/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator. ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms ** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further ** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following ** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will ** be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html. ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "fileapiparser.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace CMakeProjectManager { namespace Internal { using namespace FileApiDetails; using namespace Utils; const char CMAKE_RELATIVE_REPLY_PATH[] = ".cmake/api/v1/reply"; const char CMAKE_RELATIVE_QUERY_PATH[] = ".cmake/api/v1/query"; static Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(cmakeFileApi, "qtc.cmake.fileApi", QtWarningMsg); const QStringList CMAKE_QUERY_FILENAMES = {"cache-v2", "codemodel-v2", "cmakeFiles-v1"}; // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helper: // -------------------------------------------------------------------- static FilePath cmakeReplyDirectory(const FilePath &buildDirectory) { return buildDirectory.pathAppended(CMAKE_RELATIVE_REPLY_PATH); } static void reportFileApiSetupFailure() { Core::MessageManager::writeFlashing( QCoreApplication::translate("CMakeProjectManager::Internal", "Failed to set up CMake file API support. %1 cannot " "extract project information.") .arg(Core::Constants::IDE_DISPLAY_NAME)); } static std::pair cmakeVersion(const QJsonObject &obj) { const QJsonObject version = obj.value("version").toObject(); const int major = version.value("major").toInt(-1); const int minor = version.value("minor").toInt(-1); return std::make_pair(major, minor); } static bool checkJsonObject(const QJsonObject &obj, const QString &kind, int major, int minor = -1) { auto version = cmakeVersion(obj); if (major == -1) version.first = major; if (minor == -1) version.second = minor; return obj.value("kind").toString() == kind && version == std::make_pair(major, minor); } static std::pair nameValue(const QJsonObject &obj) { return std::make_pair(obj.value("name").toString(), obj.value("value").toString()); } static QJsonDocument readJsonFile(const FilePath &filePath) { qCDebug(cmakeFileApi) << "readJsonFile:" << filePath; QTC_ASSERT(!filePath.isEmpty(), return {}); const QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(filePath.fileContents()); return doc; } std::vector indexList(const QJsonValue &v) { const QJsonArray &indexList = v.toArray(); std::vector result; result.reserve(static_cast(indexList.count())); for (const QJsonValue &v : indexList) { result.push_back(v.toInt(-1)); } return result; } // Reply file: static ReplyFileContents readReplyFile(const FilePath &filePath, QString &errorMessage) { const QJsonDocument document = readJsonFile(filePath); static const QString msg = QCoreApplication::translate("CMakeProjectManager::Internal", "Invalid reply file created by CMake."); ReplyFileContents result; if (document.isNull() || document.isEmpty() || !document.isObject()) { errorMessage = msg; return result; } const QJsonObject rootObject = document.object(); { const QJsonObject cmakeObject = rootObject.value("cmake").toObject(); { const QJsonObject paths = cmakeObject.value("paths").toObject(); { result.cmakeExecutable = paths.value("cmake").toString(); result.ctestExecutable = paths.value("ctest").toString(); result.cmakeRoot = paths.value("root").toString(); } const QJsonObject generator = cmakeObject.value("generator").toObject(); { result.generator = generator.value("name").toString(); result.isMultiConfig = generator.value("multiConfig").toBool(); } const QJsonObject version = cmakeObject.value("version").toObject(); { int major = version.value("major").toInt(); int minor = version.value("minor").toInt(); int patch = version.value("patch").toInt(); result.cmakeVersion = QVersionNumber(major, minor, patch); } } } bool hadInvalidObject = false; { const QJsonArray objects = rootObject.value("objects").toArray(); for (const QJsonValue &v : objects) { const QJsonObject object = v.toObject(); { ReplyObject r; r.kind = object.value("kind").toString(); r.file = object.value("jsonFile").toString(); r.version = cmakeVersion(object); if (r.kind.isEmpty() || r.file.isEmpty() || r.version.first == -1 || r.version.second == -1) hadInvalidObject = true; else result.replies.append(r); } } } if (result.generator.isEmpty() || result.cmakeExecutable.isEmpty() || result.cmakeRoot.isEmpty() || result.replies.isEmpty() || hadInvalidObject) errorMessage = msg; return result; } // Cache file: static CMakeConfig readCacheFile(const FilePath &cacheFile, QString &errorMessage) { CMakeConfig result; const QJsonDocument doc = readJsonFile(cacheFile); const QJsonObject root = doc.object(); if (!checkJsonObject(root, "cache", 2)) { errorMessage = QCoreApplication::translate("CMakeProjectManager::Internal", "Invalid cache file generated by CMake."); return {}; } const QJsonArray entries = root.value("entries").toArray(); for (const QJsonValue &v : entries) { CMakeConfigItem item; const QJsonObject entry = v.toObject(); auto nv = nameValue(entry); item.key = nv.first.toUtf8(); item.value = nv.second.toUtf8(); item.type = CMakeConfigItem::typeStringToType(entry.value("type").toString().toUtf8()); { const QJsonArray properties = entry.value("properties").toArray(); for (const QJsonValue &v : properties) { const QJsonObject prop = v.toObject(); auto nv = nameValue(prop); if (nv.first == "ADVANCED") { const auto boolValue = CMakeConfigItem::toBool(nv.second); item.isAdvanced = boolValue.has_value() && boolValue.value(); } else if (nv.first == "HELPSTRING") { item.documentation = nv.second.toUtf8(); } else if (nv.first == "STRINGS") { item.values = nv.second.split(';'); } } } result.append(item); } return result; } // CMake Files: static std::vector readCMakeFilesFile(const FilePath &cmakeFilesFile, QString &errorMessage) { std::vector result; const QJsonDocument doc = readJsonFile(cmakeFilesFile); const QJsonObject root = doc.object(); if (!checkJsonObject(root, "cmakeFiles", 1)) { errorMessage = QCoreApplication::translate("CMakeProjectManager::Internal", "Invalid cmakeFiles file generated by CMake."); return {}; } const QJsonArray inputs = root.value("inputs").toArray(); for (const QJsonValue &v : inputs) { CMakeFileInfo info; const QJsonObject input = v.toObject(); info.path = cmakeFilesFile.withNewPath(input.value("path").toString()); info.isCMake = input.value("isCMake").toBool(); const QString filename = info.path.fileName(); info.isCMakeListsDotTxt = (filename.compare("CMakeLists.txt", HostOsInfo::fileNameCaseSensitivity()) == 0); info.isGenerated = input.value("isGenerated").toBool(); info.isExternal = input.value("isExternal").toBool(); result.emplace_back(std::move(info)); } return result; } // Codemodel file: std::vector extractDirectories(const QJsonArray &directories, QString &errorMessage) { if (directories.isEmpty()) { errorMessage = QCoreApplication::translate( "CMakeProjectManager::Internal", "Invalid codemodel file generated by CMake: No directories."); return {}; } std::vector result; for (const QJsonValue &v : directories) { const QJsonObject obj = v.toObject(); if (obj.isEmpty()) { errorMessage = QCoreApplication::translate( "CMakeProjectManager::Internal", "Invalid codemodel file generated by CMake: Empty directory object."); continue; } Directory dir; dir.sourcePath = obj.value("source").toString(); dir.buildPath = obj.value("build").toString(); dir.parent = obj.value("parentIndex").toInt(-1); dir.project = obj.value("projectIndex").toInt(-1); dir.children = indexList(obj.value("childIndexes")); dir.targets = indexList(obj.value("targetIndexes")); dir.hasInstallRule = obj.value("hasInstallRule").toBool(); result.emplace_back(std::move(dir)); } return result; } static std::vector extractProjects(const QJsonArray &projects, QString &errorMessage) { if (projects.isEmpty()) { errorMessage = QCoreApplication::translate( "CMakeProjectManager::Internal", "Invalid codemodel file generated by CMake: No projects."); return {}; } std::vector result; for (const QJsonValue &v : projects) { const QJsonObject obj = v.toObject(); if (obj.isEmpty()) { qCDebug(cmakeFileApi) << "Empty project skipped!"; errorMessage = QCoreApplication::translate( "CMakeProjectManager::Internal", "Invalid codemodel file generated by CMake: Empty project object."); continue; } Project project; project.name = obj.value("name").toString(); project.parent = obj.value("parentIndex").toInt(-1); project.children = indexList(obj.value("childIndexes")); project.directories = indexList(obj.value("directoryIndexes")); project.targets = indexList(obj.value("targetIndexes")); if (project.directories.empty()) { qCDebug(cmakeFileApi) << "Invalid project skipped!"; errorMessage = QCoreApplication::translate( "CMakeProjectManager::Internal", "Invalid codemodel file generated by CMake: Broken project data."); continue; } qCDebug(cmakeFileApi) << "Project read:" << project.name << project.directories; result.emplace_back(std::move(project)); } return result; } static std::vector extractTargets(const QJsonArray &targets, QString &errorMessage) { std::vector result; for (const QJsonValue &v : targets) { const QJsonObject obj = v.toObject(); if (obj.isEmpty()) { errorMessage = QCoreApplication::translate( "CMakeProjectManager::Internal", "Invalid codemodel file generated by CMake: Empty target object."); continue; } Target target; target.name = obj.value("name").toString(); target.id = obj.value("id").toString(); target.directory = obj.value("directoryIndex").toInt(-1); target.project = obj.value("projectIndex").toInt(-1); target.jsonFile = obj.value("jsonFile").toString(); if (target.name.isEmpty() || target.id.isEmpty() || target.jsonFile.isEmpty() || target.directory == -1 || target.project == -1) { errorMessage = QCoreApplication::translate( "CMakeProjectManager::Internal", "Invalid codemodel file generated by CMake: Broken target data."); continue; } result.emplace_back(std::move(target)); } return result; } static bool validateIndexes(const Configuration &config) { const int directoryCount = static_cast(config.directories.size()); const int projectCount = static_cast(config.projects.size()); const int targetCount = static_cast(config.targets.size()); int topLevelCount = 0; for (const Directory &d : config.directories) { if (d.parent == -1) ++topLevelCount; if (d.parent < -1 || d.parent >= directoryCount) { qCWarning(cmakeFileApi) << "Directory" << d.sourcePath << ": parent index" << d.parent << "is broken."; return false; } if (d.project < 0 || d.project >= projectCount) { qCWarning(cmakeFileApi) << "Directory" << d.sourcePath << ": project index" << d.project << "is broken."; return false; } if (contains(d.children, [directoryCount](int c) { return c < 0 || c >= directoryCount; })) { qCWarning(cmakeFileApi) << "Directory" << d.sourcePath << ": A child index" << d.children << "is broken."; return false; } if (contains(d.targets, [targetCount](int t) { return t < 0 || t >= targetCount; })) { qCWarning(cmakeFileApi) << "Directory" << d.sourcePath << ": A target index" << d.targets << "is broken."; return false; } } if (topLevelCount != 1) { qCWarning(cmakeFileApi) << "Directories: Invalid number of top level directories, " << topLevelCount << " (expected: 1)."; return false; } topLevelCount = 0; for (const Project &p : config.projects) { if (p.parent == -1) ++topLevelCount; if (p.parent < -1 || p.parent >= projectCount) { qCWarning(cmakeFileApi) << "Project" << p.name << ": parent index" << p.parent << "is broken."; return false; } if (contains(p.children, [projectCount](int p) { return p < 0 || p >= projectCount; })) { qCWarning(cmakeFileApi) << "Project" << p.name << ": A child index" << p.children << "is broken."; return false; } if (contains(p.targets, [targetCount](int t) { return t < 0 || t >= targetCount; })) { qCWarning(cmakeFileApi) << "Project" << p.name << ": A target index" << p.targets << "is broken."; return false; } if (contains(p.directories, [directoryCount](int d) { return d < 0 || d >= directoryCount; })) { qCWarning(cmakeFileApi) << "Project" << p.name << ": A directory index" << p.directories << "is broken."; return false; } } if (topLevelCount != 1) { qCWarning(cmakeFileApi) << "Projects: Invalid number of top level projects, " << topLevelCount << " (expected: 1)."; return false; } for (const Target &t : config.targets) { if (t.directory < 0 || t.directory >= directoryCount) { qCWarning(cmakeFileApi) << "Target" << t.name << ": directory index" << t.directory << "is broken."; return false; } if (t.project < 0 || t.project >= projectCount) { qCWarning(cmakeFileApi) << "Target" << t.name << ": project index" << t.project << "is broken."; return false; } } return true; } static std::vector extractConfigurations(const QJsonArray &configs, QString &errorMessage) { if (configs.isEmpty()) { errorMessage = QCoreApplication::translate( "CMakeProjectManager::Internal", "Invalid codemodel file generated by CMake: No configurations."); return {}; } std::vector result; for (const QJsonValue &v : configs) { const QJsonObject obj = v.toObject(); if (obj.isEmpty()) { errorMessage = QCoreApplication::translate( "CMakeProjectManager::Internal", "Invalid codemodel file generated by CMake: Empty configuration object."); continue; } Configuration config; config.name = obj.value("name").toString(); config.directories = extractDirectories(obj.value("directories").toArray(), errorMessage); config.projects = extractProjects(obj.value("projects").toArray(), errorMessage); config.targets = extractTargets(obj.value("targets").toArray(), errorMessage); if (!validateIndexes(config)) { errorMessage = QCoreApplication::translate("CMakeProjectManager::Internal", "Invalid codemodel file generated by CMake: Broken " "indexes in directories, projects, or targets."); return {}; } result.emplace_back(std::move(config)); } return result; } static std::vector readCodemodelFile(const FilePath &codemodelFile, QString &errorMessage) { const QJsonDocument doc = readJsonFile(codemodelFile); const QJsonObject root = doc.object(); if (!checkJsonObject(root, "codemodel", 2)) { errorMessage = QCoreApplication::translate("CMakeProjectManager::Internal", "Invalid codemodel file generated by CMake."); return {}; } return extractConfigurations(root.value("configurations").toArray(), errorMessage); } // TargetDetails: static std::vector extractFragments(const QJsonObject &obj) { const QJsonArray fragments = obj.value("commandFragments").toArray(); return transform(fragments, [](const QJsonValue &v) { const QJsonObject o = v.toObject(); return FileApiDetails::FragmentInfo{o.value("fragment").toString(), o.value("role").toString()}; }); } static TargetDetails extractTargetDetails(const QJsonObject &root, QString &errorMessage) { TargetDetails t; t.name = root.value("name").toString(); t.id = root.value("id").toString(); t.type = root.value("type").toString(); if (t.name.isEmpty() || t.id.isEmpty() || t.type.isEmpty()) { errorMessage = QCoreApplication::translate("CMakeProjectManager::Internal", "Invalid target file: Information is missing."); return {}; } t.backtrace = root.value("backtrace").toInt(-1); { const QJsonObject folder = root.value("folder").toObject(); t.folderTargetProperty = folder.value("name").toString(); } { const QJsonObject paths = root.value("paths").toObject(); t.sourceDir = FilePath::fromString(paths.value("source").toString()); t.buildDir = FilePath::fromString(paths.value("build").toString()); } t.nameOnDisk = root.value("nameOnDisk").toString(); { const QJsonArray artifacts = root.value("artifacts").toArray(); t.artifacts = transform(artifacts, [](const QJsonValue &v) { return FilePath::fromString(v.toObject().value("path").toString()); }); } t.isGeneratorProvided = root.value("isGeneratorProvided").toBool(); { const QJsonObject install = root.value("install").toObject(); t.installPrefix = install.value("prefix").toObject().value("path").toString(); { const QJsonArray destinations = install.value("destinations").toArray(); t.installDestination = transform(destinations, [](const QJsonValue &v) { const QJsonObject o = v.toObject(); return InstallDestination{o.value("path").toString(), o.value("backtrace").toInt(-1)}; }); } } { const QJsonObject link = root.value("link").toObject(); if (link.isEmpty()) { t.link = {}; } else { LinkInfo info; info.language = link.value("language").toString(); info.isLto = link.value("lto").toBool(); info.sysroot = link.value("sysroot").toObject().value("path").toString(); info.fragments = extractFragments(link); t.link = info; } } { const QJsonObject archive = root.value("archive").toObject(); if (archive.isEmpty()) { t.archive = {}; } else { ArchiveInfo info; info.isLto = archive.value("lto").toBool(); info.fragments = extractFragments(archive); t.archive = info; } } { const QJsonArray dependencies = root.value("dependencies").toArray(); t.dependencies = transform(dependencies, [](const QJsonValue &v) { const QJsonObject o = v.toObject(); return DependencyInfo{o.value("id").toString(), o.value("backtrace").toInt(-1)}; }); } { const QJsonArray sources = root.value("sources").toArray(); t.sources = transform(sources, [](const QJsonValue &v) { const QJsonObject o = v.toObject(); return SourceInfo{o.value("path").toString(), o.value("compileGroupIndex").toInt(-1), o.value("sourceGroupIndex").toInt(-1), o.value("backtrace").toInt(-1), o.value("isGenerated").toBool()}; }); } { const QJsonArray sourceGroups = root.value("sourceGroups").toArray(); t.sourceGroups = transform(sourceGroups, [](const QJsonValue &v) { const QJsonObject o = v.toObject(); return o.value("name").toString(); }); } { const QJsonArray compileGroups = root.value("compileGroups").toArray(); t.compileGroups = transform(compileGroups, [](const QJsonValue &v) { const QJsonObject o = v.toObject(); return CompileInfo{ transform(o.value("sourceIndexes").toArray(), [](const QJsonValue &v) { return v.toInt(-1); }), o.value("language").toString(), transform(o.value("compileCommandFragments").toArray(), [](const QJsonValue &v) { const QJsonObject o = v.toObject(); return o.value("fragment").toString(); }), transform( o.value("includes").toArray(), [](const QJsonValue &v) { const QJsonObject i = v.toObject(); const QString path = i.value("path").toString(); const bool isSystem = i.value("isSystem").toBool(); const ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath hp(path, isSystem ? ProjectExplorer::HeaderPathType::System : ProjectExplorer::HeaderPathType::User); return IncludeInfo{ ProjectExplorer::RawProjectPart::frameworkDetectionHeuristic(hp), i.value("backtrace").toInt(-1)}; }), transform(o.value("defines").toArray(), [](const QJsonValue &v) { const QJsonObject d = v.toObject(); return DefineInfo{ ProjectExplorer::Macro::fromKeyValue( d.value("define").toString()), d.value("backtrace").toInt(-1), }; }), o.value("sysroot").toString(), }; }); } { const QJsonObject backtraceGraph = root.value("backtraceGraph").toObject(); t.backtraceGraph.files = transform(backtraceGraph.value("files").toArray(), [](const QJsonValue &v) { return v.toString(); }); t.backtraceGraph.commands = transform(backtraceGraph.value("commands").toArray(), [](const QJsonValue &v) { return v.toString(); }); t.backtraceGraph.nodes = transform(backtraceGraph.value("nodes").toArray(), [](const QJsonValue &v) { const QJsonObject o = v.toObject(); return BacktraceNode{ o.value("file").toInt(-1), o.value("line").toInt(-1), o.value("command").toInt(-1), o.value("parent").toInt(-1), }; }); } return t; } static int validateBacktraceGraph(const TargetDetails &t) { const int backtraceFilesCount = static_cast(t.backtraceGraph.files.size()); const int backtraceCommandsCount = static_cast(t.backtraceGraph.commands.size()); const int backtraceNodeCount = static_cast(t.backtraceGraph.nodes.size()); int topLevelNodeCount = 0; for (const BacktraceNode &n : t.backtraceGraph.nodes) { if (n.parent == -1) { ++topLevelNodeCount; } if (n.file < 0 || n.file >= backtraceFilesCount) { qCWarning(cmakeFileApi) << "BacktraceNode: file index" << n.file << "is broken."; return -1; } if (n.command < -1 || n.command >= backtraceCommandsCount) { qCWarning(cmakeFileApi) << "BacktraceNode: command index" << n.command << "is broken."; return -1; } if (n.parent < -1 || n.parent >= backtraceNodeCount) { qCWarning(cmakeFileApi) << "BacktraceNode: parent index" << n.parent << "is broken."; return -1; } } if (topLevelNodeCount == 0 && backtraceNodeCount > 0) { // This is a forest, not a tree qCWarning(cmakeFileApi) << "BacktraceNode: Invalid number of top level nodes" << topLevelNodeCount; return -1; } return backtraceNodeCount; } static bool validateTargetDetails(const TargetDetails &t) { // The part filled in by the codemodel file has already been covered! // Internal consistency of backtraceGraph: const int backtraceCount = validateBacktraceGraph(t); if (backtraceCount < 0) return false; const int sourcesCount = static_cast(t.sources.size()); const int sourceGroupsCount = static_cast(t.sourceGroups.size()); const int compileGroupsCount = static_cast(t.compileGroups.size()); if (t.backtrace < -1 || t.backtrace >= backtraceCount) { qCWarning(cmakeFileApi) << "TargetDetails" << t.name << ": backtrace index" << t.backtrace << "is broken."; return false; } for (const InstallDestination &id : t.installDestination) { if (id.backtrace < -1 || id.backtrace >= backtraceCount) { qCWarning(cmakeFileApi) << "TargetDetails" << t.name << ": backtrace index" << t.backtrace << "of install destination is broken."; return false; } } for (const DependencyInfo &dep : t.dependencies) { if (dep.backtrace < -1 || dep.backtrace >= backtraceCount) { qCWarning(cmakeFileApi) << "TargetDetails" << t.name << ": backtrace index" << t.backtrace << "of dependency is broken."; return false; } } for (const SourceInfo &s : t.sources) { if (s.compileGroup < -1 || s.compileGroup >= compileGroupsCount) { qCWarning(cmakeFileApi) << "TargetDetails" << t.name << ": compile group index" << s.compileGroup << "of source info is broken."; return false; } if (s.sourceGroup < -1 || s.sourceGroup >= sourceGroupsCount) { qCWarning(cmakeFileApi) << "TargetDetails" << t.name << ": source group index" << s.sourceGroup << "of source info is broken."; return false; } if (s.backtrace < -1 || s.backtrace >= backtraceCount) { qCWarning(cmakeFileApi) << "TargetDetails" << t.name << ": backtrace index" << s.backtrace << "of source info is broken."; return false; } } for (const CompileInfo &cg : t.compileGroups) { for (int s : cg.sources) { if (s < 0 || s >= sourcesCount) { qCWarning(cmakeFileApi) << "TargetDetails" << t.name << ": sources index" << s << "of compile group is broken."; return false; } } for (const IncludeInfo &i : cg.includes) { if (i.backtrace < -1 || i.backtrace >= backtraceCount) { qCWarning(cmakeFileApi) << "TargetDetails" << t.name << ": includes/backtrace index" << i.backtrace << "of compile group is broken."; return false; } } for (const DefineInfo &d : cg.defines) { if (d.backtrace < -1 || d.backtrace >= backtraceCount) { qCWarning(cmakeFileApi) << "TargetDetails" << t.name << ": defines/backtrace index" << d.backtrace << "of compile group is broken."; return false; } } } return true; } static TargetDetails readTargetFile(const FilePath &targetFile, QString &errorMessage) { const QJsonDocument doc = readJsonFile(targetFile); const QJsonObject root = doc.object(); TargetDetails result = extractTargetDetails(root, errorMessage); if (errorMessage.isEmpty() && !validateTargetDetails(result)) { errorMessage = QCoreApplication::translate( "CMakeProjectManager::Internal", "Invalid target file generated by CMake: Broken indexes in target details."); } return result; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // ReplyFileContents: // -------------------------------------------------------------------- FilePath FileApiDetails::ReplyFileContents::jsonFile(const QString &kind, const FilePath &replyDir) const { const auto ro = findOrDefault(replies, equal(&ReplyObject::kind, kind)); if (ro.file.isEmpty()) return {}; else return (replyDir / ro.file).absoluteFilePath(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // FileApi: // -------------------------------------------------------------------- bool FileApiParser::setupCMakeFileApi(const FilePath &buildDirectory, Utils::FileSystemWatcher &watcher) { // So that we have a directory to watch. buildDirectory.pathAppended(CMAKE_RELATIVE_REPLY_PATH).ensureWritableDir(); FilePath queryDir = buildDirectory.pathAppended(CMAKE_RELATIVE_QUERY_PATH); queryDir.ensureWritableDir(); if (!queryDir.exists()) { reportFileApiSetupFailure(); return false; } QTC_ASSERT(queryDir.exists(), return false); bool failedBefore = false; for (const FilePath &filePath : cmakeQueryFilePaths(buildDirectory)) { const bool success = filePath.ensureExistingFile(); if (!success && !failedBefore) { failedBefore = true; reportFileApiSetupFailure(); } } watcher.addDirectory(cmakeReplyDirectory(buildDirectory).path(), FileSystemWatcher::WatchAllChanges); return true; } static QStringList uniqueTargetFiles(const Configuration &config) { QSet knownIds; QStringList files; for (const Target &t : config.targets) { const int knownCount = knownIds.count(); knownIds.insert(t.id); if (knownIds.count() > knownCount) { files.append(t.jsonFile); } } return files; } FileApiData FileApiParser::parseData(QFutureInterface> &fi, const FilePath &replyFilePath, const QString &cmakeBuildType, QString &errorMessage) { QTC_CHECK(errorMessage.isEmpty()); QTC_CHECK(!replyFilePath.needsDevice()); const FilePath replyDir = replyFilePath.parentDir(); FileApiData result; const auto cancelCheck = [&fi, &errorMessage]() -> bool { if (fi.isCanceled()) { errorMessage = FileApiParser::tr("CMake parsing was cancelled."); return true; } return false; }; result.replyFile = readReplyFile(replyFilePath, errorMessage); if (cancelCheck()) return {}; result.cache = readCacheFile(result.replyFile.jsonFile("cache", replyDir), errorMessage); if (cancelCheck()) return {}; result.cmakeFiles = readCMakeFilesFile(result.replyFile.jsonFile("cmakeFiles", replyDir), errorMessage); if (cancelCheck()) return {}; auto codeModels = readCodemodelFile(result.replyFile.jsonFile("codemodel", replyDir), errorMessage); if (codeModels.size() == 0) { errorMessage = "No CMake configuration found!"; return result; } auto it = std::find_if(codeModels.cbegin(), codeModels.cend(), [cmakeBuildType](const Configuration& cfg) { return QString::compare(cfg.name, cmakeBuildType, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0; }); if (it == codeModels.cend()) { QStringList buildTypes; for (const Configuration &cfg: codeModels) buildTypes << cfg.name; if (result.replyFile.isMultiConfig) { errorMessage = tr("No \"%1\" CMake configuration found. Available configurations: \"%2\".\n" "Make sure that CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES variable contains the \"Build type\" field.") .arg(cmakeBuildType) .arg(buildTypes.join(", ")); } else { errorMessage = tr("No \"%1\" CMake configuration found. Available configuration: \"%2\".\n" "Make sure that CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE variable matches the \"Build type\" field.") .arg(cmakeBuildType) .arg(buildTypes.join(", ")); } return result; } result.codemodel = std::move(*it); if (cancelCheck()) return {}; const QStringList targetFiles = uniqueTargetFiles(result.codemodel); for (const QString &targetFile : targetFiles) { if (cancelCheck()) return {}; QString targetErrorMessage; TargetDetails td = readTargetFile((replyDir / targetFile).absoluteFilePath(), targetErrorMessage); if (targetErrorMessage.isEmpty()) { result.targetDetails.emplace_back(std::move(td)); } else { qWarning() << "Failed to retrieve target data from cmake fileapi:" << targetErrorMessage; errorMessage = targetErrorMessage; } } return result; } FilePath FileApiParser::scanForCMakeReplyFile(const FilePath &buildDirectory) { const FilePath replyDir = cmakeReplyDirectory(buildDirectory); if (!replyDir.exists()) return {}; const FilePaths entries = replyDir.dirEntries({{"index-*.json"}, QDir::Files}, QDir::Name); return entries.isEmpty() ? FilePath() : entries.first(); } FilePaths FileApiParser::cmakeQueryFilePaths(const FilePath &buildDirectory) { FilePath queryDir = buildDirectory / CMAKE_RELATIVE_QUERY_PATH; return transform(CMAKE_QUERY_FILENAMES, [&queryDir](const QString &name) { return queryDir.resolvePath(FilePath::fromString(name)); }); } } // namespace Internal } // namespace CMakeProjectManager