/*************************************************************************** ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator ** ** Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). ** ** Contact: Qt Software Information (qt-info@nokia.com) ** ** ** Non-Open Source Usage ** ** Licensees may use this file in accordance with the Qt Beta Version ** License Agreement, Agreement version 2.2 provided with the Software or, ** alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in a written ** agreement between you and Nokia. ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU General ** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging ** of this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU ** General Public Licensing requirements will be met: ** ** http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/info/GPLv2.html and ** http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. ** ** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional ** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt GPL Exception ** version 1.3, included in the file GPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package. ** ***************************************************************************/ #include "PrettyPrinter.h" #include "AST.h" #include "Token.h" #include #include #include CPLUSPLUS_USE_NAMESPACE PrettyPrinter::PrettyPrinter(Control *control, std::ostream &out) : ASTVisitor(control), out(out), depth(0) { } void PrettyPrinter::operator()(AST *ast) { accept(ast); } void PrettyPrinter::indent() { ++depth; } void PrettyPrinter::deindent() { --depth; } void PrettyPrinter::newline() { out << '\n' << std::string(depth * 4, ' '); } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(AccessDeclarationAST *ast) { deindent(); newline(); out << spell(ast->access_specifier_token); if (ast->slots_token) out << ' ' << spell(ast->slots_token); out << ':' << std::endl; indent(); return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(ArrayAccessAST *ast) { out << '['; accept(ast->expression); out << ']'; return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(ArrayDeclaratorAST *ast) { out << '['; accept(ast->expression); out << ']'; return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(ArrayInitializerAST *ast) { out << '{'; for (ExpressionListAST *it = ast->expression_list; it; it = it->next) { accept(it->expression); if (it->next) out << ", "; } out << '}'; return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(AsmDefinitionAST *ast) { out << spell(ast->asm_token); for (SpecifierAST *it = ast->cv_qualifier_seq; it; it = it->next) { out << ' '; accept(it); } out << '('; out << "/* ### implement me */"; out << ");"; return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(AttributeSpecifierAST *ast) { out << "attribute(("; for (AttributeAST *it = ast->attributes; it; it = it->next) { accept(it); if (it->next) out << ", "; } out << "))"; return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(AttributeAST *ast) { out << spell(ast->identifier_token); if (ast->lparen_token) { out << '('; out << spell(ast->tag_token); if (ast->expression_list) { out << '('; for (ExpressionListAST *it = ast->expression_list; it; it = it->next) { accept(it->expression); if (it->next) out << ", "; } out << ')'; } out << ')'; } return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(BaseSpecifierAST *ast) { if (ast->token_virtual && ast->token_access_specifier) { out << "virtual"; out << ' '; out << spell(ast->token_access_specifier); out << ' '; } else if (ast->token_virtual) { out << "virtual"; out << ' '; } else if (ast->token_access_specifier) { out << spell(ast->token_access_specifier); out << ' '; } accept(ast->name); return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(BinaryExpressionAST *ast) { accept(ast->left_expression); out << ' ' << spell(ast->binary_op_token) << ' '; accept(ast->right_expression); return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(BoolLiteralAST *ast) { out << spell(ast->token); return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(BreakStatementAST *) { out << "break;"; return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(CallAST *ast) { out << '('; for (ExpressionListAST *it = ast->expression_list; it; it = it->next) { accept(it->expression); if (it->next) out << ", "; } out << ')'; return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(CaseStatementAST *ast) { out << "case "; accept(ast->expression); out << ':'; if (! ast->statement) { newline(); return false; } if (ast->statement->asCompoundStatement()) { out << ' '; accept(ast->statement); } else if (ast->statement->asCaseStatement() || ast->statement->asLabeledStatement()) { newline(); accept(ast->statement); } else { indent(); newline(); accept(ast->statement); deindent(); newline(); } return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(CastExpressionAST *ast) { out << '('; accept(ast->type_id); out << ')'; accept(ast->expression); return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(CatchClauseAST *ast) { out << "catch"; out << '('; accept(ast->exception_declaration); out << ')'; accept(ast->statement); return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(ClassSpecifierAST *ast) { out << spell(ast->classkey_token); out << ' '; if (ast->attributes) { accept(ast->attributes); out << ' '; } accept(ast->name); if (ast->colon_token) { out << ':'; out << ' '; for (BaseSpecifierAST *it = ast->base_clause; it; it = it->next) { accept(it); if (it->next) out << ", "; } } newline(); out << '{'; if (ast->member_specifiers) { indent(); newline(); if (ast->member_specifiers) { for (DeclarationAST *it = ast->member_specifiers; it; it = it->next) { accept(it); if (it->next) newline(); } } deindent(); newline(); } out << '}'; return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(CompoundStatementAST *ast) { out << '{'; if (ast->statements) { indent(); newline(); for (StatementAST *it = ast->statements; it; it = it->next) { accept(it); if (it->next) newline(); } deindent(); newline(); } out << '}'; return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(ConditionAST *ast) { for (SpecifierAST *it = ast->type_specifier; it; it = it->next) { accept(it); if (it->next) out << ' '; } if (ast->declarator) { if (ast->type_specifier) out << ' '; accept(ast->declarator); } return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(ConditionalExpressionAST *ast) { accept(ast->condition); out << '?'; accept(ast->left_expression); out << ':'; accept(ast->right_expression); return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(ContinueStatementAST *) { out << "continue"; out << ';'; return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(ConversionFunctionIdAST *ast) { out << "operator"; out << ' '; for (SpecifierAST *it = ast->type_specifier; it; it = it->next) { accept(it); if (it->next) out << ' '; } for (PtrOperatorAST *it = ast->ptr_operators; it; it = it->next) { accept(it); } return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(CppCastExpressionAST *ast) { out << spell(ast->cast_token); out << '<'; out << ' '; accept(ast->type_id); out << ' '; out << '>'; out << '('; accept(ast->expression); out << ')'; return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(CtorInitializerAST *ast) { out << ':'; out << ' '; for (MemInitializerAST *it = ast->member_initializers; it; it = it->next) { accept(it->name); out << '('; accept(it->expression); out << ')'; if (it->next) out << ", "; } return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(DeclaratorAST *ast) { for (PtrOperatorAST *it = ast->ptr_operators; it; it = it->next) { accept(it); } if (ast->core_declarator) { if (ast->ptr_operators) out << ' '; accept(ast->core_declarator); } for (PostfixDeclaratorAST *it = ast->postfix_declarators; it; it = it->next) { accept(it); } for (SpecifierAST *it = ast->attributes; it; it = it->next) { accept(it); if (it->next) out << ' '; } if (ast->initializer) { out << ' '; out << '='; out << ' '; accept(ast->initializer); } return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(DeclarationStatementAST *ast) { accept(ast->declaration); return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(DeclaratorIdAST *ast) { accept(ast->name); return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(DeclaratorListAST *ast) { for (DeclaratorListAST *it = ast; it; it = it->next) { accept(it->declarator); if (it->next) out << ", "; } return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(DeleteExpressionAST *ast) { if (ast->scope_token) out << "::"; out << "delete"; if (ast->expression) { out << ' '; accept(ast->expression); } return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(DestructorNameAST *ast) { out << '~'; out << spell(ast->identifier_token); return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(DoStatementAST *ast) { out << "do"; if (ast->statement) { out << ' '; accept(ast->statement); } out << "while"; out << '('; accept(ast->expression); out << ')'; out << ';'; return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(ElaboratedTypeSpecifierAST *ast) { out << spell(ast->classkey_token); if (ast->name) { out << ' '; accept(ast->name); } return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(EmptyDeclarationAST *) { out << ';'; return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(EnumSpecifierAST *ast) { out << "enum"; if (ast->name) { out << ' '; accept(ast->name); } out << ' '; out << '{'; if (ast->enumerators) { indent(); newline(); for (EnumeratorAST *it = ast->enumerators; it; it = it->next) { accept(it); if (it->next) { out << ", "; newline(); } } deindent(); newline(); } out << '}'; return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(EnumeratorAST *ast) { out << spell(ast->identifier_token); if (ast->equal_token) { out << ' '; out << '='; out << ' '; accept(ast->expression); } return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(ExceptionDeclarationAST *ast) { for (SpecifierAST *it = ast->type_specifier; it; it = it->next) { accept(it); if (it->next) out << ' '; } if (ast->declarator) { if (ast->type_specifier) out << ' '; accept(ast->declarator); } if (ast->dot_dot_dot_token) out << "..."; return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(ExceptionSpecificationAST *ast) { out << "throw"; out << '('; if (ast->dot_dot_dot_token) out << "..."; else { for (ExpressionListAST *it = ast->type_ids; it; it = it->next) { accept(it->expression); if (it->next) out << ", "; } } out << ')'; return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(ExpressionListAST *ast) { for (ExpressionListAST *it = ast; it; it = it->next) { accept(it->expression); if (it->next) out << ", "; } return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(ExpressionOrDeclarationStatementAST *ast) { accept(ast->declaration); return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(ExpressionStatementAST *ast) { accept(ast->expression); out << ';'; return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(ForStatementAST *ast) { out << "for"; out << ' '; out << '('; accept(ast->initializer); accept(ast->condition); out << ';'; accept(ast->expression); out << ')'; accept(ast->statement); return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(FunctionDeclaratorAST *ast) { out << '('; accept(ast->parameters); out << ')'; for (SpecifierAST *it = ast->cv_qualifier_seq; it; it = it->next) { out << ' '; accept(it); } if (ast->exception_specification) { out << ' '; accept(ast->exception_specification); } return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(FunctionDefinitionAST *ast) { for (SpecifierAST *it = ast->decl_specifier_seq; it; it = it->next) { accept(it); if (it->next) out << ' '; } if (ast->declarator) { if (ast->decl_specifier_seq) out << ' '; accept(ast->declarator); } accept(ast->ctor_initializer); newline(); accept(ast->function_body); if (ast->next) newline(); // one extra line after the function definiton. return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(GotoStatementAST *ast) { out << "goto"; out << ' '; out << spell(ast->identifier_token); out << ';'; return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(IfStatementAST *ast) { out << "if"; out << ' '; out << '('; accept(ast->condition); out << ')'; if (ast->statement->asCompoundStatement()) { out << ' '; accept(ast->statement); } else { indent(); newline(); accept(ast->statement); deindent(); newline(); } if (ast->else_token) { out << "else"; out << ' '; accept(ast->else_statement); } return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(LabeledStatementAST *ast) { out << spell(ast->label_token); out << ':'; accept(ast->statement); return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(LinkageBodyAST *ast) { out << '{'; if (ast->declarations) { indent(); newline(); for (DeclarationAST *it = ast->declarations; it; it = it->next) { accept(it); if (it->next) newline(); } deindent(); newline(); } out << '}'; return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(LinkageSpecificationAST *ast) { out << "extern"; out << ' '; if (ast->extern_type) { out << '"' << spell(ast->extern_type) << '"'; out << ' '; } accept(ast->declaration); return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(MemInitializerAST *ast) { accept(ast->name); out << '('; accept(ast->expression); out << ')'; return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(MemberAccessAST *ast) { out << spell(ast->access_token); if (ast->template_token) { out << "template"; out << ' '; } accept(ast->member_name); return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(NamedTypeSpecifierAST *ast) { accept(ast->name); return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(NamespaceAST *ast) { out << "namespace"; if (ast->identifier_token) { out << ' '; out << spell(ast->identifier_token); } for (SpecifierAST *it = ast->attributes; it; it = it->next) { out << ' '; accept(it); } out << ' '; accept(ast->linkage_body); return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(NamespaceAliasDefinitionAST *ast) { out << "namespace"; out << ' '; out << spell(ast->namespace_name); out << ' '; out << '='; out << ' '; accept(ast->name); out << ';'; return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(NestedDeclaratorAST *ast) { out << '('; accept(ast->declarator); out << ')'; return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(NestedExpressionAST *ast) { out << '('; accept(ast->expression); out << ')'; return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(NestedNameSpecifierAST *ast) { accept(ast->class_or_namespace_name); if (ast->scope_token) out << "::"; return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(NewDeclaratorAST *ast) { for (PtrOperatorAST *it = ast->ptr_operators; it; it = it->next) { accept(it); if (it->next) out << ' '; } if (ast->declarator) accept(ast->declarator); return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(NewExpressionAST *ast) { if (ast->scope_token) out << "::"; out << "new"; out << ' '; if (ast->expression) { accept(ast->expression); if (ast->type_id) out << ' '; } if (ast->type_id) { accept(ast->type_id); if (ast->new_type_id) out << ' '; } if (ast->new_type_id) { accept(ast->new_type_id); if (ast->new_initializer) out << ' '; } accept(ast->new_initializer); return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(NewInitializerAST *ast) { out << '('; accept(ast->expression); out << ')'; return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(NewTypeIdAST *ast) { for (SpecifierAST *it = ast->type_specifier; it; it = it->next) { accept(it); if (it->next) out << ' '; } if (ast->type_specifier) out << ' '; if (ast->new_initializer) { accept(ast->new_initializer); if (ast->new_declarator) out << ' '; } accept(ast->new_declarator); return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(NumericLiteralAST *ast) { switch (tokenKind(ast->token)) { case T_CHAR_LITERAL: out << '\'' << spell(ast->token) << '\''; break; case T_WIDE_CHAR_LITERAL: out << "L\'" << spell(ast->token) << '\''; break; default: out << spell(ast->token); } return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(OperatorAST *ast) { out << spell(ast->op_token); if (ast->open_token) { out << spell(ast->open_token); out << spell(ast->close_token); } return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(OperatorFunctionIdAST *ast) { out << "operator"; out << ' '; accept(ast->op); return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(ParameterDeclarationAST *ast) { for (SpecifierAST *it = ast->type_specifier; it; it = it->next) { accept(it); if (it->next) out << ' '; } if (ast->declarator) { out << ' '; accept(ast->declarator); } if (ast->equal_token) { out << ' '; out << '='; out << ' '; } accept(ast->expression); return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(ParameterDeclarationClauseAST *ast) { for (DeclarationAST *it = ast->parameter_declarations; it; it = it->next) { accept(it); if (it->next) out << ", "; } return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(PointerAST *ast) { out << '*'; for (SpecifierAST *it = ast->cv_qualifier_seq; it; it = it->next) { accept(it); if (it->next) out << ' '; } return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(PointerToMemberAST *ast) { if (ast->global_scope_token) out << "::"; for (NestedNameSpecifierAST *it = ast->nested_name_specifier; it; it = it->next) { accept(it); } out << '*'; for (SpecifierAST *it = ast->cv_qualifier_seq; it; it = it->next) { accept(it); if (it->next) out << ' '; } return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(PostIncrDecrAST *ast) { out << spell(ast->incr_decr_token); return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(PostfixExpressionAST *ast) { accept(ast->base_expression); for (PostfixAST *it = ast->postfix_expressions; it; it = it->next) { accept(it); } return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(QualifiedNameAST *ast) { if (ast->global_scope_token) out << "::"; for (NestedNameSpecifierAST *it = ast->nested_name_specifier; it; it = it->next) { accept(it); } accept(ast->unqualified_name); return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(ReferenceAST *) { out << '&'; return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(ReturnStatementAST *ast) { out << "return"; if (ast->expression) { out << ' '; accept(ast->expression); } out << ';'; return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(SimpleDeclarationAST *ast) { for (SpecifierAST *it = ast->decl_specifier_seq; it; it = it->next) { accept(it); if (it->next) out << ' '; } if (ast->declarators) { if (ast->decl_specifier_seq) out << ' '; for (DeclaratorListAST *it = ast->declarators; it; it = it->next) { accept(it->declarator); if (it->next) out << ", "; } } out << ';'; return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(SimpleNameAST *ast) { out << spell(ast->identifier_token); return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(SimpleSpecifierAST *ast) { out << spell(ast->specifier_token); return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(SizeofExpressionAST *ast) { out << "sizeof"; out << ' '; accept(ast->expression); return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(StringLiteralAST *ast) { for (StringLiteralAST *it = ast; it; it = it->next) { if (tokenKind(ast->token) == T_STRING_LITERAL) out << '"' << spell(ast->token) << '"'; else out << "L\"" << spell(ast->token) << '"'; if (it->next) out << ' '; } return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(SwitchStatementAST *ast) { out << "switch"; out << ' '; out << '('; accept(ast->condition); out << ')'; accept(ast->statement); return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(TemplateArgumentListAST *ast) { for (TemplateArgumentListAST *it = ast; it; it = it->next) { accept(it->template_argument); if (it->next) out << ", "; } return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(TemplateDeclarationAST *ast) { if (ast->export_token) { out << "export"; out << ' '; } out << "template"; out << ' '; out << '<'; if (ast->template_parameters) { out << ' '; for (DeclarationAST *it = ast->template_parameters; it; it = it->next) { accept(it); if (it->next) out << ", "; } out << ' '; } out << '>'; newline(); accept(ast->declaration); return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(TemplateIdAST *ast) { out << spell(ast->identifier_token); out << '<'; if (ast->template_arguments) { out << ' '; for (TemplateArgumentListAST *it = ast->template_arguments; it; it = it->next) { accept(it->template_argument); if (it->next) out << ", "; } out << ' '; } out << '>'; return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(TemplateTypeParameterAST *ast) { out << "template"; out << ' '; out << '<'; if (ast->template_parameters) { out << ' '; for (DeclarationAST *it = ast->template_parameters; it; it = it->next) { accept(it); if (it->next) out << ", "; } out << ' '; } out << '>'; out << ' '; out << "class"; out << ' '; accept(ast->name); if (ast->equal_token) { out << ' '; out << '='; out << ' '; accept(ast->type_id); } return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(ThisExpressionAST *) { out << "this"; return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(ThrowExpressionAST *ast) { out << "throw"; out << ' '; accept(ast->expression); return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(TranslationUnitAST *ast) { for (DeclarationAST *it = ast->declarations; it; it = it->next) { accept(it); if (it->next) newline(); } return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(TryBlockStatementAST *ast) { out << "try"; out << ' '; accept(ast->statement); for (CatchClauseAST *it = ast->catch_clause_seq; it; it = it->next) { accept(it); } return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(TypeConstructorCallAST *ast) { for (SpecifierAST *it = ast->type_specifier; it; it = it->next) { accept(it); if (it->next) out << ' '; } out << '('; for (ExpressionListAST *it = ast->expression_list; it; it = it->next) { accept(it->expression); if (it->next) out << ", "; } out << ')'; return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(TypeIdAST *ast) { for (SpecifierAST *it = ast->type_specifier; it; it = it->next) { accept(it); if (it->next) out << ' '; } if (ast->type_specifier && ast->declarator) { out << ' '; accept(ast->declarator); } return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(TypeidExpressionAST *ast) { out << "typeid"; out << '('; accept(ast->expression); out << ')'; return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(TypeofSpecifierAST *ast) { out << "typeof"; out << '('; accept(ast->expression); out << ')'; return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(TypenameCallExpressionAST *ast) { out << "typename"; out << ' '; accept(ast->name); out << '('; for (ExpressionListAST *it = ast->expression_list; it; it = it->next) { accept(it->expression); if (it->next) out << ", "; } out << ')'; return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(TypenameTypeParameterAST *ast) { out << spell(ast->classkey_token); if (ast->name) { out << ' '; accept(ast->name); } if (ast->equal_token) { out << ' '; out << '='; out << ' '; accept(ast->type_id); } return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(UnaryExpressionAST *ast) { out << spell(ast->unary_op_token); accept(ast->expression); return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(UsingAST *ast) { out << "using"; out << ' '; if (ast->typename_token) { out << "typename"; out << ' '; } accept(ast->name); out << ';'; return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(UsingDirectiveAST *ast) { out << "using"; out << ' '; out << "namespace"; out << ' '; accept(ast->name); out << ';'; return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(WhileStatementAST *ast) { out << "while"; out << ' '; out << '('; accept(ast->condition); out << ')'; out << ' '; if (ast->statement && ast->statement->asCompoundStatement()) accept(ast->statement); else { indent(); newline(); accept(ast->statement); deindent(); newline(); } return false; } bool PrettyPrinter::visit(QtMethodAST *ast) { out << ast->method_token; out << '('; accept(ast->declarator); out << ')'; return false; }