/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2014 Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies). ** Contact: http://www.qt-project.org/legal ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator. ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and Digia. For licensing terms and ** conditions see http://www.qt.io/licensing. For further information ** use the contact form at http://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser ** General Public License version 2.1 or version 3 as published by the Free ** Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv21 and ** LICENSE.LGPLv3 included in the packaging of this file. Please review the ** following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License ** requirements will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html and ** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html. ** ** In addition, as a special exception, Digia gives you certain additional ** rights. These rights are described in the Digia Qt LGPL Exception ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package. ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "buildablehelperlibrary.h" #include "hostosinfo.h" #include "synchronousprocess.h" #include #include #include namespace Utils { bool BuildableHelperLibrary::isQtChooser(const QFileInfo &info) { return info.isSymLink() && info.symLinkTarget().endsWith(QLatin1String("/qtchooser")); } QString BuildableHelperLibrary::qtChooserToQmakePath(const QString &path) { const char toolDir[] = "QTTOOLDIR=\""; QProcess proc; proc.start(path, QStringList(QLatin1String("-print-env"))); if (!proc.waitForStarted(1000)) return QString(); if (!proc.waitForFinished(1000)) return QString(); QByteArray output = proc.readAllStandardOutput(); int pos = output.indexOf(toolDir); if (pos == -1) return QString(); pos += int(sizeof(toolDir)) - 1; int end = output.indexOf('\"', pos); if (end == -1) return QString(); QString result = QString::fromLocal8Bit(output.mid(pos, end - pos)) + QLatin1String("/qmake"); return result; } static bool isQmake(const QString &path) { if (path.isEmpty()) return false; QFileInfo fi(path); if (BuildableHelperLibrary::isQtChooser(fi)) fi.setFile(BuildableHelperLibrary::qtChooserToQmakePath(fi.symLinkTarget())); return !BuildableHelperLibrary::qtVersionForQMake(fi.absoluteFilePath()).isEmpty(); } FileName BuildableHelperLibrary::findSystemQt(const Environment &env) { const QString qmake = QLatin1String("qmake"); QStringList paths = env.path(); foreach (const QString &path, paths) { if (path.isEmpty()) continue; QDir dir(path); if (dir.exists(qmake)) { const QString qmakePath = dir.absoluteFilePath(qmake); if (isQmake(qmakePath)) return FileName::fromString(qmakePath); } // Prefer qmake-qt5 to qmake-qt4 by sorting the filenames in reverse order. foreach (const QFileInfo &fi, dir.entryInfoList(possibleQMakeCommands(), QDir::Files, QDir::Name | QDir::Reversed)) { if (fi.fileName() == qmake) continue; if (isQmake(fi.absoluteFilePath())) return FileName(fi); } } return FileName(); } QString BuildableHelperLibrary::qtVersionForQMake(const QString &qmakePath) { if (qmakePath.isEmpty()) return QString(); QProcess qmake; qmake.start(qmakePath, QStringList(QLatin1String("--version"))); if (!qmake.waitForStarted()) { qWarning("Cannot start '%s': %s", qPrintable(qmakePath), qPrintable(qmake.errorString())); return QString(); } if (!qmake.waitForFinished()) { SynchronousProcess::stopProcess(qmake); qWarning("Timeout running '%s'.", qPrintable(qmakePath)); return QString(); } if (qmake.exitStatus() != QProcess::NormalExit) { qWarning("'%s' crashed.", qPrintable(qmakePath)); return QString(); } const QString output = QString::fromLocal8Bit(qmake.readAllStandardOutput()); static QRegExp regexp(QLatin1String("(QMake version|QMake version:)[\\s]*([\\d.]*)"), Qt::CaseInsensitive); regexp.indexIn(output); const QString qmakeVersion = regexp.cap(2); if (qmakeVersion.startsWith(QLatin1String("2.")) || qmakeVersion.startsWith(QLatin1String("3."))) { static QRegExp regexp2(QLatin1String("Using Qt version[\\s]*([\\d\\.]*)"), Qt::CaseInsensitive); regexp2.indexIn(output); const QString version = regexp2.cap(1); return version; } return QString(); } QStringList BuildableHelperLibrary::possibleQMakeCommands() { // On Windows it is always "qmake.exe" // On Unix some distributions renamed qmake with a postfix to avoid clashes // On OS X, Qt 4 binary packages also has renamed qmake. There are also symbolic links that are // named "qmake", but the file dialog always checks against resolved links (native Cocoa issue) return QStringList(QLatin1String("qmake*")); } // Copy helper source files to a target directory, replacing older files. bool BuildableHelperLibrary::copyFiles(const QString &sourcePath, const QStringList &files, const QString &targetDirectory, QString *errorMessage) { // try remove the directory if (!FileUtils::removeRecursively(FileName::fromString(targetDirectory), errorMessage)) return false; if (!QDir().mkpath(targetDirectory)) { *errorMessage = QCoreApplication::translate("ProjectExplorer::DebuggingHelperLibrary", "The target directory %1 could not be created.").arg(targetDirectory); return false; } foreach (const QString &file, files) { const QString source = sourcePath + file; const QString dest = targetDirectory + file; const QFileInfo destInfo(dest); if (destInfo.exists()) { if (destInfo.lastModified() >= QFileInfo(source).lastModified()) continue; if (!QFile::remove(dest)) { *errorMessage = QCoreApplication::translate("ProjectExplorer::DebuggingHelperLibrary", "The existing file %1 could not be removed.").arg(destInfo.absoluteFilePath()); return false; } } if (!destInfo.dir().exists()) QDir().mkpath(destInfo.dir().absolutePath()); if (!QFile::copy(source, dest)) { *errorMessage = QCoreApplication::translate("ProjectExplorer::DebuggingHelperLibrary", "The file %1 could not be copied to %2.").arg(source, dest); return false; } } return true; } // Helper: Run a build process with merged stdout/stderr static inline bool runBuildProcessI(QProcess &proc, const FileName &binary, const QStringList &args, int timeoutMS, bool ignoreNonNullExitCode, QString *output, QString *errorMessage) { proc.start(binary.toString(), args); if (!proc.waitForStarted()) { *errorMessage = QCoreApplication::translate("ProjectExplorer::BuildableHelperLibrary", "Cannot start process: %1"). arg(proc.errorString()); return false; } // Read stdout/err and check for timeouts QByteArray stdOut; QByteArray stdErr; if (!SynchronousProcess::readDataFromProcess(proc, timeoutMS, &stdOut, &stdErr, false)) { *errorMessage = QCoreApplication::translate("ProjectExplorer::BuildableHelperLibrary", "Timeout after %1s."). arg(timeoutMS / 1000); SynchronousProcess::stopProcess(proc); return false; } if (proc.exitStatus() != QProcess::NormalExit) { *errorMessage = QCoreApplication::translate("ProjectExplorer::BuildableHelperLibrary", "The process crashed."); return false; } const QString stdOutS = QString::fromLocal8Bit(stdOut); if (!ignoreNonNullExitCode && proc.exitCode() != 0) { *errorMessage = QCoreApplication::translate("ProjectExplorer::BuildableHelperLibrary", "The process returned exit code %1:\n%2"). arg(proc.exitCode()).arg(stdOutS); return false; } output->append(stdOutS); return true; } // Run a build process with merged stdout/stderr and qWarn about errors. static bool runBuildProcess(QProcess &proc, const FileName &binary, const QStringList &args, int timeoutMS, bool ignoreNonNullExitCode, QString *output, QString *errorMessage) { const bool rc = runBuildProcessI(proc, binary, args, timeoutMS, ignoreNonNullExitCode, output, errorMessage); if (!rc) { // Fail - reformat error. QString cmd = binary.toString(); if (!args.isEmpty()) { cmd += QLatin1Char(' '); cmd += args.join(QLatin1Char(' ')); } *errorMessage = QCoreApplication::translate("ProjectExplorer::BuildableHelperLibrary", "Error running \"%1\" in %2: %3"). arg(cmd, proc.workingDirectory(), *errorMessage); qWarning("%s", qPrintable(*errorMessage)); } return rc; } bool BuildableHelperLibrary::buildHelper(const BuildHelperArguments &arguments, QString *log, QString *errorMessage) { const QChar newline = QLatin1Char('\n'); // Setup process QProcess proc; proc.setEnvironment(arguments.environment.toStringList()); proc.setWorkingDirectory(arguments.directory); proc.setProcessChannelMode(QProcess::MergedChannels); log->append(QCoreApplication::translate("ProjectExplorer::BuildableHelperLibrary", "Building helper \"%1\" in %2\n").arg(arguments.helperName, arguments.directory)); log->append(newline); const FileName makeFullPath = arguments.environment.searchInPath(arguments.makeCommand); if (QFileInfo::exists(arguments.directory + QLatin1String("/Makefile"))) { if (makeFullPath.isEmpty()) { *errorMessage = QCoreApplication::translate("ProjectExplorer::DebuggingHelperLibrary", "%1 not found in PATH\n").arg(arguments.makeCommand); return false; } const QString cleanTarget = QLatin1String("distclean"); log->append(QCoreApplication::translate("ProjectExplorer::BuildableHelperLibrary", "Running %1 %2...\n") .arg(makeFullPath.toUserOutput(), cleanTarget)); if (!runBuildProcess(proc, makeFullPath, QStringList(cleanTarget), 30000, true, log, errorMessage)) return false; } QStringList qmakeArgs; if (!arguments.targetMode.isEmpty()) qmakeArgs << arguments.targetMode; if (!arguments.mkspec.isEmpty()) qmakeArgs << QLatin1String("-spec") << arguments.mkspec.toUserOutput(); qmakeArgs << arguments.proFilename; qmakeArgs << arguments.qmakeArguments; log->append(newline); log->append(QCoreApplication::translate("ProjectExplorer::BuildableHelperLibrary", "Running %1 %2 ...\n").arg(arguments.qmakeCommand.toUserOutput(), qmakeArgs.join(QLatin1Char(' ')))); if (!runBuildProcess(proc, arguments.qmakeCommand, qmakeArgs, 30000, false, log, errorMessage)) return false; log->append(newline); if (makeFullPath.isEmpty()) { *errorMessage = QCoreApplication::translate("ProjectExplorer::BuildableHelperLibrary", "%1 not found in PATH\n").arg(arguments.makeCommand); return false; } log->append(QCoreApplication::translate("ProjectExplorer::BuildableHelperLibrary", "Running %1 %2 ...\n") .arg(makeFullPath.toUserOutput(), arguments.makeArguments.join(QLatin1Char(' ')))); if (!runBuildProcess(proc, makeFullPath, arguments.makeArguments, 120000, false, log, errorMessage)) return false; return true; } bool BuildableHelperLibrary::getHelperFileInfoFor(const QStringList &validBinaryFilenames, const QString &directory, QFileInfo* info) { if (!info) return false; foreach (const QString &binaryFilename, validBinaryFilenames) { info->setFile(directory + binaryFilename); if (info->exists()) return true; } return false; } QString BuildableHelperLibrary::byInstallDataHelper(const QString &sourcePath, const QStringList &sourceFileNames, const QStringList &installDirectories, const QStringList &validBinaryFilenames, bool acceptOutdatedHelper) { // find the latest change to the sources QDateTime sourcesModified; if (!acceptOutdatedHelper) { foreach (const QString &sourceFileName, sourceFileNames) { const QDateTime fileModified = QFileInfo(sourcePath + sourceFileName).lastModified(); if (fileModified.isValid() && (!sourcesModified.isValid() || fileModified > sourcesModified)) sourcesModified = fileModified; } } // We pretend that the lastmodified of dumper.cpp is 5 minutes before what // the file system says because afer a installation from the package the // modified dates of dumper.cpp and the actual library are close to each // other, but not deterministic in one direction. if (sourcesModified.isValid()) sourcesModified = sourcesModified.addSecs(-300); // look for the newest helper library in the different locations QString newestHelper; QDateTime newestHelperModified = sourcesModified; // prevent using one that's older than the sources QFileInfo fileInfo; foreach (const QString &installDirectory, installDirectories) { if (getHelperFileInfoFor(validBinaryFilenames, installDirectory, &fileInfo)) { if (!newestHelperModified.isValid() || (fileInfo.lastModified() > newestHelperModified)) { newestHelper = fileInfo.filePath(); newestHelperModified = fileInfo.lastModified(); } } } return newestHelper; } } // namespace Utils