// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only /*! \page qtquick-text-editor.html \previouspage qtquick-curve-editor.html \if defined(qtdesignstudio) \nextpage creator-projects-view.html \else \nextpage quick-uis.html \endif \title Code In the \uicontrol {Code} view, you can view and modify the code in a \l{UI Files}{UI file} (.ui.qml) or component file (.qml) that is generated when you create components in the \l {2D} or \l {3D} view and specify their properties in \l Properties. \image qtquick-text-editor.png "The Code view" You can also view and modify other types of text files. To open the search dialog in the \uicontrol {Code} view, go to \uicontrol Edit > \uicontrol {Find/Replace} > \uicontrol {Find/Replace}. You can also select \key Ctrl + \key {F}. You can use a subset of the functions available in the \l{Writing Code}{Edit mode}: \list \li \l{Semantic Highlighting} \li \l{Checking Code Syntax} \li \l{Completing Code} \li \l{Indenting Text or Code} \li \l{Using Qt Quick Toolbars} \endlist */