/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2013 Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies). ** Contact: http://www.qt-project.org/legal ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator. ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and Digia. For licensing terms and ** conditions see http://qt.digia.com/licensing. For further information ** use the contact form at http://qt.digia.com/contact-us. ** ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser ** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the ** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to ** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements ** will be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html. ** ** In addition, as a special exception, Digia gives you certain additional ** rights. These rights are described in the Digia Qt LGPL Exception ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package. ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "ResolveExpression.h" #include "LookupContext.h" #include "Overview.h" #include "DeprecatedGenTemplateInstance.h" #include "CppRewriter.h" #include "TypeOfExpression.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace CPlusPlus; namespace { template static QList<_Tp> removeDuplicates(const QList<_Tp> &results) { QList<_Tp> uniqueList; QSet<_Tp> processed; foreach (const _Tp &r, results) { if (processed.contains(r)) continue; processed.insert(r); uniqueList.append(r); } return uniqueList; } } // end of anonymous namespace ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ResolveExpression ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ResolveExpression::ResolveExpression(const LookupContext &context, const QSet &autoDeclarationsBeingResolved) : ASTVisitor(context.expressionDocument()->translationUnit()), _scope(0), _context(context), bind(context.expressionDocument()->translationUnit()), _autoDeclarationsBeingResolved(autoDeclarationsBeingResolved), _reference(false) { } ResolveExpression::~ResolveExpression() { } QList ResolveExpression::operator()(ExpressionAST *ast, Scope *scope) { return resolve(ast, scope); } QList ResolveExpression::reference(ExpressionAST *ast, Scope *scope) { return resolve(ast, scope, true); } QList ResolveExpression::resolve(ExpressionAST *ast, Scope *scope, bool ref) { if (! scope) return QList(); std::swap(_scope, scope); std::swap(_reference, ref); const QList result = expression(ast); std::swap(_reference, ref); std::swap(_scope, scope); return result; } QList ResolveExpression::expression(ExpressionAST *ast) { const QList previousResults = switchResults(QList()); accept(ast); return removeDuplicates(switchResults(previousResults)); } QList ResolveExpression::switchResults(const QList &results) { const QList previousResults = _results; _results = results; return previousResults; } void ResolveExpression::addResults(const QList &symbols) { foreach (Symbol *symbol, symbols) { LookupItem item; item.setType(symbol->type()); item.setScope(symbol->enclosingScope()); item.setDeclaration(symbol); _results.append(item); } } void ResolveExpression::addResults(const QList &items) { _results += items; } void ResolveExpression::addResult(const FullySpecifiedType &ty, Scope *scope) { LookupItem item; item.setType(ty); item.setScope(scope); _results.append(item); } bool ResolveExpression::visit(IdExpressionAST *ast) { accept(ast->name); return false; } bool ResolveExpression::visit(BinaryExpressionAST *ast) { if (tokenKind(ast->binary_op_token) == T_COMMA && ast->right_expression && ast->right_expression->asQtMethod() != 0) { if (ast->left_expression && ast->left_expression->asQtMethod() != 0) thisObject(); else accept(ast->left_expression); QtMethodAST *qtMethod = ast->right_expression->asQtMethod(); if (DeclaratorAST *d = qtMethod->declarator) { if (d->core_declarator) { if (DeclaratorIdAST *declaratorId = d->core_declarator->asDeclaratorId()) { if (NameAST *nameAST = declaratorId->name) { if (ClassOrNamespace *binding = baseExpression(_results, T_ARROW)) { _results.clear(); addResults(binding->lookup(nameAST->name)); } } } } } return false; } accept(ast->left_expression); return false; } bool ResolveExpression::visit(CastExpressionAST *ast) { Scope *dummyScope = _context.expressionDocument()->globalNamespace(); FullySpecifiedType ty = bind(ast->type_id, dummyScope); addResult(ty, _scope); return false; } bool ResolveExpression::visit(ConditionAST *) { // nothing to do. return false; } bool ResolveExpression::visit(ConditionalExpressionAST *ast) { if (ast->left_expression) accept(ast->left_expression); else if (ast->right_expression) accept(ast->right_expression); return false; } bool ResolveExpression::visit(CppCastExpressionAST *ast) { Scope *dummyScope = _context.expressionDocument()->globalNamespace(); FullySpecifiedType ty = bind(ast->type_id, dummyScope); addResult(ty, _scope); return false; } bool ResolveExpression::visit(DeleteExpressionAST *) { FullySpecifiedType ty(control()->voidType()); addResult(ty, _scope); return false; } bool ResolveExpression::visit(ArrayInitializerAST *) { // nothing to do. return false; } bool ResolveExpression::visit(NewExpressionAST *ast) { if (ast->new_type_id) { Scope *dummyScope = _context.expressionDocument()->globalNamespace(); FullySpecifiedType ty = bind(ast->new_type_id, dummyScope); FullySpecifiedType ptrTy(control()->pointerType(ty)); addResult(ptrTy, _scope); } // nothing to do. return false; } bool ResolveExpression::visit(TypeidExpressionAST *) { const Name *stdName = control()->identifier("std"); const Name *tiName = control()->identifier("type_info"); const Name *q = control()->qualifiedNameId(control()->qualifiedNameId(/* :: */ 0, stdName), tiName); FullySpecifiedType ty(control()->namedType(q)); addResult(ty, _scope); return false; } bool ResolveExpression::visit(TypenameCallExpressionAST *) { // nothing to do return false; } bool ResolveExpression::visit(TypeConstructorCallAST *) { // nothing to do. return false; } bool ResolveExpression::visit(SizeofExpressionAST *) { FullySpecifiedType ty(control()->integerType(IntegerType::Int)); ty.setUnsigned(true); addResult(ty, _scope); return false; } bool ResolveExpression::visit(PointerLiteralAST *) { FullySpecifiedType ty(control()->integerType(IntegerType::Int)); // Handling as Int. addResult(ty, _scope); return false; } bool ResolveExpression::visit(NumericLiteralAST *ast) { const Token &tk = tokenAt(ast->literal_token); Type *type = 0; bool isUnsigned = false; if (tk.is(T_CHAR_LITERAL)) { type = control()->integerType(IntegerType::Char); } else if (tk.is(T_WIDE_CHAR_LITERAL)) { type = control()->integerType(IntegerType::WideChar); } else if (tk.is(T_UTF16_CHAR_LITERAL)) { type = control()->integerType(IntegerType::Char16); } else if (tk.is(T_UTF32_CHAR_LITERAL)) { type = control()->integerType(IntegerType::Char32); } else if (const NumericLiteral *literal = numericLiteral(ast->literal_token)) { isUnsigned = literal->isUnsigned(); if (literal->isInt()) type = control()->integerType(IntegerType::Int); else if (literal->isLong()) type = control()->integerType(IntegerType::Long); else if (literal->isLongLong()) type = control()->integerType(IntegerType::LongLong); else if (literal->isFloat()) type = control()->floatType(FloatType::Float); else if (literal->isDouble()) type = control()->floatType(FloatType::Double); else if (literal->isLongDouble()) type = control()->floatType(FloatType::LongDouble); else type = control()->integerType(IntegerType::Int); } FullySpecifiedType ty(type); ty.setUnsigned(isUnsigned); addResult(ty, _scope); return false; } bool ResolveExpression::visit(BoolLiteralAST *) { FullySpecifiedType ty(control()->integerType(IntegerType::Bool)); addResult(ty, _scope); return false; } bool ResolveExpression::visit(ThisExpressionAST *) { thisObject(); return false; } void ResolveExpression::thisObject() { Scope *scope = _scope; for (; scope; scope = scope->enclosingScope()) { if (Function *fun = scope->asFunction()) { if (Class *klass = scope->enclosingClass()) { FullySpecifiedType classTy(control()->namedType(klass->name())); FullySpecifiedType ptrTy(control()->pointerType(classTy)); addResult(ptrTy, fun->enclosingScope()); break; } else if (const QualifiedNameId *q = fun->name()->asQualifiedNameId()) { if (q->base()) { FullySpecifiedType classTy(control()->namedType(q->base())); FullySpecifiedType ptrTy(control()->pointerType(classTy)); addResult(ptrTy, fun->enclosingScope()); } break; } } } } bool ResolveExpression::visit(CompoundExpressionAST *ast) { CompoundStatementAST *cStmt = ast->statement; if (cStmt && cStmt->statement_list) accept(cStmt->statement_list->lastValue()); return false; } bool ResolveExpression::visit(NestedExpressionAST *ast) { accept(ast->expression); return false; } bool ResolveExpression::visit(StringLiteralAST *) { FullySpecifiedType charTy = control()->integerType(IntegerType::Char); charTy.setConst(true); FullySpecifiedType ty(control()->pointerType(charTy)); addResult(ty, _scope); return false; } bool ResolveExpression::visit(ThrowExpressionAST *) { return false; } bool ResolveExpression::visit(TypeIdAST *) { return false; } bool ResolveExpression::visit(UnaryExpressionAST *ast) { accept(ast->expression); unsigned unaryOp = tokenKind(ast->unary_op_token); if (unaryOp == T_AMPER) { QMutableListIterator it(_results); while (it.hasNext()) { LookupItem p = it.next(); FullySpecifiedType ty = p.type(); ty.setType(control()->pointerType(ty)); p.setType(ty); it.setValue(p); } } else if (unaryOp == T_STAR) { QMutableListIterator it(_results); while (it.hasNext()) { LookupItem p = it.next(); FullySpecifiedType ty = p.type(); NamedType *namedTy = ty->asNamedType(); if (namedTy != 0) { const QList types = _context.lookup(namedTy->name(), p.scope()); if (!types.empty()) ty = types.front().type(); } bool added = false; if (PointerType *ptrTy = ty->asPointerType()) { p.setType(ptrTy->elementType()); it.setValue(p); added = true; } else if (namedTy != 0) { const Name *starOp = control()->operatorNameId(OperatorNameId::StarOp); if (ClassOrNamespace *b = _context.lookupType(namedTy->name(), p.scope())) { foreach (const LookupItem &r, b->find(starOp)) { Symbol *overload = r.declaration(); if (Function *funTy = overload->type()->asFunctionType()) { if (maybeValidPrototype(funTy, 0)) { if (Function *proto = instantiate(b->templateId(), funTy)->asFunctionType()) { FullySpecifiedType retTy = proto->returnType().simplified(); p.setType(retTy); p.setScope(proto->enclosingScope()); it.setValue(p); added = true; break; } } } } } if (!added) it.remove(); } } } return false; } bool ResolveExpression::visit(CompoundLiteralAST *ast) { accept(ast->type_id); return false; } bool ResolveExpression::visit(QualifiedNameAST *ast) { if (const Name *name = ast->name) { const QList candidates = _context.lookup(name, _scope); addResults(candidates); } return false; } namespace { class DeduceAutoCheck : public ASTVisitor { public: DeduceAutoCheck(const Identifier *id, TranslationUnit *tu) : ASTVisitor(tu), _id(id), _block(false) { accept(tu->ast()); } virtual bool preVisit(AST *) { if (_block) return false; return true; } virtual bool visit(SimpleNameAST *ast) { if (ast->name && ast->name->identifier() && strcmp(ast->name->identifier()->chars(), _id->chars()) == 0) { _block = true; } return false; } virtual bool visit(MemberAccessAST *ast) { accept(ast->base_expression); return false; } const Identifier *_id; bool _block; }; } // namespace anonymous bool ResolveExpression::visit(SimpleNameAST *ast) { QList candidates = _context.lookup(ast->name, _scope); QList newCandidates; for (QList::iterator it = candidates.begin(); it != candidates.end(); ++ it) { LookupItem& item = *it; if (!item.type()->isUndefinedType()) continue; if (item.declaration() == 0) continue; if (item.type().isAuto()) { const Declaration *decl = item.declaration()->asDeclaration(); if (!decl) continue; // Stop on recursive auto declarations if (_autoDeclarationsBeingResolved.contains(decl)) continue; const StringLiteral *initializationString = decl->getInitializer(); if (initializationString == 0) continue; const QByteArray &initializer = QByteArray::fromRawData(initializationString->chars(), initializationString->size()).trimmed(); // Skip lambda-function initializers if (initializer.length() > 0 && initializer[0] == '[') continue; TypeOfExpression exprTyper; Document::Ptr doc = _context.snapshot().document(QString::fromLocal8Bit(decl->fileName())); exprTyper.init(doc, _context.snapshot(), _context.bindings(), QSet(_autoDeclarationsBeingResolved) << decl); Document::Ptr exprDoc = documentForExpression(exprTyper.preprocessedExpression(initializer)); exprDoc->check(); DeduceAutoCheck deduceAuto(ast->name->identifier(), exprDoc->translationUnit()); if (deduceAuto._block) continue; const QList &typeItems = exprTyper(extractExpressionAST(exprDoc), exprDoc, decl->enclosingScope()); if (typeItems.empty()) continue; CPlusPlus::Clone cloner(_context.bindings()->control().data()); for (int n = 0; n < typeItems.size(); ++ n) { FullySpecifiedType newType = cloner.type(typeItems[n].type(), 0); if (n == 0) { item.setType(newType); item.setScope(typeItems[n].scope()); } else { LookupItem newItem(item); newItem.setType(newType); newItem.setScope(typeItems[n].scope()); newCandidates.push_back(newItem); } } } else { item.setType(item.declaration()->type()); item.setScope(item.declaration()->enclosingScope()); } } addResults(candidates); addResults(newCandidates); return false; } bool ResolveExpression::visit(TemplateIdAST *ast) { const QList candidates = _context.lookup(ast->name, _scope); addResults(candidates); return false; } bool ResolveExpression::visit(DestructorNameAST *) { FullySpecifiedType ty(control()->voidType()); addResult(ty, _scope); return false; } bool ResolveExpression::visit(OperatorFunctionIdAST *) { return false; } bool ResolveExpression::visit(ConversionFunctionIdAST *) { return false; } bool ResolveExpression::maybeValidPrototype(Function *funTy, unsigned actualArgumentCount) { return funTy->maybeValidPrototype(actualArgumentCount); } bool ResolveExpression::implicitConversion(const FullySpecifiedType &sourceTy, const FullySpecifiedType &targetTy) const { if (sourceTy.isEqualTo(targetTy)) return true; else if (sourceTy.simplified().isEqualTo(targetTy.simplified())) return true; return false; } bool ResolveExpression::visit(CallAST *ast) { const QList baseResults = resolve(ast->base_expression, _scope); // Compute the types of the actual arguments. unsigned actualArgumentCount = 0; QList< QList > arguments; for (ExpressionListAST *exprIt = ast->expression_list; exprIt; exprIt = exprIt->next) { if (_reference) arguments.append(resolve(exprIt->value, _scope)); ++actualArgumentCount; } if (_reference) { typedef std::multimap LookupMap; LookupMap sortedResults; foreach (const LookupItem &base, baseResults) { if (Function *funTy = base.type()->asFunctionType()) { if (! maybeValidPrototype(funTy, actualArgumentCount)) continue; int score = 0; for (unsigned i = 0, argc = funTy->argumentCount(); i < argc; ++i) { const FullySpecifiedType formalTy = funTy->argumentAt(i)->type(); FullySpecifiedType actualTy; if (i < unsigned(arguments.size())) { const QList actual = arguments.at(i); if (actual.isEmpty()) continue; actualTy = actual.first().type(); } else actualTy = formalTy; if (implicitConversion(actualTy, formalTy)) ++score; } sortedResults.insert(LookupMap::value_type(-score, base)); } } _results.clear(); for (LookupMap::const_iterator it = sortedResults.begin(); it != sortedResults.end(); ++it) _results.append(it->second); if (_results.isEmpty()) _results = baseResults; return false; } const Name *functionCallOp = control()->operatorNameId(OperatorNameId::FunctionCallOp); foreach (const LookupItem &result, baseResults) { FullySpecifiedType ty = result.type().simplified(); Scope *scope = result.scope(); if (NamedType *namedTy = ty->asNamedType()) { if (ClassOrNamespace *b = _context.lookupType(namedTy->name(), scope)) { foreach (const LookupItem &r, b->find(functionCallOp)) { Symbol *overload = r.declaration(); if (Function *funTy = overload->type()->asFunctionType()) { if (maybeValidPrototype(funTy, actualArgumentCount)) { if (Function *proto = instantiate(namedTy->name(), funTy)->asFunctionType()) addResult(proto->returnType().simplified(), scope); } } } } } else if (Function *funTy = ty->asFunctionType()) { if (maybeValidPrototype(funTy, actualArgumentCount)) addResult(funTy->returnType().simplified(), scope); } else if (Class *classTy = ty->asClassType()) { // Constructor call FullySpecifiedType ctorTy = control()->namedType(classTy->name()); addResult(ctorTy, scope); } else if (Template *templateTy = ty->asTemplateType()) { // template function if (Symbol *declaration = templateTy->declaration()) { if (Function *funTy = declaration->asFunction()) { if (maybeValidPrototype(funTy, actualArgumentCount)) addResult(funTy->returnType().simplified(), scope); } } } } return false; } bool ResolveExpression::visit(ArrayAccessAST *ast) { const QList baseResults = resolve(ast->base_expression, _scope); const QList indexResults = resolve(ast->expression, _scope); const Name *arrayAccessOp = control()->operatorNameId(OperatorNameId::ArrayAccessOp); foreach (const LookupItem &result, baseResults) { FullySpecifiedType ty = result.type().simplified(); Scope *scope = result.scope(); if (PointerType *ptrTy = ty->asPointerType()) { addResult(ptrTy->elementType().simplified(), scope); } else if (ArrayType *arrTy = ty->asArrayType()) { addResult(arrTy->elementType().simplified(), scope); } else if (NamedType *namedTy = ty->asNamedType()) { if (ClassOrNamespace *b = _context.lookupType(namedTy->name(), scope)) { foreach (const LookupItem &r, b->find(arrayAccessOp)) { Symbol *overload = r.declaration(); if (Function *funTy = overload->type()->asFunctionType()) { if (Function *proto = instantiate(namedTy->name(), funTy)->asFunctionType()) // ### TODO: check the actual arguments addResult(proto->returnType().simplified(), scope); } } } } } return false; } QList ResolveExpression::getMembers(ClassOrNamespace *binding, const Name *memberName) const { Q_UNUSED(binding); Q_UNUSED(memberName); // ### port me QList members; #if 0 const QList originalMembers = binding->find(memberName); foreach (const LookupItem &m, originalMembers) { if (! m.binding() || ! m.binding()->templateId()) { members.append(m); continue; } Symbol *decl = m.declaration(); if (Class *klass = decl->scope()->asClass()) { if (klass->templateParameters() != 0) { SubstitutionMap map; const TemplateNameId *templateId = m.binding()->templateId(); unsigned count = qMin(klass->templateParameterCount(), templateId->templateArgumentCount()); for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i) { map.bind(klass->templateParameterAt(i)->name(), templateId->templateArgumentAt(i)); } SubstitutionEnvironment env; if (m.scope()) env.switchScope(m.scope()); env.setContext(_context); env.enter(&map); FullySpecifiedType instantiatedTy = rewriteType(decl->type(), &env, _context.control().data()); Overview oo; oo.showReturnTypes = true; oo.showFunctionSignatures = true; qDebug() << "original:" << oo(decl->type(), decl->name()) << "inst:" << oo(instantiatedTy, decl->name()); LookupItem newItem; newItem = m; newItem.setType(instantiatedTy); members.append(newItem); } } } #endif return members; } bool ResolveExpression::visit(MemberAccessAST *ast) { // The candidate types for the base expression are stored in // _results. const QList baseResults = resolve(ast->base_expression, _scope); // Evaluate the expression-id that follows the access operator. const Name *memberName = 0; if (ast->member_name) memberName = ast->member_name->name; // Remember the access operator. const int accessOp = tokenKind(ast->access_token); if (ClassOrNamespace *binding = baseExpression(baseResults, accessOp)) addResults(binding->find(memberName)); return false; } ClassOrNamespace *ResolveExpression::findClass(const FullySpecifiedType &originalTy, Scope *scope, ClassOrNamespace* enclosingTemplateInstantiation) const { FullySpecifiedType ty = originalTy.simplified(); ClassOrNamespace *binding = 0; if (Class *klass = ty->asClassType()) binding = _context.lookupType(klass, enclosingTemplateInstantiation); else if (NamedType *namedTy = ty->asNamedType()) binding = _context.lookupType(namedTy->name(), scope, enclosingTemplateInstantiation); else if (Function *funTy = ty->asFunctionType()) return findClass(funTy->returnType(), scope); return binding; } class TypedefsResolver { public: TypedefsResolver(const LookupContext &context) : _context(context) {} void resolve(FullySpecifiedType *type, Scope **scope, ClassOrNamespace *binding) { QSet visited; _binding = binding; while (NamedType *namedTy = getNamedType(*type)) { QList namedTypeItems = getNamedTypeItems(namedTy->name(), *scope, _binding); #ifdef DEBUG_LOOKUP qDebug() << "-- we have" << namedTypeItems.size() << "candidates"; #endif // DEBUG_LOOKUP if (!findTypedef(namedTypeItems, type, scope, visited)) break; } } private: NamedType *getNamedType(FullySpecifiedType& type) const { NamedType *namedTy = type->asNamedType(); if (! namedTy) { if (PointerType *pointerTy = type->asPointerType()) namedTy = pointerTy->elementType()->asNamedType(); } return namedTy; } QList getNamedTypeItems(const Name *name, Scope *scope, ClassOrNamespace *binding) const { QList namedTypeItems = typedefsFromScopeUpToFunctionScope(name, scope); if (namedTypeItems.isEmpty()) { if (binding) namedTypeItems = binding->lookup(name); if (ClassOrNamespace *scopeCon = _context.lookupType(scope)) namedTypeItems += scopeCon->lookup(name); } return namedTypeItems; } /// Return all typedefs with given name from given scope up to function scope. static QList typedefsFromScopeUpToFunctionScope(const Name *name, Scope *scope) { QList results; Scope *enclosingBlockScope = 0; for (Block *block = scope->asBlock(); block; block = enclosingBlockScope ? enclosingBlockScope->asBlock() : 0) { const unsigned memberCount = block->memberCount(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < memberCount; ++i) { Symbol *symbol = block->memberAt(i); if (Declaration *declaration = symbol->asDeclaration()) { if (isTypedefWithName(declaration, name)) { LookupItem item; item.setDeclaration(declaration); item.setScope(block); item.setType(declaration->type()); results.append(item); } } } enclosingBlockScope = block->enclosingScope(); } return results; } static bool isTypedefWithName(const Declaration *declaration, const Name *name) { if (declaration->isTypedef()) { const Identifier *identifier = declaration->name()->identifier(); if (name->identifier()->isEqualTo(identifier)) return true; } return false; } bool findTypedef(const QList& namedTypeItems, FullySpecifiedType *type, Scope **scope, QSet& visited) { bool foundTypedef = false; foreach (const LookupItem &it, namedTypeItems) { Symbol *declaration = it.declaration(); if (declaration && declaration->isTypedef()) { if (visited.contains(declaration)) break; visited.insert(declaration); // continue working with the typedefed type and scope *type = declaration->type(); *scope = it.scope(); _binding = it.binding(); foundTypedef = true; break; } } return foundTypedef; } const LookupContext &_context; // binding has to be remembered in case of resolving typedefs for templates ClassOrNamespace *_binding; }; static bool isTypeTypedefed(const FullySpecifiedType &originalTy, const FullySpecifiedType &typedefedTy) { return ! originalTy.isEqualTo(typedefedTy); } static bool areOriginalAndTypedefedTypePointer(const FullySpecifiedType &originalTy, const FullySpecifiedType &typedefedTy) { return originalTy->isPointerType() && typedefedTy->isPointerType(); } ClassOrNamespace *ResolveExpression::baseExpression(const QList &baseResults, int accessOp, bool *replacedDotOperator) const { #ifdef DEBUG_LOOKUP qDebug() << "In ResolveExpression::baseExpression with" << baseResults.size() << "results..."; int i = 0; Overview oo; #endif // DEBUG_LOOKUP TypedefsResolver typedefsResolver(_context); foreach (const LookupItem &r, baseResults) { if (!r.type().type()) continue; FullySpecifiedType ty = r.type().simplified(); FullySpecifiedType originalType = ty; Scope *scope = r.scope(); #ifdef DEBUG_LOOKUP qDebug("trying result #%d", ++i); qDebug()<<"- before typedef resolving we have:"<asPointerType()) { FullySpecifiedType type = ptrTy->elementType(); if (! ty->isPointerType()) type = ty; if (ClassOrNamespace *binding = findClass(type, scope)) return binding; } else if (PointerType *ptrTy = ty->asPointerType()) { FullySpecifiedType type = ptrTy->elementType(); if (ClassOrNamespace *binding = findClass(type, scope)) return binding; } else if (ClassOrNamespace *binding = findClass(ty, scope)) { // lookup for overloads of operator-> const OperatorNameId *arrowOp = control()->operatorNameId(OperatorNameId::ArrowOp); foreach (const LookupItem &r, binding->find(arrowOp)) { Symbol *overload = r.declaration(); if (! overload) continue; Scope *functionScope = overload->enclosingScope(); if (overload->type()->isFunctionType()) { FullySpecifiedType overloadTy = instantiate(binding->templateId(), overload); Function *instantiatedFunction = overloadTy->asFunctionType(); Q_ASSERT(instantiatedFunction != 0); FullySpecifiedType retTy = instantiatedFunction->returnType().simplified(); typedefsResolver.resolve(&retTy, &functionScope, r.binding()); if (! retTy->isPointerType() && ! retTy->isNamedType()) continue; if (PointerType *ptrTy = retTy->asPointerType()) retTy = ptrTy->elementType(); if (ClassOrNamespace *retBinding = findClass(retTy, functionScope)) return retBinding; if (scope != functionScope) { if (ClassOrNamespace *retBinding = findClass(retTy, scope)) return retBinding; } if (ClassOrNamespace *origin = binding->instantiationOrigin()) { foreach (Symbol *originSymbol, origin->symbols()) { Scope *originScope = originSymbol->asScope(); if (originScope && originScope != scope && originScope != functionScope) { if (ClassOrNamespace *retBinding = findClass(retTy, originScope)) return retBinding; } } } } } } } else if (accessOp == T_DOT) { if (replacedDotOperator) { if (! isTypeTypedefed(originalType, ty) || ! areOriginalAndTypedefedTypePointer(originalType, ty)) { *replacedDotOperator = originalType->isPointerType() || ty->isPointerType(); if (PointerType *ptrTy = ty->asPointerType()) { ty = ptrTy->elementType(); } } } ClassOrNamespace *enclosingTemplateInstantiation = 0; if (ClassOrNamespace *binding = r.binding()) { if (binding->instantiationOrigin()) enclosingTemplateInstantiation = binding; } if (ClassOrNamespace *binding = findClass(ty, scope, enclosingTemplateInstantiation)) return binding; } } return 0; } FullySpecifiedType ResolveExpression::instantiate(const Name *className, Symbol *candidate) const { return DeprecatedGenTemplateInstance::instantiate(className, candidate, _context.bindings()->control()); } bool ResolveExpression::visit(PostIncrDecrAST *ast) { const QList baseResults = resolve(ast->base_expression, _scope); _results = baseResults; return false; } bool ResolveExpression::visit(ObjCMessageExpressionAST *ast) { const QList receiverResults = resolve(ast->receiver_expression, _scope); foreach (const LookupItem &result, receiverResults) { FullySpecifiedType ty = result.type().simplified(); ClassOrNamespace *binding = 0; if (ObjCClass *clazz = ty->asObjCClassType()) { // static access, e.g.: // [NSObject description]; binding = _context.lookupType(clazz); } else if (PointerType *ptrTy = ty->asPointerType()) { if (NamedType *namedTy = ptrTy->elementType()->asNamedType()) { // dynamic access, e.g.: // NSObject *obj = ...; [obj release]; binding = _context.lookupType(namedTy->name(), result.scope()); } } if (binding) { foreach (const LookupItem &r, binding->lookup(ast->selector->name)) { Symbol *s = r.declaration(); if (ObjCMethod *m = s->asObjCMethod()) addResult(m->returnType(), result.scope()); } } } return false; } const LookupContext &ResolveExpression::context() const { return _context; }