/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: http://www.qt.io/licensing ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator. ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms and ** conditions see http://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further information ** use the contact form at http://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser ** General Public License version 2.1 or version 3 as published by the Free ** Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv21 and ** LICENSE.LGPLv3 included in the packaging of this file. Please review the ** following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License ** requirements will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html and ** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html. ** ** In addition, as a special exception, The Qt Company gives you certain additional ** rights. These rights are described in The Qt Company LGPL Exception ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package. ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "qmljsimportdependencies.h" #include "qmljsinterpreter.h" #include "qmljsqrcparser.h" #include "qmljsviewercontext.h" #include #include #include #include static Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(importsLog, "qtc.qmljs.imports") namespace QmlJS { ImportKind::Enum toImportKind(ImportType::Enum type) { switch (type) { case ImportType::Invalid: break; case ImportType::Library: return ImportKind::Library; case ImportType::ImplicitDirectory: case ImportType::File: case ImportType::Directory: case ImportType::UnknownFile: return ImportKind::Path; case ImportType::QrcFile: case ImportType::QrcDirectory: return ImportKind::QrcPath; } return ImportKind::Invalid; } ImportMatchStrength::ImportMatchStrength(QList match) : m_match(match) { } int ImportMatchStrength::compareMatch(const ImportMatchStrength &o) const { int len1 = m_match.size(); int len2 = o.m_match.size(); int len = ((len1 < len2) ? len1 : len2); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++ i) { int v1 = m_match.at(i); int v2 = o.m_match.at(i); if (v1 < v2) return -1; if (v2 > v1) return 1; } if (len1 < len2) return -1; if (len1 > len2) return 1; return 0; } bool ImportMatchStrength::hasNoMatch() { return m_match.isEmpty(); } bool ImportMatchStrength::hasMatch() { return !m_match.isEmpty(); } bool operator ==(const ImportMatchStrength &m1, const ImportMatchStrength &m2) { return m1.m_match == m2.m_match; } bool operator !=(const ImportMatchStrength &m1, const ImportMatchStrength &m2) { return !(m1 == m2); } bool operator <(const ImportMatchStrength &m1, const ImportMatchStrength &m2) { return m1.compareMatch(m2) < 0; } ImportKey::ImportKey() : type(ImportType::Invalid), majorVersion(LanguageUtils::ComponentVersion::NoVersion), minorVersion(LanguageUtils::ComponentVersion::NoVersion) { } ImportKey::ImportKey(const ImportInfo &info) : type(info.type()) , majorVersion(info.version().majorVersion()) , minorVersion(info.version().minorVersion()) { splitPath = QFileInfo(info.path()).canonicalFilePath().split(QLatin1Char('/'), QString::KeepEmptyParts); } ImportKey::ImportKey(ImportType::Enum type, const QString &path, int majorVersion, int minorVersion) : type(type) , majorVersion(majorVersion) , minorVersion(minorVersion) { switch (type) { case ImportType::Library: splitPath = path.split(QLatin1Char('.')); break; case ImportType::ImplicitDirectory: case ImportType::Directory: splitPath = path.split(QLatin1Char('/')); if (splitPath.length() > 1 && splitPath.last().isEmpty()) splitPath.removeLast(); break; case ImportType::File: case ImportType::QrcFile: splitPath = QrcParser::normalizedQrcFilePath(path).split(QLatin1Char('/')); break; case ImportType::QrcDirectory: splitPath = QrcParser::normalizedQrcDirectoryPath(path).split(QLatin1Char('/')); if (splitPath.length() > 1 && splitPath.last().isEmpty()) splitPath.removeLast(); break; case ImportType::Invalid: case ImportType::UnknownFile: splitPath = path.split(QLatin1Char('/')); break; } } void ImportKey::addToHash(QCryptographicHash &hash) const { hash.addData(reinterpret_cast(&type), sizeof(type)); hash.addData(reinterpret_cast(&majorVersion), sizeof(majorVersion)); hash.addData(reinterpret_cast(&minorVersion), sizeof(minorVersion)); foreach (const QString &s, splitPath) { hash.addData("/", 1); hash.addData(reinterpret_cast(s.constData()), sizeof(QChar) * s.size()); } hash.addData("/", 1); } ImportKey ImportKey::flatKey() const { switch (type) { case ImportType::Invalid: return *this; case ImportType::ImplicitDirectory: case ImportType::Library: case ImportType::File: case ImportType::Directory: case ImportType::QrcFile: case ImportType::QrcDirectory: case ImportType::UnknownFile: break; } QStringList flatPath = splitPath; int i = 0; while (i < flatPath.size()) { if (flatPath.at(i).startsWith(QLatin1Char('+'))) flatPath.removeAt(i); else ++i; } if (flatPath.size() == splitPath.size()) return *this; ImportKey res = *this; res.splitPath = flatPath; return res; } QString ImportKey::libraryQualifiedPath() const { QString res = splitPath.join(QLatin1Char('.')); if (res.isEmpty() && !splitPath.isEmpty()) return QLatin1String(""); return res; } QString ImportKey::path() const { QString res = splitPath.join(QLatin1Char('/')); if (res.isEmpty() && !splitPath.isEmpty()) return QLatin1String("/"); return res; } ImportMatchStrength ImportKey::matchImport(const ImportKey &o, const ViewerContext &vContext) const { if (majorVersion != o.majorVersion || minorVersion > o.minorVersion) return ImportMatchStrength(); bool dirToFile = false; switch (o.type) { case ImportType::Invalid: return ImportMatchStrength(); case ImportType::ImplicitDirectory: case ImportType::Directory: switch (type) { case ImportType::File: case ImportType::UnknownFile: dirToFile = true; break; case ImportType::ImplicitDirectory: case ImportType::Directory: break; default: return ImportMatchStrength(); } break; case ImportType::Library: if (type != ImportType::Library) return ImportMatchStrength(); break; case ImportType::QrcDirectory: switch (type) { case ImportType::QrcFile: dirToFile = true; break; case ImportType::QrcDirectory: break; default: return ImportMatchStrength(); } break; case ImportType::QrcFile: if (type != ImportType::QrcFile) return ImportMatchStrength(); case ImportType::UnknownFile: case ImportType::File: switch (type) { case ImportType::UnknownFile: case ImportType::File: break; default: return ImportMatchStrength(); } break; } QList res; int iPath1 = 0; int lenPath1 = splitPath.size(); int iPath2 = 0; int lenPath2 = o.splitPath.size(); if (dirToFile) --lenPath1; int iSelector = 0; int nSelectors = vContext.selectors.size(); while (iPath1 < lenPath1) { if (lenPath2 - iPath2 > lenPath1 - iPath1) return ImportMatchStrength(); QString p1 = splitPath.at(iPath1); if (iPath2 < lenPath2) { QString p2 = splitPath.at(iPath2); if (p1 == p2) { ++iPath1; ++iPath2; continue; } } if (!p1.startsWith(QLatin1Char('+'))) return QList(); QStringRef selectorAtt(&p1, 1, p1.size()-1); while (iSelector < nSelectors) { if (selectorAtt == vContext.selectors.at(iSelector)) break; ++iSelector; } if (iSelector == nSelectors) return QList(); res << (nSelectors - iSelector); ++iSelector; ++iPath1; } if (iPath2 != lenPath2) return QList(); if (res.isEmpty()) res << 0; return ImportMatchStrength(res); } int ImportKey::compare(const ImportKey &other) const { ImportKind::Enum k1 = toImportKind(type); ImportKind::Enum k2 = toImportKind(other.type); if (k1 < k2) return -1; if (k1 > k2) return 1; int len1 = splitPath.size(); int len2 = other.splitPath.size(); int len = ((len1 < len2) ? len1 : len2); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++ i) { QString v1 = splitPath.at(i); QString v2 = other.splitPath.at(i); if (v1 < v2) return -1; if (v1 > v2) return 1; } if (len1 < len2) return -1; if (len1 > len2) return 1; if (majorVersion < other.majorVersion) return -1; if (majorVersion > other.majorVersion) return 1; if (minorVersion < other.minorVersion) return -1; if (minorVersion > other.minorVersion) return 1; if (type < other.type) return -1; if (type > other.type) return 1; return 0; } bool ImportKey::isDirectoryLike() const { switch (type) { case ImportType::Directory: case ImportType::ImplicitDirectory: case ImportType::QrcDirectory: return true; default: return false; } } ImportKey::DirCompareInfo ImportKey::compareDir(const ImportKey &superDir) const { // assumes dir/+selectors/file (i.e. no directories inside selectors) switch (superDir.type) { case ImportType::UnknownFile: case ImportType::File: case ImportType::Directory: case ImportType::ImplicitDirectory: if (type != ImportType::File && type != ImportType::ImplicitDirectory && type != ImportType::Directory && type != ImportType::UnknownFile) return Incompatible; break; case ImportType::QrcDirectory: case ImportType::QrcFile: if (type != ImportType::QrcDirectory && type != ImportType::QrcFile) return Incompatible; break; case ImportType::Invalid: case ImportType::Library: return Incompatible; } bool isDir1 = isDirectoryLike(); bool isDir2 = superDir.isDirectoryLike(); int len1 = splitPath.size(); int len2 = superDir.splitPath.size(); if (isDir1 && len1 > 0) --len1; if (isDir2 && len2 > 0) --len2; int i1 = 0; int i2 = 0; while (i1 < len1 && i2 < len2) { QString p1 = splitPath.at(i1); QString p2 = superDir.splitPath.at(i2); if (p1 == p2) { ++i1; ++i2; continue; } if (p1.startsWith(QLatin1Char('+'))) { if (p2.startsWith(QLatin1Char('+'))) return SameDir; return SecondInFirst; } if (p2.startsWith(QLatin1Char('+'))) return FirstInSecond; return Different; } if (i1 < len1) { if (splitPath.at(i1).startsWith(QLatin1Char('+'))) return SameDir; return SecondInFirst; } if (i2 < len2) { if (superDir.splitPath.at(i2).startsWith(QLatin1Char('+'))) return SameDir; return SecondInFirst; } return SameDir; } QString ImportKey::toString() const { QString res; switch (type) { case ImportType::UnknownFile: case ImportType::File: res = path(); break; case ImportType::Directory: case ImportType::ImplicitDirectory: res = path() + QLatin1Char('/'); break; case ImportType::QrcDirectory: res = QLatin1String("qrc:") + path() + QLatin1Char('/'); break; case ImportType::QrcFile: res = QLatin1String("qrc:") + path() + QLatin1Char('/'); break; case ImportType::Invalid: res = path(); break; case ImportType::Library: res = splitPath.join(QLatin1Char('.')); break; } if (majorVersion != LanguageUtils::ComponentVersion::NoVersion || minorVersion != LanguageUtils::ComponentVersion::NoVersion) return res + QLatin1Char(' ') + QString::number(majorVersion) + QLatin1Char('.') + QString::number(minorVersion); return res; } uint qHash(const ImportKey &info) { uint res = ::qHash(info.type) ^ ::qHash(info.majorVersion) ^ ::qHash(info.minorVersion); foreach (const QString &s, info.splitPath) res = res ^ ::qHash(s); return res; } bool operator==(const ImportKey &i1, const ImportKey &i2) { return i1.type == i2.type && i1.splitPath == i2.splitPath && i1.majorVersion == i2.majorVersion && i1.minorVersion == i2.minorVersion; } bool operator !=(const ImportKey &i1, const ImportKey &i2) { return ! (i1 == i2); } bool operator <(const ImportKey &i1, const ImportKey &i2) { return i1.compare(i2) < 0; } const QString Export::LibraryTypeName = QLatin1String("%Library%"); Export::Export() : intrinsic(false) { } Export::Export(ImportKey exportName, QString pathRequired, bool intrinsic, const QString &typeName) : exportName(exportName), pathRequired(pathRequired), typeName(typeName), intrinsic(intrinsic) { } bool Export::visibleInVContext(const ViewerContext &vContext) const { return pathRequired.isEmpty() || vContext.paths.contains(pathRequired); } bool operator ==(const Export &i1, const Export &i2) { return i1.exportName == i2.exportName && i1.pathRequired == i2.pathRequired && i1.intrinsic == i2.intrinsic && i1.typeName == i2.typeName; } bool operator !=(const Export &i1, const Export &i2) { return !(i1 == i2); } CoreImport::CoreImport() : language(Dialect::Qml) { } CoreImport::CoreImport(const QString &importId, const QList &possibleExports, Dialect language, const QByteArray &fingerprint) : importId(importId), possibleExports(possibleExports), language(language), fingerprint(fingerprint) { } bool CoreImport::valid() { return !fingerprint.isEmpty(); } QByteArray DependencyInfo::calculateFingerprint(const ImportDependencies &deps) { QCryptographicHash hash(QCryptographicHash::Sha1); rootImport.addToHash(hash); QStringList coreImports = allCoreImports.toList(); coreImports.sort(); foreach (const QString importId, coreImports) { hash.addData(reinterpret_cast(importId.constData()), importId.size() * sizeof(QChar)); QByteArray coreImportFingerprint = deps.coreImport(importId).fingerprint; hash.addData(coreImportFingerprint); } hash.addData("/", 1); QList imports(allImports.toList()); std::sort(imports.begin(), imports.end()); foreach (const ImportKey &k, imports) k.addToHash(hash); return hash.result(); } MatchedImport::MatchedImport() { } MatchedImport::MatchedImport(ImportMatchStrength matchStrength, ImportKey importKey, const QString &coreImportId) : matchStrength(matchStrength), importKey(importKey), coreImportId(coreImportId) { } int MatchedImport::compare(const MatchedImport &o) const { int res = matchStrength.compareMatch(o.matchStrength); if (res != 0) return res; res = importKey.compare(o.importKey); if (res != 0) return res; if (coreImportId < o.coreImportId) return -1; if (coreImportId > o.coreImportId) return 1; return 0; } bool operator ==(const MatchedImport &m1, const MatchedImport &m2) { return m1.compare(m2) == 0; } bool operator !=(const MatchedImport &m1, const MatchedImport &m2) { return m1.compare(m2) != 0; } bool operator <(const MatchedImport &m1, const MatchedImport &m2) { return m1.compare(m2) < 0; } ImportDependencies::ImportDependencies() { } ImportDependencies::~ImportDependencies() { } void ImportDependencies::filter(const ViewerContext &vContext) { QMap newCoreImports; QMap newImportCache; QMapIterator j(m_coreImports); bool hasChanges = false; while (j.hasNext()) { j.next(); const CoreImport &cImport = j.value(); if (vContext.languageIsCompatible(cImport.language)) { QList newExports; foreach (const Export &e, cImport.possibleExports) { if (e.visibleInVContext(vContext)) { newExports.append(e); QStringList &candidateImports = newImportCache[e.exportName]; if (!candidateImports.contains(cImport.importId)) candidateImports.append(cImport.importId); } } if (newExports.size() == cImport.possibleExports.size()) { newCoreImports.insert(cImport.importId, cImport); } else if (newExports.length() > 0) { CoreImport newCImport = cImport; newCImport.possibleExports = newExports; newCoreImports.insert(newCImport.importId, newCImport); hasChanges = true; } else { hasChanges = true; } } else { hasChanges = true; } } if (!hasChanges) return; m_coreImports = newCoreImports; m_importCache = newImportCache; } CoreImport ImportDependencies::coreImport(const QString &importId) const { return m_coreImports.value(importId); } void ImportDependencies::iterateOnCandidateImports( const ImportKey &key, const ViewerContext &vContext, std::function const &iterF) const { switch (key.type) { case ImportType::Directory: case ImportType::QrcDirectory: case ImportType::ImplicitDirectory: break; default: { const QStringList imp = m_importCache.value(key.flatKey()); foreach (const QString &cImportName, imp) { CoreImport cImport = coreImport(cImportName); if (vContext.languageIsCompatible(cImport.language)) { foreach (const Export e, cImport.possibleExports) { if (e.visibleInVContext(vContext)) { ImportMatchStrength m = e.exportName.matchImport(key, vContext); if (m.hasMatch()) { if (!iterF(m, e, cImport)) return; } } } } } return; } } QMap::const_iterator lb = m_importCache.lowerBound(key.flatKey()); QMap::const_iterator end = m_importCache.constEnd(); while (lb != end) { ImportKey::DirCompareInfo c = key.compareDir(lb.key()); if (c == ImportKey::SameDir) { foreach (const QString &cImportName, lb.value()) { CoreImport cImport = coreImport(cImportName); if (vContext.languageIsCompatible(cImport.language)) { foreach (const Export e, cImport.possibleExports) { if (e.visibleInVContext(vContext)) { ImportMatchStrength m = e.exportName.matchImport(key, vContext); if (m.hasMatch()) { if (!iterF(m, e, cImport)) return; } } } } } } else if (c != ImportKey::SecondInFirst) { break; } ++lb; } } class CollectCandidateImports { public: ImportDependencies::ImportElements &res; CollectCandidateImports(ImportDependencies::ImportElements & res) : res(res) { } bool operator ()(const ImportMatchStrength &m, const Export &e, const CoreImport &cI) const { ImportKey flatName = e.exportName.flatKey(); res[flatName].append(MatchedImport(m, e.exportName, cI.importId)); return true; } }; ImportDependencies::ImportElements ImportDependencies::candidateImports( const ImportKey &key, const ViewerContext &vContext) const { ImportDependencies::ImportElements res; CollectCandidateImports collector(res); iterateOnCandidateImports(key, vContext, collector); typedef QMap >::iterator iter_t; iter_t i = res.begin(); iter_t end = res.end(); while (i != end) { std::sort(i.value().begin(), i.value().end()); ++i; } return res; } QList ImportDependencies::createDependencyInfos( const ImportKey &mainDoc, const ViewerContext &vContext) const { Q_UNUSED(mainDoc); Q_UNUSED(vContext); QList res; QTC_CHECK(false); return res; } void ImportDependencies::addCoreImport(const CoreImport &import) { CoreImport newImport = import; if (m_coreImports.contains(import.importId)) { CoreImport oldVal = m_coreImports.value(import.importId); foreach (const Export &e, oldVal.possibleExports) { if (e.intrinsic) removeImportCacheEntry(e.exportName, import.importId); else newImport.possibleExports.append(e); } } foreach (const Export &e, import.possibleExports) m_importCache[e.exportName].append(import.importId); m_coreImports.insert(newImport.importId, newImport); if (importsLog().isDebugEnabled()) { QString msg = QString::fromLatin1("added import %1 for").arg(newImport.importId); foreach (const Export &e, newImport.possibleExports) msg += QString::fromLatin1("\n %1(%2)").arg(e.exportName.toString(), e.pathRequired); qCDebug(importsLog) << msg; } } void ImportDependencies::removeCoreImport(const QString &importId) { if (!m_coreImports.contains(importId)) { qCWarning(importsLog) << "missing importId in removeCoreImport(" << importId << ")"; return; } CoreImport &cImport = m_coreImports[importId]; QList newExports; foreach (const Export &e, cImport.possibleExports) if (e.intrinsic) removeImportCacheEntry(e.exportName, importId); else newExports.append(e); if (newExports.size()>0) cImport.possibleExports = newExports; else m_coreImports.remove(importId); qCDebug(importsLog) << "removed import with id:"<< importId; } void ImportDependencies::removeImportCacheEntry(const ImportKey &importKey, const QString &importId) { QStringList &cImp = m_importCache[importKey]; if (!cImp.removeOne(importId)) { qCWarning(importsLog) << "missing possibleExport backpointer for " << importKey.toString() << " to " << importId; } if (cImp.isEmpty()) m_importCache.remove(importKey); } void ImportDependencies::addExport(const QString &importId, const ImportKey &importKey, const QString &requiredPath, const QString &typeName) { if (!m_coreImports.contains(importId)) { CoreImport newImport(importId); newImport.language = Dialect::AnyLanguage; newImport.possibleExports.append(Export(importKey, requiredPath, false, typeName)); m_coreImports.insert(newImport.importId, newImport); m_importCache[importKey].append(importId); return; } CoreImport &importValue = m_coreImports[importId]; importValue.possibleExports.append(Export(importKey, requiredPath, false, typeName)); m_importCache[importKey].append(importId); qCDebug(importsLog) << "added export "<< importKey.toString() << " for id " < const &iterF) const { QMapIterator i(m_coreImports); while (i.hasNext()) { i.next(); if (vContext.languageIsCompatible(i.value().language)) iterF(i.value()); // check also that at least one export is visible? } } void ImportDependencies::iterateOnLibraryImports( const ViewerContext &vContext, std::function const &iterF) const { typedef QMap::const_iterator iter_t; ImportKey firstLib; firstLib.type = ImportType::Library; iter_t i = m_importCache.lowerBound(firstLib); iter_t end = m_importCache.constEnd(); while (i != end && i.key().type == ImportType::Library) { qCDebug(importsLog) << "libloop:" << i.key().toString() << i.value(); foreach (const QString &cImportName, i.value()) { CoreImport cImport = coreImport(cImportName); if (vContext.languageIsCompatible(cImport.language)) { foreach (const Export &e, cImport.possibleExports) { if (e.visibleInVContext(vContext) && e.exportName.type == ImportType::Library) { ImportMatchStrength m = e.exportName.matchImport(i.key(), vContext); if (m.hasMatch()) { qCDebug(importsLog) << "import iterate:" << e.exportName.toString() << " (" << e.pathRequired << "), id:" << cImport.importId; if (!iterF(m, e, cImport)) return; } } } } } ++i; } } void ImportDependencies::iterateOnSubImports( const ImportKey &baseKey, const ViewerContext &vContext, std::function const &iterF) const { typedef QMap::const_iterator iter_t; iter_t i = m_importCache.lowerBound(baseKey); iter_t end = m_importCache.constEnd(); while (i != end) { ImportKey::DirCompareInfo c = baseKey.compareDir(i.key()); if (c != ImportKey::SameDir && c != ImportKey::SecondInFirst) break; foreach (const QString &cImportName, i.value()) { CoreImport cImport = coreImport(cImportName); if (vContext.languageIsCompatible(cImport.language)) { foreach (const Export &e, cImport.possibleExports) { if (e.visibleInVContext(vContext)) { ImportMatchStrength m = e.exportName.matchImport(i.key(), vContext); if (m.hasMatch()) { if (!iterF(m, e, cImport)) return; } } } } } ++i; } } class CollectImportKeys { public: QSet &imports; CollectImportKeys(QSet &imports) : imports(imports) { } bool operator()(const ImportMatchStrength &m, const Export &e, const CoreImport &cI) const { Q_UNUSED(m); Q_UNUSED(cI); imports.insert(e.exportName.flatKey()); return true; } }; QSet ImportDependencies::libraryImports(const ViewerContext &viewContext) const { QSet res; CollectImportKeys importCollector(res); iterateOnLibraryImports(viewContext, importCollector); return res; } QSet ImportDependencies::subdirImports( const ImportKey &baseKey, const ViewerContext &viewContext) const { QSet res; CollectImportKeys importCollector(res); iterateOnSubImports(baseKey, viewContext, importCollector); return res; } void ImportDependencies::checkConsistency() const { QMapIterator j(m_importCache); while (j.hasNext()) { j.next(); foreach (const QString &s, j.value()) { bool found = false; foreach (const Export &e, m_coreImports.value(s).possibleExports) if (e.exportName == j.key()) found = true; Q_ASSERT(found); Q_UNUSED(found); } } QMapIterator i(m_coreImports); while (i.hasNext()) { i.next(); foreach (const Export &e, i.value().possibleExports) { if (!m_importCache.value(e.exportName).contains(i.key())) { qCWarning(importsLog) << e.exportName.toString(); qCWarning(importsLog) << i.key(); QMapIterator j(m_importCache); while (j.hasNext()) { j.next(); qCWarning(importsLog) << j.key().toString() << j.value(); } qCWarning(importsLog) << m_importCache.contains(e.exportName); qCWarning(importsLog) << m_importCache.value(e.exportName); } Q_ASSERT(m_importCache.value(e.exportName).contains(i.key())); } } } } // namespace QmlJS