// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only /*! \page studio-installation.html \previouspage studio-getting-started.html \nextpage {Tutorials} \title Installation You can install \QDS either using a stand-alone installation package or the Qt online installer. The installers copy all the modules and tools you need to design UIs and preview them on the desktop to your computer and configure them for you. \QDS is available for Linux, \macOS, and Windows operating systems. For more information, see \l{Supported Platforms}. To begin, create a \l{Qt Account}. This account gives you access to a web portal to manage your licenses and download the standalone \QDS package or the Qt online installer. Alternatively, you can download an evaluation package \l{https://www.qt.io/product/ui-design-tools}{here}. After the installation, you can start exploring \QDS by following \l{Tutorials}{tutorials}, opening \l{Examples}{examples}, watching videos, and reading this manual. \section1 Stand-Alone Installation You can download the \QDS installer for your operating system (\macos, Linux, or Windows) from your Qt Account. Start the installation as you would for any other software, and follow the instructions of the installer to complete it. \section1 Using Qt Online Installer You can download the Qt online installer for your operating system from your Qt Account. \list 1 \li Start the Qt online installer. \li Select \uicontrol {Design Tools}. \image studio-installation.png "Design Tools selected in Qt online installer" \li Select \uicontrol Next and follow the instructions of the installer to complete the installation. \endlist For more information about the installation process, see \l{Getting Started with Qt}. */