::validateShortcutEdit() const { m_warningLabel->clear(); QTreeWidgetItem *current = commandList()->currentItem(); if (!current || !current->data(0, Qt::UserRole).isValid()) return true; ShortcutItem *item = qvariant_cast(current->data(0, Qt::UserRole)); QTC_ASSERT(item, return true); bool valid = false; const QString text = m_shortcutEdit->text().trimmed(); const QKeySequence currentKey = keySequenceFromEditString(text); if (keySequenceIsValid(currentKey) || text.isEmpty()) { item->m_key = currentKey; auto that = const_cast(this); if (item->m_cmd->defaultKeySequence() != item->m_key) that->setModified(current, true); else that->setModified(current, false); current->setText(2, item->m_key.toString(QKeySequence::NativeText)); valid = !that->markCollisions(item); if (!valid) { m_warningLabel->setText( tr("Key sequence has potential conflicts. Show.")); } } else { m_warningLabel->setText(tr("Invalid key sequence.")); } return valid; } bool ShortcutSettingsWidget::filterColumn(const QString &filterString, QTreeWidgetItem *item, int column) const { QString text; if (column == item->columnCount() - 1) { // shortcut // filter on the shortcut edit text if (!item->data(0, Qt::UserRole).isValid()) return true; ShortcutItem *scitem = qvariant_cast(item->data(0, Qt::UserRole)); text = keySequenceToEditString(scitem->m_key); } else if (column == 0 && item->data(0, Qt::UserRole).isValid()) { // command id ShortcutItem *scitem = qvariant_cast(item->data(0, Qt::UserRole)); text = scitem->m_cmd->id().toString(); } else { text = item->text(column); } return !text.contains(filterString, Qt::CaseInsensitive); } void ShortcutSettingsWidget::setKeySequence(const QKeySequence &key) { m_shortcutEdit->setText(keySequenceToEditString(key)); } void ShortcutSettingsWidget::showConflicts() { QTreeWidgetItem *current = commandList()->currentItem(); if (current && current->data(0, Qt::UserRole).isValid()) { ShortcutItem *scitem = qvariant_cast(current->data(0, Qt::UserRole)); setFilterText(keySequenceToEditString(scitem->m_key)); } } void ShortcutSettingsWidget::resetToDefault() { QTreeWidgetItem *current = commandList()->currentItem(); if (current && current->data(0, Qt::UserRole).isValid()) { ShortcutItem *scitem = qvariant_cast(current->data(0, Qt::UserRole)); setKeySequence(scitem->m_cmd->defaultKeySequence()); foreach (ShortcutItem *item, m_scitems) markCollisions(item); } } void ShortcutSettingsWidget::importAction() { QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(ICore::dialogParent(), tr("Import Keyboard Mapping Scheme"), ICore::resourcePath() + QLatin1String("/schemes/"), tr("Keyboard Mapping Scheme (*.kms)")); if (!fileName.isEmpty()) { CommandsFile cf(fileName); QMap mapping = cf.importCommands(); foreach (ShortcutItem *item, m_scitems) { QString sid = item->m_cmd->id().toString(); if (mapping.contains(sid)) { item->m_key = mapping.value(sid); item->m_item->setText(2, item->m_key.toString(QKeySequence::NativeText)); if (item->m_item == commandList()->currentItem()) currentCommandChanged(item->m_item); if (item->m_cmd->defaultKeySequence() != item->m_key) setModified(item->m_item, true); else setModified(item->m_item, false); } } foreach (ShortcutItem *item, m_scitems) markCollisions(item); } } void ShortcutSettingsWidget::defaultAction() { foreach (ShortcutItem *item, m_scitems) { item->m_key = item->m_cmd->defaultKeySequence(); item->m_item->setText(2, item->m_key.toString(QKeySequence::NativeText)); setModified(item->m_item, false); if (item->m_item == commandList()->currentItem()) currentCommandChanged(item->m_item); } foreach (ShortcutItem *item, m_scitems) markCollisions(item); } void ShortcutSettingsWidget::exportAction() { QString fileName = DocumentManager::getSaveFileNameWithExtension( tr("Export Keyboard Mapping Scheme"), ICore::resourcePath() + QLatin1String("/schemes/"), tr("Keyboard Mapping Scheme (*.kms)")); if (!fileName.isEmpty()) { CommandsFile cf(fileName); cf.exportCommands(m_scitems); } } void ShortcutSettingsWidget::clear() { QTreeWidget *tree = commandList(); for (int i = tree->topLevelItemCount()-1; i >= 0 ; --i) { delete tree->takeTopLevelItem(i); } qDeleteAll(m_scitems); m_scitems.clear(); } void ShortcutSettingsWidget::initialize() { clear(); QMap sections; foreach (Command *c, ActionManager::commands()) { if (c->hasAttribute(Command::CA_NonConfigurable)) continue; if (c->action() && c->action()->isSeparator()) continue; QTreeWidgetItem *item = 0; ShortcutItem *s = new ShortcutItem; m_scitems << s; item = new QTreeWidgetItem; s->m_cmd = c; s->m_item = item; const QString identifier = c->id().toString(); int pos = identifier.indexOf(QLatin1Char('.')); const QString section = identifier.left(pos); const QString subId = identifier.mid(pos + 1); if (!sections.contains(section)) { QTreeWidgetItem *categoryItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(commandList(), QStringList(section)); QFont f = categoryItem->font(0); f.setBold(true); categoryItem->setFont(0, f); sections.insert(section, categoryItem); commandList()->expandItem(categoryItem); } sections[section]->addChild(item); s->m_key = c->keySequence(); item->setText(0, subId); item->setText(1, c->description()); item->setText(2, s->m_key.toString(QKeySequence::NativeText)); if (s->m_cmd->defaultKeySequence() != s->m_key) setModified(item, true); item->setData(0, Qt::UserRole, qVariantFromValue(s)); markCollisions(s); } filterChanged(filterText()); } bool ShortcutSettingsWidget::markCollisions(ShortcutItem *item) { bool hasCollision = false; if (!item->m_key.isEmpty()) { Id globalId(Constants::C_GLOBAL); const Context itemContext = item->m_cmd->context(); const bool itemHasGlobalContext = itemContext.contains(globalId); foreach (ShortcutItem *currentItem, m_scitems) { if (currentItem->m_key.isEmpty() || item == currentItem || item->m_key != currentItem->m_key) continue; const Context currentContext = currentItem->m_cmd->context(); bool currentIsConflicting = (itemHasGlobalContext && !currentContext.isEmpty()); if (!currentIsConflicting) { foreach (const Id &id, currentContext) { if ((id == globalId && !itemContext.isEmpty()) || itemContext.contains(id)) { currentIsConflicting = true; break; } } } if (currentIsConflicting) { currentItem->m_item->setForeground( 2, Utils::creatorTheme()->color(Utils::Theme::TextColorError)); hasCollision = true; } } } item->m_item->setForeground(2, hasCollision ? Utils::creatorTheme()->color(Utils::Theme::TextColorError) : commandList()->palette().foreground()); return hasCollision; } } // namespace Internal } // namespace Core