/************************************************************************** ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator ** ** Copyright (c) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). ** ** Contact: Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com) ** ** ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage ** ** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and ** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this file. ** Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General ** Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met: ** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html. ** ** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional ** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package. ** ** Other Usage ** ** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms and ** conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you and Nokia. ** ** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact ** Nokia at qt-info@nokia.com. ** **************************************************************************/ #include "filesystemwatcher.h" #include #include #include #include #include enum { debug = 0 }; // Returns upper limit of file handles that can be opened by this process at // once. (which is limited on MacOS, exceeding it will probably result in // crashes). static inline quint64 getFileLimit() { #ifdef Q_OS_MAC struct rlimit rl; getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rl); return rl.rlim_cur; // quint64 #else return 0xFFFFFFFF; #endif } /*! \class Utils::FileSystemWatcher \brief File watcher that internally uses a centralized QFileSystemWatcher and enforces limits on Mac OS. \section1 Design Considerations Constructing/Destructing a QFileSystemWatcher is expensive. This can be worked around by using a centralized watcher. \note It is (still) possible to create several instances of a QFileSystemWatcher by passing an (arbitrary) integer id != 0 to the constructor. This allows separating watchers that easily exceed operating system limits from others (see below). \section1 Mac OS Specifics There is a hard limit on the number of file handles that can be open at one point per process on Mac OS X (e.g. it is 2560 on Mac OS X Snow Leopard Server, as shown by \c{ulimit -a}). Opening one or several \c .qmlproject's with a large number of directories to watch easily exceeds this. The results are crashes later on, e.g. when threads cannot be created any more. This class implements a heuristic that the file system watcher used for \c .qmlproject files never uses more than half the number of available file handles. It also increases the number from \c rlim_cur to \c rlim_max - the old code in main.cpp failed, see last section in \l{http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Darwin/Reference/ManPages/man2/setrlimit.2.html} for details. */ namespace Utils { // Centralized file watcher static data per integer id. class FileSystemWatcherStaticData { public: FileSystemWatcherStaticData() : maxFileOpen(getFileLimit()) , m_objectCount(0), m_watcher(0) {} quint64 maxFileOpen; int m_objectCount; QHash m_fileCount; QHash m_directoryCount; QFileSystemWatcher *m_watcher; }; typedef QMap FileSystemWatcherStaticDataMap; Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(FileSystemWatcherStaticDataMap, fileSystemWatcherStaticDataMap) class WatchEntry { public: typedef FileSystemWatcher::WatchMode WatchMode; explicit WatchEntry(const QString &file, WatchMode wm) : watchMode(wm), modifiedTime(QFileInfo(file).lastModified()) {} WatchEntry() : watchMode(FileSystemWatcher::WatchAllChanges) {} bool trigger(const QString &fileName); WatchMode watchMode; QDateTime modifiedTime; }; // Check if watch should trigger on signal considering watchmode. bool WatchEntry::trigger(const QString &fileName) { if (watchMode == FileSystemWatcher::WatchAllChanges) return true; // Modified changed? const QFileInfo fi(fileName); const QDateTime newModifiedTime = fi.exists() ? fi.lastModified() : QDateTime(); if (newModifiedTime != modifiedTime) { modifiedTime = newModifiedTime; return true; } return false; } typedef QHash WatchEntryMap; typedef WatchEntryMap::iterator WatchEntryMapIterator; class FileSystemWatcherPrivate { public: explicit FileSystemWatcherPrivate(int id) : m_id(id), m_staticData(0) {} WatchEntryMap m_files; WatchEntryMap m_directories; bool checkLimit() const; const int m_id; FileSystemWatcherStaticData *m_staticData; }; bool FileSystemWatcherPrivate::checkLimit() const { // We are potentially watching a _lot_ of directories. This might crash // qtcreator when we hit the upper limit. // Heuristic is therefore: Do not use more than half of the file handles // available in THIS watcher. return quint64(m_directories.size() + m_files.size()) < (m_staticData->maxFileOpen / 2); } /*! \brief Add to watcher 0. */ FileSystemWatcher::FileSystemWatcher(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), d(new FileSystemWatcherPrivate(0)) { init(); } /*! \brief Add to a watcher with specified id. */ FileSystemWatcher::FileSystemWatcher(int id, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), d(new FileSystemWatcherPrivate(id)) { init(); } void FileSystemWatcher::init() { // Check for id in map/ FileSystemWatcherStaticDataMap &map = *fileSystemWatcherStaticDataMap(); FileSystemWatcherStaticDataMap::iterator it = map.find(d->m_id); if (it == map.end()) it = map.insert(d->m_id, FileSystemWatcherStaticData()); d->m_staticData = &it.value(); if (!d->m_staticData->m_watcher) { d->m_staticData->m_watcher = new QFileSystemWatcher(); if (debug) qDebug() << this << "Created watcher for id " << d->m_id; } ++(d->m_staticData->m_objectCount); connect(d->m_staticData->m_watcher, SIGNAL(fileChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(slotFileChanged(QString))); connect(d->m_staticData->m_watcher, SIGNAL(directoryChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(slotDirectoryChanged(QString))); } FileSystemWatcher::~FileSystemWatcher() { if (!d->m_files.isEmpty()) removeFiles(files()); if (!d->m_directories.isEmpty()) removeDirectories(directories()); if (--(d->m_staticData->m_objectCount) == 0) { delete d->m_staticData->m_watcher; d->m_staticData->m_watcher = 0; d->m_staticData->m_fileCount.clear(); d->m_staticData->m_directoryCount.clear(); if (debug) qDebug() << this << "Deleted watcher" << d->m_id; } delete d; } bool FileSystemWatcher::watchesFile(const QString &file) const { return d->m_files.contains(file); } void FileSystemWatcher::addFile(const QString &file, WatchMode wm) { addFiles(QStringList(file), wm); } void FileSystemWatcher::addFiles(const QStringList &files, WatchMode wm) { if (debug) qDebug() << this << d->m_id << "addFiles mode=" << wm << files << " limit currently: " << (d->m_files.size() + d->m_directories.size()) << " of " << d->m_staticData->maxFileOpen; QStringList toAdd; foreach (const QString &file, files) { if (watchesFile(file)) { qWarning("FileSystemWatcher: File %s is already being watched", qPrintable(file)); continue; } if (!d->checkLimit()) { qWarning("File %s is not watched: Too many file handles are already open (max is %u).", qPrintable(file), unsigned(d->m_staticData->maxFileOpen)); break; } d->m_files.insert(file, WatchEntry(file, wm)); const int count = ++d->m_staticData->m_fileCount[file]; Q_ASSERT(count > 0); if (count == 1) toAdd << file; } if (!toAdd.isEmpty()) d->m_staticData->m_watcher->addPaths(toAdd); } void FileSystemWatcher::removeFile(const QString &file) { removeFiles(QStringList(file)); } void FileSystemWatcher::removeFiles(const QStringList &files) { if (debug) qDebug() << this << d->m_id << "removeFiles " << files; QStringList toRemove; foreach (const QString &file, files) { WatchEntryMapIterator it = d->m_files.find(file); if (it == d->m_files.end()) { qWarning("FileSystemWatcher: File %s is not watched.", qPrintable(file)); continue; } d->m_files.erase(it); const int count = --(d->m_staticData->m_fileCount[file]); Q_ASSERT(count >= 0); if (!count) { toRemove << file; } } if (!toRemove.isEmpty()) d->m_staticData->m_watcher->removePaths(toRemove); } QStringList FileSystemWatcher::files() const { return d->m_files.keys(); } bool FileSystemWatcher::watchesDirectory(const QString &directory) const { return d->m_directories.contains(directory); } void FileSystemWatcher::addDirectory(const QString &directory, WatchMode wm) { addDirectories(QStringList(directory), wm); } void FileSystemWatcher::addDirectories(const QStringList &directories, WatchMode wm) { if (debug) qDebug() << this << d->m_id << "addDirectories mode " << wm << directories << " limit currently: " << (d->m_files.size() + d->m_directories.size()) << " of " << d->m_staticData->maxFileOpen; QStringList toAdd; foreach (const QString &directory, directories) { if (watchesDirectory(directory)) { qWarning("FileSystemWatcher: Directory %s is already being watched.", qPrintable(directory)); continue; } if (!d->checkLimit()) { qWarning("Directory %s is not watched: Too many file handles are already open (max is %u).", qPrintable(directory), unsigned(d->m_staticData->maxFileOpen)); break; } d->m_directories.insert(directory, WatchEntry(directory, wm)); const int count = ++d->m_staticData->m_directoryCount[directory]; Q_ASSERT(count > 0); if (count == 1) toAdd << directory; } if (!toAdd.isEmpty()) d->m_staticData->m_watcher->addPaths(toAdd); } void FileSystemWatcher::removeDirectory(const QString &directory) { removeDirectories(QStringList(directory)); } void FileSystemWatcher::removeDirectories(const QStringList &directories) { if (debug) qDebug() << this << d->m_id << "removeDirectories" << directories; QStringList toRemove; foreach (const QString &directory, directories) { WatchEntryMapIterator it = d->m_directories.find(directory); if (it == d->m_directories.end()) { qWarning("FileSystemWatcher: Directory %s is not watched.", qPrintable(directory)); continue; } d->m_directories.erase(it); const int count = --d->m_staticData->m_directoryCount[directory]; Q_ASSERT(count >= 0); if (!count) { toRemove << directory; } } if (!toRemove.isEmpty()) d->m_staticData->m_watcher->removePaths(toRemove); } QStringList FileSystemWatcher::directories() const { return d->m_directories.keys(); } void FileSystemWatcher::slotFileChanged(const QString &path) { const WatchEntryMapIterator it = d->m_files.find(path); if (it != d->m_files.end() && it.value().trigger(path)) { if (debug) qDebug() << this << "triggers on file " << path << it.value().watchMode << it.value().modifiedTime.toString(Qt::ISODate); emit fileChanged(path); } } void FileSystemWatcher::slotDirectoryChanged(const QString &path) { const WatchEntryMapIterator it = d->m_directories.find(path); if (it != d->m_directories.end() && it.value().trigger(path)) { if (debug) qDebug() << this << "triggers on dir " << path << it.value().watchMode << it.value().modifiedTime.toString(Qt::ISODate); emit directoryChanged(path); } } } // namespace Utils