The ClangCodeModel plugin ========================= The ClangCodeModel plugin integrates the clang frontend into Qt Creator. Clang is "a C language family frontend for LLVM". You can find more information at At the time of writing the plugin can replace the following functionality of the built-in code model: * Highlighting * Completion All other functionality relies on the built-in code model (indexing, quick fixes, follow symbol, find usages, ...). Setup ===== Compile the plugin ------------------ 1. Get libclang You need to have libclang (and thus llvm) installed on your system. Either build llvm/clang yourself [1], install some ready-to-use package [2] or use the package manager of your system. [1] See for git mirrors. [2] or If you are building llvm/clang yourself, make sure to build it in release mode. 2. Set LLVM_INSTALL_DIR and (re)build Qt Creator Point the LLVM_INSTALL_DIR variable to the build/installation directory of llvm, e.g.: Installed via package manager on GNU/Linux: LLVM_INSTALL_DIR=/usr/lib/llvm-3.4 Manually build on Unix in release mode: LLVM_INSTALL_DIR=$HOME/llvm-build/Release+Asserts Installed a snapshot on Windows: LLVM_INSTALL_DIR=C:\llvm Set the variable either as part of the build environment or pass it directly to qmake and rebuild Qt Creator. Watch out for a message like Project MESSAGE: Building ClangCodeModel plugin with Clang from /usr/lib/llvm-3.4 Project MESSAGE: INCLUDEPATH += /usr/lib/llvm-3.4/include Project MESSAGE: LIBS += -L/usr/lib/llvm-3.4/lib -lclang This indicates that the ClangCodeModel plugin will be built. Enable the plugin ----------------- Enable the "ClangCodeModel" plugin in the dialog "Menu: Help -> About Plugins" and restart Qt Creator. Select the file types you want to use the ClangCodeModel for in "Menu: Tools -> Options -> C++ -> Tab: Code Model". For the next opened file matching the selected file types the ClangCodeModel will be used (see limitations at the start of this README).