import qbs import qbs.FileInfo QtcProduct { type: ["application", "autotest"] Depends { name: "Qt.test" } Depends { name: "copyable_resource" } targetName: "tst_" + name.split(' ').join("") // This needs to be absolute, because it is passed to one of the source files. destinationDirectory: project.buildDirectory + '/' + FileInfo.relativePath(project.ide_source_tree, sourceDirectory) cpp.rpaths: [ project.buildDirectory + '/' + project.ide_library_path, project.buildDirectory + '/' + project.ide_library_path + "/..", // OSX project.buildDirectory + '/' + project.ide_plugin_path ] cpp.minimumOsxVersion: "10.7" cpp.defines: base.filter(function(d) { return d != "QT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII"; }) Group { fileTagsFilter: product.type qbs.install: false } // The following would be conceptually right, but does not work currently as some autotests // (e.g. extensionsystem) do not work when installed, because they want hardcoded // absolute paths to resources in the build directory. // cpp.rpaths: qbs.targetOS.contains("osx") // ? ["@executable_path/.."] // : ["$ORIGIN/../" + project.libDirName + "/qtcreator", // "$ORIGIN/../" project.libDirName + "/qtcreator/plugins"] }