/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd ** All rights reserved. ** For any questions to The Qt Company, please use contact form at ** http://www.qt.io/contact-us ** ** This file is part of the Qt Creator Enterprise Auto Test Add-on. ** ** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the Qt Enterprise License Agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. ** ** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please use ** contact form at http://www.qt.io/contact-us ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "testvisitor.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Autotest { namespace Internal { /************************** Cpp Test Symbol Visitor ***************************/ TestVisitor::TestVisitor(const QString &fullQualifiedClassName) : m_className(fullQualifiedClassName) { } TestVisitor::~TestVisitor() { } static QList specialFunctions = QList() << QLatin1String("initTestCase") << QLatin1String("cleanupTestCase") << QLatin1String("init") << QLatin1String("cleanup"); bool TestVisitor::visit(CPlusPlus::Class *symbol) { const CPlusPlus::Overview o; CPlusPlus::LookupContext lc; unsigned count = symbol->memberCount(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i) { CPlusPlus::Symbol *member = symbol->memberAt(i); CPlusPlus::Type *type = member->type().type(); const QString className = o.prettyName(lc.fullyQualifiedName(member->enclosingClass())); if (className != m_className) continue; if (const auto func = type->asFunctionType()) { if (func->isSlot() && member->isPrivate()) { const QString name = o.prettyName(func->name()); // TODO use definition of function instead of declaration! TestCodeLocationAndType locationAndType; locationAndType.m_fileName = QLatin1String(member->fileName()); locationAndType.m_line = member->line(); locationAndType.m_column = member->column() - 1; if (specialFunctions.contains(name)) locationAndType.m_type = TestTreeItem::TEST_SPECIALFUNCTION; else if (name.endsWith(QLatin1String("_data"))) locationAndType.m_type = TestTreeItem::TEST_DATAFUNCTION; else locationAndType.m_type = TestTreeItem::TEST_FUNCTION; m_privSlots.insert(name, locationAndType); } } } return true; } /**************************** Cpp Test AST Visitor ****************************/ TestAstVisitor::TestAstVisitor(CPlusPlus::Document::Ptr doc) : ASTVisitor(doc->translationUnit()), m_currentDoc(doc) { } TestAstVisitor::~TestAstVisitor() { } bool TestAstVisitor::visit(CPlusPlus::CallAST *ast) { if (!m_currentScope || m_currentDoc.isNull()) return false; if (const auto expressionAST = ast->base_expression) { if (const auto idExpressionAST = expressionAST->asIdExpression()) { if (const auto qualifiedNameAST = idExpressionAST->name->asQualifiedName()) { const CPlusPlus::Overview o; const QString prettyName = o.prettyName(qualifiedNameAST->name); if (prettyName == QLatin1String("QTest::qExec")) { if (const auto expressionListAST = ast->expression_list) { // first argument is the one we need if (const auto argumentExpressionAST = expressionListAST->value) { CPlusPlus::TypeOfExpression toe; CppTools::CppModelManager *cppMM = CppTools::CppModelManager::instance(); toe.init(m_currentDoc, cppMM->snapshot()); QList toeItems = toe(argumentExpressionAST, m_currentDoc, m_currentScope); if (toeItems.size()) { if (const auto pointerType = toeItems.first().type()->asPointerType()) m_className = o.prettyType(pointerType->elementType()); } } } } } } } return false; } bool TestAstVisitor::visit(CPlusPlus::CompoundStatementAST *ast) { m_currentScope = ast->symbol->asScope(); return true; } /*************************** Quick Test AST Visitor ***************************/ TestQmlVisitor::TestQmlVisitor(QmlJS::Document::Ptr doc) : m_currentDoc(doc) { } TestQmlVisitor::~TestQmlVisitor() { } bool TestQmlVisitor::visit(QmlJS::AST::UiObjectDefinition *ast) { const QStringRef name = ast->qualifiedTypeNameId->name; if (name != QLatin1String("TestCase")) return true; // find nested TestCase items as well m_currentTestCaseName.clear(); const auto sourceLocation = ast->firstSourceLocation(); m_testCaseLocation.m_fileName = m_currentDoc->fileName(); m_testCaseLocation.m_line = sourceLocation.startLine; m_testCaseLocation.m_column = sourceLocation.startColumn - 1; m_testCaseLocation.m_type = TestTreeItem::TEST_CLASS; return true; } bool TestQmlVisitor::visit(QmlJS::AST::ExpressionStatement *ast) { const QmlJS::AST::ExpressionNode *expr = ast->expression; return expr->kind == QmlJS::AST::Node::Kind_StringLiteral; } bool TestQmlVisitor::visit(QmlJS::AST::UiScriptBinding *ast) { const QStringRef name = ast->qualifiedId->name; return name == QLatin1String("name"); } bool TestQmlVisitor::visit(QmlJS::AST::FunctionDeclaration *ast) { const QStringRef name = ast->name; if (name.startsWith(QLatin1String("test_"))) { const auto sourceLocation = ast->firstSourceLocation(); TestCodeLocationAndType locationAndType; locationAndType.m_fileName = m_currentDoc->fileName(); locationAndType.m_line = sourceLocation.startLine; locationAndType.m_column = sourceLocation.startColumn - 1; locationAndType.m_type = TestTreeItem::TEST_FUNCTION; m_testFunctions.insert(name.toString(), locationAndType); } return false; } bool TestQmlVisitor::visit(QmlJS::AST::StringLiteral *ast) { m_currentTestCaseName = ast->value.toString(); return false; } } // namespace Internal } // namespace Autotest