#!/usr/bin/perl -w =head1 NAME test2tasks.pl - Convert QTest logs into Qt Creator task files. =head1 SYNOPSIS test2tasks.pl < logfile > taskfile The script needs to be run in the working directory from which the test log was obtained as it attempts to perform a mapping from the source file base names of the test log to relative path names by searching the files. =cut use strict; use File::Find; # -- Build a hash from source file base name to relative paths. my %fileHash; sub handleFile { my $file = $_; return unless index($file, '.cpp') != -1 && -f $file; # './file' -> 'file' $fileHash{$file} = substr($File::Find::name, 0, 1) eq '.' ? substr($File::Find::name, 2) : $File::Find::name; } find({ wanted => \& handleFile}, '.'); # --- Find file locations and format them with the cause of the error # from the above lines as task entry. my $lastLine = ''; my ($failCount, $fatalCount) = (0, 0); while (my $line = ) { chomp($line); # --- Continuation line? if (substr($line, 0, 1) eq ' ' && index($line, 'Loc: [') < 0) { $lastLine .= $line; next; } # --- extract file name based matching: # Windows: '[..\].\tst_lancelot.cpp(258) : failure location' # Unix: ' Loc: [file(1596)]' if ($line =~ /^([^(]+)\((\d+)\) : failure location$/ || $line =~ /^\s*Loc:\s*\[([^(]+)\((\d+)\).*$/) { my $fullFileName = $1; my $line = $2; if (index($fullFileName, '/') != 0) { # Unix has absolute file names, Windows may not my $slashPos = rindex($fullFileName, '/'); $slashPos = rindex($fullFileName, "\\") if $slashPos < 0; my $fileName = $slashPos > 0 ? substr($1, $slashPos + 1) : $fullFileName; $fullFileName = $fileHash{$fileName}; $fullFileName = $fileName unless defined $fullFileName; } my $type = index($lastLine, 'FAIL') == 0 ? 'err' : 'unknown'; print $fullFileName, "\t", $line, "\t", $type, "\t", $lastLine,"\n"; $failCount++; } else { if (index($line, 'QFATAL') == 0 || index($line, 'Received a fatal error.') >= 0) { print STDERR $line,"\n"; $fatalCount++; } } $lastLine = $line; } print STDERR 'Done, FAIL: ',$failCount, ', FATAL: ',$fatalCount, "\n";