/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator. ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms ** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further ** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following ** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will ** be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html. ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "testcodeparser.h" #include "autotestconstants.h" #include "testframeworkmanager.h" #include "testsettings.h" #include "testtreemodel.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(LOG, "qtc.autotest.testcodeparser", QtWarningMsg) namespace Autotest { namespace Internal { using namespace ProjectExplorer; TestCodeParser::TestCodeParser() : m_threadPool(new QThreadPool(this)) { // connect to ProgressManager to postpone test parsing when CppModelManager is parsing auto progressManager = qobject_cast(Core::ProgressManager::instance()); connect(progressManager, &Core::ProgressManager::taskStarted, this, &TestCodeParser::onTaskStarted); connect(progressManager, &Core::ProgressManager::allTasksFinished, this, &TestCodeParser::onAllTasksFinished); connect(&m_futureWatcher, &QFutureWatcher::started, this, &TestCodeParser::parsingStarted); connect(&m_futureWatcher, &QFutureWatcher::finished, this, &TestCodeParser::onFinished); connect(&m_futureWatcher, &QFutureWatcher::resultReadyAt, this, [this] (int index) { emit testParseResultReady(m_futureWatcher.resultAt(index)); }); connect(this, &TestCodeParser::parsingFinished, this, &TestCodeParser::releaseParserInternals); m_reparseTimer.setSingleShot(true); connect(&m_reparseTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &TestCodeParser::parsePostponedFiles); m_threadPool->setMaxThreadCount(std::max(QThread::idealThreadCount()/4, 1)); } void TestCodeParser::setState(State state) { if (m_parserState == Shutdown) return; qCDebug(LOG) << "setState(" << state << "), currentState:" << m_parserState; // avoid triggering parse before code model parsing has finished, but mark as dirty if (m_codeModelParsing) { m_dirty = true; qCDebug(LOG) << "Not setting new state - code model parsing is running, just marking dirty"; return; } if ((state == Idle) && (m_parserState == PartialParse || m_parserState == FullParse)) { qCDebug(LOG) << "Not setting state, parse is running"; return; } m_parserState = state; if (m_parserState == Idle && SessionManager::startupProject()) { if (m_postponedUpdateType == UpdateType::FullUpdate || m_dirty) { emitUpdateTestTree(); } else if (m_postponedUpdateType == UpdateType::PartialUpdate) { m_postponedUpdateType = UpdateType::NoUpdate; qCDebug(LOG) << "calling scanForTests with postponed files (setState)"; if (!m_reparseTimer.isActive()) scanForTests(Utils::toList(m_postponedFiles)); } } } void TestCodeParser::syncTestFrameworks(const QList &parsers) { if (m_parserState != Idle) { // there's a running parse m_postponedUpdateType = UpdateType::NoUpdate; m_postponedFiles.clear(); Core::ProgressManager::cancelTasks(Constants::TASK_PARSE); } qCDebug(LOG) << "Setting" << parsers << "as current parsers"; m_testCodeParsers = parsers; } void TestCodeParser::emitUpdateTestTree(ITestParser *parser) { if (m_testCodeParsers.isEmpty()) return; if (parser) m_updateParsers.insert(parser); else m_updateParsers.clear(); if (m_singleShotScheduled) { qCDebug(LOG) << "not scheduling another updateTestTree"; return; } qCDebug(LOG) << "adding singleShot"; m_singleShotScheduled = true; QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, [this]() { updateTestTree(m_updateParsers); }); } void TestCodeParser::updateTestTree(const QSet &parsers) { m_singleShotScheduled = false; if (m_codeModelParsing) { m_postponedUpdateType = UpdateType::FullUpdate; m_postponedFiles.clear(); if (parsers.isEmpty()) { m_updateParsers.clear(); } else { for (ITestParser *parser : parsers) m_updateParsers.insert(parser); } return; } if (!SessionManager::startupProject()) return; m_postponedUpdateType = UpdateType::NoUpdate; qCDebug(LOG) << "calling scanForTests (updateTestTree)"; QList sortedParsers = Utils::toList(parsers); Utils::sort(sortedParsers, [](const ITestParser *lhs, const ITestParser *rhs) { return lhs->framework()->priority() < rhs->framework()->priority(); }); scanForTests(Utils::FilePaths(), sortedParsers); } /****** threaded parsing stuff *******/ void TestCodeParser::onDocumentUpdated(const Utils::FilePath &fileName, bool isQmlFile) { if (m_codeModelParsing || m_postponedUpdateType == UpdateType::FullUpdate) return; Project *project = SessionManager::startupProject(); if (!project) return; // Quick tests: qml files aren't necessarily listed inside project files if (!isQmlFile && !project->isKnownFile(fileName)) return; scanForTests(Utils::FilePaths{fileName}); } void TestCodeParser::onCppDocumentUpdated(const CPlusPlus::Document::Ptr &document) { onDocumentUpdated(Utils::FilePath::fromString(document->fileName())); } void TestCodeParser::onQmlDocumentUpdated(const QmlJS::Document::Ptr &document) { const QString fileName = document->fileName(); if (!fileName.endsWith(".qbs")) onDocumentUpdated(Utils::FilePath::fromString(fileName), true); } void TestCodeParser::onStartupProjectChanged(Project *project) { if (m_parserState == FullParse || m_parserState == PartialParse) { qCDebug(LOG) << "Canceling scanForTest (startup project changed)"; Core::ProgressManager::cancelTasks(Constants::TASK_PARSE); } emit aboutToPerformFullParse(); if (project) emitUpdateTestTree(); } void TestCodeParser::onProjectPartsUpdated(Project *project) { if (project != SessionManager::startupProject()) return; if (m_codeModelParsing) m_postponedUpdateType = UpdateType::FullUpdate; else emitUpdateTestTree(); } void TestCodeParser::aboutToShutdown() { qCDebug(LOG) << "Disabling (immediately) - shutting down"; State oldState = m_parserState; m_parserState = Shutdown; if (oldState == PartialParse || oldState == FullParse) { m_futureWatcher.cancel(); m_futureWatcher.waitForFinished(); } } bool TestCodeParser::postponed(const Utils::FilePaths &fileList) { switch (m_parserState) { case Idle: if (fileList.size() == 1) { if (m_reparseTimerTimedOut) return false; switch (m_postponedFiles.size()) { case 0: m_postponedFiles.insert(fileList.first()); m_reparseTimer.setInterval(1000); m_reparseTimer.start(); return true; case 1: if (m_postponedFiles.contains(fileList.first())) { m_reparseTimer.start(); return true; } Q_FALLTHROUGH(); default: m_postponedFiles.insert(fileList.first()); m_reparseTimer.stop(); m_reparseTimer.setInterval(0); m_reparseTimerTimedOut = false; m_reparseTimer.start(); return true; } } return false; case PartialParse: case FullParse: // parse is running, postponing a full parse if (fileList.isEmpty()) { m_postponedFiles.clear(); m_postponedUpdateType = UpdateType::FullUpdate; qCDebug(LOG) << "Canceling scanForTest (full parse triggered while running a scan)"; Core::ProgressManager::cancelTasks(Constants::TASK_PARSE); } else { // partial parse triggered, but full parse is postponed already, ignoring this if (m_postponedUpdateType == UpdateType::FullUpdate) return true; // partial parse triggered, postpone or add current files to already postponed partial for (const Utils::FilePath &file : fileList) m_postponedFiles.insert(file); m_postponedUpdateType = UpdateType::PartialUpdate; } return true; case Shutdown: break; } QTC_ASSERT(false, return false); // should not happen at all } static void parseFileForTests(const QList &parsers, QFutureInterface &futureInterface, const Utils::FilePath &fileName) { for (ITestParser *parser : parsers) { if (futureInterface.isCanceled()) return; if (parser->processDocument(futureInterface, fileName)) break; } } void TestCodeParser::scanForTests(const Utils::FilePaths &fileList, const QList &parsers) { if (m_parserState == Shutdown || m_testCodeParsers.isEmpty()) return; if (postponed(fileList)) return; m_reparseTimer.stop(); m_reparseTimerTimedOut = false; m_postponedFiles.clear(); bool isFullParse = fileList.isEmpty(); Project *project = SessionManager::startupProject(); if (!project) return; Utils::FilePaths list; if (isFullParse) { list = project->files(Project::SourceFiles); if (list.isEmpty()) { // at least project file should be there, but might happen if parsing current project // takes too long, especially when opening sessions holding multiple projects qCDebug(LOG) << "File list empty (FullParse) - trying again in a sec"; emitUpdateTestTree(); return; } qCDebug(LOG) << "setting state to FullParse (scanForTests)"; m_parserState = FullParse; } else { list << fileList; qCDebug(LOG) << "setting state to PartialParse (scanForTests)"; m_parserState = PartialParse; } m_parsingHasFailed = false; TestTreeModel::instance()->updateCheckStateCache(); if (isFullParse) { // remove qml files as they will be found automatically by the referencing cpp file list = Utils::filtered(list, [] (const Utils::FilePath &fn) { return !fn.endsWith(".qml"); }); if (!parsers.isEmpty()) { for (ITestParser *parser : parsers) { parser->framework()->rootNode()->markForRemovalRecursively(true); } } else { emit requestRemoveAllFrameworkItems(); } } else if (!parsers.isEmpty()) { for (ITestParser *parser: parsers) { for (const Utils::FilePath &filePath : qAsConst(list)) parser->framework()->rootNode()->markForRemovalRecursively(filePath); } } else { for (const Utils::FilePath &filePath : qAsConst(list)) emit requestRemoval(filePath); } QTC_ASSERT(!(isFullParse && list.isEmpty()), onFinished(); return); // use only a single parser or all current active? const QList codeParsers = parsers.isEmpty() ? m_testCodeParsers : parsers; qCDebug(LOG) << QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("hh:mm:ss.zzz") << "StartParsing"; for (ITestParser *parser : codeParsers) parser->init(list, isFullParse); QFuture future = Utils::map(list, [codeParsers](QFutureInterface &fi, const Utils::FilePath &file) { parseFileForTests(codeParsers, fi, file); }, Utils::MapReduceOption::Unordered, m_threadPool, QThread::LowestPriority); m_futureWatcher.setFuture(future); if (list.size() > 5) { Core::ProgressManager::addTask(future, tr("Scanning for Tests"), Autotest::Constants::TASK_PARSE); } } void TestCodeParser::onTaskStarted(Utils::Id type) { if (type == CppEditor::Constants::TASK_INDEX) { m_codeModelParsing = true; if (m_parserState == FullParse || m_parserState == PartialParse) { m_postponedUpdateType = m_parserState == FullParse ? UpdateType::FullUpdate : UpdateType::PartialUpdate; qCDebug(LOG) << "Canceling scan for test (CppModelParsing started)"; m_parsingHasFailed = true; Core::ProgressManager::cancelTasks(Constants::TASK_PARSE); } } } void TestCodeParser::onAllTasksFinished(Utils::Id type) { // if we cancel parsing ensure that progress animation is canceled as well if (type == Constants::TASK_PARSE && m_parsingHasFailed) emit parsingFailed(); // only CPP parsing is relevant as we trigger Qml parsing internally anyway if (type != CppEditor::Constants::TASK_INDEX) return; m_codeModelParsing = false; // avoid illegal parser state if respective widgets became hidden while parsing setState(Idle); } void TestCodeParser::onFinished() { if (m_futureWatcher.isCanceled()) m_parsingHasFailed = true; switch (m_parserState) { case PartialParse: qCDebug(LOG) << "setting state to Idle (onFinished, PartialParse)"; m_parserState = Idle; onPartialParsingFinished(); qCDebug(LOG) << QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("hh:mm:ss.zzz") << "PartParsingFin"; break; case FullParse: qCDebug(LOG) << "setting state to Idle (onFinished, FullParse)"; m_parserState = Idle; m_dirty = m_parsingHasFailed; if (m_postponedUpdateType != UpdateType::NoUpdate || m_parsingHasFailed) { onPartialParsingFinished(); } else { qCDebug(LOG) << "emitting parsingFinished" << "(onFinished, FullParse, nothing postponed, parsing succeeded)"; m_updateParsers.clear(); emit parsingFinished(); qCDebug(LOG) << QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("hh:mm:ss.zzz") << "ParsingFin"; } m_dirty = false; break; case Shutdown: qCDebug(LOG) << "Shutdown complete - not emitting parsingFinished (onFinished)"; break; default: qWarning("I should not be here... State: %d", m_parserState); break; } } void TestCodeParser::onPartialParsingFinished() { const UpdateType oldType = m_postponedUpdateType; m_postponedUpdateType = UpdateType::NoUpdate; switch (oldType) { case UpdateType::FullUpdate: qCDebug(LOG) << "calling updateTestTree (onPartialParsingFinished)"; updateTestTree(m_updateParsers); break; case UpdateType::PartialUpdate: qCDebug(LOG) << "calling scanForTests with postponed files (onPartialParsingFinished)"; if (!m_reparseTimer.isActive()) scanForTests(Utils::toList(m_postponedFiles)); break; case UpdateType::NoUpdate: m_dirty |= m_codeModelParsing; if (m_dirty) { emit parsingFailed(); qCDebug(LOG) << QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("hh:mm:ss.zzz") << "ParsingFail"; } else if (!m_singleShotScheduled) { qCDebug(LOG) << "emitting parsingFinished" << "(onPartialParsingFinished, nothing postponed, not dirty)"; m_updateParsers.clear(); emit parsingFinished(); qCDebug(LOG) << QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("hh:mm:ss.zzz") << "ParsingFin"; } else { qCDebug(LOG) << "not emitting parsingFinished" << "(on PartialParsingFinished, singleshot scheduled)"; } break; } } void TestCodeParser::parsePostponedFiles() { m_reparseTimerTimedOut = true; scanForTests(Utils::toList(m_postponedFiles)); } void TestCodeParser::releaseParserInternals() { for (ITestParser *parser : qAsConst(m_testCodeParsers)) parser->release(); } } // namespace Internal } // namespace Autotest