/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator. ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms ** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further ** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following ** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will ** be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html. ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "pathchooser.h" #include "environment.h" #include "qtcassert.h" #include "synchronousprocess.h" #include "hostosinfo.h" #include "theme/theme.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include /*! \class Utils::PathChooser \brief The PathChooser class is a control that lets the user choose a path, consisting of a QLineEdit and a "Browse" button. This class has some validation logic for embedding into QWizardPage. */ static QString appBundleExpandedPath(const QString &path) { if (Utils::HostOsInfo::hostOs() == Utils::OsTypeMac && path.endsWith(".app")) { // possibly expand to Foo.app/Contents/MacOS/Foo QFileInfo info(path); if (info.isDir()) { QString exePath = path + "/Contents/MacOS/" + info.completeBaseName(); if (QFileInfo::exists(exePath)) return exePath; } } return path; } Utils::PathChooser::AboutToShowContextMenuHandler Utils::PathChooser::s_aboutToShowContextMenuHandler; namespace Utils { // ------------------ BinaryVersionToolTipEventFilter // Event filter to be installed on a lineedit used for entering // executables, taking the arguments to print the version ('--version'). // On a tooltip event, the version is obtained by running the binary and // setting its stdout as tooltip. class BinaryVersionToolTipEventFilter : public QObject { public: explicit BinaryVersionToolTipEventFilter(QLineEdit *le); virtual bool eventFilter(QObject *, QEvent *); QStringList arguments() const { return m_arguments; } void setArguments(const QStringList &arguments) { m_arguments = arguments; } static QString toolVersion(const QString &binary, const QStringList &arguments); private: // Extension point for concatenating existing tooltips. virtual QString defaultToolTip() const { return QString(); } QStringList m_arguments; }; BinaryVersionToolTipEventFilter::BinaryVersionToolTipEventFilter(QLineEdit *le) : QObject(le) { le->installEventFilter(this); } bool BinaryVersionToolTipEventFilter::eventFilter(QObject *o, QEvent *e) { if (e->type() != QEvent::ToolTip) return false; QLineEdit *le = qobject_cast(o); QTC_ASSERT(le, return false); const QString binary = le->text(); if (!binary.isEmpty()) { const QString version = BinaryVersionToolTipEventFilter::toolVersion(QDir::cleanPath(binary), m_arguments); if (!version.isEmpty()) { // Concatenate tooltips. QString tooltip = ""; const QString defaultValue = defaultToolTip(); if (!defaultValue.isEmpty()) { tooltip += "

"; tooltip += defaultValue; tooltip += "

"; } tooltip += "
            tooltip += version;
            tooltip += "
"; le->setToolTip(tooltip); } } return false; } QString BinaryVersionToolTipEventFilter::toolVersion(const QString &binary, const QStringList &arguments) { if (binary.isEmpty()) return QString(); SynchronousProcess proc; proc.setTimeoutS(1); SynchronousProcessResponse response = proc.runBlocking(binary, arguments); if (response.result != SynchronousProcessResponse::Finished) return QString(); return response.allOutput(); } // Extends BinaryVersionToolTipEventFilter to prepend the existing pathchooser // tooltip to display the full path. class PathChooserBinaryVersionToolTipEventFilter : public BinaryVersionToolTipEventFilter { public: explicit PathChooserBinaryVersionToolTipEventFilter(PathChooser *pe) : BinaryVersionToolTipEventFilter(pe->lineEdit()), m_pathChooser(pe) {} private: virtual QString defaultToolTip() const { return m_pathChooser->errorMessage(); } const PathChooser *m_pathChooser = nullptr; }; // ------------------ PathChooserPrivate class PathChooserPrivate { public: PathChooserPrivate(); QString expandedPath(const QString &path) const; QHBoxLayout *m_hLayout = nullptr; FancyLineEdit *m_lineEdit = nullptr; PathChooser::Kind m_acceptingKind; QString m_dialogTitleOverride; QString m_dialogFilter; QString m_initialBrowsePathOverride; QString m_baseDirectory; Environment m_environment; BinaryVersionToolTipEventFilter *m_binaryVersionToolTipEventFilter = nullptr; QList m_buttons; }; PathChooserPrivate::PathChooserPrivate() : m_hLayout(new QHBoxLayout), m_lineEdit(new FancyLineEdit), m_acceptingKind(PathChooser::ExistingDirectory) { } QString PathChooserPrivate::expandedPath(const QString &input) const { if (input.isEmpty()) return input; const QString path = FileName::fromUserInput(m_environment.expandVariables(input)).toString(); if (path.isEmpty()) return path; switch (m_acceptingKind) { case PathChooser::Command: case PathChooser::ExistingCommand: { const FileName expanded = m_environment.searchInPath(path, {FileName::fromString(m_baseDirectory)}); return expanded.isEmpty() ? path : expanded.toString(); } case PathChooser::Any: break; case PathChooser::Directory: case PathChooser::ExistingDirectory: case PathChooser::File: case PathChooser::SaveFile: if (!m_baseDirectory.isEmpty() && QFileInfo(path).isRelative()) return QFileInfo(m_baseDirectory + '/' + path).absoluteFilePath(); break; } return path; } PathChooser::PathChooser(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), d(new PathChooserPrivate) { d->m_hLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); d->m_lineEdit->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); connect(d->m_lineEdit, &FancyLineEdit::customContextMenuRequested, this, &PathChooser::contextMenuRequested); connect(d->m_lineEdit, &FancyLineEdit::validReturnPressed, this, &PathChooser::returnPressed); connect(d->m_lineEdit, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this, [this] { emit rawPathChanged(rawPath()); }); connect(d->m_lineEdit, &FancyLineEdit::validChanged, this, &PathChooser::validChanged); connect(d->m_lineEdit, &QLineEdit::editingFinished, this, &PathChooser::editingFinished); connect(d->m_lineEdit, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this, [this] { emit pathChanged(path()); }); d->m_lineEdit->setMinimumWidth(120); d->m_lineEdit->setErrorColor(creatorTheme()->color(Theme::TextColorError)); d->m_hLayout->addWidget(d->m_lineEdit); d->m_hLayout->setSizeConstraint(QLayout::SetMinimumSize); addButton(browseButtonLabel(), this, [this] { slotBrowse(); }); setLayout(d->m_hLayout); setFocusProxy(d->m_lineEdit); setFocusPolicy(d->m_lineEdit->focusPolicy()); setEnvironment(Environment::systemEnvironment()); d->m_lineEdit->setValidationFunction(defaultValidationFunction()); } PathChooser::~PathChooser() { // Since it is our focusProxy it can receive focus-out and emit the signal // even when the possible ancestor-receiver is in mid of its destruction. disconnect(d->m_lineEdit, &QLineEdit::editingFinished, this, &PathChooser::editingFinished); delete d; } void PathChooser::addButton(const QString &text, QObject *context, const std::function &callback) { insertButton(d->m_buttons.count(), text, context, callback); } void PathChooser::insertButton(int index, const QString &text, QObject *context, const std::function &callback) { auto button = new QPushButton; button->setText(text); connect(button, &QAbstractButton::clicked, context, callback); d->m_hLayout->insertWidget(index + 1/*line edit*/, button); d->m_buttons.insert(index, button); } QString PathChooser::browseButtonLabel() { return HostOsInfo::isMacHost() ? tr("Choose...") : tr("Browse..."); } QAbstractButton *PathChooser::buttonAtIndex(int index) const { return d->m_buttons.at(index); } QString PathChooser::baseDirectory() const { return d->m_baseDirectory; } void PathChooser::setBaseDirectory(const QString &directory) { if (d->m_baseDirectory == directory) return; d->m_baseDirectory = directory; triggerChanged(); } FileName PathChooser::baseFileName() const { return FileName::fromString(d->m_baseDirectory); } void PathChooser::setBaseFileName(const FileName &base) { setBaseDirectory(base.toString()); } void PathChooser::setEnvironment(const Environment &env) { QString oldExpand = path(); d->m_environment = env; if (path() != oldExpand) { triggerChanged(); emit rawPathChanged(rawPath()); } } QString PathChooser::rawPath() const { return rawFileName().toString(); } QString PathChooser::path() const { return fileName().toString(); } FileName PathChooser::rawFileName() const { return FileName::fromString(QDir::fromNativeSeparators(d->m_lineEdit->text())); } FileName PathChooser::fileName() const { return FileName::fromUserInput(d->expandedPath(rawFileName().toString())); } // FIXME: try to remove again QString PathChooser::expandedDirectory(const QString &input, const Environment &env, const QString &baseDir) { if (input.isEmpty()) return input; const QString path = QDir::cleanPath(env.expandVariables(input)); if (path.isEmpty()) return path; if (!baseDir.isEmpty() && QFileInfo(path).isRelative()) return QFileInfo(baseDir + '/' + path).absoluteFilePath(); return path; } void PathChooser::setPath(const QString &path) { d->m_lineEdit->setText(QDir::toNativeSeparators(path)); } void PathChooser::setFileName(const FileName &fn) { d->m_lineEdit->setText(fn.toUserOutput()); } void PathChooser::setErrorColor(const QColor &errorColor) { d->m_lineEdit->setErrorColor(errorColor); } void PathChooser::setOkColor(const QColor &okColor) { d->m_lineEdit->setOkColor(okColor); } bool PathChooser::isReadOnly() const { return d->m_lineEdit->isReadOnly(); } void PathChooser::setReadOnly(bool b) { d->m_lineEdit->setReadOnly(b); const auto buttons = d->m_buttons; for (QAbstractButton *button : buttons) button->setEnabled(!b); } void PathChooser::slotBrowse() { emit beforeBrowsing(); QString predefined = path(); QFileInfo fi(predefined); if (!predefined.isEmpty() && !fi.isDir()) { predefined = fi.path(); fi.setFile(predefined); } if ((predefined.isEmpty() || !fi.isDir()) && !d->m_initialBrowsePathOverride.isNull()) { predefined = d->m_initialBrowsePathOverride; fi.setFile(predefined); if (!fi.isDir()) { predefined.clear(); fi.setFile(QString()); } } // Prompt for a file/dir QString newPath; switch (d->m_acceptingKind) { case PathChooser::Directory: case PathChooser::ExistingDirectory: newPath = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this, makeDialogTitle(tr("Choose Directory")), predefined); break; case PathChooser::ExistingCommand: case PathChooser::Command: newPath = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, makeDialogTitle(tr("Choose Executable")), predefined, d->m_dialogFilter); newPath = appBundleExpandedPath(newPath); break; case PathChooser::File: // fall through newPath = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, makeDialogTitle(tr("Choose File")), predefined, d->m_dialogFilter); newPath = appBundleExpandedPath(newPath); break; case PathChooser::SaveFile: newPath = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, makeDialogTitle(tr("Choose File")), predefined, d->m_dialogFilter); break; case PathChooser::Any: { QFileDialog dialog(this); dialog.setFileMode(QFileDialog::AnyFile); dialog.setWindowTitle(makeDialogTitle(tr("Choose File"))); if (fi.exists()) dialog.setDirectory(fi.absolutePath()); // FIXME: fix QFileDialog so that it filters properly: lib*.a dialog.setNameFilter(d->m_dialogFilter); if (dialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { // probably loop here until the *.framework dir match QStringList paths = dialog.selectedFiles(); if (!paths.isEmpty()) newPath = paths.at(0); } break; } default: break; } // Delete trailing slashes unless it is "/"|"\\", only if (!newPath.isEmpty()) { newPath = QDir::toNativeSeparators(newPath); if (newPath.size() > 1 && newPath.endsWith(QDir::separator())) newPath.truncate(newPath.size() - 1); setPath(newPath); } emit browsingFinished(); triggerChanged(); } void PathChooser::contextMenuRequested(const QPoint &pos) { if (QMenu *menu = d->m_lineEdit->createStandardContextMenu()) { menu->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); if (s_aboutToShowContextMenuHandler) s_aboutToShowContextMenuHandler(this, menu); menu->popup(d->m_lineEdit->mapToGlobal(pos)); } } bool PathChooser::isValid() const { return d->m_lineEdit->isValid(); } QString PathChooser::errorMessage() const { return d->m_lineEdit->errorMessage(); } void PathChooser::triggerChanged() { d->m_lineEdit->validate(); } void PathChooser::setAboutToShowContextMenuHandler(PathChooser::AboutToShowContextMenuHandler handler) { s_aboutToShowContextMenuHandler = handler; } QColor PathChooser::errorColor() const { return d->m_lineEdit->errorColor(); } QColor PathChooser::okColor() const { return d->m_lineEdit->okColor(); } FancyLineEdit::ValidationFunction PathChooser::defaultValidationFunction() const { return std::bind(&PathChooser::validatePath, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2); } bool PathChooser::validatePath(FancyLineEdit *edit, QString *errorMessage) const { const QString path = edit->text(); QString expandedPath = d->expandedPath(path); if (path.isEmpty()) { if (errorMessage) *errorMessage = tr("The path must not be empty."); return false; } if (expandedPath.isEmpty()) { if (errorMessage) *errorMessage = tr("The path \"%1\" expanded to an empty string.").arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(path)); return false; } const QFileInfo fi(expandedPath); // Check if existing switch (d->m_acceptingKind) { case PathChooser::ExistingDirectory: // fall through if (!fi.exists()) { if (errorMessage) *errorMessage = tr("The path \"%1\" does not exist.").arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(expandedPath)); return false; } if (!fi.isDir()) { if (errorMessage) *errorMessage = tr("The path \"%1\" is not a directory.").arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(expandedPath)); return false; } break; case PathChooser::File: // fall through if (!fi.exists()) { if (errorMessage) *errorMessage = tr("The path \"%1\" does not exist.").arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(expandedPath)); return false; } if (!fi.isFile()) { if (errorMessage) *errorMessage = tr("The path \"%1\" is not a file.").arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(expandedPath)); return false; } break; case PathChooser::SaveFile: if (!fi.absoluteDir().exists()) { if (errorMessage) *errorMessage = tr("The directory \"%1\" does not exist.").arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(fi.absolutePath())); return false; } if (fi.exists() && fi.isDir()) { if (errorMessage) *errorMessage = tr("The path \"%1\" is not a file.").arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(fi.absolutePath())); return false; } break; case PathChooser::ExistingCommand: if (!fi.exists()) { if (errorMessage) *errorMessage = tr("The path \"%1\" does not exist.").arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(expandedPath)); return false; } if (!fi.isFile() || !fi.isExecutable()) { if (errorMessage) *errorMessage = tr("The path \"%1\" is not an executable file.").arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(expandedPath)); return false; } break; case PathChooser::Directory: if (fi.exists() && !fi.isDir()) { if (errorMessage) *errorMessage = tr("The path \"%1\" is not a directory.").arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(expandedPath)); return false; } break; case PathChooser::Command: // fall through if (fi.exists() && !fi.isExecutable()) { if (errorMessage) *errorMessage = tr("Cannot execute \"%1\".").arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(expandedPath)); return false; } break; default: ; } if (errorMessage) *errorMessage = tr("Full path: \"%1\"").arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(expandedPath)); return true; } void PathChooser::setValidationFunction(const FancyLineEdit::ValidationFunction &fn) { d->m_lineEdit->setValidationFunction(fn); } QString PathChooser::label() { return tr("Path:"); } QString PathChooser::homePath() { // Return 'users//Documents' on Windows, since Windows explorer // does not let people actually display the contents of their home // directory. Alternatively, create a QtCreator-specific directory? if (HostOsInfo::isWindowsHost()) return QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::DocumentsLocation); return QDir::homePath(); } void PathChooser::setExpectedKind(Kind expected) { if (d->m_acceptingKind == expected) return; d->m_acceptingKind = expected; d->m_lineEdit->validate(); } PathChooser::Kind PathChooser::expectedKind() const { return d->m_acceptingKind; } void PathChooser::setPromptDialogTitle(const QString &title) { d->m_dialogTitleOverride = title; } QString PathChooser::promptDialogTitle() const { return d->m_dialogTitleOverride; } void PathChooser::setPromptDialogFilter(const QString &filter) { d->m_dialogFilter = filter; } QString PathChooser::promptDialogFilter() const { return d->m_dialogFilter; } void PathChooser::setInitialBrowsePathBackup(const QString &path) { d->m_initialBrowsePathOverride = path; } QString PathChooser::makeDialogTitle(const QString &title) { if (d->m_dialogTitleOverride.isNull()) return title; else return d->m_dialogTitleOverride; } FancyLineEdit *PathChooser::lineEdit() const { // HACK: Make it work with HistoryCompleter. if (d->m_lineEdit->objectName().isEmpty()) d->m_lineEdit->setObjectName(objectName() + "LineEdit"); return d->m_lineEdit; } QString PathChooser::toolVersion(const QString &binary, const QStringList &arguments) { return BinaryVersionToolTipEventFilter::toolVersion(binary, arguments); } void PathChooser::installLineEditVersionToolTip(QLineEdit *le, const QStringList &arguments) { BinaryVersionToolTipEventFilter *ef = new BinaryVersionToolTipEventFilter(le); ef->setArguments(arguments); } void PathChooser::setHistoryCompleter(const QString &historyKey, bool restoreLastItemFromHistory) { d->m_lineEdit->setHistoryCompleter(historyKey, restoreLastItemFromHistory); } QStringList PathChooser::commandVersionArguments() const { return d->m_binaryVersionToolTipEventFilter ? d->m_binaryVersionToolTipEventFilter->arguments() : QStringList(); } void PathChooser::setCommandVersionArguments(const QStringList &arguments) { if (arguments.isEmpty()) { if (d->m_binaryVersionToolTipEventFilter) { delete d->m_binaryVersionToolTipEventFilter; d->m_binaryVersionToolTipEventFilter = nullptr; } } else { if (!d->m_binaryVersionToolTipEventFilter) d->m_binaryVersionToolTipEventFilter = new PathChooserBinaryVersionToolTipEventFilter(this); d->m_binaryVersionToolTipEventFilter->setArguments(arguments); } } } // namespace Utils