// Copyright (C) 2016 BogDan Vatra // Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 #pragma once #include "androiddeviceinfo.h" #include #include #include #include #include namespace Utils { class QtcProcess; } namespace Android::Internal { class AndroidDeployQtStepFactory : public ProjectExplorer::BuildStepFactory { public: AndroidDeployQtStepFactory(); }; class AndroidDeployQtStep : public ProjectExplorer::BuildStep { Q_OBJECT enum DeployErrorCode { NoError = 0, InconsistentCertificates = 0x0001, UpdateIncompatible = 0x0002, PermissionModelDowngrade = 0x0004, VersionDowngrade = 0x0008, Failure = 0x0010 }; public: AndroidDeployQtStep(ProjectExplorer::BuildStepList *bc, Utils::Id id); signals: void askForUninstall(DeployErrorCode errorCode); private: void runCommand(const Utils::CommandLine &command); bool init() override; void doRun() override; void doCancel() override; void gatherFilesToPull(); DeployErrorCode runDeploy(); void slotAskForUninstall(DeployErrorCode errorCode); void runImpl(QFutureInterface &fi); QWidget *createConfigWidget() override; void processReadyReadStdOutput(DeployErrorCode &errorCode); void stdOutput(const QString &line); void processReadyReadStdError(DeployErrorCode &errorCode); void stdError(const QString &line); DeployErrorCode parseDeployErrors(const QString &deployOutputLine) const; friend void operator|=(DeployErrorCode &e1, const DeployErrorCode &e2) { e1 = static_cast((int)e1 | (int)e2); } friend DeployErrorCode operator|(const DeployErrorCode &e1, const DeployErrorCode &e2) { return static_cast((int)e1 | (int)e2); } void reportWarningOrError(const QString &message, ProjectExplorer::Task::TaskType type); Utils::FilePath m_manifestName; QString m_serialNumber; QString m_avdName; Utils::FilePath m_apkPath; QMap m_filesToPull; QStringList m_androidABIs; Utils::BoolAspect *m_uninstallPreviousPackage = nullptr; bool m_uninstallPreviousPackageRun = false; bool m_useAndroiddeployqt = false; bool m_askForUninstall = false; static const Utils::Id Id; Utils::CommandLine m_androiddeployqtArgs; Utils::FilePath m_adbPath; Utils::FilePath m_command; Utils::FilePath m_workingDirectory; Utils::Environment m_environment; AndroidDeviceInfo m_deviceInfo; Utils::FutureSynchronizer m_synchronizer; }; } // Android::Internal