/**************************************************************************** ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator ** ** Copyright (c) 2011 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). ** ** Contact: Nokia Corporation (info@qt.nokia.com) ** ** ** GNU Free Documentation License ** ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free ** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of this ** file. ** ** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact ** Nokia at info@qt.nokia.com. ** ****************************************************************************/ // ********************************************************************** // NOTE: the sections are not ordered by their logical order to avoid // reshuffling the file each time the index order changes (i.e., often). // Run the fixnavi.pl script to adjust the links to the index order. // ********************************************************************** /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-tips.html \page creator-known-issues.html \nextpage technical-support.html \title Known Issues This section lists known issues in \QC version \qtcversion. The development team is aware of them, and therefore, you do not need to report them as bugs. For a list of fixed issues and added features, see the changelog file in the \c{qtcreator\dist} folder or the \l{https://bugreports.qt.nokia.com} {Qt Bug Tracker}. \section1 General Issues \list \o If you change the Input Languages in Windows, \QC might not respond for 30 seconds. This is a known issue in the Advanced Text Service of Microsoft Windows. \o \QC uses SQLite for storing some of its settings. SQLite is known to have problems with certain NFS servers (most notably the nfs-user-server 2.2beta), since they can lock up the application when it tries to lock the database. If your home directory is on an NFS share and you encounter this issue, one option would be to switch to the nfs-kernel-server, or create a symlink so that the settings are stored locally. \o The Okteta KDE custom widget plugin might be installed as part of some Linux distributions. It can cause Qt Designer to crash. For more information, see: \list \o \l{https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdeutils/+bug/662005} {Ubuntu bug 662005} \o \l{https://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-12025} {QTBUG-12025} \endlist To resolve the issue, enter the following command to remove the package: \code sudo apt-get remove okteta \endcode Or delete the following file: \c /usr/lib/kde4/plugins/designer/oktetadesignerplugin.so. \endlist \section1 Editing Issues \list \o Code completion does not support typedefs for nested classes. \endlist \section1 Projects Issues \list \o Paths or file names containing spaces or special characters (such as colons, dollar signs, and hash marks) may cause problems. This is because some of the tools \QC uses in the background have restrictions on the characters allowed in file and directory names. To be on the safe side, we recommend creating projects and project items with names consisting of plain characters, numbers, underscores, and hyphens. \o Creating new CMake projects with \QC is not supported. \if defined(qcmanual) \o On Windows, you must create projects for Maemo 5 and Harmattan targets on the same partition where you installed \QSDK, \QC, and MADDE. \endif \o If error messages displayed in the \gui {Compile Output} pane contain paths where slashes are missing (for example, C:QtSDK), check your PATH variable. For more information, see \l{Troubleshooting MinGW Compilation Errors}. \endlist \section1 Debugging Issues \list \o Debugging large applications on Symbian devices using the Symbian^3 operating system might not work, because the on-device debugging agent might not be able to access memory when the operating system starts paging. This causes breakpoint handling and symbol resolution to fail. For more information, see \l{https://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTCREATORBUG-2158} {QTCREATORBUG-2158}. As a workaround, add the following section to the application .pro file to disable paging: \code debug { MMP_RULES -= PAGED MMP_RULES *= UNPAGED } \endcode \note You must completely clean and rebuild the project for the setting to take effect. \o When debugging executables created by the GNU Compiler version 4.5.0 (all platforms), some data types will not be displayed in the \gui{Locals and Expressions} view due to missing debug information. \o GDB on Windows may not work if the 'Embassy \reg Security Center' software by 'Wave \reg Systems' is installed and active (causing crashes in \c{vxvault.dll)}). \o GDB may take long to load debugging symbols, especially from large libraries. \o Setting breakpoints in code that is compiled into the binary more than once does not work. \o Setting breakpoints in files that do not have unique absolute paths may fail. For example, remounting parts of a file system using the --bind mount option. \endlist \section1 Qt Quick Designer Issues \list \o \QMLD uses external processes (QML Puppet) to render and preview images and to collect data. Executing C++ code might cause the QML Puppet to crash. If it crashes, an error message is displayed and you can continue editing the QML file in the code editor. \endlist */