from __future__ import with_statement import sys import gdb import base64 import __builtin__ import os # Fails on Windows. try: import curses.ascii def printableChar(ucs): return select(curses.ascii.isprint(ucs), ucs, '?') except: def printableChar(ucs): if ucs >= 32 and ucs <= 126: return ucs return '?' # Fails on SimulatorQt. tempFileCounter = 0 try: import tempfile # Test if 2.6 is used (Windows), trigger exception and default # to 2nd version. tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="gdbpy_",delete=True) def createTempFile(): file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="gdbpy_",delete=False) file.close() return, file except: def createTempFile(): global tempFileCounter tempFileCounter += 1 fileName = "%s/gdbpy_tmp_%d_%d" % (tempfile.gettempdir(), os.getpid(), tempFileCounter) return fileName, None def removeTempFile(name, file): try: os.remove(name) except: pass verbosity = 0 verbosity = 1 # Some "Enums" # Encodings Unencoded8Bit, \ Base64Encoded8BitWithQuotes, \ Base64Encoded16BitWithQuotes, \ Base64Encoded32BitWithQuotes, \ Base64Encoded16Bit, \ Base64Encoded8Bit, \ Hex2EncodedLatin1, \ Hex4EncodedLittleEndian, \ Hex8EncodedLittleEndian, \ Hex2EncodedUtf8, \ Hex8EncodedBigEndian, \ Hex4EncodedBigEndian \ = range(12) # Display modes StopDisplay, \ DisplayImage1, \ DisplayString, \ DisplayImage, \ DisplayProcess \ = range(5) def select(condition, if_expr, else_expr): if condition: return if_expr return else_expr def qmin(n, m): if n < m: return n return m def isGoodGdb(): #return gdb.VERSION.startswith("") \ # and gdb.VERSION != "" return 'parse_and_eval' in __builtin__.dir(gdb) typeCache = {} def lookupType(typestring): type = typeCache.get(typestring) #warn("LOOKUP 1: %s -> %s" % (typestring, type)) if type is None: ts = typestring while True: #WARN("ts: '%s'" % ts) if ts.startswith("class "): ts = ts[6:] elif ts.startswith("struct "): ts = ts[7:] elif ts.startswith("const "): ts = ts[6:] elif ts.startswith("volatile "): ts = ts[9:] elif ts.startswith("enum "): ts = ts[5:] elif ts.endswith("const"): ts = ts[-5:] elif ts.endswith("volatile"): ts = ts[-8:] else: break try: #warn("LOOKING UP '%s'" % ts) type = gdb.lookup_type(ts) except: # Can throw "RuntimeError: No type named class Foo." #warn("LOOKING UP '%s' FAILED" % ts) pass #warn(" RESULT: '%s'" % type) #if not type is None: # warn(" FIELDS: '%s'" % type.fields()) typeCache[typestring] = type return type def cleanType(type): return lookupType(str(type)) def cleanAddress(addr): if addr is None: return "" # We cannot use str(addr) as it yields rubbish for char pointers # that might trigger Unicode encoding errors. return addr.cast(lookupType("void").pointer()) # Workaround for gdb < 7.1 def numericTemplateArgument(type, position): try: return int(type.template_argument(position)) except RuntimeError, error: # ": No type named 30." msg = str(error) return int(msg[14:-1]) def parseAndEvaluate(exp): if isGoodGdb(): return gdb.parse_and_eval(exp) # Work around non-existing gdb.parse_and_eval as in released 7.0 gdb.execute("set logging redirect on") gdb.execute("set logging on") try: gdb.execute("print %s" % exp) except: gdb.execute("set logging off") gdb.execute("set logging redirect off") return None gdb.execute("set logging off") gdb.execute("set logging redirect off") return gdb.history(0) def catchCliOutput(command): filename, file = createTempFile() gdb.execute("set logging off") gdb.execute("set logging redirect off") gdb.execute("set logging file %s" % filename) gdb.execute("set logging redirect on") gdb.execute("set logging on") gdb.execute(command) gdb.execute("set logging off") gdb.execute("set logging redirect off") temp = open(filename, "r") lines = [] for line in temp: lines.append(line) temp.close() removeTempFile(filename, file) return lines def showException(msg, exType, exValue, exTraceback): warn("**** CAUGHT EXCEPTION: %s ****" % msg) try: import traceback for line in traceback.format_exception(exType, exValue, exTraceback): warn("%s" % line) except: pass class OutputSafer: def __init__(self, d, pre = "", post = ""): self.d = d self.pre = pre = post def __enter__(self): self.d.put(self.pre) self.savedOutput = self.d.output self.d.output = "" def __exit__(self, exType, exValue, exTraceBack): self.d.put( if self.d.passExceptions and not exType is None: showException("OUTPUTSAFER", exType, exValue, exTraceBack) self.d.output = self.savedOutput else: self.d.output = self.savedOutput + self.d.output return False class SubItem: def __init__(self, d): self.d = d def __enter__(self): self.d.put('{') self.savedValue = self.d.currentValue self.savedValuePriority = self.d.currentValuePriority self.savedValueEncoding = self.d.currentValueEncoding self.savedType = self.d.currentType self.savedTypePriority = self.d.currentTypePriority self.d.currentValue = "" self.d.currentValuePriority = -100 self.d.currentValueEncoding = None self.d.currentType = "" self.d.currentTypePriority = -100 def __exit__(self, exType, exValue, exTraceBack): #warn(" CURRENT VALUE: %s %s %s" % (self.d.currentValue, # self.d.currentValueEncoding, self.d.currentValuePriority)) if self.d.passExceptions and not exType is None: showException("SUBITEM", exType, exValue, exTraceBack) try: #warn("TYPE CURRENT: %s" % self.d.currentType) type = stripClassTag(str(self.d.currentType)) #warn("TYPE: '%s' DEFAULT: '%s'" % (type, self.d.currentChildType)) if len(type) > 0 and type != self.d.currentChildType: self.d.put('type="%s",' % type) # str(type.unqualified()) ? if not self.d.currentValueEncoding is None: self.d.put('valueencoded="%d",' % self.d.currentValueEncoding) if not self.d.currentValue is None: self.d.put('value="%s",' % self.d.currentValue) except: pass self.d.put('},') self.d.currentValue = self.savedValue self.d.currentValuePriority = self.savedValuePriority self.d.currentValueEncoding = self.savedValueEncoding self.d.currentType = self.savedType self.d.currentTypePriority = self.savedTypePriority return True class Children: def __init__(self, d, numChild = 1, childType = None, childNumChild = None): self.d = d self.numChild = numChild self.childType = childType self.childNumChild = childNumChild #warn("CHILDREN: %s %s %s" % (numChild, childType, childNumChild)) def __enter__(self): childType = "" childNumChild = -1 if type(self.numChild) is list: numChild = self.numChild[0] maxNumChild = self.numChild[1] else: numChild = self.numChild maxNumChild = self.numChild if numChild == 0: self.childType = None if not self.childType is None: childType = stripClassTag(str(self.childType)) self.d.put('childtype="%s",' % childType) if isSimpleType(self.childType) or isStringType(self.d, self.childType): self.d.put('childnumchild="0",') childNumChild = 0 elif self.childType.code == gdb.TYPE_CODE_PTR: self.d.put('childnumchild="1",') childNumChild = 1 if not self.childNumChild is None: self.d.put('childnumchild="%s",' % self.childNumChild) childNumChild = self.childNumChild self.savedChildType = self.d.currentChildType self.savedChildNumChild = self.d.currentChildNumChild self.savedNumChilds = self.d.currentNumChilds self.savedMaxNumChilds = self.d.currentNumChilds self.d.currentChildType = childType self.d.currentChildNumChild = childNumChild self.d.currentNumChilds = numChild self.d.currentMaxNumChilds = maxNumChild self.d.put("children=[") def __exit__(self, exType, exValue, exTraceBack): if self.d.passExceptions and not exType is None: showException("CHILDREN", exType, exValue, exTraceBack) if self.d.currentMaxNumChilds < self.d.currentNumChilds: self.d.putEllipsis(); self.d.currentChildType = self.savedChildType self.d.currentChildNumChild = self.savedChildNumChild self.d.currentNumChilds = self.savedNumChilds self.d.currentMaxNumChilds = self.savedMaxNumChilds self.d.put('],') return True class Breakpoint: def __init__(self): self.number = None self.filename = None self.linenumber = None self.address = [] self.function = None self.fullname = None self.condition = None self.times = None def listOfBreakpoints(d): # [bkpt={number="1",type="breakpoint",disp="keep",enabled="y", #addr="0x0804da6d",func="testHidden()",file="../app.cpp", #fullname="...",line="1292",times="1",original-location="\"app.cpp\":1292"}, # Num Type Disp Enb Address What\n" #1 breakpoint keep y 0x0804da6d in testHidden() at app.cpp:1292 #\tbreakpoint already hit 1 time #2 breakpoint keep y 0x080564d3 in espace::..doit(int) at ../app.cpp:1210\n" #3 breakpoint keep y \"plugin.cpp\":38\n" #4 breakpoint keep y \n" #4.1 y 0x08056673 in Foo at ../app.cpp:126\n" #4.2 y 0x0805678b in Foo at ../app.cpp:126\n" #5 hw watchpoint keep y &main\n" #6 breakpoint keep y 0xb6cf18e5 <__cxa_throw+5>\n" lines = catchCliOutput("info break") lines.reverse() bp = Breakpoint() for line in lines: if len(line) == 0 or line.startswith(" "): continue if line[0] < '0' or line[0] > '9': continue if line.startswith("\tstop only if "): bp.condition = line[14:] continue if line.startswith("\tbreakpoint already hit "): bp.times = line[24:] continue number = line[0:5] pos0x = line.find(" 0x") posin = line.find(" in ", pos0x) poslt = line.find(" <", pos0x) posat = line.find(" at ", posin) poscol = line.find(":", posat) if pos0x != -1: if pos0x < posin: bp.address.append(line[pos0x + 1 : posin]) elif pos0x < poslt: bp.address.append(line[pos0x + 1 : poslt]) bp.function = line[poslt + 2 : line.find('>', poslt)] # Take "no address" as indication that the bp is pending. #if line.find("") >= 0: # bp.address.append("") if posin < posat and posin != -1: bp.function = line[posin + 4 : posat] if posat < poscol and poscol != -1: bp.filename = line[posat + 4 : poscol] if poscol != -1: bp.linenumber = line[poscol + 1 : -1] if '.' in number: # Part of multiple breakpoint. continue # A breakpoint of its own bp.number = int(number) d.put('bkpt={number="%s",' % bp.number) d.put('type="breakpoint",') d.put('disp="keep",') d.put('enabled="y",') for address in bp.address: d.put('addr="%s",' % address) if not bp.function is None: d.put('func="%s",' % bp.function) if not bp.filename is None: d.put('file="%s",' % bp.filename) if not bp.fullname is None: d.put('fullname="%s",' % bp.fullname) if not bp.linenumber is None: d.put('line="%s",' % bp.linenumber) if not bp.condition is None: d.put('cond="%s",' % bp.condition) if not bp.fullname is None: d.put('fullname="%s",' % bt.fullname) if not bp.times is None: d.put('times="1",' % bp.times) #d.put('original-location="-"') d.put('},') bp = Breakpoint() # Creates a list of field names of an anon union or struct def listOfFields(type): fields = [] for field in type.fields(): if len( > 0: fields += else: fields += listOfFields(field.type) return fields def listOfLocals(varList): try: frame = gdb.selected_frame() #warn("FRAME %s: " % frame) except RuntimeError: warn("FRAME NOT ACCESSIBLE") return [] # gdb-6.8-symbianelf fails here hasBlock = 'block' in __builtin__.dir(frame) items = [] #warn("HAS BLOCK: %s" % hasBlock); #warn("IS GOOD GDB: %s" % isGoodGdb()); if hasBlock and isGoodGdb(): #warn("IS GOOD: %s " % varList) try: block = frame.block() #warn("BLOCK: %s " % block) except: warn("BLOCK NOT ACCESSIBLE") return items while True: if block is None: warn("UNEXPECTED 'None' BLOCK") break for symbol in block: name = symbol.print_name if name == "__in_chrg": continue # "NotImplementedError: Symbol type not yet supported in # Python scripts." #warn("SYMBOL %s: " % symbol.value) #warn("SYMBOL %s (%s): " % (symbol, name)) item = Item(0, "local", name, name) try: item.value = frame.read_var(name) # this is a gdb value except RuntimeError: # happens for void foo() { std::string s; std::wstring w; } #warn(" FRAME READ VAR ERROR: %s (%s): " % (symbol, name)) continue #warn("ITEM %s: " % item.value) items.append(item) # The outermost block in a function has the function member # FIXME: check whether this is guaranteed. if not block.function is None: break block = block.superblock else: # Assuming gdb 7.0 release or 6.8-symbianelf. filename, file = createTempFile() #warn("VARLIST: %s " % varList) #warn("FILENAME: %s " % filename) gdb.execute("set logging off") gdb.execute("set logging redirect off") gdb.execute("set logging file %s" % filename) gdb.execute("set logging redirect on") gdb.execute("set logging on") try: gdb.execute("info args") # We cannot use "info locals" as at least 6.8-symbianelf # aborts as soon as we hit unreadable memory. # gdb.execute("interpreter mi '-stack-list-locals 0'") # results in &"Recursive internal problem.\n", so we have # the frontend pass us the list of locals. # There are two cases, either varList is empty, so we have # to fetch the list here, or it is not empty with the # first entry being a dummy. if len(varList) == 0: gdb.execute("info locals") else: varList = varList[1:] except: pass gdb.execute("set logging off") gdb.execute("set logging redirect off") try: temp = open(filename, "r") for line in temp: if len(line) == 0 or line.startswith(" "): continue # The function parameters pos = line.find(" = ") if pos < 0: continue varList.append(line[0:pos]) temp.close() except: pass removeTempFile(filename, file) #warn("VARLIST: %s " % varList) for name in varList: #warn("NAME %s " % name) item = Item(0, "local", name, name) try: item.value = frame.read_var(name) # this is a gdb value except RuntimeError: pass #continue except: # Something breaking the list, like intermediate gdb warnings # like 'Warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for # `std::less' value\n\nwarning: found # `myns::QHashData::shared_null' instead [...] # that break subsequent parsing. Chicken out and take the # next "usable" line. continue items.append(item) return items def value(expr): value = parseAndEvaluate(expr) try: return int(value) except: return str(value) def isSimpleType(typeobj): if typeobj.code == gdb.TYPE_CODE_PTR: return False type = str(typeobj) return type == "bool" \ or type == "char" \ or type == "double" \ or type == "float" \ or type == "int" \ or type == "long" or type.startswith("long ") \ or type == "short" or type.startswith("short ") \ or type == "signed" or type.startswith("signed ") \ or type == "unsigned" or type.startswith("unsigned ") def isStringType(d, typeobj): type = str(typeobj) return type == d.ns + "QString" \ or type == d.ns + "QByteArray" \ or type == "std::string" \ or type == "std::wstring" \ or type == "wstring" def warn(message): if True or verbosity > 0: print "XXX: %s\n" % message.encode("latin1") pass def check(exp): if not exp: raise RuntimeError("Check failed") def checkRef(ref): count = ref["_q_value"] check(count > 0) check(count < 1000000) # assume there aren't a million references to any object #def couldBePointer(p, align): # type = lookupType("unsigned int") # ptr = gdb.Value(p).cast(type) # d = int(str(ptr)) # warn("CHECKING : %s %d " % (p, ((d & 3) == 0 and (d > 1000 or d == 0)))) # return (d & (align - 1)) and (d > 1000 or d == 0) def checkAccess(p, align = 1): return p.dereference() def checkContents(p, expected, align = 1): if int(p.dereference()) != expected: raise RuntimeError("Contents check failed") def checkPointer(p, align = 1): if not isNull(p): p.dereference() def isNull(p): # The following can cause evaluation to abort with "UnicodeEncodeError" # for invalid char *, as their "contents" is being examined #s = str(p) #return s == "0x0" or s.startswith("0x0 ") try: # Can fail with: "RuntimeError: Cannot access memory at address 0x5" return p.cast(lookupType("void").pointer()) == 0 except: return False movableTypes = set([ "QBrush", "QBitArray", "QByteArray", "QCustomTypeInfo", "QChar", "QDate", "QDateTime", "QFileInfo", "QFixed", "QFixedPoint", "QFixedSize", "QHashDummyValue", "QIcon", "QImage", "QLine", "QLineF", "QLatin1Char", "QLocal", "QMatrix", "QModelIndex", "QPoint", "QPointF", "QPen", "QPersistentModelIndex", "QResourceRoot", "QRect", "QRectF", "QRegExp", "QSize", "QSizeF", "QString", "QTime", "QTextBlock", "QUrl", "QVariant", "QXmlStreamAttribute", "QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration", "QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration", "QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration"]) def stripClassTag(type): if type.startswith("class "): return type[6:] elif type.startswith("struct "): return type[7:] return type def checkPointerRange(p, n): for i in xrange(n): checkPointer(p) ++p def call(value, func): #warn("CALL: %s -> %s" % (value, func)) type = stripClassTag(str(value.type)) if type.find(":") >= 0: type = "'" + type + "'" exp = "((%s*)%s)->%s" % (type, value.address, func) #warn("CALL: %s" % exp) result = None try: result = parseAndEvaluate(exp) except: pass #warn(" -> %s" % result) return result def makeValue(type, init): type = stripClassTag(type) if type.find(":") >= 0: type = "'" + type + "'" gdb.execute("set $d = (%s*)malloc(sizeof(%s))" % (type, type)) gdb.execute("set *$d = {%s}" % init) value = parseAndEvaluate("$d").dereference() #warn(" TYPE: %s" % value.type) #warn(" ADDR: %s" % value.address) #warn(" VALUE: %s" % value) return value def makeExpression(value): type = stripClassTag(str(value.type)) if type.find(":") >= 0: type = "'" + type + "'" #warn(" TYPE: %s" % type) #exp = "(*(%s*)(&%s))" % (type, value.address) exp = "(*(%s*)(%s))" % (type, value.address) #warn(" EXP: %s" % exp) return exp def qtNamespace(): try: type = str(parseAndEvaluate("&QString::null") return type[0:len(type) - len("QString::null")] except RuntimeError: return "" except AttributeError: # Happens for none-Qt applications return "" def findFirstZero(p, max): for i in xrange(max): if p.dereference() == 0: return i p = p + 1 return -1 def extractCharArray(p, maxsize): t = lookupType("unsigned char").pointer() p = p.cast(t) i = findFirstZero(p, maxsize) limit = select(i < 0, maxsize, i) s = "" for i in xrange(limit): s += "%c" % int(p.dereference()) p += 1 if i == maxsize: s += "..." return s def extractByteArray(value): d_ptr = value['d'].dereference() data = d_ptr['data'] size = d_ptr['size'] alloc = d_ptr['alloc'] check(0 <= size and size <= alloc and alloc <= 100*1000*1000) checkRef(d_ptr["ref"]) if size > 0: checkAccess(data, 4) checkAccess(data + size) == 0 return extractCharArray(data, 100) def encodeCharArray(p, maxsize, size = -1): t = lookupType("unsigned char").pointer() p = p.cast(t) if size == -1: i = findFirstZero(p, maxsize) else: i = size limit = select(i < 0, maxsize, i) s = "" for i in xrange(limit): s += "%02x" % int(p.dereference()) p += 1 if i == maxsize: s += "2e2e2e" return s def encodeChar2Array(p, maxsize): t = lookupType("unsigned short").pointer() p = p.cast(t) i = findFirstZero(p, maxsize) limit = select(i < 0, maxsize, i) s = "" for i in xrange(limit): s += "%04x" % int(p.dereference()) p += 1 if i == maxsize: s += "2e002e002e00" return s def encodeChar4Array(p, maxsize): t = lookupType("unsigned int").pointer() p = p.cast(t) i = findFirstZero(p, maxsize) limit = select(i < 0, maxsize, i) s = "" for i in xrange(limit): s += "%08x" % int(p.dereference()) p += 1 if i == maxsize: s += "2e0000002e0000002e000000" return s def encodeByteArray(value): d_ptr = value['d'].dereference() data = d_ptr['data'] size = d_ptr['size'] alloc = d_ptr['alloc'] check(0 <= size and size <= alloc and alloc <= 100*1000*1000) checkRef(d_ptr["ref"]) if size > 0: checkAccess(data, 4) checkAccess(data + size) == 0 return encodeCharArray(data, size) def encodeString(value): d_ptr = value['d'].dereference() data = d_ptr['data'] size = d_ptr['size'] alloc = d_ptr['alloc'] check(0 <= size and size <= alloc and alloc <= 100*1000*1000) if size > 0: checkAccess(data, 4) checkAccess(data + size) == 0 checkRef(d_ptr["ref"]) p = gdb.Value(d_ptr["data"]) s = "" for i in xrange(size): val = int(p.dereference()) s += "%02x" % (val % 256) s += "%02x" % (val / 256) p += 1 return s def stripTypedefs(type): type = type.unqualified() while type.code == gdb.TYPE_CODE_TYPEDEF: type = type.strip_typedefs().unqualified() return type def extractFields(type): # Insufficient, see #fields = value.type.fields() # Insufficient, see #fields = stripTypedefs(value.type).fields() # This seems to work. #warn("TYPE 0: %s" % type) type = stripTypedefs(type) #warn("TYPE 1: %s" % type) type = lookupType(str(type)) #warn("TYPE 2: %s" % type) fields = type.fields() #warn("FIELDS: %s" % fields) return fields ####################################################################### # # Item # ####################################################################### class Item: def __init__(self, value, parentiname, iname = None, name = None): self.value = value if iname is None: self.iname = parentiname else: self.iname = "%s.%s" % (parentiname, iname) = name ####################################################################### # # SetupCommand # ####################################################################### # This is a mapping from 'type name' to 'display alternatives'. qqDumpers = {} qqFormats = {} class SetupCommand(gdb.Command): """Setup Creator Pretty Printing""" def __init__(self): super(SetupCommand, self).__init__("bbsetup", gdb.COMMAND_OBSCURE) def invoke(self, args, from_tty): module = sys.modules[__name__] for key, value in module.__dict__.items(): if key.startswith("qdump__"): name = key[7:] qqDumpers[name] = value qqFormats[name] = qqFormats.get(name, ""); elif key.startswith("qform__"): name = key[7:] formats = "" try: formats = value() except: pass qqFormats[name] = formats result = "dumpers=[" # Too early: ns = qtNamespace() for key, value in qqFormats.items(): result += '{type="%s",formats="%s"},' % (key, value) result += ']' #result += '],namespace="%s"' % ns print(result) SetupCommand() ####################################################################### # # FrameCommand # ####################################################################### class FrameCommand(gdb.Command): """Do fancy stuff.""" def __init__(self): super(FrameCommand, self).__init__("bb", gdb.COMMAND_OBSCURE) def invoke(self, args, from_tty): options = [] varList = [] typeformats = {} formats = {} watchers = "" expandedINames = "" for arg in args.split(' '): pos = arg.find(":") + 1 if arg.startswith("options:"): options = arg[pos:].split(",") elif arg.startswith("vars:"): if len(arg[pos:]) > 0: varList = arg[pos:].split(",") elif arg.startswith("expanded:"): expandedINames = set(arg[pos:].split(",")) elif arg.startswith("typeformats:"): for f in arg[pos:].split(","): pos = f.find("=") if pos != -1: type = base64.b16decode(f[0:pos], True) typeformats[type] = int(f[pos+1:]) elif arg.startswith("formats:"): for f in arg[pos:].split(","): pos = f.find("=") if pos != -1: formats[f[0:pos]] = int(f[pos+1:]) elif arg.startswith("watchers:"): watchers = base64.b16decode(arg[pos:], True) useFancy = "fancy" in options #warn("VARIABLES: %s" % varList) #warn("EXPANDED INAMES: %s" % expandedINames) module = sys.modules[__name__] self.dumpers = {} if False: dumpers = "" typeformats = "" for key, value in module.__dict__.items(): if key.startswith("qdump__"): dumpers += '"' + key[7:] + '",' output = "dumpers=[%s]," % dumpers #output += "qtversion=[%d,%d,%d]" #output += "qtversion=[4,6,0]," output += "namespace=\"%s\"," % qtNamespace() output += "dumperversion=\"2.0\"," output += "sizes=[]," output += "expressions=[]" output += "]" print output return if useFancy: for key, value in module.__dict__.items(): if key.startswith("qdump__"): self.dumpers[key[7:]] = value d = Dumper() d.dumpers = self.dumpers d.typeformats = typeformats d.formats = formats d.useFancy = useFancy d.passExceptions = "pe" in options d.autoDerefPointers = "autoderef" in options d.ns = qtNamespace() d.expandedINames = expandedINames #warn(" NAMESPACE IS: '%s'" % d.ns) # # Locals # for item in listOfLocals(varList): with OutputSafer(d, "", ""): d.anonNumber = -1 #warn("ITEM NAME %s: " % try: #warn("ITEM VALUE %s: " % item.value) # Throw on funny stuff, catch below. # Unfortunately, this fails also with a "Unicode encoding error" # in testArray(). #dummy = str(item.value) pass except: # Locals with failing memory access. with SubItem(d): d.put('iname="%s",' % item.iname) d.put('name="%s",' % d.put('addr="",') d.put('value="",') d.put('type="%s",' % item.value.type) d.put('numchild="0"'); continue type = item.value.type if type.code == gdb.TYPE_CODE_PTR \ and == "argv" and str(type) == "char **": # Special handling for char** argv. n = 0 p = item.value # p is 0 for "optimized out" cases. Or contains rubbish. try: if not isNull(p): while not isNull(p.dereference()) and n <= 100: p += 1 n += 1 except: pass with SubItem(d): d.put('iname="%s",' % item.iname) d.putName( d.putItemCount(select(n <= 100, n, "> 100")) d.putType(type) d.putNumChild(n) if d.isExpanded(item): p = item.value with Children(d, n): for i in xrange(n): value = p.dereference() d.putItem(Item(value, item.iname, i, None)) p += 1 if n > 100: d.putEllipsis() else: # A "normal" local variable or parameter. try: addr = cleanAddress(item.value.address) with SubItem(d): d.put('iname="%s",' % item.iname) d.put('addr="%s",' % addr) d.putItemHelper(item) except AttributeError: # Thrown by cleanAddress with message "'NoneType' object # has no attribute 'cast'" for optimized-out values. with SubItem(d): d.put('iname="%s",' % item.iname) d.put('name="%s",' % d.put('addr="",') d.put('value="",') d.put('type="%s"' % item.value.type) # # Watchers # with OutputSafer(d, ",", ""): if len(watchers) > 0: for watcher in watchers.split("##"): (exp, iname) = watcher.split("#") self.handleWatch(d, exp, iname) # # Breakpoints # #listOfBreakpoints(d) #print('data=[' + locals + sep + watchers + '],bkpts=[' + breakpoints + ']\n') print('data=[' + d.output + ']') def handleWatch(self, d, exp, iname): exp = str(exp) escapedExp = exp.replace('"', '\\"'); #warn("HANDLING WATCH %s, INAME: '%s'" % (exp, iname)) if exp.startswith("[") and exp.endswith("]"): #warn("EVAL: EXP: %s" % exp) with SubItem(d): d.putField("iname", iname) d.putField("name", escapedExp) d.putField("exp", escapedExp) try: list = eval(exp) d.putValue("") d.putType(" ") d.putNumChild(len(list)) # This is a list of expressions to evaluate with Children(d, len(list)): itemNumber = 0 for item in list: self.handleWatch(d, item, "%s.%d" % (iname, itemNumber)) itemNumber += 1 except RuntimeError, error: warn("EVAL: ERROR CAUGHT %s" % error) d.putValue("") d.putType(" ") d.putNumChild(0) with Children(d, 0): pass return with SubItem(d): d.putField("iname", iname) d.putField("name", escapedExp) d.putField("exp", escapedExp) handled = False if exp == "" or len(exp) == 0: d.put('value=" ",type=" ",numchild="0",') else: try: value = parseAndEvaluate(exp) item = Item(value, iname, None, None) if not value is None: d.putAddress(value.address) d.putItemHelper(item) except RuntimeError: d.put('value="",type="",numchild="0",') FrameCommand() ####################################################################### # # Step Command # ####################################################################### class SalCommand(gdb.Command): """Do fancy stuff.""" def __init__(self): super(SalCommand, self).__init__("sal", gdb.COMMAND_OBSCURE) def invoke(self, arg, from_tty): (cmd, addr) = arg.split(",") lines = catchCliOutput("info line *" + addr) fromAddr = "0x0" toAddr = "0x0" for line in lines: pos0from = line.find(" starts at address") + 19 pos1from = line.find(" ", pos0from) pos0to = line.find(" ends at", pos1from) + 9 pos1to = line.find(" ", pos0to) if pos1to > 0: fromAddr = line[pos0from : pos1from] toAddr = line[pos0to : pos1to] gdb.execute("maint packet sal%s,%s,%s" % (cmd,fromAddr, toAddr)) SalCommand() ####################################################################### # # The Dumper Class # ####################################################################### class Dumper: def __init__(self): self.output = "" self.currentChildType = "" self.currentChildNumChild = -1 self.currentMaxNumChilds = -1 self.currentNumChilds = -1 self.currentValue = None self.currentValuePriority = -100 self.currentValueEncoding = None self.currentType = None self.currentTypePriority = -100 def put(self, value): self.output += value def putField(self, name, value): self.put('%s="%s",' % (name, value)) def beginItem(self, name): self.put('%s="' % name) def endItem(self): self.put('",') def childRange(self): return xrange(qmin(self.currentMaxNumChilds, self.currentNumChilds)) # Convenience function. def putItemCount(self, count): # This needs to override the default value, so don't use 'put' directly. self.putValue('<%s items>' % count) def putEllipsis(self): self.put('{name="",value="",type="",numchild="0"},') def putType(self, type, priority = 0): # Higher priority values override lower ones. if priority >= self.currentTypePriority: self.currentType = type self.currentTypePriority = priority def putAddress(self, addr): self.put('addr="%s",' % cleanAddress(addr)) def putNumChild(self, numchild): #warn("NUM CHILD: '%s' '%s'" % (numchild, self.currentChildNumChild)) if numchild != self.currentChildNumChild: self.put('numchild="%s",' % numchild) def putValue(self, value, encoding = None, priority = 0): # Higher priority values override lower ones. if priority >= self.currentValuePriority: self.currentValue = value self.currentValuePriority = priority self.currentValueEncoding = encoding def putPointerValue(self, value): # Use a lower priority self.putValue("0x%x" % value.dereference().cast( lookupType("unsigned long")), None, -1) def putStringValue(self, value): if value is None: self.put('value="",') else: str = encodeString(value) self.put('valueencoded="%d",value="%s",' % (Hex4EncodedLittleEndian, str)) def putDisplay(self, format, value = None, cmd = None): self.put('editformat="%s",' % format) if cmd is None: if not value is None: self.put('editvalue="%s",' % value) else: self.put('editvalue="%s|%s",' % (cmd, value)) def putByteArrayValue(self, value): str = encodeByteArray(value) self.put('valueencoded="%d",value="%s",' % (Hex2EncodedLatin1, str)) def putName(self, name): self.put('name="%s",' % name) def isExpanded(self, item): #warn("IS EXPANDED: %s in %s" % (item.iname, self.expandedINames)) if item.iname is None: raise "Illegal iname 'None'" if item.iname.startswith("None"): raise "Illegal iname '%s'" % item.iname #warn(" --> %s" % (item.iname in self.expandedINames)) return item.iname in self.expandedINames def isExpandedIName(self, iname): return iname in self.expandedINames def stripNamespaceFromType(self, typeobj): # This breaks for dumpers type names containing '__star'. # But this should not happen as identifiers containing two # subsequent underscores are reserved for the implemention. if typeobj.code == gdb.TYPE_CODE_PTR: return self.stripNamespaceFromType( + "__star" type = stripClassTag(str(typeobj)) if len(self.ns) > 0 and type.startswith(self.ns): type = type[len(self.ns):] pos = type.find("<") # FIXME: make it recognize foo::bar::iterator? while pos != -1: pos1 = type.rfind(">", pos) type = type[0:pos] + type[pos1+1:] pos = type.find("<") return type def isMovableType(self, type): if type.code == gdb.TYPE_CODE_PTR: return True if isSimpleType(type): return True return self.stripNamespaceFromType(type) in movableTypes def putIntItem(self, name, value): with SubItem(self): self.putName(name) self.putValue(value) self.putType("int") self.putNumChild(0) def putBoolItem(self, name, value): with SubItem(self): self.putName(name) self.putValue(value) self.putType("bool") self.putNumChild(0) def itemFormat(self, item): format = self.formats.get(str(cleanAddress(item.value.address))) if format is None: format = self.typeformats.get(stripClassTag(str(item.value.type))) return format def putItem(self, item): with SubItem(self): self.putItemHelper(item) def putCallItem(self, name, item, func): result = call(item.value, func) self.putItem(Item(result, item.iname, name, name)) def putItemHelper(self, item): name = getattr(item, "name", None) if not name is None: self.putName(name) if item.value is None: # Happens for non-available watchers in gdb versions that # need to use gdb.execute instead of gdb.parse_and_eval self.putValue("") self.putType("") self.putNumChild(0) return # FIXME: Gui shows references stripped? #warn(" "); #warn("REAL INAME: %s " % item.iname) #warn("REAL NAME: %s " % name) #warn("REAL TYPE: %s " % item.value.type) #warn("REAL VALUE: %s " % item.value) #try: # warn("REAL VALUE: %s " % item.value) #except: # #UnicodeEncodeError: # warn("REAL VALUE: ") value = item.value type = value.type if type.code == gdb.TYPE_CODE_REF: try: # This throws "RuntimeError: Attempt to dereference a # generic pointer." with MinGW's gcc 4.5 when it "identifies" # a "QWidget &" as "void &". type = value = value.cast(type) except RuntimeError: value = item.value type = value.type typedefStrippedType = stripTypedefs(type); nsStrippedType = self.stripNamespaceFromType( typedefStrippedType).replace("::", "__") #warn(" STRIPPED: %s" % nsStrippedType) #warn(" DUMPERS: %s" % self.dumpers) #warn(" DUMPERS: %s" % (nsStrippedType in self.dumpers)) if isSimpleType(typedefStrippedType): #warn("IS SIMPLE: %s " % type) self.putType(item.value.type) self.putValue(value) self.putNumChild(0) elif nsStrippedType in self.dumpers: #warn("IS DUMPABLE: %s " % type) self.putType(item.value.type) self.dumpers[nsStrippedType](self, item) #warn(" RESULT: %s " % self.output) elif typedefStrippedType.code == gdb.TYPE_CODE_ENUM: #warn("GENERIC ENUM: %s" % value) self.putType(item.value.type) self.putValue(value) self.putNumChild(0) elif typedefStrippedType.code == gdb.TYPE_CODE_PTR: isHandled = False format = self.itemFormat(item) if not format is None: self.putAddress(value.address) self.putType(item.value.type) self.putNumChild(0) isHandled = True if format == 0: # Bald pointer. self.putPointerValue(value.address) elif format == 1 or format == 2: # Latin1 or UTF-8 f = select(format == 1, Hex2EncodedLatin1, Hex2EncodedUtf8) self.putValue(encodeCharArray(value, 100), f) elif format == 3: # UTF-16. self.putValue(encodeChar2Array(value, 100), Hex4EncodedBigEndian) elif format == 4: # UCS-4: self.putValue(encodeChar4Array(value, 100), Hex8EncodedBigEndian) anonStrippedType = str(typedefStrippedType) \ .replace("(anonymous namespace)", "") if (not isHandled) and anonStrippedType.find("(") != -1: # A function pointer. self.putValue(str(item.value)) self.putAddress(value.address) self.putType(item.value.type) self.putNumChild(0) isHandled = True if (not isHandled) and self.useFancy: if isNull(value): self.putValue("0x0") self.putType(item.value.type) self.putNumChild(0) isHandled = True target = str(stripTypedefs( if (not isHandled) and target == "void": self.putType(item.value.type) self.putValue(str(value)) self.putNumChild(0) isHandled = True #warn("TARGET: %s " % target) if (not isHandled) and (target == "char" or target == "signed char" or target == "unsigned char"): # Display values up to given length directly #warn("CHAR AUTODEREF: %s" % value.address) self.putType(item.value.type) self.putValue(encodeCharArray(value, 100), Hex2EncodedLatin1) self.putNumChild(0) isHandled = True #warn("AUTODEREF: %s" % self.autoDerefPointers) #warn("IS HANDLED: %s" % isHandled) #warn("RES: %s" % (self.autoDerefPointers and not isHandled)) if (not isHandled) and (self.autoDerefPointers or name == "this"): ## Generic pointer type. #warn("GENERIC AUTODEREF POINTER: %s" % value.address) innerType = self.putType(innerType) savedCurrentChildType = self.currentChildType self.currentChildType = stripClassTag(str(innerType)) self.putItemHelper( Item(item.value.dereference(), item.iname, None, None)) self.currentChildType = savedCurrentChildType self.putPointerValue(value.address) isHandled = True # Fall back to plain pointer printing. if not isHandled: #warn("GENERIC PLAIN POINTER: %s" % value.type) self.putType(item.value.type) self.putAddress(value.address) self.putNumChild(1) if self.isExpanded(item): with Children(self): self.putItem( Item(item.value.dereference(), item.iname, "*", "*")) self.putPointerValue(value.address) elif str(typedefStrippedType).startswith(" 0: value = item.value[] child = Item(value, item.iname,, with SubItem(self): self.putAddress(value.address) self.putItemHelper(child) else: # Further nested. self.anonNumber += 1 name = "#%d" % self.anonNumber iname = "%s.%s" % (item.iname, name) child = Item(item.value, iname, None, name) with SubItem(self): self.putField("name", name) self.putField("value", " ") if str(field.type).endswith(""): self.putField("type", "") elif str(field.type).endswith(""): self.putField("type", "") else: self.putField("type", field.type) with Children(self, 1): self.listAnonymous(child, name, field.type)