/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: http://www.qt.io/licensing ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator. ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms and ** conditions see http://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further information ** use the contact form at http://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser ** General Public License version 2.1 or version 3 as published by the Free ** Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv21 and ** LICENSE.LGPLv3 included in the packaging of this file. Please review the ** following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License ** requirements will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html and ** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html. ** ** In addition, as a special exception, The Qt Company gives you certain additional ** rights. These rights are described in The Qt Company LGPL Exception ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package. ** ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef CORECONSTANTS_H #define CORECONSTANTS_H #include namespace Core { namespace Constants { // Modes const char MODE_WELCOME[] = "Welcome"; const char MODE_WELCOME_TYPE[] = "Type.Welcome"; const char MODE_EDIT[] = "Edit"; const char MODE_EDIT_TYPE[] = "Type.Edit"; const char MODE_DESIGN[] = "Design"; const char MODE_DESIGN_TYPE[] = "Type.Design"; const int P_MODE_WELCOME = 100; const int P_MODE_EDIT = 90; const int P_MODE_DESIGN = 89; // Menubar const char MENU_BAR[] = "QtCreator.MenuBar"; // Menus const char M_FILE[] = "QtCreator.Menu.File"; const char M_FILE_RECENTFILES[] = "QtCreator.Menu.File.RecentFiles"; const char M_EDIT[] = "QtCreator.Menu.Edit"; const char M_EDIT_ADVANCED[] = "QtCreator.Menu.Edit.Advanced"; const char M_TOOLS[] = "QtCreator.Menu.Tools"; const char M_TOOLS_EXTERNAL[] = "QtCreator.Menu.Tools.External"; const char M_WINDOW[] = "QtCreator.Menu.Window"; const char M_WINDOW_PANES[] = "QtCreator.Menu.Window.Panes"; const char M_WINDOW_VIEWS[] = "QtCreator.Menu.Window.Views"; const char M_HELP[] = "QtCreator.Menu.Help"; // Contexts const char C_GLOBAL[] = "Global Context"; const char C_WELCOME_MODE[] = "Core.WelcomeMode"; const char C_EDIT_MODE[] = "Core.EditMode"; const char C_DESIGN_MODE[] = "Core.DesignMode"; const char C_EDITORMANAGER[] = "Core.EditorManager"; const char C_NAVIGATION_PANE[] = "Core.NavigationPane"; const char C_PROBLEM_PANE[] = "Core.ProblemPane"; const char C_GENERAL_OUTPUT_PANE[] = "Core.GeneralOutputPane"; // Default editor kind const char K_DEFAULT_TEXT_EDITOR_DISPLAY_NAME[] = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("OpenWith::Editors", "Plain Text Editor"); const char K_DEFAULT_TEXT_EDITOR_ID[] = "Core.PlainTextEditor"; const char K_DEFAULT_BINARY_EDITOR_ID[] = "Core.BinaryEditor"; //actions const char UNDO[] = "QtCreator.Undo"; const char REDO[] = "QtCreator.Redo"; const char COPY[] = "QtCreator.Copy"; const char PASTE[] = "QtCreator.Paste"; const char CUT[] = "QtCreator.Cut"; const char SELECTALL[] = "QtCreator.SelectAll"; const char GOTO[] = "QtCreator.Goto"; const char NEW[] = "QtCreator.New"; const char OPEN[] = "QtCreator.Open"; const char OPEN_WITH[] = "QtCreator.OpenWith"; const char REVERTTOSAVED[] = "QtCreator.RevertToSaved"; const char SAVE[] = "QtCreator.Save"; const char SAVEAS[] = "QtCreator.SaveAs"; const char SAVEALL[] = "QtCreator.SaveAll"; const char PRINT[] = "QtCreator.Print"; const char EXIT[] = "QtCreator.Exit"; const char OPTIONS[] = "QtCreator.Options"; const char TOGGLE_SIDEBAR[] = "QtCreator.ToggleSidebar"; const char TOGGLE_MODE_SELECTOR[] = "QtCreator.ToggleModeSelector"; const char TOGGLE_FULLSCREEN[] = "QtCreator.ToggleFullScreen"; const char THEMEOPTIONS[] = "QtCreator.ThemeOptions"; const char TR_SHOW_SIDEBAR[] = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Core", "Show Sidebar"); const char TR_HIDE_SIDEBAR[] = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Core", "Hide Sidebar"); const char MINIMIZE_WINDOW[] = "QtCreator.MinimizeWindow"; const char ZOOM_WINDOW[] = "QtCreator.ZoomWindow"; const char CLOSE_WINDOW[] = "QtCreator.CloseWindow"; const char SPLIT[] = "QtCreator.Split"; const char SPLIT_SIDE_BY_SIDE[] = "QtCreator.SplitSideBySide"; const char SPLIT_NEW_WINDOW[] = "QtCreator.SplitNewWindow"; const char REMOVE_CURRENT_SPLIT[] = "QtCreator.RemoveCurrentSplit"; const char REMOVE_ALL_SPLITS[] = "QtCreator.RemoveAllSplits"; const char GOTO_NEXT_SPLIT[] = "QtCreator.GotoOtherSplit"; const char CLOSE[] = "QtCreator.Close"; const char CLOSE_ALTERNATIVE[] = "QtCreator.Close_Alternative"; // temporary, see QTCREATORBUG-72 const char CLOSEALL[] = "QtCreator.CloseAll"; const char CLOSEOTHERS[] = "QtCreator.CloseOthers"; const char CLOSEALLEXCEPTVISIBLE[] = "QtCreator.CloseAllExceptVisible"; const char GOTONEXT[] = "QtCreator.GotoNext"; const char GOTOPREV[] = "QtCreator.GotoPrevious"; const char GOTONEXTINHISTORY[] = "QtCreator.GotoNextInHistory"; const char GOTOPREVINHISTORY[] = "QtCreator.GotoPreviousInHistory"; const char GO_BACK[] = "QtCreator.GoBack"; const char GO_FORWARD[] = "QtCreator.GoForward"; const char ABOUT_QTCREATOR[] = "QtCreator.AboutQtCreator"; const char ABOUT_PLUGINS[] = "QtCreator.AboutPlugins"; const char S_RETURNTOEDITOR[] = "QtCreator.ReturnToEditor"; // Default groups const char G_DEFAULT_ONE[] = "QtCreator.Group.Default.One"; const char G_DEFAULT_TWO[] = "QtCreator.Group.Default.Two"; const char G_DEFAULT_THREE[] = "QtCreator.Group.Default.Three"; // Main menu bar groups const char G_FILE[] = "QtCreator.Group.File"; const char G_EDIT[] = "QtCreator.Group.Edit"; const char G_VIEW[] = "QtCreator.Group.View"; const char G_TOOLS[] = "QtCreator.Group.Tools"; const char G_WINDOW[] = "QtCreator.Group.Window"; const char G_HELP[] = "QtCreator.Group.Help"; // File menu groups const char G_FILE_NEW[] = "QtCreator.Group.File.New"; const char G_FILE_OPEN[] = "QtCreator.Group.File.Open"; const char G_FILE_PROJECT[] = "QtCreator.Group.File.Project"; const char G_FILE_SAVE[] = "QtCreator.Group.File.Save"; const char G_FILE_CLOSE[] = "QtCreator.Group.File.Close"; const char G_FILE_PRINT[] = "QtCreator.Group.File.Print"; const char G_FILE_OTHER[] = "QtCreator.Group.File.Other"; // Edit menu groups const char G_EDIT_UNDOREDO[] = "QtCreator.Group.Edit.UndoRedo"; const char G_EDIT_COPYPASTE[] = "QtCreator.Group.Edit.CopyPaste"; const char G_EDIT_SELECTALL[] = "QtCreator.Group.Edit.SelectAll"; const char G_EDIT_ADVANCED[] = "QtCreator.Group.Edit.Advanced"; const char G_EDIT_FIND[] = "QtCreator.Group.Edit.Find"; const char G_EDIT_OTHER[] = "QtCreator.Group.Edit.Other"; // Advanced edit menu groups const char G_EDIT_FORMAT[] = "QtCreator.Group.Edit.Format"; const char G_EDIT_COLLAPSING[] = "QtCreator.Group.Edit.Collapsing"; const char G_EDIT_TEXT[] = "QtCreator.Group.Edit.Text"; const char G_EDIT_BLOCKS[] = "QtCreator.Group.Edit.Blocks"; const char G_EDIT_FONT[] = "QtCreator.Group.Edit.Font"; const char G_EDIT_EDITOR[] = "QtCreator.Group.Edit.Editor"; const char G_TOOLS_OPTIONS[] = "QtCreator.Group.Tools.Options"; // Window menu groups const char G_WINDOW_SIZE[] = "QtCreator.Group.Window.Size"; const char G_WINDOW_PANES[] = "QtCreator.Group.Window.Panes"; const char G_WINDOW_VIEWS[] = "QtCreator.Group.Window.Views"; const char G_WINDOW_SPLIT[] = "QtCreator.Group.Window.Split"; const char G_WINDOW_NAVIGATE[] = "QtCreator.Group.Window.Navigate"; const char G_WINDOW_LIST[] = "QtCreator.Group.Window.List"; const char G_WINDOW_OTHER[] = "QtCreator.Group.Window.Other"; // Help groups (global) const char G_HELP_HELP[] = "QtCreator.Group.Help.Help"; const char G_HELP_SUPPORT[] = "QtCreator.Group.Help.Supprt"; const char G_HELP_ABOUT[] = "QtCreator.Group.Help.About"; const char ICON_MINUS[] = ":/core/images/minus.png"; const char ICON_PLUS[] = ":/core/images/plus.png"; const char ICON_NEWFILE[] = ":/core/images/filenew.png"; const char ICON_OPENFILE[] = ":/core/images/fileopen.png"; const char ICON_SAVEFILE[] = ":/core/images/filesave.png"; const char ICON_UNDO[] = ":/core/images/undo.png"; const char ICON_REDO[] = ":/core/images/redo.png"; const char ICON_COPY[] = ":/core/images/editcopy.png"; const char ICON_PASTE[] = ":/core/images/editpaste.png"; const char ICON_CUT[] = ":/core/images/editcut.png"; const char ICON_NEXT[] = ":/core/images/next.png"; const char ICON_PREV[] = ":/core/images/prev.png"; const char ICON_DIR[] = ":/core/images/dir.png"; const char ICON_CLEAN_PANE[] = ":/core/images/clean_pane_small.png"; const char ICON_CLEAR[] = ":/core/images/clear.png"; const char ICON_RESET[] = ":/core/images/reset.png"; const char ICON_RELOAD_GRAY[] = ":/core/images/reload_gray.png"; const char ICON_MAGNIFIER[] = ":/core/images/magnifier.png"; const char ICON_TOGGLE_SIDEBAR[] = ":/core/images/sidebaricon.png"; const char ICON_BUTTON_CLOSE[] = ":/core/images/button_close.png"; const char ICON_CLOSE_BUTTON[] = ":/core/images/closebutton.png"; const char ICON_DARK_CLOSE_BUTTON[] = ":/core/images/darkclosebutton.png"; const char ICON_DARK_CLOSE[] = ":/core/images/darkclose.png"; const char ICON_SPLIT_HORIZONTAL[] = ":/core/images/splitbutton_horizontal.png"; const char ICON_SPLIT_VERTICAL[] = ":/core/images/splitbutton_vertical.png"; const char ICON_CLOSE_SPLIT_TOP[] = ":/core/images/splitbutton_closetop.png"; const char ICON_CLOSE_SPLIT_BOTTOM[] = ":/core/images/splitbutton_closebottom.png"; const char ICON_CLOSE_SPLIT_LEFT[] = ":/core/images/splitbutton_closeleft.png"; const char ICON_CLOSE_SPLIT_RIGHT[] = ":/core/images/splitbutton_closeright.png"; const char ICON_FILTER[] = ":/core/images/filtericon.png"; const char ICON_LINK[] = ":/core/images/linkicon.png"; const char ICON_PAUSE[] = ":/core/images/pause.png"; const char ICON_QTLOGO_32[] = ":/core/images/logo/32/QtProject-qtcreator.png"; const char ICON_QTLOGO_64[] = ":/core/images/logo/64/QtProject-qtcreator.png"; const char ICON_QTLOGO_128[] = ":/core/images/logo/128/QtProject-qtcreator.png"; const char ICON_WARNING[] = ":/core/images/warning.png"; const char ICON_ERROR[] = ":/core/images/error.png"; const char ICON_INFO[] = ":/core/images/info.png"; const char WIZARD_CATEGORY_QT[] = "R.Qt"; const char WIZARD_TR_CATEGORY_QT[] = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Core", "Qt"); const char WIZARD_KIND_UNKNOWN[] = "unknown"; const char WIZARD_KIND_PROJECT[] = "project"; const char WIZARD_KIND_CLASS[] = "class"; const char WIZARD_KIND_FILE[] = "file"; const char SETTINGS_CATEGORY_CORE[] = "A.Core"; const char SETTINGS_CATEGORY_CORE_ICON[] = ":/core/images/category_core.png"; const char SETTINGS_TR_CATEGORY_CORE[] = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Core", "Environment"); const char SETTINGS_ID_ENVIRONMENT[] = "A.General"; const char SETTINGS_ID_SHORTCUTS[] = "B.Keyboard"; const char SETTINGS_ID_TOOLS[] = "C.ExternalTools"; const char SETTINGS_ID_MIMETYPES[] = "D.MimeTypes"; const char SETTINGS_DEFAULTTEXTENCODING[] = "General/DefaultFileEncoding"; const char SETTINGS_THEME[] = "Core/CreatorTheme"; const char ALL_FILES_FILTER[] = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Core", "All Files (*)"); const char TR_CLEAR_MENU[] = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Core", "Clear Menu"); const char DEFAULT_BUILD_DIRECTORY[] = "../build-%{CurrentProject:Name}-%{CurrentKit:FileSystemName}-%{CurrentBuild:Name}"; const int TARGET_ICON_SIZE = 32; } // namespace Constants } // namespace Core #endif // CORECONSTANTS_H