#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; my $date = `date`; print "# $date"; sub escape { my $text = shift; $text =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; $text =~ s/\n/\\n/g; $text =~ s/\t/\\t/g; return $text; } sub checkLine { my $line = shift; my $file = shift; my $row = shift; $file = escape($file); $row = escape($row); if ($file =~ /(.cpp|.c|.cxx|.h)$/ && $line =~ /(FIXME|TODO)(.*)$/) { print "$file\t$row\tWARNING\t$1$2\n"; } if ($file =~ /(.cpp|.c|.cxx|.h)$/ && $line =~ /(qDebug|QDebug>|QtDebug>|)/) { print "$file\t$row\tWARNING\tRemove debug code.\n"; } if ($line =~ /^(<<<<|====|>>>>)/) { print "$file\n$row\tERROR\tResolved conflict.\n"; } if ($file =~ /(.cpp|.c|.cxx|.h)$/ && $line =~ /(Q_SIGNALS|Q_SLOTS)/) { print "$file\t$row\tWARNING\tPrefer signals and slots over Q_SIGNALS and Q_SLOTS.\n"; } if ($line =~ /^#\s*(warning|error) (.*)$/) { print "$file\t$row\t$1\tClean up preprocessor $1:$2.\n"; } if ($file =~ /(.cpp|.c|.cxx|.h)$/ && $line =~ /\s+$/) { print "$file\t$row\tWARNING\tTrailing whitespaces found.\n"; } if ($file =~ /(.cpp|.c|.cxx|.h)$/ && $line =~ /^ *\t */) { print "$file\t$row\tWARNING\tTabs used to indent.\n"; } if ($file =~ /(.cpp|.c|.cxx|.h)$/ && $line =~ /^\s*{$/) { print "$file\t$row\tWARNING\tOpening bracket found all alone on a line.\n"; } if ($file =~ /(.cpp|.c|.cxx|.h)$/ && $line =~ /{.*[^\s].*$/) { if ($line !~ /{\s+\/\*/) { print "$file\t$row\tWARNING\tText found after opening bracket.\n"; } } if ($file =~ /(.cpp|.c|.cxx|.h)$/ && $line =~ /[a-zA-Z0-9_]([*&])[^\/]/) { print "$file\t$row\tWARNING\tUse \"TYPE ${1}NAME\" (currently the space between TYPE and $1 is missing).\n"; } if ($file =~ /(.cpp|.c|.cxx|.h)$/ && $line =~ /[*&]\s+/) { next if ($line =~ /^\s*\*\s+/); next if ($line =~ /\/\*/); print "$file\t$row\tWARNING\tUse \"TYPE ${1}NAME\" (currently there is a space between $1 and NAME).\n"; } } my $filename = ""; my $pos = 0; sub getDiffOrigin { my $currentBranch = `git branch | grep "^* "`; chop $currentBranch; $currentBranch =~ s/^* //; my $remoteRepo = `git config --local --get branch.$currentBranch.remote`; chop $remoteRepo; return "HEAD" if (!$remoteRepo); my $remoteBranch = `git config --local --get branch.$currentBranch.merge`; chop $remoteBranch; $remoteBranch =~ s!^refts/heads/!!; return "HEAD" if (!$remoteBranch); return "$remoteRepo/$remoteBranch"; } my $origin = getDiffOrigin; print "# running: git diff $origin ...\n"; open(PIPE, "git diff $origin|"); while () { chomp; my $line = $_; print "#$line\n"; next if ($line =~ /^-/); if ($line =~ /^\+\+\+ (.*)$/) { $filename = $1; $filename =~ s/^b\///; $pos = 0; next; } next if $filename =~ /^\/dev\/null$/; if ($line =~ /^@@ -\d+,\d+\s\+(\d+),\d+ @@$/) { $pos = $1 - 1; next; } $pos = $pos + 1; if ($line =~ /^\+(.*)/) { checkLine($1, $filename, $pos); } } close(PIPE);