// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only /*! \group gstutorials \previouspage studio-installation.html \nextpage creator-quick-tour.html \title Tutorials \image loginui4.gif "Log In UI" \section1 Video Tutorials When you run \QDS, the \uicontrol Tutorials tab in \uicontrol Welcome mode contains links to video tutorials. To watch a tutorial on YouTube, select it. \section1 Written Tutorials You can follow a set of hands-on tutorials that illustrate how to use the features of \QDS. Even if you plan to export your designs from a design tool, it is useful to go through tutorials to learn to use \QDS. In particular, \l {Log In UI - Components} describes the terms and concepts that you will run into when exporting designs with \QB. Before you start, take a look at the following topics to familiarize yourself with the parts of \QDS in general, and the \uicontrol Design mode in particular: \l{User Interface} and \l{Design Views}. In addition to these tutorials, \QDS comes with examples that you can open from the \uicontrol Examples and tabs in the \uicontrol Welcome mode. For more information, see \l {Examples}. */