ClearCase::Internal::SettingsPage 0 0 512 589 Configuration &Command: commandPathChooser Diff QFormLayout::AllNonFixedFieldsGrow &Graphical (single file only) true &External false 0 0 0 0 Arg&uments: diffArgsEdit 255 0 0 255 0 0 68 96 92 true Miscellaneous QFormLayout::ExpandingFieldsGrow &History count: historyCountSpinBox 10000 &Timeout: timeOutSpinBox s 1 360 30 &Automatically check out files on edit &Prompt on check-in Di&sable indexer &Index only VOBs: indexOnlyVOBsEdit VOBs list, separated by comma. Indexer will only traverse the specified VOBs. If left blank, all active VOBs will be indexed. Check this if you have a trigger that renames the activity automatically. You will not be prompted for activity name. Aut&o assign activity names Check out or check in files with no comment (-nc/omment). Do &not prompt for comment during checkout or check-in Qt::Vertical 20 40 Utils::PathChooser QWidget
1 editingFinished() browsingFinished()
graphicalDiffRadioButton externalDiffRadioButton diffArgsEdit historyCountSpinBox timeOutSpinBox autoCheckOutCheckBox autoAssignActivityCheckBox noCommentCheckBox promptCheckBox disableIndexerCheckBox indexOnlyVOBsEdit externalDiffRadioButton toggled(bool) diffWidget setEnabled(bool) 83 122 203 140