/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: http://www.qt.io/licensing ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator. ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms and ** conditions see http://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further information ** use the contact form at http://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser ** General Public License version 2.1 or version 3 as published by the Free ** Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv21 and ** LICENSE.LGPLv3 included in the packaging of this file. Please review the ** following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License ** requirements will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html and ** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html. ** ** In addition, as a special exception, The Qt Company gives you certain additional ** rights. These rights are described in The Qt Company LGPL Exception ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package. ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "qmljsreformatter.h" #include "qmljscodeformatter.h" #include "parser/qmljsast_p.h" #include "parser/qmljsastvisitor_p.h" #include "parser/qmljsengine_p.h" #include #include #include #include #include using namespace QmlJS; using namespace QmlJS::AST; namespace { class SimpleFormatter : public QtStyleCodeFormatter { protected: class FormatterData : public QTextBlockUserData { public: FormatterData(const BlockData &data) : data(data) {} BlockData data; }; virtual void saveBlockData(QTextBlock *block, const BlockData &data) const { block->setUserData(new FormatterData(data)); } virtual bool loadBlockData(const QTextBlock &block, BlockData *data) const { if (!block.userData()) return false; *data = static_cast(block.userData())->data; return true; } virtual void saveLexerState(QTextBlock *block, int state) const { block->setUserState(state); } virtual int loadLexerState(const QTextBlock &block) const { return block.userState(); } }; class Rewriter : protected Visitor { Document::Ptr _doc; QString _result; QString _line; class Split { public: int offset; qreal badness; }; QList _possibleSplits; QTextDocument _resultDocument; SimpleFormatter _formatter; int _indent; int _nextComment; int _lastNewlineOffset; bool _hadEmptyLine; int _binaryExpDepth; public: Rewriter(Document::Ptr doc) : _doc(doc) { } QString operator()(Node *node) { Q_ASSERT(node == _doc->ast()); // comment handling fails otherwise _result.reserve(_doc->source().size()); _line.clear(); _possibleSplits.clear(); _indent = 0; _nextComment = 0; _lastNewlineOffset = -1; _hadEmptyLine = false; _binaryExpDepth = 0; accept(node); // emit the final comments const QList &comments = _doc->engine()->comments(); for (; _nextComment < comments.size(); ++_nextComment) { outComment(comments.at(_nextComment)); } // ensure good ending if (!_result.endsWith(QLatin1String("\n\n")) || !_line.isEmpty()) newLine(); return _result; } protected: void accept(Node *node) { Node::accept(node, this); } void lnAcceptIndented(Node *node) { newLine(); accept(node); } void out(const char *str, const SourceLocation &lastLoc = SourceLocation()) { out(QString::fromLatin1(str), lastLoc); } void outComment(const SourceLocation &commentLoc) { SourceLocation fixedLoc = commentLoc; fixCommentLocation(fixedLoc); if (precededByEmptyLine(fixedLoc)) newLine(); out(toString(fixedLoc)); // don't use the sourceloc overload here if (followedByNewLine(fixedLoc)) newLine(); else out(" "); } void out(const QString &str, const SourceLocation &lastLoc = SourceLocation()) { if (lastLoc.isValid()) { QList comments = _doc->engine()->comments(); for (; _nextComment < comments.size(); ++_nextComment) { SourceLocation commentLoc = comments.at(_nextComment); if (commentLoc.end() > lastLoc.end()) break; outComment(commentLoc); } } QStringList lines = str.split(QLatin1Char('\n')); for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); ++i) { _line += lines.at(i); if (i != lines.size() - 1) newLine(); } _hadEmptyLine = false; } QString toString(const SourceLocation &loc) { return _doc->source().mid(loc.offset, loc.length); } void out(const SourceLocation &loc) { if (!loc.isValid()) return; out(toString(loc), loc); } int tryIndent(const QString &line) { // append the line to the text document QTextCursor cursor(&_resultDocument); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::End); int cursorStartLinePos = cursor.position(); cursor.insertText(line); // get the expected indentation QTextBlock last = _resultDocument.lastBlock(); _formatter.updateStateUntil(last); int indent = _formatter.indentFor(last); // remove the line again cursor.setPosition(cursorStartLinePos); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::End, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor); cursor.removeSelectedText(); return indent; } void finishLine() { // remove trailing spaces int len = _line.size(); while (len > 0 && _line.at(len - 1).isSpace()) --len; _line.resize(len); _line += QLatin1Char('\n'); _result += _line; QTextCursor cursor(&_resultDocument); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::End); cursor.insertText(_line); _line = QString(_indent, QLatin1Char(' ')); } class BestSplit { public: QStringList lines; qreal badnessFromSplits; qreal badness() { const int maxLineLength = 80; const int strongMaxLineLength = 100; const int minContentLength = 10; qreal result = badnessFromSplits; foreach (const QString &line, lines) { // really long lines should be avoided at all cost if (line.size() > strongMaxLineLength) { result += 50 + (line.size() - strongMaxLineLength); // having long lines is bad } else if (line.size() > maxLineLength) { result += 3 + (line.size() - maxLineLength); // and even ok-sized lines should have a cost } else { result += 1; } // having lines with little content is bad const int contentSize = line.trimmed().size(); if (contentSize < minContentLength) result += 0.5; } return result; } }; void adjustIndent(QString *line, QList *splits, int indent) { int startSpaces = 0; while (startSpaces < line->size() && line->at(startSpaces).isSpace()) ++startSpaces; line->replace(0, startSpaces, QString(indent, QLatin1Char(' '))); for (int i = 0; i < splits->size(); ++i) { (*splits)[i].offset = splits->at(i).offset - startSpaces + indent; } } BestSplit computeBestSplits(QStringList context, QString line, QList possibleSplits) { BestSplit result; result.badnessFromSplits = 0; result.lines = QStringList(line); //qCDebug(qmljsLog) << "trying to split" << line << possibleSplits << context; // try to split at every possible position for (int i = possibleSplits.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { const int splitPos = possibleSplits.at(i).offset; const QString newContextLine = line.left(splitPos); QStringList newContext = context; newContext += newContextLine; const QString restLine = line.mid(splitPos); if (restLine.trimmed().isEmpty()) continue; // the extra space is to avoid // comments sticking to the 0 offset QString indentLine = newContext.join(QLatin1Char('\n')) + QLatin1String("\n ") + restLine; int indent = tryIndent(indentLine); QList newSplits = possibleSplits.mid(i + 1); QString newSplitLine = restLine; adjustIndent(&newSplitLine, &newSplits, indent); for (int j = 0; j < newSplits.size(); ++j) newSplits[j].offset = newSplits.at(j).offset - splitPos; BestSplit nested = computeBestSplits(newContext, newSplitLine, newSplits); nested.lines.prepend(newContextLine); nested.badnessFromSplits += possibleSplits.at(i).badness; if (nested.badness() < result.badness()) result = nested; } return result; } void newLine() { // if preceded by a newline, it's an empty line! _hadEmptyLine = _line.trimmed().isEmpty(); // if the preceding line wasn't empty, reindent etc. if (!_hadEmptyLine) { int indentStart = 0; while (indentStart < _line.size() && _line.at(indentStart).isSpace()) ++indentStart; _indent = tryIndent(_line); adjustIndent(&_line, &_possibleSplits, _indent); // maybe make multi-line? BestSplit split = computeBestSplits(QStringList(), _line, _possibleSplits); if (!split.lines.isEmpty() && split.lines.size() > 1) { for (int i = 0; i < split.lines.size(); ++i) { _line = split.lines.at(i); if (i != split.lines.size() - 1) finishLine(); } } } finishLine(); _possibleSplits.clear(); } void requireEmptyLine() { while (!_hadEmptyLine) newLine(); } bool acceptBlockOrIndented(Node *ast, bool finishWithSpaceOrNewline = false) { if (cast(ast)) { out(" "); accept(ast); if (finishWithSpaceOrNewline) out(" "); return true; } else { lnAcceptIndented(ast); if (finishWithSpaceOrNewline) newLine(); return false; } } bool followedByNewLine(const SourceLocation &loc) { const QString &source = _doc->source(); int i = loc.end(); for (; i < source.size() && source.at(i).isSpace(); ++i) { if (source.at(i) == QLatin1Char('\n')) return true; } return false; } bool precededByEmptyLine(const SourceLocation &loc) { const QString &source = _doc->source(); int i = loc.offset; // expect spaces and \n, twice bool first = true; for (--i; i >= 0 && source.at(i).isSpace(); --i) { if (source.at(i) == QLatin1Char('\n')) { if (first) first = false; else return true; } } return false; } bool firstOnLine() { foreach (const QChar &c, _line) { if (!c.isSpace()) return false; } return true; } void addPossibleSplit(qreal badness, int offset = 0) { Split s; s.badness = badness; s.offset = _line.size() + offset; _possibleSplits += s; } void fixCommentLocation(SourceLocation &loc) { loc.offset -= 2; loc.startColumn -= 2; loc.length += 2; if (_doc->source().mid(loc.offset, 2) == QLatin1String("/*")) loc.length += 2; } virtual bool preVisit(Node *ast) { SourceLocation firstLoc; if (ExpressionNode *expr = ast->expressionCast()) firstLoc = expr->firstSourceLocation(); else if (Statement *stmt = ast->statementCast()) firstLoc = stmt->firstSourceLocation(); else if (UiObjectMember *mem = ast->uiObjectMemberCast()) firstLoc = mem->firstSourceLocation(); else if (UiImport *import = cast(ast)) firstLoc = import->firstSourceLocation(); if (firstLoc.isValid() && int(firstLoc.offset) != _lastNewlineOffset) { _lastNewlineOffset = firstLoc.offset; if (precededByEmptyLine(firstLoc) && !_result.endsWith(QLatin1String("\n\n"))) newLine(); } return true; } virtual void postVisit(Node *ast) { SourceLocation lastLoc; if (ExpressionNode *expr = ast->expressionCast()) lastLoc = expr->lastSourceLocation(); else if (Statement *stmt = ast->statementCast()) lastLoc = stmt->lastSourceLocation(); else if (UiObjectMember *mem = ast->uiObjectMemberCast()) lastLoc = mem->lastSourceLocation(); else if (UiImport *import = cast(ast)) lastLoc = import->lastSourceLocation(); if (lastLoc.isValid()) { const QList &comments = _doc->engine()->comments(); // preserve trailing comments for (; _nextComment < comments.size(); ++_nextComment) { SourceLocation nextCommentLoc = comments.at(_nextComment); if (nextCommentLoc.startLine != lastLoc.startLine) break; fixCommentLocation(nextCommentLoc); // there must only be whitespace between lastLoc and the comment bool commentFollows = true; for (quint32 i = lastLoc.end(); i < nextCommentLoc.begin(); ++i) { if (!_doc->source().at(i).isSpace()) { commentFollows = false; break; } } if (!commentFollows) break; out(" "); out(toString(nextCommentLoc)); } } } virtual bool visit(UiImport *ast) { out("import ", ast->importToken); if (!ast->fileName.isNull()) out(QString::fromLatin1("\"%1\"").arg(ast->fileName.toString())); else accept(ast->importUri); if (ast->versionToken.isValid()) { out(" "); out(ast->versionToken); } if (!ast->importId.isNull()) { out(" as ", ast->asToken); out(ast->importIdToken); } return false; } virtual bool visit(UiObjectDefinition *ast) { accept(ast->qualifiedTypeNameId); out(" "); accept(ast->initializer); return false; } virtual bool visit(UiObjectInitializer *ast) { out(ast->lbraceToken); if (ast->members) lnAcceptIndented(ast->members); newLine(); out(ast->rbraceToken); return false; } virtual bool visit(UiParameterList *list) { for (UiParameterList *it = list; it; it = it->next) { out(it->propertyTypeToken); out(" "); out(it->identifierToken); if (it->next) out(", ", it->commaToken); } return false; } virtual bool visit(UiPublicMember *ast) { if (ast->type == UiPublicMember::Property) { if (ast->isDefaultMember) out("default ", ast->defaultToken); out("property ", ast->propertyToken); if (!ast->typeModifier.isNull()) { out(ast->typeModifierToken); out("<"); out(ast->typeToken); out(">"); } else { out(ast->typeToken); } out(" "); out(ast->identifierToken); if (ast->statement) { out(": ", ast->colonToken); accept(ast->statement); } else if (ast->binding) { out(": ", ast->colonToken); accept(ast->binding); } } else { // signal out("signal "); out(ast->identifierToken); if (ast->parameters) { out("("); accept(ast->parameters); out(")"); } } return false; } virtual bool visit(UiObjectBinding *ast) { if (ast->hasOnToken) { accept(ast->qualifiedTypeNameId); out(" on "); accept(ast->qualifiedId); } else { accept(ast->qualifiedId); out(": ", ast->colonToken); accept(ast->qualifiedTypeNameId); } out(" "); accept(ast->initializer); return false; } virtual bool visit(UiScriptBinding *ast) { accept(ast->qualifiedId); out(": ", ast->colonToken); accept(ast->statement); return false; } virtual bool visit(UiArrayBinding *ast) { accept(ast->qualifiedId); out(ast->colonToken); out(" "); out(ast->lbracketToken); lnAcceptIndented(ast->members); newLine(); out(ast->rbracketToken); return false; } virtual bool visit(ThisExpression *ast) { out(ast->thisToken); return true; } virtual bool visit(NullExpression *ast) { out(ast->nullToken); return true; } virtual bool visit(TrueLiteral *ast) { out(ast->trueToken); return true; } virtual bool visit(FalseLiteral *ast) { out(ast->falseToken); return true; } virtual bool visit(IdentifierExpression *ast) { out(ast->identifierToken); return true; } virtual bool visit(StringLiteral *ast) { out(ast->literalToken); return true; } virtual bool visit(NumericLiteral *ast) { out(ast->literalToken); return true; } virtual bool visit(RegExpLiteral *ast) { out(ast->literalToken); return true; } virtual bool visit(ArrayLiteral *ast) { out(ast->lbracketToken); if (ast->elements) accept(ast->elements); if (ast->elements && ast->elision) out(", ", ast->commaToken); if (ast->elision) accept(ast->elision); out(ast->rbracketToken); return false; } virtual bool visit(ObjectLiteral *ast) { out(ast->lbraceToken); lnAcceptIndented(ast->properties); newLine(); out(ast->rbraceToken); return false; } virtual bool visit(ElementList *ast) { for (ElementList *it = ast; it; it = it->next) { if (it->elision) accept(it->elision); if (it->elision && it->expression) out(", "); if (it->expression) accept(it->expression); if (it->next) out(", ", ast->commaToken); } return false; } virtual bool visit(PropertyAssignmentList *ast) { for (PropertyAssignmentList *it = ast; it; it = it->next) { PropertyNameAndValue *assignment = AST::cast(it->assignment); if (assignment) { accept(assignment->name); out(": ", assignment->colonToken); accept(assignment->value); if (it->next) { out(",", ast->commaToken); // always invalid? newLine(); } continue; } PropertyGetterSetter *getterSetter = AST::cast(it->assignment); if (getterSetter) { switch (getterSetter->type) { case PropertyGetterSetter::Getter: out("get"); break; case PropertyGetterSetter::Setter: out("set"); break; } accept(getterSetter->name); out("(", getterSetter->lparenToken); accept(getterSetter->formals); out("(", getterSetter->rparenToken); out(" {", getterSetter->lbraceToken); accept(getterSetter->functionBody); out(" }", getterSetter->rbraceToken); } } return false; } virtual bool visit(NestedExpression *ast) { out(ast->lparenToken); accept(ast->expression); out(ast->rparenToken); return false; } virtual bool visit(IdentifierPropertyName *ast) { out(ast->id.toString()); return true; } virtual bool visit(StringLiteralPropertyName *ast) { out(ast->id.toString()); return true; } virtual bool visit(NumericLiteralPropertyName *ast) { out(QString::number(ast->id)); return true; } virtual bool visit(ArrayMemberExpression *ast) { accept(ast->base); out(ast->lbracketToken); accept(ast->expression); out(ast->rbracketToken); return false; } virtual bool visit(FieldMemberExpression *ast) { accept(ast->base); out(ast->dotToken); out(ast->identifierToken); return false; } virtual bool visit(NewMemberExpression *ast) { out("new ", ast->newToken); accept(ast->base); out(ast->lparenToken); accept(ast->arguments); out(ast->rparenToken); return false; } virtual bool visit(NewExpression *ast) { out("new ", ast->newToken); accept(ast->expression); return false; } virtual bool visit(CallExpression *ast) { accept(ast->base); out(ast->lparenToken); addPossibleSplit(0); accept(ast->arguments); out(ast->rparenToken); return false; } virtual bool visit(PostIncrementExpression *ast) { accept(ast->base); out(ast->incrementToken); return false; } virtual bool visit(PostDecrementExpression *ast) { accept(ast->base); out(ast->decrementToken); return false; } virtual bool visit(PreIncrementExpression *ast) { out(ast->incrementToken); accept(ast->expression); return false; } virtual bool visit(PreDecrementExpression *ast) { out(ast->decrementToken); accept(ast->expression); return false; } virtual bool visit(DeleteExpression *ast) { out("delete ", ast->deleteToken); accept(ast->expression); return false; } virtual bool visit(VoidExpression *ast) { out("void ", ast->voidToken); accept(ast->expression); return false; } virtual bool visit(TypeOfExpression *ast) { out("typeof ", ast->typeofToken); accept(ast->expression); return false; } virtual bool visit(UnaryPlusExpression *ast) { out(ast->plusToken); accept(ast->expression); return false; } virtual bool visit(UnaryMinusExpression *ast) { out(ast->minusToken); accept(ast->expression); return false; } virtual bool visit(TildeExpression *ast) { out(ast->tildeToken); accept(ast->expression); return false; } virtual bool visit(NotExpression *ast) { out(ast->notToken); accept(ast->expression); return false; } virtual bool visit(BinaryExpression *ast) { ++_binaryExpDepth; accept(ast->left); // in general, avoid splitting at the operator // but && and || are ok qreal splitBadness = 30; if (ast->op == QSOperator::And || ast->op == QSOperator::Or) splitBadness = 0; addPossibleSplit(splitBadness); out(" "); out(ast->operatorToken); out(" "); accept(ast->right); --_binaryExpDepth; return false; } virtual bool visit(ConditionalExpression *ast) { accept(ast->expression); out(" ? ", ast->questionToken); accept(ast->ok); out(" : ", ast->colonToken); accept(ast->ko); return false; } virtual bool visit(Block *ast) { out(ast->lbraceToken); lnAcceptIndented(ast->statements); newLine(); out(ast->rbraceToken); return false; } virtual bool visit(VariableStatement *ast) { out("var ", ast->declarationKindToken); accept(ast->declarations); return false; } virtual bool visit(VariableDeclaration *ast) { out(ast->identifierToken); if (ast->expression) { out(" = "); accept(ast->expression); } return false; } virtual bool visit(EmptyStatement *ast) { out(ast->semicolonToken); return false; } virtual bool visit(IfStatement *ast) { out(ast->ifToken); out(" "); out(ast->lparenToken); accept(ast->expression); out(ast->rparenToken); acceptBlockOrIndented(ast->ok, ast->ko); if (ast->ko) { out(ast->elseToken); if (cast(ast->ko) || cast(ast->ko)) { out(" "); accept(ast->ko); } else { lnAcceptIndented(ast->ko); } } return false; } virtual bool visit(DoWhileStatement *ast) { out(ast->doToken); acceptBlockOrIndented(ast->statement, true); out(ast->whileToken); out(" "); out(ast->lparenToken); accept(ast->expression); out(ast->rparenToken); return false; } virtual bool visit(WhileStatement *ast) { out(ast->whileToken); out(" "); out(ast->lparenToken); accept(ast->expression); out(ast->rparenToken); acceptBlockOrIndented(ast->statement); return false; } virtual bool visit(ForStatement *ast) { out(ast->forToken); out(" "); out(ast->lparenToken); accept(ast->initialiser); out("; ", ast->firstSemicolonToken); accept(ast->condition); out("; ", ast->secondSemicolonToken); accept(ast->expression); out(ast->rparenToken); acceptBlockOrIndented(ast->statement); return false; } virtual bool visit(LocalForStatement *ast) { out(ast->forToken); out(" "); out(ast->lparenToken); out(ast->varToken); out(" "); accept(ast->declarations); out("; ", ast->firstSemicolonToken); accept(ast->condition); out("; ", ast->secondSemicolonToken); accept(ast->expression); out(")", ast->rparenToken); acceptBlockOrIndented(ast->statement); return false; } virtual bool visit(ForEachStatement *ast) { out(ast->forToken); out(" "); out(ast->lparenToken); accept(ast->initialiser); out(" in ", ast->inToken); accept(ast->expression); out(ast->rparenToken); acceptBlockOrIndented(ast->statement); return false; } virtual bool visit(LocalForEachStatement *ast) { out(ast->forToken); out(" "); out(ast->lparenToken); out(ast->varToken); out(" "); accept(ast->declaration); out(" in ", ast->inToken); accept(ast->expression); out(ast->rparenToken); acceptBlockOrIndented(ast->statement); return false; } virtual bool visit(ContinueStatement *ast) { out(ast->continueToken); if (!ast->label.isNull()) { out(" "); out(ast->identifierToken); } return false; } virtual bool visit(BreakStatement *ast) { out(ast->breakToken); if (!ast->label.isNull()) { out(" "); out(ast->identifierToken); } return false; } virtual bool visit(ReturnStatement *ast) { out(ast->returnToken); if (ast->expression) { out(" "); accept(ast->expression); } return false; } virtual bool visit(ThrowStatement *ast) { out(ast->throwToken); if (ast->expression) { out(" "); accept(ast->expression); } return false; } virtual bool visit(WithStatement *ast) { out(ast->withToken); out(" "); out(ast->lparenToken); accept(ast->expression); out(ast->rparenToken); acceptBlockOrIndented(ast->statement); return false; } virtual bool visit(SwitchStatement *ast) { out(ast->switchToken); out(" "); out(ast->lparenToken); accept(ast->expression); out(ast->rparenToken); out(" "); accept(ast->block); return false; } virtual bool visit(CaseBlock *ast) { out(ast->lbraceToken); newLine(); accept(ast->clauses); if (ast->clauses && ast->defaultClause) newLine(); accept(ast->defaultClause); if (ast->moreClauses) newLine(); accept(ast->moreClauses); newLine(); out(ast->rbraceToken); return false; } virtual bool visit(CaseClause *ast) { out("case ", ast->caseToken); accept(ast->expression); out(ast->colonToken); lnAcceptIndented(ast->statements); return false; } virtual bool visit(DefaultClause *ast) { out(ast->defaultToken); out(ast->colonToken); lnAcceptIndented(ast->statements); return false; } virtual bool visit(LabelledStatement *ast) { out(ast->identifierToken); out(": ", ast->colonToken); accept(ast->statement); return false; } virtual bool visit(TryStatement *ast) { out("try ", ast->tryToken); accept(ast->statement); if (ast->catchExpression) { out(" "); accept(ast->catchExpression); } if (ast->finallyExpression) { out(" "); accept(ast->finallyExpression); } return false; } virtual bool visit(Catch *ast) { out(ast->catchToken); out(" "); out(ast->lparenToken); out(ast->identifierToken); out(") ", ast->rparenToken); accept(ast->statement); return false; } virtual bool visit(Finally *ast) { out("finally ", ast->finallyToken); accept(ast->statement); return false; } virtual bool visit(FunctionDeclaration *ast) { return visit(static_cast(ast)); } virtual bool visit(FunctionExpression *ast) { out("function ", ast->functionToken); if (!ast->name.isNull()) out(ast->identifierToken); out(ast->lparenToken); accept(ast->formals); out(ast->rparenToken); out(" "); out(ast->lbraceToken); if (ast->body) { lnAcceptIndented(ast->body); newLine(); } out(ast->rbraceToken); return false; } virtual bool visit(UiHeaderItemList *ast) { for (UiHeaderItemList *it = ast; it; it = it->next) { accept(it->headerItem); newLine(); } requireEmptyLine(); return false; } virtual bool visit(UiObjectMemberList *ast) { for (UiObjectMemberList *it = ast; it; it = it->next) { accept(it->member); if (it->next) newLine(); } return false; } virtual bool visit(UiArrayMemberList *ast) { for (UiArrayMemberList *it = ast; it; it = it->next) { accept(it->member); if (it->next) { out(",", ast->commaToken); // ### comma token seems to be generally invalid newLine(); } } return false; } virtual bool visit(UiQualifiedId *ast) { for (UiQualifiedId *it = ast; it; it = it->next) { out(it->identifierToken); if (it->next) out("."); } return false; } virtual bool visit(Elision *ast) { for (Elision *it = ast; it; it = it->next) { if (it->next) out(", ", ast->commaToken); } return false; } virtual bool visit(ArgumentList *ast) { for (ArgumentList *it = ast; it; it = it->next) { accept(it->expression); if (it->next) { out(", ", it->commaToken); addPossibleSplit(-1); } } return false; } virtual bool visit(StatementList *ast) { for (StatementList *it = ast; it; it = it->next) { // ### work around parser bug: skip empty statements with wrong tokens if (EmptyStatement *emptyStatement = cast(it->statement)) { if (toString(emptyStatement->semicolonToken) != QLatin1String(";")) continue; } accept(it->statement); if (it->next) newLine(); } return false; } virtual bool visit(SourceElements *ast) { for (SourceElements *it = ast; it; it = it->next) { accept(it->element); if (it->next) newLine(); } return false; } virtual bool visit(VariableDeclarationList *ast) { for (VariableDeclarationList *it = ast; it; it = it->next) { accept(it->declaration); if (it->next) out(", ", it->commaToken); } return false; } virtual bool visit(CaseClauses *ast) { for (CaseClauses *it = ast; it; it = it->next) { accept(it->clause); if (it->next) newLine(); } return false; } virtual bool visit(FormalParameterList *ast) { for (FormalParameterList *it = ast; it; it = it->next) { if (it->commaToken.isValid()) out(", ", it->commaToken); out(it->identifierToken); } return false; } }; } // anonymous namespace QString QmlJS::reformat(const Document::Ptr &doc) { Rewriter rewriter(doc); return rewriter(doc->ast()); }