/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd ** All rights reserved. ** For any questions to The Qt Company, please use contact form at ** http://www.qt.io/contact-us ** ** This file is part of the Qt Creator Enterprise Auto Test Add-on. ** ** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the Qt Enterprise License Agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. ** ** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please use ** contact form at http://www.qt.io/contact-us ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "autotestconstants.h" #include "testcodeparser.h" #include "testinfo.h" #include "testvisitor.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Autotest { namespace Internal { TestCodeParser::TestCodeParser(TestTreeModel *parent) : QObject(parent), m_model(parent), m_parserEnabled(true), m_fullUpdatePostponed(false), m_partialUpdatePostponed(false), m_dirty(true), m_parserState(Disabled) { // connect to ProgressManager to postpone test parsing when CppModelManager is parsing auto progressManager = qobject_cast(Core::ProgressManager::instance()); connect(progressManager, &Core::ProgressManager::taskStarted, this, &TestCodeParser::onTaskStarted); connect(progressManager, &Core::ProgressManager::allTasksFinished, this, &TestCodeParser::onAllTasksFinished); connect(this, &TestCodeParser::partialParsingFinished, this, &TestCodeParser::onPartialParsingFinished); } TestCodeParser::~TestCodeParser() { clearCache(); } ProjectExplorer::Project *currentProject() { const ProjectExplorer::SessionManager *session = ProjectExplorer::SessionManager::instance(); if (!session || !session->hasProjects()) return 0; return session->startupProject(); } void TestCodeParser::setState(State state) { // avoid triggering parse before code model parsing has finished if (!m_parserEnabled) return; if ((state == Disabled || state == Idle) && (m_parserState == PartialParse || m_parserState == FullParse)) return; m_parserState = state; if (m_parserState == Disabled) { m_fullUpdatePostponed = m_partialUpdatePostponed = false; m_postponedFiles.clear(); } else if (m_parserState == Idle && m_dirty && currentProject()) { scanForTests(m_postponedFiles.toList()); } } void TestCodeParser::emitUpdateTestTree() { QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, SLOT(updateTestTree())); } void TestCodeParser::updateTestTree() { if (!m_parserEnabled) { m_fullUpdatePostponed = true; return; } if (ProjectExplorer::Project *project = currentProject()) { if (auto qmakeProject = qobject_cast(project)) { if (qmakeProject->asyncUpdateState() != QmakeProjectManager::QmakeProject::Base) { m_fullUpdatePostponed = true; return; } connect(qmakeProject, &QmakeProjectManager::QmakeProject::proFilesEvaluated, this, &TestCodeParser::onProFileEvaluated, Qt::UniqueConnection); } } else return; m_fullUpdatePostponed = false; clearCache(); emit cacheCleared(); scanForTests(); } /****** scan for QTest related stuff helpers ******/ static QByteArray getFileContent(QString filePath) { QByteArray fileContent; CppTools::CppModelManager *cppMM = CppTools::CppModelManager::instance(); CppTools::WorkingCopy wc = cppMM->workingCopy(); if (wc.contains(filePath)) { fileContent = wc.source(filePath); } else { QString error; const QTextCodec *codec = Core::EditorManager::defaultTextCodec(); if (Utils::TextFileFormat::readFileUTF8(filePath, codec, &fileContent, &error) != Utils::TextFileFormat::ReadSuccess) { qDebug() << "Failed to read file" << filePath << ":" << error; } } return fileContent; } static bool includesQtTest(const CPlusPlus::Document::Ptr &doc, const CppTools::CppModelManager *cppMM) { static QString expectedHeaderPrefix = Utils::HostOsInfo::isMacHost() ? QLatin1String("QtTest.framework/Headers") : QLatin1String("QtTest"); const QList includes = doc->resolvedIncludes(); foreach (const CPlusPlus::Document::Include &inc, includes) { // TODO this short cut works only for #include // bad, as there could be much more different approaches if (inc.unresolvedFileName() == QLatin1String("QtTest") && inc.resolvedFileName().endsWith( QString::fromLatin1("%1/QtTest").arg(expectedHeaderPrefix))) { return true; } } if (cppMM) { CPlusPlus::Snapshot snapshot = cppMM->snapshot(); const QSet allIncludes = snapshot.allIncludesForDocument(doc->fileName()); foreach (const QString &include, allIncludes) { if (include.endsWith(QString::fromLatin1("%1/qtest.h").arg(expectedHeaderPrefix))) { return true; } } } return false; } static bool includesQtQuickTest(const CPlusPlus::Document::Ptr &doc, const CppTools::CppModelManager *cppMM) { static QString expectedHeaderPrefix = Utils::HostOsInfo::isMacHost() ? QLatin1String("QtQuickTest.framework/Headers") : QLatin1String("QtQuickTest"); const QList includes = doc->resolvedIncludes(); foreach (const CPlusPlus::Document::Include &inc, includes) { if (inc.unresolvedFileName() == QLatin1String("QtQuickTest/quicktest.h") && inc.resolvedFileName().endsWith( QString::fromLatin1("%1/quicktest.h").arg(expectedHeaderPrefix))) { return true; } } if (cppMM) { foreach (const QString &include, cppMM->snapshot().allIncludesForDocument(doc->fileName())) { if (include.endsWith(QString::fromLatin1("%1/quicktest.h").arg(expectedHeaderPrefix))) return true; } } return false; } static bool qtTestLibDefined(const CppTools::CppModelManager *cppMM, const QString &fileName) { const QList parts = cppMM->projectPart(fileName); if (parts.size() > 0) return parts.at(0)->projectDefines.contains("#define QT_TESTLIB_LIB 1"); return false; } static QString quickTestSrcDir(const CppTools::CppModelManager *cppMM, const QString &fileName) { static const QByteArray qtsd(" QUICK_TEST_SOURCE_DIR "); const QList parts = cppMM->projectPart(fileName); if (parts.size() > 0) { QByteArray projDefines(parts.at(0)->projectDefines); foreach (const QByteArray &line, projDefines.split('\n')) { if (line.contains(qtsd)) { QByteArray result = line.mid(line.indexOf(qtsd) + qtsd.length()); if (result.startsWith('"')) result.remove(result.length() - 1, 1).remove(0, 1); if (result.startsWith("\\\"")) result.remove(result.length() - 2, 2).remove(0, 2); return QLatin1String(result); } } } return QString(); } static QString testClass(const CppTools::CppModelManager *modelManager, CPlusPlus::Document::Ptr &document) { static const QByteArray qtTestMacros[] = {"QTEST_MAIN", "QTEST_APPLESS_MAIN", "QTEST_GUILESS_MAIN"}; const QList macros = document->macroUses(); foreach (const CPlusPlus::Document::MacroUse ¯o, macros) { if (!macro.isFunctionLike()) continue; const QByteArray name = macro.macro().name(); if (name == qtTestMacros[0] || name == qtTestMacros[1] || name == qtTestMacros[2]) { const CPlusPlus::Document::Block arg = macro.arguments().at(0); return QLatin1String(getFileContent(document->fileName()) .mid(arg.bytesBegin(), arg.bytesEnd() - arg.bytesBegin())); } } // check if one has used a self-defined macro or QTest::qExec() directly const CPlusPlus::Snapshot snapshot = modelManager->snapshot(); const QByteArray fileContent = getFileContent(document->fileName()); document = snapshot.preprocessedDocument(fileContent, document->fileName()); document->check(); CPlusPlus::AST *ast = document->translationUnit()->ast(); TestAstVisitor astVisitor(document); astVisitor.accept(ast); return astVisitor.className(); } static QString quickTestName(const CPlusPlus::Document::Ptr &doc) { static const QByteArray qtTestMacros[] = {"QUICK_TEST_MAIN", "QUICK_TEST_OPENGL_MAIN"}; const QList macros = doc->macroUses(); foreach (const CPlusPlus::Document::MacroUse ¯o, macros) { if (!macro.isFunctionLike()) continue; const QByteArray name = macro.macro().name(); if (name == qtTestMacros[0] || name == qtTestMacros[1] || name == qtTestMacros[2]) { CPlusPlus::Document::Block arg = macro.arguments().at(0); return QLatin1String(getFileContent(doc->fileName()) .mid(arg.bytesBegin(), arg.bytesEnd() - arg.bytesBegin())); } } return QString(); } static QList scanDirectoryForQuickTestQmlFiles(const QString &srcDir) { QStringList dirs(srcDir); QmlJS::ModelManagerInterface *qmlJsMM = QmlJSTools::Internal::ModelManager::instance(); // make sure even files not listed in pro file are available inside the snapshot QFutureInterface future; QmlJS::PathsAndLanguages paths; paths.maybeInsert(Utils::FileName::fromString(srcDir), QmlJS::Dialect::Qml); const bool emitDocumentChanges = false; const bool onlyTheLib = false; QmlJS::ModelManagerInterface::importScan(future, qmlJsMM->workingCopy(), paths, qmlJsMM, emitDocumentChanges, onlyTheLib); const QmlJS::Snapshot snapshot = QmlJSTools::Internal::ModelManager::instance()->snapshot(); QDirIterator it(srcDir, QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot, QDirIterator::Subdirectories); while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); QFileInfo fi(it.fileInfo().canonicalFilePath()); dirs << fi.filePath(); } QList foundDocs; foreach (const QString &path, dirs) { const QList docs = snapshot.documentsInDirectory(path); foreach (const QmlJS::Document::Ptr &doc, docs) { const QString fileName(QFileInfo(doc->fileName()).fileName()); if (fileName.startsWith(QLatin1String("tst_")) && fileName.endsWith(QLatin1String(".qml"))) foundDocs << doc; } } return foundDocs; } static CPlusPlus::Document::Ptr declaringDocument(CPlusPlus::Document::Ptr doc, const QString &testCaseName, unsigned *line, unsigned *column) { CPlusPlus::Document::Ptr declaringDoc = doc; const CppTools::CppModelManager *cppMM = CppTools::CppModelManager::instance(); CPlusPlus::TypeOfExpression typeOfExpr; typeOfExpr.init(doc, cppMM->snapshot()); auto lookupItems = typeOfExpr(testCaseName.toUtf8(), doc->globalNamespace()); if (lookupItems.size()) { CPlusPlus::Class *toeClass = lookupItems.first().declaration()->asClass(); if (toeClass) { const QString declFileName = QLatin1String(toeClass->fileId()->chars(), toeClass->fileId()->size()); declaringDoc = cppMM->snapshot().document(declFileName); *line = toeClass->line(); *column = toeClass->column() - 1; } } return declaringDoc; } static TestTreeItem constructTestTreeItem(const QString &fileName, const QString &mainFile, // used for Quick Tests only const QString &testCaseName, int line, int column, const QMap functions) { TestTreeItem treeItem(testCaseName, fileName, TestTreeItem::TEST_CLASS); treeItem.setMainFile(mainFile); // used for Quick Tests only treeItem.setLine(line); treeItem.setColumn(column); foreach (const QString &functionName, functions.keys()) { const TestCodeLocationAndType locationAndType = functions.value(functionName); TestTreeItem *treeItemChild = new TestTreeItem(functionName, locationAndType.m_fileName, locationAndType.m_type, &treeItem); treeItemChild->setLine(locationAndType.m_line); treeItemChild->setColumn(locationAndType.m_column); treeItem.appendChild(treeItemChild); } return treeItem; } /****** end of helpers ******/ void performParse(QFutureInterface &futureInterface, QStringList list, TestCodeParser *testCodeParser) { int progressValue = 0; futureInterface.setProgressRange(0, list.size()); futureInterface.setProgressValue(progressValue); CppTools::CppModelManager *cppMM = CppTools::CppModelManager::instance(); CPlusPlus::Snapshot snapshot = cppMM->snapshot(); foreach (const QString &file, list) { if (snapshot.contains(file)) { CPlusPlus::Document::Ptr doc = snapshot.find(file).value(); futureInterface.setProgressValue(++progressValue); testCodeParser->checkDocumentForTestCode(doc); } } futureInterface.setProgressValue(list.size()); } /****** threaded parsing stuff *******/ void TestCodeParser::checkDocumentForTestCode(CPlusPlus::Document::Ptr document) { const QString fileName = document->fileName(); const CppTools::CppModelManager *modelManager = CppTools::CppModelManager::instance(); QList projParts = modelManager->projectPart(fileName); if (projParts.size()) if (!projParts.at(0)->selectedForBuilding) { removeTestsIfNecessary(fileName); return; } if (includesQtQuickTest(document, modelManager)) { handleQtQuickTest(document); return; } if (includesQtTest(document, modelManager) && qtTestLibDefined(modelManager, fileName)) { QString testCaseName(testClass(modelManager, document)); if (!testCaseName.isEmpty()) { unsigned line = 0; unsigned column = 0; CPlusPlus::Document::Ptr declaringDoc = declaringDocument(document, testCaseName, &line, &column); if (declaringDoc.isNull()) return; TestVisitor visitor(testCaseName); visitor.accept(declaringDoc->globalNamespace()); const QMap testFunctions = visitor.privateSlots(); TestTreeItem item = constructTestTreeItem(declaringDoc->fileName(), QString(), testCaseName, line, column, testFunctions); updateModelAndCppDocMap(document, declaringDoc->fileName(), item); return; } } // could not find the class to test, or QTest is not included and QT_TESTLIB_LIB defined // maybe file is only a referenced file if (m_cppDocMap.contains(fileName)) { const TestInfo info = m_cppDocMap[fileName]; CPlusPlus::Snapshot snapshot = modelManager->snapshot(); if (snapshot.contains(info.referencingFile())) { checkDocumentForTestCode(snapshot.find(info.referencingFile()).value()); } else { // no referencing file too, so this test case is no more a test case m_cppDocMap.remove(fileName); emit testItemsRemoved(fileName, TestTreeModel::AutoTest); } } } void TestCodeParser::handleQtQuickTest(CPlusPlus::Document::Ptr document) { const CppTools::CppModelManager *modelManager = CppTools::CppModelManager::instance(); if (quickTestName(document).isEmpty()) return; const QString cppFileName = document->fileName(); const QString srcDir = quickTestSrcDir(modelManager, cppFileName); if (srcDir.isEmpty()) return; const QList qmlDocs = scanDirectoryForQuickTestQmlFiles(srcDir); foreach (const QmlJS::Document::Ptr &qmlJSDoc, qmlDocs) { QmlJS::AST::Node *ast = qmlJSDoc->ast(); QTC_ASSERT(ast, continue); TestQmlVisitor qmlVisitor(qmlJSDoc); QmlJS::AST::Node::accept(ast, &qmlVisitor); const QString testCaseName = qmlVisitor.testCaseName(); const TestCodeLocationAndType tcLocationAndType = qmlVisitor.testCaseLocation(); const QMap testFunctions = qmlVisitor.testFunctions(); if (testCaseName.isEmpty()) { updateUnnamedQuickTests(qmlJSDoc->fileName(), cppFileName, testFunctions); continue; } // end of handling test cases without name property // construct new/modified TestTreeItem TestTreeItem testTreeItem = constructTestTreeItem(tcLocationAndType.m_fileName, cppFileName, testCaseName, tcLocationAndType.m_line, tcLocationAndType.m_column, testFunctions); // update model and internal map updateModelAndQuickDocMap(qmlJSDoc, cppFileName, testTreeItem); } } void TestCodeParser::onCppDocumentUpdated(const CPlusPlus::Document::Ptr &document) { if (!m_parserEnabled) { if (!m_fullUpdatePostponed) { m_partialUpdatePostponed = true; m_postponedFiles.insert(document->fileName()); } return; } ProjectExplorer::Project *project = currentProject(); if (!project) return; const QString fileName = document->fileName(); if (m_cppDocMap.contains(fileName)) { if (m_cppDocMap[fileName].revision() == document->revision() && m_cppDocMap[fileName].editorRevision() == document->editorRevision()) { return; } } else if (!project->files(ProjectExplorer::Project::AllFiles).contains(fileName)) { return; } scanForTests(QStringList(fileName)); } void TestCodeParser::onQmlDocumentUpdated(const QmlJS::Document::Ptr &document) { if (!m_parserEnabled) { if (!m_fullUpdatePostponed) { m_partialUpdatePostponed = true; m_postponedFiles.insert(document->fileName()); } return; } ProjectExplorer::Project *project = currentProject(); if (!project) return; const QString fileName = document->fileName(); if (m_quickDocMap.contains(fileName)) { if ((int)m_quickDocMap[fileName].editorRevision() == document->editorRevision()) { return; } } else if (!project->files(ProjectExplorer::Project::AllFiles).contains(fileName)) { // what if the file is not listed inside the pro file, but will be used anyway? return; } const CPlusPlus::Snapshot snapshot = CppTools::CppModelManager::instance()->snapshot(); if (m_quickDocMap.contains(fileName) && snapshot.contains(m_quickDocMap[fileName].referencingFile())) { if (!m_quickDocMap[fileName].referencingFile().isEmpty()) scanForTests(QStringList(m_quickDocMap[fileName].referencingFile())); } if (m_unnamedQuickDocList.size() == 0) return; // special case of having unnamed TestCases const QString &mainFile = m_model->getMainFileForUnnamedQuickTest(fileName); if (!mainFile.isEmpty() && snapshot.contains(mainFile)) { scanForTests(QStringList(mainFile)); } } void TestCodeParser::onProjectPartsUpdated(ProjectExplorer::Project *project) { if (project != currentProject()) return; if (!m_parserEnabled || m_parserState == Disabled) m_fullUpdatePostponed = true; else emitUpdateTestTree(); } void TestCodeParser::removeFiles(const QStringList &files) { foreach (const QString &file, files) removeTestsIfNecessary(file); } bool TestCodeParser::postponed(const QStringList &fileList) { switch (m_parserState) { case Idle: return false; case PartialParse: // partial is running, postponing a full parse if (fileList.isEmpty()) { m_partialUpdatePostponed = false; m_postponedFiles.clear(); m_fullUpdatePostponed = true; } else { // partial parse triggered, but full parse is postponed already, ignoring this if (m_fullUpdatePostponed) return true; // partial parse triggered, postpone or add current files to already postponed partial foreach (const QString &file, fileList) m_postponedFiles.insert(file); m_partialUpdatePostponed = true; } return true; case FullParse: // full parse is running, postponing another full parse if (fileList.isEmpty()) { m_partialUpdatePostponed = false; m_postponedFiles.clear(); m_fullUpdatePostponed = true; } else { // full parse already postponed, ignoring triggering a partial parse if (m_fullUpdatePostponed) { return true; } // partial parse triggered, postpone or add current files to already postponed partial foreach (const QString &file, fileList) m_postponedFiles.insert(file); m_partialUpdatePostponed = true; } return true; case Disabled: break; } QTC_ASSERT(false, return false); // should not happen at all } void TestCodeParser::scanForTests(const QStringList &fileList) { if (m_parserState == Disabled) { m_dirty = true; if (fileList.isEmpty()) { m_fullUpdatePostponed = true; m_partialUpdatePostponed = false; m_postponedFiles.clear(); } else { if (!m_fullUpdatePostponed) { m_partialUpdatePostponed = true; foreach (const QString &file, fileList) m_postponedFiles.insert(file); } } return; } if (postponed(fileList)) return; bool isFullParse = fileList.isEmpty(); bool isSmallChange = !isFullParse && fileList.size() < 6; QStringList list; if (isFullParse) { list = currentProject()->files(ProjectExplorer::Project::AllFiles); if (list.isEmpty()) return; m_parserState = FullParse; } else { list << fileList; m_parserState = PartialParse; } if (isSmallChange) { // no need to do this async or should we do this always async? CppTools::CppModelManager *cppMM = CppTools::CppModelManager::instance(); CPlusPlus::Snapshot snapshot = cppMM->snapshot(); foreach (const QString &file, list) { if (snapshot.contains(file)) { CPlusPlus::Document::Ptr doc = snapshot.find(file).value(); checkDocumentForTestCode(doc); } } emit onFinished(); return; } QFuture future = QtConcurrent::run(&performParse, list, this); Core::FutureProgress *progress = Core::ProgressManager::addTask(future, isFullParse ? tr("Scanning for Tests") : tr("Refreshing Tests List"), Autotest::Constants::TASK_PARSE); connect(progress, &Core::FutureProgress::finished, this, &TestCodeParser::onFinished); emit parsingStarted(); } void TestCodeParser::clearCache() { m_cppDocMap.clear(); m_quickDocMap.clear(); m_unnamedQuickDocList.clear(); } void TestCodeParser::removeTestsIfNecessary(const QString &fileName) { // check if this file was listed before and remove if necessary (switched config,...) if (m_cppDocMap.contains(fileName)) { m_cppDocMap.remove(fileName); emit testItemsRemoved(fileName, TestTreeModel::AutoTest); } else { // handle Qt Quick Tests QList toBeRemoved; foreach (const QString &file, m_quickDocMap.keys()) { if (file == fileName) { toBeRemoved.append(file); continue; } const TestInfo info = m_quickDocMap.value(file); if (info.referencingFile() == fileName) toBeRemoved.append(file); } foreach (const QString &file, toBeRemoved) { m_quickDocMap.remove(file); emit testItemsRemoved(file, TestTreeModel::QuickTest); } // unnamed Quick Tests must be handled separately if (fileName.endsWith(QLatin1String(".qml"))) { removeUnnamedQuickTestsByName(fileName); emit unnamedQuickTestsRemoved(fileName); } else { QSet filePaths; m_model->qmlFilesForMainFile(fileName, &filePaths); foreach (const QString &file, filePaths) { removeUnnamedQuickTestsByName(file); emit unnamedQuickTestsRemoved(file); } } } } void TestCodeParser::removeTestsIfNecessaryByProFile(const QString &proFile) { QList fList; foreach (const QString &fileName, m_cppDocMap.keys()) { if (m_cppDocMap[fileName].proFile() == proFile) fList.append(fileName); } foreach (const QString &fileName, fList) { m_cppDocMap.remove(fileName); emit testItemsRemoved(fileName, TestTreeModel::AutoTest); } fList.clear(); foreach (const QString &fileName, m_quickDocMap.keys()) { if (m_quickDocMap[fileName].proFile() == proFile) fList.append(fileName); } foreach (const QString &fileName, fList) { m_quickDocMap.remove(fileName); emit testItemsRemoved(fileName, TestTreeModel::QuickTest); } // handle unnamed Quick Tests const QSet &filePaths = m_model->qmlFilesForProFile(proFile); foreach (const QString &fileName, filePaths) { removeUnnamedQuickTestsByName(fileName); emit unnamedQuickTestsRemoved(fileName); } } void TestCodeParser::onTaskStarted(Core::Id type) { if (type != CppTools::Constants::TASK_INDEX) return; m_parserEnabled = false; } void TestCodeParser::onAllTasksFinished(Core::Id type) { // only CPP parsing is relevant as we trigger Qml parsing internally anyway if (type != CppTools::Constants::TASK_INDEX) return; m_parserEnabled = true; // avoid illegal parser state if respective widgets became hidden while parsing setState(Idle); if (m_fullUpdatePostponed) updateTestTree(); else if (m_partialUpdatePostponed) { m_partialUpdatePostponed = false; QStringList tmp; foreach (const QString &file, m_postponedFiles) tmp << file; m_postponedFiles.clear(); scanForTests(tmp); } } void TestCodeParser::onFinished() { switch (m_parserState) { case PartialParse: m_parserState = Idle; emit partialParsingFinished(); break; case FullParse: m_parserState = Idle; emit parsingFinished(); m_dirty = false; break; case Disabled: // can happen if all Test related widgets become hidden while parsing emit parsingFinished(); break; default: qWarning("I should not be here... State: %d", m_parserState); break; } } void TestCodeParser::onPartialParsingFinished() { QTC_ASSERT(m_fullUpdatePostponed != m_partialUpdatePostponed || ((m_fullUpdatePostponed || m_partialUpdatePostponed) == false), m_partialUpdatePostponed = false;m_postponedFiles.clear();); if (m_fullUpdatePostponed) { m_fullUpdatePostponed = false; updateTestTree(); } else if (m_partialUpdatePostponed) { m_partialUpdatePostponed = false; QStringList tmp; foreach (const QString &file, m_postponedFiles) tmp << file; m_postponedFiles.clear(); scanForTests(tmp); } else { m_dirty = false; emit parsingFinished(); } } void TestCodeParser::updateUnnamedQuickTests(const QString &fileName, const QString &mainFile, const QMap &functions) { // if this test case was named before remove it m_quickDocMap.remove(fileName); emit testItemsRemoved(fileName, TestTreeModel::QuickTest); removeUnnamedQuickTestsByName(fileName); foreach (const QString &functionName, functions.keys()) { UnnamedQuickTestInfo info(functionName, fileName); m_unnamedQuickDocList.append(info); } emit unnamedQuickTestsUpdated(fileName, mainFile, functions); } void TestCodeParser::updateModelAndCppDocMap(CPlusPlus::Document::Ptr document, const QString &declaringFile, TestTreeItem &testItem) { const CppTools::CppModelManager *cppMM = CppTools::CppModelManager::instance(); const QString fileName = document->fileName(); const QString testCaseName = testItem.name(); QString proFile; const QList ppList = cppMM->projectPart(fileName); if (ppList.size()) proFile = ppList.at(0)->projectFile; if (m_cppDocMap.contains(fileName)) { QStringList files = QStringList() << fileName; if (fileName != declaringFile) files << declaringFile; foreach (const QString &file, files) { const bool setReferencingFile = (files.size() == 2 && file == declaringFile); emit testItemModified(testItem, TestTreeModel::AutoTest, file); TestInfo testInfo(testCaseName, testItem.getChildNames(), document->revision(), document->editorRevision()); testInfo.setProfile(proFile); if (setReferencingFile) testInfo.setReferencingFile(fileName); m_cppDocMap.insert(file, testInfo); } } else { emit testItemCreated(testItem, TestTreeModel::AutoTest); TestInfo ti(testCaseName, testItem.getChildNames(), document->revision(), document->editorRevision()); ti.setProfile(proFile); m_cppDocMap.insert(fileName, ti); if (declaringFile != fileName) { ti.setReferencingFile(fileName); m_cppDocMap.insert(declaringFile, ti); } } } void TestCodeParser::updateModelAndQuickDocMap(QmlJS::Document::Ptr document, const QString &referencingFile, TestTreeItem &testItem) { const CppTools::CppModelManager *cppMM = CppTools::CppModelManager::instance(); const QString fileName = document->fileName(); QString proFile; QList ppList = cppMM->projectPart(referencingFile); if (ppList.size()) proFile = ppList.at(0)->projectFile; if (m_quickDocMap.contains(fileName)) { emit testItemModified(testItem, TestTreeModel::QuickTest, fileName); TestInfo testInfo(testItem.name(), testItem.getChildNames(), 0, document->editorRevision()); testInfo.setReferencingFile(referencingFile); testInfo.setProfile(proFile); m_quickDocMap.insert(fileName, testInfo); } else { // if it was formerly unnamed remove the respective items removeUnnamedQuickTestsByName(fileName); emit unnamedQuickTestsRemoved(fileName); emit testItemCreated(testItem, TestTreeModel::QuickTest); TestInfo testInfo(testItem.name(), testItem.getChildNames(), 0, document->editorRevision()); testInfo.setReferencingFile(referencingFile); testInfo.setProfile(proFile); m_quickDocMap.insert(testItem.filePath(), testInfo); } } void TestCodeParser::removeUnnamedQuickTestsByName(const QString &fileName) { for (int i = m_unnamedQuickDocList.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (m_unnamedQuickDocList.at(i).fileName() == fileName) m_unnamedQuickDocList.removeAt(i); } } void TestCodeParser::onProFileEvaluated() { ProjectExplorer::Project *project = currentProject(); if (!project) return; CppTools::CppModelManager *modelManager = CppTools::CppModelManager::instance(); const QList pp = modelManager->projectInfo(project).projectParts(); foreach (const CppTools::ProjectPart::Ptr &p, pp) { if (!p->selectedForBuilding) removeTestsIfNecessaryByProFile(p->projectFile); else { QStringList files; foreach (auto projectFile, p->files) files.append(projectFile.path); // avoid illegal parser state when respective widgets became hidden while evaluating setState(Idle); scanForTests(files); } } } #ifdef WITH_TESTS int TestCodeParser::autoTestsCount() const { int count = 0; foreach (const QString &file, m_cppDocMap.keys()) { if (m_cppDocMap.value(file).referencingFile().isEmpty()) ++count; } return count; } int TestCodeParser::namedQuickTestsCount() const { return m_quickDocMap.size(); } int TestCodeParser::unnamedQuickTestsCount() const { return m_unnamedQuickDocList.size(); } #endif } // namespace Internal } // namespace Autotest