/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2016 Denis Mingulov ** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator. ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms ** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further ** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following ** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will ** be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html. ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "classviewparser.h" #include "classviewconstants.h" #include "classviewutils.h" // cplusplus shared library. the same folder (cplusplus) #include #include #include #include // other #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include enum { debug = false }; using namespace ProjectExplorer; namespace ClassView { namespace Internal { // ----------------------------- ParserPrivate --------------------------------- /*! \class ParserPrivate \brief The ParserPrivate class defines private class data for the Parser class. \sa Parser */ /*! \class Parser \brief The Parser class parses C++ information. Multithreading is supported. */ /*! \fn void Parser::treeDataUpdate(QSharedPointer result) Emits a signal about a tree data update. */ /*! \fn void Parser::resetDataDone() Emits a signal that internal data is reset. \sa resetData, resetDataToCurrentState */ class ParserPrivate { public: typedef QHash::const_iterator CitDocumentList; //! Constructor ParserPrivate() : flatMode(false) {} //! Get document from documentList CPlusPlus::Document::Ptr document(const QString &fileName) const; CPlusPlus::Overview overview; //! timer QTimer timer; // documents //! Documents read write lock QReadWriteLock docLocker; //! Current document list QHash documentList; //! Parsed documents' revision - to speed up computations QHash cachedDocTreesRevision; //! Parsed documents - to speed up computations QHash cachedDocTrees; // project trees //! Projects read write lock QReadWriteLock prjLocker; //! Parsed projects' revision - to speed up computations QHash cachedPrjTreesRevision; //! Merged trees for projects. Not const - projects might be substracted/added QHash cachedPrjTrees; //! Cached file lists for projects (non-flat mode) QHash cachedPrjFileLists; // other //! List for files which has to be parsed QSet fileList; //! Root item read write lock QReadWriteLock rootItemLocker; //! Parsed root item ParserTreeItem::ConstPtr rootItem; //! Flat mode bool flatMode; }; CPlusPlus::Document::Ptr ParserPrivate::document(const QString &fileName) const { CitDocumentList cit = documentList.find(fileName); if (cit == documentList.end()) return CPlusPlus::Document::Ptr(); return cit.value(); } // ----------------------------- Parser --------------------------------- /*! Constructs the parser object. */ Parser::Parser(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), d(new ParserPrivate()) { d->timer.setSingleShot(true); // connect signal/slots // internal data reset connect(this, &Parser::resetDataDone, this, &Parser::onResetDataDone, Qt::QueuedConnection); // timer for emitting changes connect(&d->timer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &Parser::requestCurrentState, Qt::QueuedConnection); } /*! Destructs the parser object. */ Parser::~Parser() { delete d; } /*! Checks \a item for lazy data population of a QStandardItemModel. */ bool Parser::canFetchMore(QStandardItem *item, bool skipRoot) const { ParserTreeItem::ConstPtr ptr = findItemByRoot(item, skipRoot); if (ptr.isNull()) return false; return ptr->canFetchMore(item); } /*! Checks \a item for lazy data population of a QStandardItemModel. \a skipRoot skips the root item. */ void Parser::fetchMore(QStandardItem *item, bool skipRoot) const { ParserTreeItem::ConstPtr ptr = findItemByRoot(item, skipRoot); if (ptr.isNull()) return; ptr->fetchMore(item); } bool Parser::hasChildren(QStandardItem *item) const { ParserTreeItem::ConstPtr ptr = findItemByRoot(item); if (ptr.isNull()) return false; return ptr->childCount() != 0; } /*! Switches to flat mode (without subprojects) if \a flat returns \c true. */ void Parser::setFlatMode(bool flatMode) { if (flatMode == d->flatMode) return; // change internal d->flatMode = flatMode; // regenerate and resend current tree emitCurrentTree(); } /*! Returns the internal tree item for \a item. \a skipRoot skips the root item. */ ParserTreeItem::ConstPtr Parser::findItemByRoot(const QStandardItem *item, bool skipRoot) const { if (!item) return ParserTreeItem::ConstPtr(); // go item by item to the root QList uiList; const QStandardItem *cur = item; while (cur) { uiList.append(cur); cur = cur->parent(); } if (skipRoot && uiList.count() > 0) uiList.removeLast(); QReadLocker locker(&d->rootItemLocker); // using internal root - search correct item ParserTreeItem::ConstPtr internal = d->rootItem; while (uiList.count() > 0) { cur = uiList.last(); uiList.removeLast(); const SymbolInformation &inf = Utils::symbolInformationFromItem(cur); internal = internal->child(inf); if (internal.isNull()) break; } return internal; } /*! Parses the class and produces a new tree. \sa addProject */ ParserTreeItem::ConstPtr Parser::parse() { QTime time; if (debug) time.start(); ParserTreeItem::Ptr rootItem(new ParserTreeItem()); // check all projects for (const Project *prj : SessionManager::projects()) { ParserTreeItem::Ptr item; QString prjName(prj->displayName()); QString prjType(prjName); if (prj->document()) prjType = prj->projectFilePath().toString(); SymbolInformation inf(prjName, prjType); item = ParserTreeItem::Ptr(new ParserTreeItem()); if (d->flatMode) addFlatTree(item, prj); else addProjectTree(item, prj); item->setIcon(prj->containerNode()->icon()); rootItem->appendChild(item, inf); } if (debug) qDebug() << "Class View:" << QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString() << "Parsed in " << time.elapsed() << "msecs."; return rootItem; } /*! Parses the project with the \a projectId and adds the documents from the \a fileList to the tree item \a item. */ void Parser::addProject(const ParserTreeItem::Ptr &item, const QStringList &fileList, const QString &projectId) { // recalculate cache tree if needed ParserTreeItem::Ptr prj(getCachedOrParseProjectTree(fileList, projectId)); if (item.isNull()) return; // if there is an item - copy project tree to that item item->copy(prj); } /*! Parses \a symbol and adds the results to \a item (as a parent). */ void Parser::addSymbol(const ParserTreeItem::Ptr &item, const CPlusPlus::Symbol *symbol) { if (item.isNull() || !symbol) return; // easy solution - lets add any scoped symbol and // any symbol which does not contain :: in the name //! \todo collect statistics and reorder to optimize if (symbol->isForwardClassDeclaration() || symbol->isExtern() || symbol->isFriend() || symbol->isGenerated() || symbol->isUsingNamespaceDirective() || symbol->isUsingDeclaration() ) return; const CPlusPlus::Name *symbolName = symbol->name(); if (symbolName && symbolName->isQualifiedNameId()) return; QString name = d->overview.prettyName(symbolName).trimmed(); QString type = d->overview.prettyType(symbol->type()).trimmed(); int iconType = CPlusPlus::Icons::iconTypeForSymbol(symbol); SymbolInformation information(name, type, iconType); ParserTreeItem::Ptr itemAdd; // If next line will be removed, 5% speed up for the initial parsing. // But there might be a problem for some files ??? // Better to improve qHash timing itemAdd = item->child(information); if (itemAdd.isNull()) itemAdd = ParserTreeItem::Ptr(new ParserTreeItem()); // locations have 1-based column in Symbol, use the same here. SymbolLocation location(QString::fromUtf8(symbol->fileName() , symbol->fileNameLength()), symbol->line(), symbol->column()); itemAdd->addSymbolLocation(location); // prevent showing a content of the functions if (!symbol->isFunction()) { if (const CPlusPlus::Scope *scope = symbol->asScope()) { CPlusPlus::Scope::iterator cur = scope->memberBegin(); CPlusPlus::Scope::iterator last = scope->memberEnd(); while (cur != last) { const CPlusPlus::Symbol *curSymbol = *cur; ++cur; if (!curSymbol) continue; addSymbol(itemAdd, curSymbol); } } } // if item is empty and has not to be added if (!(symbol->isNamespace() && itemAdd->childCount() == 0)) item->appendChild(itemAdd, information); } /*! Parses the project with the \a projectId and adds the documents from the \a fileList to the project. Updates the internal cached tree for this project. */ ParserTreeItem::Ptr Parser::getParseProjectTree(const QStringList &fileList, const QString &projectId) { //! \todo Way to optimize - for documentUpdate - use old cached project and subtract //! changed files only (old edition), and add curent editions ParserTreeItem::Ptr item(new ParserTreeItem()); unsigned revision = 0; foreach (const QString &file, fileList) { // ? locker for document?.. const CPlusPlus::Document::Ptr &doc = d->document(file); if (doc.isNull()) continue; revision += doc->revision(); ParserTreeItem::ConstPtr list = getCachedOrParseDocumentTree(doc); if (list.isNull()) continue; // add list to out document item->add(list); } // update the cache if (!projectId.isEmpty()) { QWriteLocker locker(&d->prjLocker); d->cachedPrjTrees[projectId] = item; d->cachedPrjTreesRevision[projectId] = revision; } return item; } /*! Gets the project with \a projectId from the cache if it is valid or parses the project and adds the documents from the \a fileList to the project. Updates the internal cached tree for this project. */ ParserTreeItem::Ptr Parser::getCachedOrParseProjectTree(const QStringList &fileList, const QString &projectId) { d->prjLocker.lockForRead(); ParserTreeItem::Ptr item = d->cachedPrjTrees.value(projectId); // calculate current revision if (!projectId.isEmpty() && !item.isNull()) { // calculate project's revision unsigned revision = 0; foreach (const QString &file, fileList) { const CPlusPlus::Document::Ptr &doc = d->document(file); if (doc.isNull()) continue; revision += doc->revision(); } // if even revision is the same, return cached project if (revision == d->cachedPrjTreesRevision[projectId]) { d->prjLocker.unlock(); return item; } } d->prjLocker.unlock(); return getParseProjectTree(fileList, projectId); } /*! Parses the document \a doc if it is in the project files and adds a tree to the internal storage. Updates the internal cached tree for this document. \sa parseDocument */ ParserTreeItem::ConstPtr Parser::getParseDocumentTree(const CPlusPlus::Document::Ptr &doc) { if (doc.isNull()) return ParserTreeItem::ConstPtr(); const QString &fileName = doc->fileName(); if (!d->fileList.contains(fileName)) return ParserTreeItem::ConstPtr(); ParserTreeItem::Ptr itemPtr(new ParserTreeItem()); const unsigned total = doc->globalSymbolCount(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < total; ++i) addSymbol(itemPtr, doc->globalSymbolAt(i)); QWriteLocker locker(&d->docLocker); d->cachedDocTrees[fileName] = itemPtr; d->cachedDocTreesRevision[fileName] = doc->revision(); d->documentList[fileName] = doc; return itemPtr; } /*! Gets the document \a doc from the cache or parses it if it is in the project files and adds a tree to the internal storage. \sa parseDocument */ ParserTreeItem::ConstPtr Parser::getCachedOrParseDocumentTree(const CPlusPlus::Document::Ptr &doc) { if (doc.isNull()) return ParserTreeItem::ConstPtr(); const QString &fileName = doc->fileName(); d->docLocker.lockForRead(); ParserTreeItem::ConstPtr item = d->cachedDocTrees.value(fileName); CitCachedDocTreeRevision citCachedDocTreeRevision = d->cachedDocTreesRevision.constFind(fileName); if (!item.isNull() && citCachedDocTreeRevision != d->cachedDocTreesRevision.constEnd() && citCachedDocTreeRevision.value() == doc->revision()) { d->docLocker.unlock(); return item; } d->docLocker.unlock(); return getParseDocumentTree(doc); } /*! Parses the document \a doc if it is in the project files and adds a tree to the internal storage. */ void Parser::parseDocument(const CPlusPlus::Document::Ptr &doc) { if (doc.isNull()) return; const QString &name = doc->fileName(); // if it is external file (not in any of our projects) if (!d->fileList.contains(name)) return; getParseDocumentTree(doc); if (!d->timer.isActive()) d->timer.start(400); //! Delay in msecs before an update return; } /*! Requests to clear full internal stored data. */ void Parser::clearCacheAll() { d->docLocker.lockForWrite(); d->cachedDocTrees.clear(); d->cachedDocTreesRevision.clear(); d->documentList.clear(); d->docLocker.unlock(); clearCache(); } /*! Requests to clear internal stored data. The data has to be regenerated on the next request. */ void Parser::clearCache() { QWriteLocker locker(&d->prjLocker); // remove cached trees d->cachedPrjFileLists.clear(); //! \todo where better to clear project's trees? //! When file is add/removed from a particular project?.. d->cachedPrjTrees.clear(); d->cachedPrjTreesRevision.clear(); } /*! Specifies the files that must be allowed for the parsing as a \a fileList. Files outside of this list will not be in any tree. */ void Parser::setFileList(const QStringList &fileList) { d->fileList.clear(); d->fileList = QSet::fromList(fileList); } /*! Removes the files defined in the \a fileList from the parsing. */ void Parser::removeFiles(const QStringList &fileList) { if (fileList.isEmpty()) return; QWriteLocker lockerPrj(&d->prjLocker); QWriteLocker lockerDoc(&d->docLocker); foreach (const QString &name, fileList) { d->fileList.remove(name); d->cachedDocTrees.remove(name); d->cachedDocTreesRevision.remove(name); d->documentList.remove(name); d->cachedPrjTrees.remove(name); d->cachedPrjFileLists.clear(); } emit filesAreRemoved(); } /*! Fully resets the internal state of the code parser to \a snapshot. */ void Parser::resetData(const CPlusPlus::Snapshot &snapshot) { // clear internal cache clearCache(); d->docLocker.lockForWrite(); // copy snapshot's documents CPlusPlus::Snapshot::const_iterator cur = snapshot.begin(); CPlusPlus::Snapshot::const_iterator end = snapshot.end(); for (; cur != end; ++cur) d->documentList[cur.key().toString()] = cur.value(); d->docLocker.unlock(); // recalculate file list ::Utils::FileNameList fileList; // check all projects for (const Project *prj : SessionManager::projects()) fileList += prj->files(Project::SourceFiles); setFileList(::Utils::transform(fileList, &::Utils::FileName::toString)); emit resetDataDone(); } /*! Fully resets the internal state of the code parser to the current state. \sa resetData */ void Parser::resetDataToCurrentState() { // get latest data resetData(CppTools::CppModelManager::instance()->snapshot()); } /*! Regenerates the tree when internal data changes. \sa resetDataDone */ void Parser::onResetDataDone() { // internal data is reset, update a tree and send it back emitCurrentTree(); } /*! Requests to emit a signal with the current tree state. */ void Parser::requestCurrentState() { emitCurrentTree(); } /*! Sends the current tree to listeners. */ void Parser::emitCurrentTree() { // stop timer if it is active right now d->timer.stop(); d->rootItemLocker.lockForWrite(); d->rootItem = parse(); d->rootItemLocker.unlock(); // convert QSharedPointer std(new QStandardItem()); d->rootItem->convertTo(std.data()); emit treeDataUpdate(std); } /*! Generates projects like the Project Explorer. \a item specifies the item and \a node specifies the root node. Returns a list of projects which were added to the item. */ QStringList Parser::addProjectTree(const ParserTreeItem::Ptr &item, const Project *project) { QStringList projectList; if (!project) return projectList; const QString projectPath = project->projectFilePath().toString(); // our own files QStringList fileList; CitCachedPrjFileLists cit = d->cachedPrjFileLists.constFind(projectPath); // try to improve parsing speed by internal cache if (cit != d->cachedPrjFileLists.constEnd()) { fileList = cit.value(); } else { fileList = ::Utils::transform(project->files(Project::SourceFiles), &::Utils::FileName::toString); d->cachedPrjFileLists[projectPath] = fileList; } if (fileList.count() > 0) { addProject(item, fileList, projectPath); projectList << projectPath; } return projectList; } QStringList Parser::getAllFiles(const Project *project) { QStringList fileList; if (!project) return fileList; const QString nodePath = project->projectFilePath().toString(); CitCachedPrjFileLists cit = d->cachedPrjFileLists.constFind(nodePath); // try to improve parsing speed by internal cache if (cit != d->cachedPrjFileLists.constEnd()) { fileList = cit.value(); } else { fileList = ::Utils::transform(project->files(Project::SourceFiles), &::Utils::FileName::toString); d->cachedPrjFileLists[nodePath] = fileList; } return fileList; } void Parser::addFlatTree(const ParserTreeItem::Ptr &item, const Project *project) { if (!project) return; QStringList fileList = getAllFiles(project); fileList.removeDuplicates(); if (fileList.count() > 0) { addProject(item, fileList, project->projectFilePath().toString()); } } } // namespace Internal } // namespace ClassView